Black Women Have Highest Rate of Children with Different Fathers Study says:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Where do you niggas live where 60% of the female population has multiple men fathering their children ?

How does that stat not scream "bullshit" to you on its face ?

Whenever stats and information is posted highlighting black female dysfunction why is the instant assumption that it is false? Black women do have more multiple baby daddies than any other group of women in this country.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Well, men have been doing it since forever. It's been only easy to get sex without paying for it for the last 50 years or so. What has changed in the last 50 years that got women out here like that?

A lot of things have changed. There are many things that can be pointed out, but impossible to narrow down to one cause.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Whenever stats and information is posted highlighting black female dysfunction why is the instant assumption that it is false? Black women do have more multiple baby daddies than any other group of women in this country.
I've been black all my life. Longer than you ... And that number sounds unrealistic based on my observations, interactions, and experiences. You have a problem with me stating that?


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
I've been black all my life. Longer than you ... And that number sounds unrealistic based on my observations, interactions, and experiences. You have a problem with me stating that?

You can rely on your experiences from 40 years ago, we'll rely on todays stats. Next time one of them "black women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs" stats pops up be sure to say thats bullshit too. :rolleyes:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
A lot of things have changed. There are many things that can be pointed out, but impossible to narrow down to one cause.
Shit went from 0-60 quick as hell though. Cats wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they lived in the 50s. Having to actually go on dates? :eek: Meeting parents? :eek::eek: Being forced to marry a girl you are suspected of knocking up. :eek::eek::eek:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
My man, you keep talking anecdotes. You jump from 'know' to 'lots of these types of situations exist' off just anecdotes. While I'm not disputing these cases and know of some myself, this is not the norm for American society.

How much commitment does a woman have if the man isn't married to her? Do you think the AVERAGE person is creating trusts and power of attorney? No. They are getting the guy spending the night a few times a week. Most these people don't even share a fucking lease together, so yes, marriage is the standard for commitment.

And you know as well as I do the marriage stats are bleak as fuck.

What can be done to correct this situation that we are discussing? A few posters have already come to agreement that white and Asian women have way more abortions to cover up their reckless choices. Is that the suggestion for black women? If black women had abortions at the same rate as Asians and whites, would we be talking about this? Probably not.

Sucks that abortion is used as birth control, but other demographics are controlling their family planning that way.
Is everybody on this board a clock puncher? Is clock punching the only form of making money? Is their such thing as entrepreneurs/bizz owners? Juss cause 1 sector of society follows a certain strategy means others do or others don't maneuver a certain way through society... Same with people who get married or people who do long committed relationship... Not everybody follows the same path or thin k a certain concept is right for them... That ring doesn't bring magic or guaranteed some marriage is overrated and love is underrated... You can get married without loving an don't knock people who are in committed relationships without commercialised celebration with materialistic symbols of union between two adults aka marriage... So yes the multiple baby fathers/ baby mamas could juss be due to long committed relationships ending and new 1s created after


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Shit went from 0-60 quick as hell though. Cats wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they lived in the 50s. Having to actually go on dates? :eek: Meeting parents? :eek::eek: Being forced to marry a girl you are suspected of knocking up. :eek::eek::eek:
Getting chased by police dogs on the regular, getting shitty opportunities for making money or getting education, getting called the n word on the regular by cacs, getting killed eyeballing a ca c women, and etc... But juss like majority of that s hit has changed since than also has concept of marriage, relationships, standards, etc...can't act like everything in modern day has changed


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
says the guy that created a whole fantasy world in his mind cause he can't face the reality he lives in whenever he looks in the mirror... How's that depression thing going?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
lol there's a diff in choosing not to be married and purposely not being monogamous... Broads been giving me keys to their cribs and offering me the world since I was 18...I got 4 candidates now asking me about having their lonely was something I never worried two broads willing to drop their dude quickfast if I told them to leave them.. I choose not to be with only 1 broad..cause as I been said for decades my dick don't do monogamy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit went from 0-60 quick as hell though. Cats wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they lived in the 50s. Having to actually go on dates? :eek: Meeting parents? :eek::eek: Being forced to marry a girl you are suspected of knocking up. :eek::eek::eek:
Yeah man. Knowing you HAVE to marry a chick if you knock her up would slow this shit to a crawl.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
lol there's a diff in choosing not to be married and purposely not being monogamous... Broads been giving me keys to their cribs and offering me the world since I was 18...I got 4 candidates now asking me about having their lonely was something I never worried two broads willing to drop their dude quickfast if I told them to leave them.. I choose not to be with only 1 broad..cause as I been said for decades my dick don't do monogamy
How many niggas bitches u surved?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
How did this conversation go from multiple baby fathers to you asking pimp questions

Once again I'm not a keep asking the same question
U bought up them 4 hoes who love u and can drop they man and come to you

What the fuck do u think that means?

U are surving Niggas for they bitch plain and simple

Don’t try to twist words around and shit

I ain’t no 9-5er playa


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
U bought up them 4 hoes who love u and can drop they man and come to you

What the fuck do u think that means?

U are surving Niggas for they bitch plain and simple

Don’t try to twist words around and shit

I ain’t no 9-5er playa
sorry dude I know how to separate work and personal... This convo had nothing to do with the occupation and everything to do with personal... Let me explain something to you like I've explained to others I prefer reg career woman over hoes any day of the week... I like broads with their s hit together...I been getting spoiled by the 9-5 women way b4 I ever stepped into the game and if I choose to leave the game will still continue to get spoiled by them...all females I was talking about were career women... Zero had anything to do with the game


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I ain’t even bring up no program

Once again that’s you using the p word playa.

I see them paragraphs disappeared
I pretty much never delete my statements so once again stop lying with your fake persona... If you could actually be real for once and stop living out fake fantasy you might be a lil more happier... It's ok to be yourself whatever that is... If you a nerd it's ok to be the best nerd you can be...but stop fronting


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
sorry dude I know how to separate work and personal... This convo had nothing to do with the occupation and everything to do with personal... Let me explain something to you like I've explained to others I prefer reg career woman over hoes any day of the week... I like broads with their s hit together...I been getting spoiled by the 9-5 women way b4 I ever stepped into the game and if I choose to leave the game will still continue to get spoiled by them...all females I was talking about were career women... Zero had anything to do with the game


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I pretty much never delete my statements so once again stop lying with your fake persona... If you could actually be real for once and stop living out fake fantasy you might be a lil more happier... It's ok to be yourself whatever that is... If you a nerd it's ok to be the best nerd you can be...but stop fronting
Tighten up over there man.

Tallblack the great right?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I asked a question. How do you turn it around?
Dray, thanks for posting this, I like intelligent discussions like this.

I think they way we turn it around is on multiple fronts

We have to know our purpose enough to take relationships more seriously. We, as black men, must value ourselves more and apply our worth to our families.

We shouldn't be having unprotected sex with women we dont want children with.
We shouldn't be in relationships or have children with women we don't genuinely love.
We shouldn't date women we know that we can do better than, or that don't deserve us.
We must have the confidence to go after exactly what we want and take it serious when we find it.
We must have the self-discipline to strap up when it's only casual or just fucking. Protect our seeds!

I know much of this starts in the home as a child and many of us are products of broken homes, so there's the effects of being products of our environments that we have to shake off, too.

I personally have a wife list and some of the things on it are non-negotiables.

My children deserve more than to be mistakes.
My children deserve a great mother.
I want my children to know Mama & Daddy love each other (even if it doesn't work out)
My children deserve for me to go to the ends of the earth to keep my family together, that means doing everything in my power (before & during) to make it work with their mother.
I want all my children to have the same mother (unless I go the polygamous route, even then they are only having my children, no step children)
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Good I just wish we were more unified to assist our women and children...who may need a Lil help

More Black children are a good thing and ensures we don't go extinct

One: we're not going extinct

The breakup of the black family is systemic. There is no one cure and there's no one reason and there's no one way, but a large part of it is the lack of true family structure - a husband who respects and treats his wife and children well, and a wife who respects her husband and treats the kids well, and Single parents should only happen in cases of divorce

Two: multiple kids by multiple men does more than increase the number of black children, it increases the number of damaged black children with a fractured family view and a lack of understanding of what a family structure is supposed to be.

These children grow up not knowing what a husband is supposed to be like not knowing what a wife is supposed to act like.

These children go grow thinking that there is nothing wrong with being a single mom because my mother was one when the fact is your mother did it wrong unless she was married and got divorced.

But kids, not just black kids but almost all kids are hesitant to admit their mother was wrong at anything for any reason. Children of pornstars won't admit that their mother was a woman who sucked dick for money on video. If they admit anything, they'll say, "she did what she had to do" as if there weren't any other options
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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Dray, thanks for posting this, I like intelligent discussions like this.

I think they way we turn it around is on multiple fronts

We have to know our purpose enough to take relationships more seriously. We, as black men, must value ourselves more and apply our worth to our families.

We shouldn't be having unprotected sex with women we dont want children with.
We shouldn't be in relationships or have children with women we don't genuinely love.
We shouldn't date women we know that we can do better than, or that don't deserve us.
We must have the confidence to go after exactly what we want and take it serious when we find it.
We must have the self-discipline to strap up when it's only casual or just fucking. Protect our seeds!

I know much of this starts in the home as a child and many of us are products of broken homes, so there's the effects of being products of our environments that we have to shake off, too.

I personally have a wife list and some of the things on it are non-negotiables.

My children deserve more than to be mistakes.
My children deserve a great mother.
I want my children to know Mama & Daddy love each other (even if it doesn't work out)
My children deserve for me to go to the ends of the earth to keep my family together, that means doing everything in my power (before & during) to make it work with their mother.
I want all my children to have the same mother (unless I go the polygamous route, even then they are only having my children, no step children)

Sounds like you have standards. Understand you arent supposed to have those as a black man. You will be told you "hate black women".

We have to boost the self esteem of black boys and men. And us as men will have to do it because the single moms wont. Single moms typically raise black men to be submissive to black women who are in turn submissive to white males. Keeping us oppressed and dependent.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Is everybody on this board a clock puncher? Is clock punching the only form of making money? Is their such thing as entrepreneurs/bizz owners? Juss cause 1 sector of society follows a certain strategy means others do or others don't maneuver a certain way through society... Same with people who get married or people who do long committed relationship... Not everybody follows the same path or thin k a certain concept is right for them... That ring doesn't bring magic or guaranteed some marriage is overrated and love is underrated... You can get married without loving an don't knock people who are in committed relationships without commercialised celebration with materialistic symbols of union between two adults aka marriage... So yes the multiple baby fathers/ baby mamas could juss be due to long committed relationships ending and new 1s created after

Again, you are going on anecdotal situations without posting anything to support that. MOST of the country(BGOL) included work regular jobs. MOST people consider marriage to be commitment. I'm not just talking about the government aspect of it. I'm talking about passing assets and other types of shit. You think these women are like :eek: "Create a trust, power of attorney, put me on the house title, and get me in the will before you bust in me!" Come on man. Just cut it out.

They have no fucking commitment. Plain reckless. We have entire fucking neighborhoods based on reckless reproduction and you keep trying to work on small sample size anecdotes. :smh:

Getting chased by police dogs on the regular, getting shitty opportunities for making money or getting education, getting called the n word on the regular by cacs, getting killed eyeballing a ca c women, and etc... But juss like majority of that s hit has changed since than also has concept of marriage, relationships, standards, etc...can't act like everything in modern day has changed

You realize I'm talking about wester women in general. :lol: White men had none of those problems and couldn't get easy pussy.