Tariq Nasheed shitting on John Lewis, calls him "buck dancer" "civil rights nigga".


Rising Star
Exactly! What has Nasheed actually done in the line of civil rights? Nothing yet he has the audacity to be talking about Lewis. :smh:

So if Tariq got his ass whupped by the police and lead some marches in 2018 does that give him the qualifications to challenge John Lewis?

Not trying to make light of what Lewis went through but nothing and no one from today will ever be able to compare to that era. It's a different time.

The idea that Lewis is teflon to any critics because of his past is why many shrewd politicians can have long, long careers without actually accomplishing anything notable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Civil Rights has led to whites choosing these bottom of the barrel blacks to hire and promote. These blacks are always looking to show their undying love for whitey. Boyce Watkins and Colin Kaepernick is an example of how quickly their treatment turn when you exhibit defiance.

This is not diversity, we need our own economic and political systems.

People chose to use civil rights gain to try and join white people instead of using the gains for what the fight was about..equal access and equal protection .

Only mofokrs who have never fought would try and blame the gladiators for how those on the sidelines squander gains on the battlefield


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Under those qualifications who IS allowed to criticize him???

He is allowed to be challenged if you disagree with his (current) political views and actions, right?

Are his current views today any different than his views were 50 years ago? The words might be different, his position in life is certainly different than it was 50 years ago. As far as his heart there is no change.

John Lewis is 78 years old. Do you think your views will ever match his views? I'm 67 and your views don't even match mine and they're not supposed to. As people age they look at life differently, they handle adversity differently that's called maturity. So what exactly are you challenging? His experiences in life vs. what?


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
So if Tariq got his ass whupped by the police and lead some marches in 2018 does that give him the qualifications to challenge John Lewis?

Not trying to make light of what Lewis went through but nothing and no one from today will ever be able to compare to that era. It's a different time.

The idea that Lewis is teflon to any critics because of his past is why many shrewd politicians can have long, long careers without actually accomplishing anything notable.
But he wasn't challenging Lewis. Challenging him respectfully, tactfully and specifically is fine.

This half a faggot called him a Buck dancing coon.

There is no excuse for that.

Especially when Nasheed is an eyebrow arching lip glossing stage dancing Morris Day and the Time cover band leading ex gangsta rappin Russian bot trolling fake ass pimp.


Rising Star
I liked a post and dipped brother. The disrespect many have for the elders is disheartening.

When you think about what Tariq said, he's not really wrong... the elders with all due respect they got a ass beating for us to be free but they could have done more, every generation starts off at the bottom while others improve each generation...

So he's not wrong and no disrespect to John Lewis but the emotional shyt don't work no more, cats is hungry, we need marriages and stable communities and that every man woman for hiself herself don't work. America is constantly changing, so I don't care about these old whip to the back ass niggas, they really did nothing for the younger generation, this is just the truth...


Rising Star
But he wasn't challenging Lewis. Challenging him respectfully, tactfully and specifically is fine.

This half a faggot called him a Buck dancing coon.

There is no excuse for that.

Especially when Nasheed is an eyebrow arching lip glossing stage dancing Morris Day and the Time cover band leading ex gangsta rappin Russian bot trolling fake ass pimp.

We're talking about the same Tariq thats called folks bedwenches, moist, coon, crispy and all kinds of other foul shit.

Respect and tact ain't his thing, and we know this.


Rising Star
That latest episode was funny. He said, "Niggas is so happy to get some south american cooch....you think you arrived cuz you fucked a chick from Honduras somewhere" :lol:


He's right, I used to think that about my dad too, my dad was the first from his family to really express his masculinity, his father couldn't date white women, nor work and make a good job, my dad came to america right after civil rights. He reaped the benefits that the american black folks had suffered for.

He never knew how to be a dad because he was so caught up in him getting his, tempers flared up, he had the freedom others before him never had. It's hard to raise a family with such a sense of entitlment.

Alot of them old niggas was running through all types of white women since they had that freedom others never had.

Tariq is right again.


Rising Star
When you think about what Tariq said, he's not really wrong... the elders with all due respect they got a ass beating for us to be free but they could have done more, every generation starts off at the bottom while others improve each generation...

So he's not wrong and no disrespect to John Lewis but the emotional shyt don't work no more, cats is hungry, we need marriages and stable communities and that every man woman for hiself herself don't work. America is constantly changing, so I don't care about these old whip to the back ass niggas, they really did nothing for the younger generation, this is just the truth...

Whoa! That'd be an interesting discussion in itself. But there were some serious roadblocks man. A lot of blacks were killed and incarcerated, didn't want to go to school, throughout the 80s and 90s. There was a lot of hardheaded muthafuckas, no hillary, in that era. I don't know if you can say that definitively. Like blacks from the 60s and 70s didn't give an assist for a better life. That'd be an interesting discussion.


Rising Star
John Lewis faced the KKK, racist cops, troopers, dogs, fire hoses, beatings and was injured with a skull fracture on Bloody Sunday fighting for our rights to just be men. Nasheed needs to STFU! First do something notable before thinking your qualified to speak on another black man with John Lewis's record. :smh:

John had nowhere to hide back then, he showed courage but what did you get outta it?

Communities still dysfunctional, niggas in jail, women popping out kids, we being used by democrats to promote gay stuff, so what you got outta it fam?

Ya'll niggas lack logic, ya'll got yours and lack the ability to think about things like this, Tariq breaks down game for the nigga sitting in the pen wondering how he got there, john lewis is a symbol of fight and courage but that didn't build nothing for you player, you had to fight for self.

I respect tariq more than any other of these old civil rights niggas, they got a little money and was pipping white women all night like MLK.

Stop falling for symbolic victories.


Rising Star
Are his current views today any different than his views were 50 years ago? The words might be different, his position in life is certainly different than it was 50 years ago. As far as his heart there is no change.

John Lewis is 78 years old. Do you think your views will ever match his views? I'm 67 and your views don't even match mine and they're not supposed to. As people age they look at life differently, they handle adversity differently that's called maturity. So what exactly are you challenging? His experiences in life vs. what?

Personally, I don't trust any politicians "views", especially politicians who've played the game for 40+ years.

You don't serve as long as him without being "flexible" on your views.

What are you challenging? Maybe his recent stance on immigration? If I don't agree I'm supposed to shutup and let him rock because Selma?


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
We're talking about the same Tariq thats called folks bedwenches, moist, coon, crispy and all kinds of other foul shit.

Respect and tact ain't his thing, and we know this.
Knowing he's an asshole doesn't excuse his shitting on Black people.

That's a ridiculous excuse. I guess if he was a rapist we'd just chalk it up to that's just how he is, right?

Fuck outta here.

Why is he saying the same shit them Russian trolls advocate?

Why would he advocate the division of Black people?

Why are you falling for this?


Rising Star
Whoa! That'd be an interesting discussion in itself. But there were some serious roadblocks man. A lot of blacks were killed and incarcerated, didn't want to go to school, throughout the 80s and 90s. There was a lot of hardheaded muthafuckas, no hillary, in that era. I don't know if you can say that definitively. Like blacks from the 60s and 70s didn't give an assist for a better life. That'd be an interesting discussion.

When you seperate the home the boys gotta find a new sense of masculinity, we all know this man... we human, we need sex and attention and to feel like we worth something. Half them dudes where just looking for social acceptance, that's human. It's not right but it's not wrong either. I can't blame a man for picking up a gun if the gun makes him feel tough, when his daddy never did shyt for him.

But the truth is them old civil rights niggas is just a symbol, they didn't built nothing for anybody.

Asians are kicking down Harvard man, and filling racial discrimination when they can't get their way, they going to own it one day automatically off top. Them old niggas did nothing to pipe white women and drive cadillacs....

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Anyone who expects human beings to remain pure and perfect over a lifetime is setting themselves up for inevitable disappointment. John Lewis has been in the national spotlight for literally 60 years - one or two or five possible disagreements of judgement over 60 years is called being human.

Because he cared for one person YOU did not approve of? Because he declined to give someone YOU knew a letter of recommendation? To cherry pick these differences of opinion and highlight them to publicly shit on his overall legacy is PETTY as FUCK.


I tend to agree. Can't say the man didn't do good overall. I feel the same way about Lance Armstrong. He raised over a billion for cancer. I don't care if he cheated, so. Lewis is a human, mortal so he isn't perfect but he's done the The BLACK HUMAN race good as a whole so I respect that. He didn't come through for a few vets and me, oh well. Tariq (who just posted here not long ago) I can't say the same thing. I know a lot of people follow him and all that bullshit he says but not me.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
When you seperate the home the boys gotta find a new sense of masculinity, we all know this man... we human, we need sex and attention and to feel like we worth something. Half them dudes where just looking for social acceptance, that's human. It's not right but it's not wrong either. I can't blame a man for picking up a gun if the gun makes him feel tough, when his daddy never did shyt for him.

But the truth is them old civil rights niggas is just a symbol, they didn't built nothing for anybody.

Asians are kicking down Harvard man, and filling racial discrimination when they can't get their way, they going to own it one day automatically off top. Them old niggas did nothing to pipe white women and drive cadillacs....
You must be out your mind.

If it wasn't for them your ignant ass would've been hung from a tree at 12.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

Knowing he's an asshole doesn't excuse his shitting on Black people.

That's a ridiculous excuse. I guess if he was a rapist we'd just chalk it up to that's just how he is, right?

Fuck outta here.

Why is he saying the same shit them Russian trolls advocate?

Why would he advocate the division of Black people?

Why are you falling for this?

A better question is why are you arguing black politics with a white supremacist troll?

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Let’s be real here, the civil rights generation fought to integrate. Blacks before integration had their own businesses and were doing good academically. Why would you want to integrate with your enemy?

Jason Black says it because of sexual access!

Now today blacks are suffering because blacks then fought for integration and not empowerment. You have to rely on whites for everything now.

If negroes had stayed segregated they’d probably have their own nation or land today.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When you think about what Tariq said, he's not really wrong... the elders with all due respect they got a ass beating for us to be free but they could have done more, every generation starts off at the bottom while others improve each generation...

So he's not wrong and no disrespect to John Lewis but the emotional shyt don't work no more, cats is hungry, we need marriages and stable communities and that every man woman for hiself herself don't work. America is constantly changing, so I don't care about these old whip to the back ass niggas, they really did nothing for the younger generation, this is just the truth...
The truly sad part of your post is that you dont realize just how much of a contradictory imbecile you present yourself as. No disrespect.

Fundamentally, you cannot discuss or engage in discourse on what a community needs to progress in the same breath you justify tearing down efforts and works of elders or elders themselves.

No functional society exists or succeeds without a certain level of deference paid to the preceding generation.. Certainly those who risked life and limb for their successors.

To assign any validity to a quote that discounts an elder as "a civil rights nigga" -regardless of your personal issues with him- is counterproductive scumbag ni663r shit.

You literally have a generation of social media addicted attention whores who cant turn off an NFL game in protest, attacking black seniors who went head up with the klan while living in the segregated South in the 50's. Incredible.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I just want to know what are these things that cats have on John Lewis that would paint him in a bad light. Not saying that they aren't true, but what some posters are threatening to reveal, then pulling back, is kinda suspect. If you say something, you might as well spell it out, because it's not a good look to say you've got something and not back it up. Maybe what people saying they have on him isn't as a big deal as they might think.


BGOL Investor
The truly sad part of your post is that you dont realize just how much of a contradictory imbecile you present yourself as. No disrespect.

Fundamentally, you cannot discuss or engage in discourse on what a community needs to progress in the same breath you justify tearing down efforts and works of elders or elders themselves.

No functional society exists or succeeds without a certain level of deference paid to the preceding generation.. Certainly those who risked life and limb for their successors.

To assign any validity to a quote that discounts an elder as "a civil rights nigga" -regardless of your personal issues with him- is counterproductive scumbag ni663r shit.

You literally have a generation of social media addicted attention whores who cant turn off an NFL game in protest, attacking black seniors who went head up with the klan while living in the segregated South in the 50's. Incredible.


Rising Star
Knowing he's an asshole doesn't excuse his shitting on Black people.

That's a ridiculous excuse. I guess if he was a rapist we'd just chalk it up to that's just how he is, right?

Fuck outta here.

Why is he saying the same shit them Russian trolls advocate?

Why would he advocate the division of Black people?

Why are you falling for this?

His whole shtick has been shitting on black people for the longest. It was ok to call another black man crispy and make a dark puppet for him cause they had a bullshit beef? All that coon train shit was cool?

Comparing him to a rapist? o_O

And he can have his own opinion without considering it betraying or dividing the race. We are still allowed to have opinions, right?


The R&B Master
OG Investor
But he wasn't challenging Lewis. Challenging him respectfully, tactfully and specifically is fine.

This half a faggot called him a Buck dancing coon.

There is no excuse for that.

Especially when Nasheed is an eyebrow arching lip glossing stage dancing Morris Day and the Time cover band leading ex gangsta rappin Russian bot trolling fake ass pimp.

Well that pretty much closes this thread because that pretty much says it all. :roflmao:


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
His whole shtick has been shitting on black people for the longest. It was ok to call another black man crispy and make a dark puppet for him cause they had a bullshit beef? All that coon train shit was cool?

Comparing him to a rapist? o_O

And he can have his own opinion without considering it betraying or dividing the race. We are still allowed to have opinions, right?
first of all, fuck you, ya little bitch.

secondly, i BEEN called your fuck boy Tariq out for that crispy shit.

first and foremost, youre being an obstinate asshole. this isnt a debate. this is my assessment of his glossiness AKA Tariq Nasheed.

1: he sees what some folks on bgol do, and decided to monetize it. thats some parasitic bullshit.

2: i dont give a rats ass WHO STARTED SHIT. that's the kind of bullshit a 5 year old says. regardless of who started it calling a Black man crispy relates to his skin color, not the lack of moisture in his skin. fuck you for suggesting that ignorant bullshit to me.

3: you cant have it both ways. either he's selling a product or he's educating people. you already said he cant make money educating people...then youre saying he's selling a product that is education. no sir. true education IS NEVER a product to be sold. again that is some parasitic, opportunistic eurocentric BULLSHIT.

now if you hadnt noticed, "bullshit" is a running theme up in this reply.

im not trying to hear anymore.

third, we aint talking about an opinion, were talking about Tariq telling people NOT TO VOTE, which abdicates YOUR PARTICIPATION and submits it to OTHERS. you fight white supremacy by ALL MEANS, and voting is one of those methods.

fouth, fuck you AND your moms, white boy.


BGOL Investor
Maybe they got tired of traveling across the country and needing a Green book to do so. Without integration your ass couldn't travel anywhere without fear.

Let’s be real here, the civil rights generation fought to integrate. Blacks before integration had their own businesses and were doing good academically. Why would you want to integrate with your enemy?

Jason Black says it because of sexual access!

Now today blacks are suffering because blacks then fought for integration and not empowerment. You have to rely on whites for everything now.

If negroes had stayed segregated they’d probably have their own nation or land today.
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Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor
No, the better question is why are you riding my dick? We're having a adult discussion, keep your emotional bullshit out of here.

Just wanted to remind people not to seriously argue with a pathetic, stupid, weird piece of shit who’s so addicted to trolling/attention whoring that he’s created a dozen screen names to do so.