U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can never change this CAC state of mind. These are the inbreeds they want to be born so they can control them. They follow the rhetoric no matter the rational. Even if it's contrary to their best interest. They are not looking for solutions they are looking for someone to blame. They are cowards that hate women.
I hate women because I want them to be responsible humans? This isn't contrary to my best interest. What are you even talking about? Why are you upset?


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I hate women because I want them to be responsible humans? This isn't contrary to my best interest. What are you even talking about? Why are you upset?

I'm not upset. I really don't care what you people think. You are the dying minority. Why is it the woman's responsibility to control the birth of children? Man is the head of the household, right? Why do you think you have a say in anything regarding a women or her body? How does this affect you?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They're not gonna at Roe vs. Wade either.

The Democrats HAD their chance. The fact is now white are learning what we knew after Obama:


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I'm not upset. I really don't care what you people think. You are the dying minority. Why is it the woman's responsibility to control the birth of children? Man is the head of the household, right? Why do you think you have a say in anything regarding a women or her body? How does this affect you?
These women hating fags place all the blame on the woman . They always slip up with that shit. Nevermind the man who ejaculated in them . It’s womens fault always . These are the same faggots who want government out of lives and all that shit but want to control everything. They hate women, non whites, faggots, basically everything they want to be


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not upset. I really don't care what you people think. You are the dying minority. Why is it the woman's responsibility to control the birth of children? Man is the head of the household, right? Why do you think you have a say in anything regarding a women or her body? How does this affect you?
Why are you responsible for wiping the shit off your ass?

So now, you are alluding to married women being the majority of individuals getting abortions? sure that's what your comment about "head of household" is about.

Bruh, either way it goes, women will get abortions.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These women hating fags place all the blame on the woman . They always slip up with that shit. Nevermind the man who ejaculated in them . It’s womens fault always . These are the same faggots who want government out of lives and all that shit but want to control everything. They hate women, non whites, faggots, basically everything they want to be
I dont worship women like you.
Maybe you don't know much about the menstruation cycle of women. There are certain times when a woman has a high chance of getting pregnant and there's also a couple windows when it's almost impossible for a woman to get pregnant. A man would not know this intuitively as each woman's cycle is different. But each individual woman knows their cycle and can maneuver accordingly to minimize the odds of pregnancy.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Why are you responsible for wiping the shit off your ass?

So now, you are alluding to married women being the majority of individuals getting abortions? sure that's what your comment about "head of household" is about.

Bruh, either way it goes, women will get abortions.

No answers just more questions? No MAGA talking points to help you respond? Shitty asses is all you got?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I dont worship women like you.
Maybe you don't know much about the menstruation cycle of women. There are certain times when a woman has a high chance of getting pregnant and there's also a couple windows when it's almost impossible for a woman to get pregnant. A man would not know this intuitively as each woman's cycle is different. But each individual woman knows their cycle and can maneuver accordingly to minimize the odds of pregnancy.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I dont worship women like you.
Maybe you don't know much about the menstruation cycle of women. There are certain times when a woman has a high chance of getting pregnant and there's also a couple windows when it's almost impossible for a woman to get pregnant. A man would not know this intuitively as each woman's cycle is different. But each individual woman knows their cycle and can maneuver accordingly to minimize the odds of pregnancy.

This is some middle school level shit. Fuck he think he's talking too? Billy Bob and Jimbo and em? The dumbest shit I heard all day.