Nancy Pelosi Is Winning


Surviving Kamala Emhoff
BGOL Investor
Nancy is a BEAST...

Nancy Pelosi just pulled a major power move on Donald Trump's State of the Union


CNN)Sometimes the best power moves in politics are conveyed in the most mundane language.

"Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29," wrote Speaker Nancy Pelosi to President Donald Trump on Wednesday.
  • the-point-small.png

    CNN's Chris Cillizza cuts through the political spin and tells you what you need to know. By subscribing, you agree to our privacy policy.
Make no mistake: Pelosi's decision to disinvite Trump from delivering his "State of the Union" address to Congress is a total power play designed to remind Trump that a) Congress is a co-equal branch of government and b) his willingness to keep the government shuttered until he gets money for a border wall is going to have impacts on him, too.
Just in case you missed that message, Pelosi delivered it again in an interview with CNN's Ashley Killough. "This is a housekeeping matter in the Congress of the United States, so we can honor the responsibility of the invitation we extended to the President," said Pelosi. "He can make it from the Oval Office if he wants."
"He can make it from the Oval Office if he wants(!)"
What Pelosi is saying there is, essentially, this: Look, Trump can give a speech if he wants. But we are not giving him the platform of a bipartisan session of Congress to do it unless and until he reopens the government. (House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland went a step further in an interview with CNN's Kate Bolduan Wednesday afternoon, declaring that "the State of the Union is off.")


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nancy is a BEAST...

Nancy Pelosi just pulled a major power move on Donald Trump's State of the Union


CNN)Sometimes the best power moves in politics are conveyed in the most mundane language.

"Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29," wrote Speaker Nancy Pelosi to President Donald Trump on Wednesday.
  • the-point-small.png

    CNN's Chris Cillizza cuts through the political spin and tells you what you need to know. By subscribing, you agree to our privacy policy.
Make no mistake: Pelosi's decision to disinvite Trump from delivering his "State of the Union" address to Congress is a total power play designed to remind Trump that a) Congress is a co-equal branch of government and b) his willingness to keep the government shuttered until he gets money for a border wall is going to have impacts on him, too.
Just in case you missed that message, Pelosi delivered it again in an interview with CNN's Ashley Killough. "This is a housekeeping matter in the Congress of the United States, so we can honor the responsibility of the invitation we extended to the President," said Pelosi. "He can make it from the Oval Office if he wants."
"He can make it from the Oval Office if he wants(!)"
What Pelosi is saying there is, essentially, this: Look, Trump can give a speech if he wants. But we are not giving him the platform of a bipartisan session of Congress to do it unless and until he reopens the government. (House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland went a step further in an interview with CNN's Kate Bolduan Wednesday afternoon, declaring that "the State of the Union is off.")
She's keeping the pimp hand strong..:beatyourass:

kogalee muhammad

Whatever happened to do for self that your prophet taught ya'll? Why are you at the white man's mercy Muslimson?

Look Nigga! :angry: Now ain't the time...! :smh: NOW AIN'Ts the goddam TIIIMME! :crying:

I TRIED to do for myself! <SOBs!!!> Allah gaveth! :crying:

And the devil furloughs!

Allah who is ONE Master FARD Muhammad is the one who is forcing me to do for myself! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Im a failure to Allah and his Messenger! Im a goddam walking contradiction!:crying:

The Messenger who is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me when he was making me into a man. (kogalee flashes back to his talk with the messenger upon joining the NOI and becoming FOI...)

"What do I teach you to do when you fall down, kogalee? We must pray to Allah then pick ourselves up so we can do for our self!... Good! for this is the essence of being a black man, my son!

Im going to spend the rest of the day praying :wepraise: to Allah facing Mecca!

Allahoakbar! Asalamalaikum! :wepraise:


:wepraise: I am a student of the Messenger who is the holy Teacher and guide in these final days of Judgement of Allah...! I will not fail as a man of Allah! I will not depend on the government! I also depend on FedEx! But I am FOI!!! FOI are straight up KILLAS!!!! I will DO FOR mySELF! The Honorable Elijah Muhammad made me into a MAN! I will not depend on the devil for employment! I will employ... MYSELF! I shall sell beanpies and fruit for 5 dollars if I have to and I will teach self defense classes! I don't need the devil to survive! Allah through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made me into a MAN!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She had a press conference today answering questions and providing facts.

CNN cut away from her in mid sentence, only to have two CNN opinion analysts give their opinion on what she is saying.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
This article explains that even though an emergency shutdown doesn't allow for RIF but after 30 days "shutdown furloughs" become "administrative furloughs" and can actually be laid off.

I think they are reducing the govt workforce, alot of agencies that are unnecessary and allow states to govern themselves without the need for big govt.

Really believe this shutdown is about change, in a major way. Remember every prez is not put there but placed for a reason and carries out orders of players who don't show who they are. Trump ain't at the helm of the ship. Others controlling him are.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor

Why was she boarding the military plane for the trip with all her children and grandchildren.
93 family members?
During a govt shutdown?​


Rising Star
Why was she boarding the military plane for the trip with all her children and grandchildren.
93 family members?
During a govt shutdown?​

This is really a great question the media should be asking. But they won't. We all know this.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Deleted it.

I didn't get a chance to read the entire post but you never get the full info with them. Any factual info they submit is presented to create bias. We have the info on Nancy, but how does this compare to other congress critters? It doesn't seem unusual to me to have spouses or family to fly, I figure it's one of the Perks of the job. So is this unique to her? Did she have to reimburse anyone?

Just like when Obama and Michelle had their first date night. You had all these folks calculating how much fuel and costs were involved for air force one taking them there, but no president flies commercial and in the past presidents had made all sorts of frivolous trips and no one had even thought about it.

Depending upon who is traveling and where, there are certain costs baked in depending upon security and the type of transport they have to take.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
:lol:I went on a rant at work a couple of weeks ago. That they would cave in. I am throughly surprised they haven't.

I'm cautiously optimistic, but normally the dems cave to avoid causing pain to Americans. I hate to see people suffering, but if they give in Trump will do this and cause pain repeatedly.

Some of his base doesn't care tho. They buy the line this is only affecting democrats and they are saying it's a way for him to reduce govt bloat and oh well being weaned from the govt teat might be uncomfortable but it's for their own good. They have drank all the kool-aid and are eagerly awaiting another batch. It's freaking madness.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I was ready to come in and say "Where in this OPM page does it say..." but-

A furlough of more than 30 calendar days, or of more than 22 discontinuous work days, is also a RIF action.
(A furlough of 30 or fewer calendar days, or of 22 or fewer discontinuous work days, is an adverse action.)


I always wonder what it would take to get Americans to take to the streets (Euro-style).
Maybe this would do it!

@kogalee muhammad
- you ready to PROTEST/RUMBLE/RIOT???!!! :gun01:

In order for Americans to take to the streets, the 800,000 has to grow. If more government workers are affected across the nation and overseas, even Trump himself will not find room to hide. Not to say that will be cool cause people got bills to pay, it will certainly garner a bigger attention. Until then Trump is Charlie Mikeing.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I didn't get a chance to read the entire post but you never get the full info with them. Any factual info they submit is presented to create bias. We have the info on Nancy, but how does this compare to other congress critters? It doesn't seem unusual to me to have spouses or family to fly, I figure it's one of the Perks of the job. So is this unique to her? Did she have to reimburse anyone?

Just like when Obama and Michelle had their first date night. You had all these folks calculating how much fuel and costs were involved for air force one taking them there, but no president flies commercial and in the past presidents had made all sorts of frivolous trips and no one had even thought about it.

Depending upon who is traveling and where, there are certain costs baked in depending upon security and the type of transport they have to take.
Of course they are just singling her out because of this past weeks news of her flying with over 90 family members during a govt shutdown.


Rising Star
GTFOH. Nancy is a joke along with the democratic party. She is checking no one. Trump "Trumpt" her. She says: no state of the union. He says: fly commercial, outs her route, embarrassed her by sending luggage back. HE REVEALED SECRET TRAVEL/FLIGHT PLANS OF THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE and is STILL in office and unchecked by the Senate. Plus, even though 60% of the country or more (because i do not trust the rigged polling numbers) disagree with this dude, 5+ million have signed a petition to impeach this guy, Constitutional scholars say impeachment is on the table - and she's the main one dismissing it. WTF. Giving up any leverage she has. Therefore empowering Trump to be Trump. She is ridiculously inept and soft against the greatest threat to American democracy. The whole party is passive and weak. By being timid and waiting on the now suspect Mueller, they have given Trump the license to be as reckless and petty as he possibly can be. She should not be given credit for anything.


kogalee muhammad

Too many of y'all engage in this dumb false equivalency shit. Republicans had two years to get their fantasy wall going while they had full control of all branches. Kicking this back to the Dems (after the Senate GOP signed off on the last bill in Dec which was vetoed by Trump after he watched Fox News lol) is incredibly retarded and unacceptable. Mitch has blocked two bills brought by Dems from even going to vote during this shutdown (where it has at least an outside chance if passing with support from the right Republicans). This is a Trump, McConnel and GOP shutdown. Sucks if you're actually affected by this and not trolling per usual but get your eyes fixed on those actually responsible for your troubles.

Laying this at Pelosi's feet is incredibly dishonest :smh:

IT IS her fault! Shit! Trump TRIED to make a fair deal with her, MAYNE! <sobs!>:crying:


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
So, now this muhfuhkah is just gonna bogart his way to give the speech that nobody wants to hear. He's using DHS and the Secret Service as his personal goons to just step over the Speaker and make the speech.

WASHINGTON — President Trump sent a letter on Wednesday to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, telling her he planned to deliver his State of the Union address in Congress as originally scheduled next Tuesday, despite her earlier warning of security concerns.

The letter is the latest move in a game of brinkmanship between the two over the address.

[Read the letter here.]

Ms. Pelosi had invited Mr. Trump to deliver the speech in a letter on Jan. 3. But on Jan. 16, she warned that there were security concerns about the president coming to Capitol Hill because of the partial government shutdown, which began about a month ago.

Mr. Trump said in Wednesday’s letter that he had checked — and that there were no such concerns from the Secret Service.
”Therefore I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union,” the president wrote.

“It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!” he wrote.

Representative Steny D. Hoyer, the majority leader, speaking to reporters before Mr. Trump sent his letter, said the United States Capitol Police would be fully prepared to provide security in the event that Mr. Trump delivered the address in the Capitol.

“She didn’t disinvite him,” Mr. Hoyer said of Ms. Pelosi. “What she said was she thought it would be appropriate to choose a different date. He has not done so.”

But Representative Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic caucus, told reporters, that “unless the government is reopened, it’s highly unlikely that the State of the Union will take place on the floor of the House of Representatives.” Stories&pgtype=Homepage


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
So, now this muhfuhkah is just gonna bogart his way to give the speech that nobody wants to hear. He's using DHS and the Secret Service as his personal goons to just step over the Speaker and make the speech.

WASHINGTON — President Trump sent a letter on Wednesday to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, telling her he planned to deliver his State of the Union address in Congress as originally scheduled next Tuesday, despite her earlier warning of security concerns.

The letter is the latest move in a game of brinkmanship between the two over the address.

[Read the letter here.]

Ms. Pelosi had invited Mr. Trump to deliver the speech in a letter on Jan. 3. But on Jan. 16, she warned that there were security concerns about the president coming to Capitol Hill because of the partial government shutdown, which began about a month ago.

Mr. Trump said in Wednesday’s letter that he had checked — and that there were no such concerns from the Secret Service.
”Therefore I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union,” the president wrote.

“It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!” he wrote.

Representative Steny D. Hoyer, the majority leader, speaking to reporters before Mr. Trump sent his letter, said the United States Capitol Police would be fully prepared to provide security in the event that Mr. Trump delivered the address in the Capitol.

“She didn’t disinvite him,” Mr. Hoyer said of Ms. Pelosi. “What she said was she thought it would be appropriate to choose a different date. He has not done so.”

But Representative Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic caucus, told reporters, that “unless the government is reopened, it’s highly unlikely that the State of the Union will take place on the floor of the House of Representatives.” Stories&pgtype=Homepage

If Nancy plays this correctly, it's going to make him look very weak. She can just disinvite him and he'll need to do it somewhere a campaign rally and only Fox will carry it.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
So, now this muhfuhkah is just gonna bogart his way to give the speech that nobody wants to hear. He's using DHS and the Secret Service as his personal goons to just step over the Speaker and make the speech.

WASHINGTON — President Trump sent a letter on Wednesday to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, telling her he planned to deliver his State of the Union address in Congress as originally scheduled next Tuesday, despite her earlier warning of security concerns.

The letter is the latest move in a game of brinkmanship between the two over the address.

[Read the letter here.]

Ms. Pelosi had invited Mr. Trump to deliver the speech in a letter on Jan. 3. But on Jan. 16, she warned that there were security concerns about the president coming to Capitol Hill because of the partial government shutdown, which began about a month ago.

Mr. Trump said in Wednesday’s letter that he had checked — and that there were no such concerns from the Secret Service.
”Therefore I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union,” the president wrote.

“It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!” he wrote.

Representative Steny D. Hoyer, the majority leader, speaking to reporters before Mr. Trump sent his letter, said the United States Capitol Police would be fully prepared to provide security in the event that Mr. Trump delivered the address in the Capitol.

“She didn’t disinvite him,” Mr. Hoyer said of Ms. Pelosi. “What she said was she thought it would be appropriate to choose a different date. He has not done so.”

But Representative Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic caucus, told reporters, that “unless the government is reopened, it’s highly unlikely that the State of the Union will take place on the floor of the House of Representatives.” Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Sexual predators always have a hard time hearing no.