Black Women Submit To Black Men!!!

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
who cares?! the real question is can you spell chauvinistic?

no i cant but all in all you understand my piont


1. of or relating to persons convinced of the superiority of their own gender or kind
2. fanatically patriotic
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Punk Ass Decepticons!
BGOL Investor
It is a fundamental nescecity for a Black Woman to submit to Black Male leadership within the home. I've heard Black Women speaking on how much money they make & there high educational level. Using these reasons as excuses not to submit to there man. This type of thinking is foolish, because no "TRUE MAN" in the sense of the word will accept his woman leading or dominating
the family unit. Black Women often want to know the key is to keeping a Black Man. This is it.....

Check this show out

I agree 100%....Yep I said it. When I married my husband I recognized him as the head of the household...Women we have to learn how to play the game. Submission does not mean weak...I also learned how to "look" as if I am really being submissive when I am the one who is really running things...Thanks grandma-RIP I was listening:yes:


I agree 100%....Yep I said it. When I married my husband I recognized him as the head of the household...Women we have to learn how to play the game. Submission does not mean weak...I also learned how to "look" as if I am really being submissive when I am the one who is really running things...Thanks grandma-RIP I was listening:yes:
I like your point but dont you have a story to finish?:lol:


out of every 10 black women there is only 2 who know how to treat a man right.

The feminist movement screwed this world up.
The man is the head of the household and when the feminist movement came it gave women a false since of pride.

God put man over women in the old testament because Eve was decieved by the serpent.
Adam was decieved by Eve therefore she was placed under Adam's authority.

In the new testament God commanded men to love their wives as Jesus loved the church, and for wives to respect their husbands

Neither one is doing right thing. The average black guy these days dont know anything about loving their wives, Can you really love your wife and you sit there and jack off to Kim Kardashian all night?(Thats commiting adultery) No she aint gon respect you.

Another thing, The bible says in the last days men and women will be getting married left and right, and thats whats happening but the marriages are failing because men dont ask God to send them a godly woman. You find some ol ghetto chick, always fight always fussing and you think just because you marry her she going to submit? She aint gon change.
Cats choose their wife because she lightskin and gotta a nice body or some other superficial reason, and cry when they cant control them.

My wife used to dress like a ho, and that was making me feel uncomfortable because I'm a very jealous dude....
So I told her to kinda chill with the skin tight outfits and short skirts.
I didnt yell and tell her to submit I just calmly explained how I felt, and she changed.

If you think you gonna walk around with a iron cepter and control these modern women by force nowadays you in for a long ride........

If you dealing with chick who doesnt respect men at all, why not just move on?

You can get a woman to do anything for you if you say it and do it the right way....

Dont be scared of women either, a lot of cats turn into wimps because they want some ass... be begging for some ass and then want the women to respect you?

I aint never begged no woman for some ass,
My wife know not to say: "I'm not gonna give you any until you do this or that"
That aint never worked for her or any other chick
I've went 6 months without sex before and it was the best 6 months I ever had


I agree 100%....Yep I said it. When I married my husband I recognized him as the head of the household...Women we have to learn how to play the game. Submission does not mean weak...I also learned how to "look" as if I am really being submissive when I am the one who is really running things...Thanks grandma-RIP I was listening:yes:

You are a smart woman:yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're wife is Asian right???:lol:I'm not EVEN going to touch this one ... way too easy:smh:

Well the way you put it sounds alot better than how "ace sippin' cognac" over there described it ... I think when I realy like a man ... alot ... I just naturally go into "take care of him" mode without him having to say anything ... it's the whole notion that I HAVE TO DO THAT cuz he's a man and I'm a woman which is bugging me ... I chose him at the same time he chose me ... so I want him to appreciate and respect my love rather than act like that is what I was supposed to do cuz he's the man or some bullshit like that

I must say actinass ... you do have a way with words;)

And the "Flasher" aka carolina little boi:smh:I'm not even gonna touch on that shit you just posted ... them words bigger than you can spell I know you cut and pasted that shit:hmm:

Honestly, I think the word "submit" is a bad term to use because no one truly submit to anyone. Of all things, we are submitting to a feeling we cannot control. When you are in love, you can't control who you are in love with. Yet, you do submit to your feelings. A man would go buy a house, car, dress right, find new hobbies, for a chick because he feels that is a way to get her attention. So, in other words, you are actually submitting to your own conscious, your own emotional attraction to someone. This is something no person can avoid. There's 2 things you are guaranteed in life, you will fall in love, and you will die.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
it is basic simple order a president/a vice president
a manager/a anssistant manager

a man would be a fool to be in a relationship and make all the decisions with no regard to what his woman thinks or getting her piont of veiw

but as a man an a leader by natures design it would be appropriate for him to make the final decision

Why must there be one person in charge and one more subordinate? Why not co-captains? Co-Chairs?

Ace Money

Potential Star
I agree 100%....Yep I said it. When I married my husband I recognized him as the head of the household...Women we have to learn how to play the game. Submission does not mean weak...I also learned how to "look" as if I am really being submissive when I am the one who is really running things...Thanks grandma-RIP I was listening:yes:
Honestly, I think the word "submit" is a bad term to use because no one truly submit to anyone. Of all things, we are submitting to a feeling we cannot control. When you are in love, you can't control who you are in love with. Yet, you do submit to your feelings. A man would go buy a house, car, dress right, find new hobbies, for a chick because he feels that is a way to get her attention. So, in other words, you are actually submitting to your own conscious, your own emotional attraction to someone. This is something no person can avoid. There's 2 things you are guaranteed in life, you will fall in love, and you will die.

WOW ... let me know when you come out with that book:)


an argument IS a just happens to be between two people who dont agree....just a little fyi for you..and its actually an artform...its petty or imature to argue if I think you are implying that..its just petty and imature to argue poorly...but i digress

nbc isnt the only source quoting those numbers...someone else quoted another source...but its always good to do your own fact finding

but back to the whole marriage thing...

the thing about a families these days is...they dont begin or end with marriages anymore...that would be the point i would make to you

That's symantics at work...
ar•gu•ment oral disagreement; verbal opposition; contention; altercation: a violent argument.

This is generally percieved as an argument, I doubt many people here would buy into an argument as a structured debate or discussion on a porn board. With the key words being opposition and contention.

1. Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation.
2. A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.

A discussion is objective conversation. I would hardly call, "your argument fails", the beginning of an earnest discussion. But, that may be objective communication to you. An argument(as in a rebuttle to) can in fact be a PART of a discussion, but I don't think you meant it that way...if you did, then I didn't perceive your statement as an open ended, objective rebuttle.

In any event, I was unable to find any "RELIABLE" sources to validate that
"70% of black childeren are living in single mother households". However, I misread your statement, you typed, "70% of black childeren are being born to single mother households". I was able to find quite a few sources to validate this statistic, with most leaning towards the 66% -70% range.:eek: But in saying this, the relationship to marriage and divorce is and was very relavent to your reply. A single mother, means unwed, it doesn't mean she's alone or without a partner. Statistically speaking, she is counted among the unwed, even with a live in boyfriend, baby's daddy...etc.

In terms of living arrangements, the U.S. Census Bureau says that nearly 53%of black children live with a single parent and more black children have lived with a single parent than in a family structure. What I found interesting is single black fathers are the largest growing sector of single parents. So the 70% statistic says, 7 out of 10 black women are having babies for their man and most black men are not willing to marry their Babies Momma:smh:

This is just sad all the way around...I was really hoping that none of these numbers were true. About the marriage and divorce thing, I found some interesting stats on that as well and it profoundly affects black families more than white, asian, mexican and other.

Marianne Page and Ann Huff Stevens find that in the first two years
following a divorce, family income among white children falls about 30
percent, while it falls by 53 percent among black children

In fact, three or more years after the divorce, the black families' income
remains 47 percent lower than if the parents had remained together. Marriage appears to have even greater benefits for black children whose single mothers marry than for their white counterparts, according to the study.

"Black children are only half as likely as white children to be living in a two-parent household, and are eight times more likely than white children to live with an unwed mother. For black children under six, 'the most common arrangement -- applying to 42 percent of them -- was to live with a never-married mother.'"

The Abolition of Marriage, by Maggie Gallagher p. 117, citing Andrew J. Cherlin, Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, rev. and enl. ed., (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992), 98-99.

"Only 18 percent of black women who married in the 1940s eventually divorced, a rate only slightly higher than that for white women of that era. But, of that far smaller number of black women who married in the late sixties and early seventies, 60 percent have already divorced."

"'Exposure to single motherhood at some point during adolescence increases the risk [of a daughter's later becoming a single mother] by nearly [150 percent] for whites about 100 percent for blacks.'"
Sara S. McLanahan, "Family Structure and Dependency: Reality Transitions to Female Household Headship," Demography 25, Feb., 1988, 1-16. Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation, page 240

A whole other thread, but interesting reads and sources.

the thing about a families these days is...they dont begin or end with marriages anymore

I don't understand this statement, please qualify it for me. Are you saying a family no longer needs to consist of a Married woman, man and/or child to be defined as a family? Because if you are, the federal govornment and the U.S. Census burea disagree with you. If that is not what you're saying, what are you saying? I have another question, were you raised by a single mother or father...were either one of your parents absent? My views may be different because I was raised in a two parent household with my siblings, so my idea of family is more traditional...As most people see family the same way.
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Why must there be one person in charge and one more subordinate? Why not co-captains? Co-Chairs?

Because when the going gets tough, despite all the mouth, all of the "I'm down for mine, do me comments"...women, by and large will quit. It's not in a mans nature to quit, no matter how jacked up things may be, he'll keep trying.93% of divorces are initiated by women and I know all of them aren't being abused. Women will quit when they see no other way out of a situation.

Everybody wants to be a co-captain on calm seas, but few want the responsibility when the ship is sinkin' and you've got to give all of yourself to save everyone else.

Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
You're wife is Asian right???:lol:I'm not EVEN going to touch this one ... way too easy:smh:

whoa lil lady...

what does the fact that my wife is asian have to do with me not having to put up with "the bullshit" in my house? you stereotyped yourself on your own with that remark.

Whether my wife would have been black, asian, white, hispanic, brazilian, whatever the fuck, i wouldn't be putting up with the bullshit that goes on in some folks houses.


because i got my "shit together" it's not about the woman it's about the man. i do what i'm suppose to do in my household so there's never an issue of a woman having anything to contest/complain about. I provide, I pay the bills, i take care of any and all problems. Simple fact of nature take care of your wife like your suppose to there won't be any issues when you ask/expect of her. It was never a question of submission, that why i laugh at everyone here arguing about it. Mine knows i'll do anything she asks within my capabilities and in return she'll do the same......

again....comprehension not ASS-umption of what's said:smh:


So pretty!
BGOL Investor
I agree 100%....Yep I said it. When I married my husband I recognized him as the head of the household...Women we have to learn how to play the game. Submission does not mean weak...I also learned how to "look" as if I am really being submissive when I am the one who is really running things...Thanks grandma-RIP I was listening:yes:


Where da white women at?:yes:

They're around,ask some of the guys on here to point you in their direction:hmm:
whoa lil lady...

what does the fact that my wife is asian have to do with me not having to put up with "the bullshit" in my house? you stereotyped yourself on your own with that remark.

Whether my wife would have been black, asian, white, hispanic, brazilian, whatever the fuck, i wouldn't be putting up with the bullshit that goes on in some folks houses.


because i got my "shit together" it's not about the woman it's about the man. i do what i'm suppose to do in my household so there's never an issue of a woman having anything to contest/complain about. I provide, I pay the bills, i take care of any and all problems. Simple fact of nature take care of your wife like your suppose to there won't be any issues when you ask/expect of her. It was never a question of submission, that why i laugh at everyone here arguing about it. Mine knows i'll do anything she asks within my capabilities and in return she'll do the same......

again....comprehension not ASS-umption of what's said:smh:

Like I said already ... too easy ... I'm not gonna touch it:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its funny when black women put other races in the equation like the other races are dumb. Meanwhile, the other races marriage/single ratio is down, while our's are up. Maybe some of ya'll need to look into the mirror before dissing other races.....

I'm just saying..
Then if its too easy then by all means do so.....

*grabs some popcorn

Like I said ... I don't wanna touch that:smh:That's not my style

Its funny when black women put other races in the equation like the other races are dumb. Meanwhile, the other races marriage/single ratio is down, while our's are up. Maybe some of ya'll need to look into the mirror before dissing other races.....

I'm just saying..

Well maybe YOU shouldn't ASSume that I was going to diss another race ... and try speaking directly to me if you have something to say about one of my posts ... I'm just saying:hmm:
I'll take that as a you can't. Especially since you've been vocal about everything else on this board

Naw ... it's not that I can't ... it's just that I don't personally know your wife and she has never done anything bad to me so I don't want to say anything to disrespect her ... it's not my style to call out complete strangers like that(even if I think her husband is a ... forget it) ... I'm just being "respectful" ... you should try that some time:hmm:

And I'm vocal about things that I feel passionately about ... the relationshiop between you and your wife doesn't make me feel passionate:smh:
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Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
Naw ... it's not that I can't ... it's just that I don't personally know your wife and she has never done anything bad to me so I don't want to say anything to disrespect her ... it's not my style to call out complete strangers like that(even if I think her husband is a ... forget it) ... I'm just being "respectful" ... you should try that some time:hmm:

And I'm vocal about things that I feel passionately about ... the relationshiop between you and your wife doesn't make me feel passionate:smh:

Please this is the net. Like Icould really be hurt by what's said on here lol. Please do your worst.
Please this is the net. Like Icould really be hurt by what's said on here lol. Please do your worst.

I didn't say anything about hurting you so I'm not sure where you got that from:dunno:but like I already said I don't wanna touch that topic ... this will be my last post on this subject with you:cool:

Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
I didn't say anything about hurting you so I'm not sure where you got that from:dunno:but like I already said I don't wanna touch that topic ... this will be my last post on this subject with you:cool:

Yeah.....ok :lol

*one day some people will just bite the bullet and keep on instead of trying to save face



agent of change
BGOL Investor
hmmmm submit...nope

i don't believe in 50/50 either..i don't think that is possible

YES i believe in compromising but i feel that compromising is not 50/50.

I believe in 60/40, 70/30, 90/10 and the extreme

in relationships ur gonna have those times in which you take a lil more, give a lil more cuz ppl have strong stances, expertise and abilities in different areas...but as long as BOTH parties are experience the give n take


what is the false sense of hope feminist gave women...what about the men's movement that has been going on for a crazy long time?

anyway...there are different types of feminist, not all of them scream complete independence

plz do some reasearch before you make claims