U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


The Legend
BGOL Investor


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
As far as that goes the NAACP in my opinion should not be focusing on Roe V Wade as Derrick Johnson is doing. If you want to throw a monkey wrench in to the Supreme Court and people have a problem with Brown v Board (and lets be honest they've been going around that law since it first came to). Fuck HR40, the United States government needs to be sued for reparations. Make Brown v Board and Plessy v Ferguson the least of their worries. Bring reparations to the Supreme Court like Johnnie Cochran wanted to.

This is all well and good and I agrere re: reparations but I don't understand why y'all are acting like this Roe v Wade decision is inconsequential. The rationale used by this court to dismantle this precedent can be used to roll back the entire goddamn 20th century since it isn't "deeply rooted in history" per Alito's reasoning. Why promote this myopic view of rights that excludes black women (and just women in general) entirely?

How much has black wealth changed since 1865? You're happy with increments and won't demand more from this political system you think works for you. I know it doesn't work and won't participate in the bullshit. Either way we both ain't getting shit. You're just entertaining yourself on the way to the same nothing lmao

This is complete bullshit. It's telling that you use 1865 as a starting point for "black wealth" like some deluded conservative. Newsflash, Black folks were literally second class citizens until 1964. Sharecropping, convict leasing then codified discrimination via Jim Crow, then exclusion from the New Deal era benefits and GI Bill etc, then redlining etc etc etc etc etc. Jesus, pick up a book.

If you think there hasn't been black progress since 1964 you need to sit down with an elder who lived through that shit dude. Stop fucking playing. Progress has been slow and meandering. I'm no fan of incrementalism but you'd have to be the biggest idiot in the world to pretend there hasn't been ANY progress. Besides which, none of this invalidates the fact that this Roe v Wade decision is a disaster which portends the fascist direction this country is taking (which will have negative repercussions for everyone, including yourself, your limited understanding of civil liberties notwithstanding).

Bottom line. Roe V Wade does not move the needle for me. We as black people have more pressing issues to address. Abortion was not an issue for the black FAMILY unit before your white savior can in with welfare reform and feminist ideologies. Abortion is not a form of contraception. Planned Parenthood is inherently racist and started by a known white supremacists. I don't believe politicians on either side don't have Black People's best interest at all and I'm skeptical of ANYTHING done in the political spectrum. Do I believe abortion should be illegal? No. Do I believe it should be at the forefront of the black agenda? Nope. LGBT and white liberals have hijacked the black agenda. And we're on a porn message board that's predominantly heterosexual black men but when I say put black people first, I'm a Coon. Or an agent or white or Republican or a Nazi or any number of insults. Is that position coherent enough for you? If you can't feel that then put me on ignore.

This is a bunch of dumb conservative bullshit but I'll play your game chief:

1. Roe v Wade doesn't move the needle for you one way or the other but here you are in this thread clapping like a goddamn seal for the erasure of rights for others. :confused:
2. You mention "abortion isn't contraception" like regular contraception isn't on the chopping block now using the same rationale this Court used to gut Roe v Wade. Given this court's fascist view on due process and equal protection Griswold v Connecticut is now on the chopping block as well (the landmark decision on contraception and gov interference in our bedrooms).
3. BLACK WOMEN EXIST and some may even need the medical procedure known as abortion. Black maternal mortality rates are a fucking disaster. Y'all are clicking and clacking on your keyboards pretending this a just white woman thing lmao. Come back to Earth fellas.
4. I don't know if you're a coon an agent or a Nazi (your words) but I know you don't really understand the import of this decision and are totally out to lunch. You've been taken in by conservative propaganda and it has you foaming at the mouth about an issue you claim to be uninterested in. I don't care one way or another enough to put you on ignore like you suggested but I will call you on your bullshit big guy.

I'll say it again for the great pretenders up in here. Y'all are TOTALLY full of shit on this stuff. Pretending that you're concerned about how sacrosanct unborn "lives" are in a moral wasteland like America with no universal health care, the HIGHEST child poverty rate in any OECD country, a two tier justice system that puts our kids in a school-to-prison-pipeline as early as elementary school to become indentured servants to corporations in our fucked up prisons, ETC ETC ETC. Y'all don't give af about any of this stuff and the moment this activist court uses the same fascist rationale they used to overturn Roe to inconvenience you even slightly you'll be up in here talking about SCOTUS and gov overreach etc. Bunch of fucking dumb hypocrites. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is all well and good but I don't understand why y'all are pretending that this Roe v Wade decision is inconsequential. The rationale used by this court to dismantle this precedent can be used to roll back the entire goddamn 20th century since it isn't "deeply rooted in history" per Alito's reasoning. Why promote this myopic view of rights that excludes black women (and just women in general) entirely?

This is complete bullshit. It's telling that you use 1865 as a starting point for "black wealth" like some deluded conservative. Newsflash, Black folks were literally second class citizens until 1964. Sharecropping, convict leasing then codified discrimination via Jim Crow, then exclusion from the New Deal era benefits and GI Bill etc, then redlining etc etc etc etc etc. Jesus, pick up a book.

If you think there hasn't been black progress since 1964 you need to sit down with an elder who lived through that shit dude. Stop fucking playing. Progress has been slow and meandering. I'm no fan of incrementalism but you'd have to be the biggest idiot in the world to pretend there hasn't been ANY progress. Besides which, none of this invalidates the fact that this Roe v Wade decision is a disaster which portends the fascist direction this country is taking (which will have negative repercussions for everyone, including yourself, your limited understanding of civil liberties notwithstanding).

This is a bunch of dumb conservative bullshit but I'll play your game chief:

1. Roe v Wade doesn't move the needle for you one way or the other but here you are in this thread clapping like a goddamn seal for the erasure of rights for others. :confused:
2. You mention "abortion isn't contraception" like regular contraception isn't on the chopping block now using the same rationale this Court used to gut Roe v Wade. Given this court's fascist view on due process and equal protection Griswold v Connecticut is now on the chopping block (the landmark decision on contraception and gov interference in our bedrooms).
3. BLACK WOMEN EXIST and some may even need the medical procedure known as abortion. Black maternal mortality rates are a fucking disaster. Y'all are clicking and clacking on your keyboards pretending this a white woman thing lmao. Come back to Earth fellas.
4. I don't know if you're a coon and agent or a Nazi (your words) but I know you don't really understand the import of this decision and are totally out to lunch. You've been taken in by conservative propaganda and it has you foaming at the mouth about an issue you claim to be uninterested in. I don't care one way or another enough to put you on ignore like you suggested but I will call you on your bullshit big guy.

I'll say it again for the great pretenders up in here. Y'all are TOTALLY full of shit on this stuff. Pretending that you're concerned about how sacrosanct unborn "lives" are in a moral wasteland like America with no universal health care, the HIGHEST child poverty rate in any OECD country, a two tier justice system that puts kids in a school-to-prison-pipeline as early as elementary school to become indentured servants to corporations in our fucked up prisons, ETC ETC ETC. Y'all don't give af about any of this stuff and the moment this activist court uses the same fascist rationale they used to overturn Roe to inconvenience you even slightly you'll be up in here talking about SCOTUS and gov overreach etc. Bunch of fucking dumb hypocrites. :smh:
An elder? You consider progress equality with whites? What's progress to you? I'd really like to know.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
An elder? You consider progress equality with whites? What's progress to you? I'd really like to know.

Lmao, you're just playing with words now man. I'm not gonna be wasting any more time responding if all I'm getting are these meager slogans with no substantive points. :smh:

You're totally full of shit on this stuff. Just posting to post on some bot shit.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
This is all well and good and I agrere re: reparations but I don't understand why y'all are acting like this Roe v Wade decision is inconsequential. The rationale used by this court to dismantle this precedent can be used to roll back the entire goddamn 20th century since it isn't "deeply rooted in history" per Alito's reasoning. Why promote this myopic view of rights that excludes black women (and just women in general) entirely?

This is complete bullshit. It's telling that you use 1865 as a starting point for "black wealth" like some deluded conservative. Newsflash, Black folks were literally second class citizens until 1964. Sharecropping, convict leasing then codified discrimination via Jim Crow, then exclusion from the New Deal era benefits and GI Bill etc, then redlining etc etc etc etc etc. Jesus, pick up a book.

If you think there hasn't been black progress since 1964 you need to sit down with an elder who lived through that shit dude. Stop fucking playing. Progress has been slow and meandering. I'm no fan of incrementalism but you'd have to be the biggest idiot in the world to pretend there hasn't been ANY progress. Besides which, none of this invalidates the fact that this Roe v Wade decision is a disaster which portends the fascist direction this country is taking (which will have negative repercussions for everyone, including yourself, your limited understanding of civil liberties notwithstanding).

This is a bunch of dumb conservative bullshit but I'll play your game chief:

1. Roe v Wade doesn't move the needle for you one way or the other but here you are in this thread clapping like a goddamn seal for the erasure of rights for others. :confused:
2. You mention "abortion isn't contraception" like regular contraception isn't on the chopping block now using the same rationale this Court used to gut Roe v Wade. Given this court's fascist view on due process and equal protection Griswold v Connecticut is now on the chopping block as well (the landmark decision on contraception and gov interference in our bedrooms).
3. BLACK WOMEN EXIST and some may even need the medical procedure known as abortion. Black maternal mortality rates are a fucking disaster. Y'all are clicking and clacking on your keyboards pretending this a just white woman thing lmao. Come back to Earth fellas.
4. I don't know if you're a coon an agent or a Nazi (your words) but I know you don't really understand the import of this decision and are totally out to lunch. You've been taken in by conservative propaganda and it has you foaming at the mouth about an issue you claim to be uninterested in. I don't care one way or another enough to put you on ignore like you suggested but I will call you on your bullshit big guy.

I'll say it again for the great pretenders up in here. Y'all are TOTALLY full of shit on this stuff. Pretending that you're concerned about how sacrosanct unborn "lives" are in a moral wasteland like America with no universal health care, the HIGHEST child poverty rate in any OECD country, a two tier justice system that puts our kids in a school-to-prison-pipeline as early as elementary school to become indentured servants to corporations in our fucked up prisons, ETC ETC ETC. Y'all don't give af about any of this stuff and the moment this activist court uses the same fascist rationale they used to overturn Roe to inconvenience you even slightly you'll be up in here talking about SCOTUS and gov overreach etc. Bunch of fucking dumb hypocrites. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lmao, you're just playing with words now man. I'm not gonna be wasting any more time responding if all I'm getting are these meager slogans with no substantive points. :smh:

You're totally full of shit on this stuff. Just posting to post on some bot shit.
Playing with words? I asked you what you consider progress.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Playing with words? I asked you what you consider progress.

You sidestepped my entire post to ask a sophomoric question about what I consider as "progress". Shit is disingenuous as hell lmao. This ain't a college class and you're no professor chief. Make your point or move on. I've made my points crystal fucking clear. Get on my level brodie.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You sidestepped my entire post to ask a sophomoric question about what I consider as "progress". Shit is disingenuous as hell lmao. This ain't a college class and you're no professor chief. Make your point or move on. I've made my points crystal fucking clear. Get on my level brodie.
I addressed the part that was directed towards me. My point is we have made little progress as a group. Racism and it's twin capitalism are primarily to blame. You contend that voting can change this and I'm asking you for evidence of this because I haven't seen it.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I addressed the part that was directed towards me. My point is we have made little progress as a group. Racism and it's twin capitalism are primarily to blame. You contend that voting can change this and I'm asking you for evidence of this because I haven't seen it.

Of course voting matters. The psychopath conservatives in this country wouldn't be working so hard to roll back Voting Rights to ensure gerrymandering the fuck out of everything to nullify our votes if voting were entirely inconsequential. The fact that they achieved their decades long project to ensure a conservative judicial bulwark against an increasingly open minded America for at least a generation to come should dissaude any notion that "voting doesn't matter". I actually agree that racism and capitalism are the primary drivers of misery both in this country and abroad but that doesn't make electoralism useless. More importantly, I don't see how cheerleading the erasure of hard won rights makes any sense. You've said that's not what you're doing but your post history in this thread belies that. There's one party that's committed to rolling this shit back to 1955, you can point out the failures of the opposition party without deluding yourself about the facts on the ground.

Come back to Earth.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a pretty unorthodox idea. Why don't we hold women responsible for their bodies? Women should keep track of their body
Geesh!! Boy oh boy. Feminist calling us ni#^÷rs. Trans calling us porch monkeys. All because of abortion??!! And these are the people yall are aligning with???

Make it make sense.


The Wokandans in here: " Man, I dont blame them tbh"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course voting matters. The psychopath conservatives in this country wouldn't be working so hard to roll back Voting Rights to ensure gerrymandering the fuck out of everything to nullify our votes if voting were entirely inconsequential. The fact that they achieved their decades long project to ensure a conservative judicial bulwark against an increasingly open minded America for at least a generation to come should dissaude any notion that "voting doesn't matter". I actually agree that racism and capitalism are the primary drivers of misery both in this country and abroad but that doesn't make electoralism useless. More importantly, I don't see how cheerleading the erasure of hard won rights makes any sense. You've said that's not what you're doing but your post history in this thread belies that. There's one party that's committed to rolling this shit back to 1955, you can point out the failures of the opposition party without deluding yourself about the facts on the ground.

Come back to Earth.
If you agree that racism and capitalism are the problems how could the electoral system work? I could see how it could work in a socialist country where the labor force owned the means of production


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I have a pretty unorthodox idea. Why don't we hold women responsible for their bodies? Women should keep track of their body

The Wokandans in here: " Man, I dont blame them tbh"

Cheerleading this shit is so fucking dumb. You want control over women's bodies. You're not interested at all in responsibility. The same rationale used to gut Roe can take contraception of the table entirely (Griswald v Conneticut). If we take this conservative religious bullshit to it's logical conclusion the government should mandate that men and women who are unmarried can't have sex. Life is sacrosanct right? Keep it in your pants then. Guard your loins! lol

Maybe we can even have a religious guard set up that monitors people's bedrooms to ensure no haphazard sex is taking place, they can chaperone people on dates and tase them if they get a little too handsy. Gotta protect those unborn lives! We'll have to figure out what version of Christianity to impose on America first though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cheerleading this shit is so fucking dumb. You want control over women's bodies. You're not interested at all in responsibility. The same rationale used to gut Roe can take contraception of the table entirely (Griswald v Conneticut). If we take this conservative religious bullshit to it's logical conclusion the government should mandate that men and women who are unmarried can't have sex. Life is sacrosanct right? Keep it in your pants then. Guard your loins! lol

Maybe we can even have a religious guard set up that monitors people's bedrooms to ensure no haphazard sex is taking place, they can chaperone people on dates and tase them if they get a little too handsy. Gotta protect those unborn lives! We'll have to figure out what version of Christianity to impose on America first though.

Read for context: HOLD WOMEN RESPONSIBLE. I did not say, "WE NEED TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES". A woman knows her cycle. Maneuver around ovulation. If a woman really doesn't want to get preggers, she won't. The women in outrage over this do not wish to be held responsible for their actions. This overturning removes a layer of carefree living.

MY BODY, MY CHOICE turns into IT TAKES TWO in a matter of months. The women worshippers in here do not see anything wrong with this train of thought. It's based in chaos and disorder.

Stop crying, bruh. Crystal meth is illegal and mf still getting high.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cheerleading this shit is so fucking dumb. You want control over women's bodies. You're not interested at all in responsibility. The same rationale used to gut Roe can take contraception of the table entirely (Griswald v Conneticut). If we take this conservative religious bullshit to it's logical conclusion the government should mandate that men and women who are unmarried can't have sex. Life is sacrosanct right? Keep it in your pants then. Guard your loins! lol

Maybe we can even have a religious guard set up that monitors people's bedrooms to ensure no haphazard sex is taking place, they can chaperone people on dates and tase them if they get a little too handsy. Gotta protect those unborn lives! We'll have to figure out what version of Christianity to impose on America first though.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Read for context: HOLD WOMEN RESPONSIBLE. I did not say, "WE NEED TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES". A woman knows her cycle. Maneuver around ovulation. If a woman really doesn't want to get preggers, she won't. The women in outrage over this do not wish to be held responsible for their actions. This overturning removes a layer of carefree living.

MY BODY, MY CHOICE turns into IT TAKES TWO in a matter of months. The women worshippers in here do not see anything wrong with this train of thought. It's based in chaos and disorder.

Stop crying, bruh. Crystal meth is illegal and mf still getting high.

Why do you care if a woman has an abortion?


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Read for context: HOLD WOMEN RESPONSIBLE. I did not say, "WE NEED TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES". A woman knows her cycle. Maneuver around ovulation. If a woman really doesn't want to get preggers, she won't. The women in outrage over this do not wish to be held responsible for their actions. This overturning removes a layer of carefree living.

MY BODY, MY CHOICE turns into IT TAKES TWO in a matter of months. The women worshippers in here do not see anything wrong with this train of thought. It's based in chaos and disorder.

Stop crying, bruh. Crystal meth is illegal and mf still getting high.


You can never change this CAC state of mind. These are the inbreeds they want to be born so they can control them. They follow the rhetoric no matter the rational. Even if it's contrary to their best interest. They are not looking for solutions they are looking for someone to blame. They are cowards that hate women.