Why Hillary Clinton Lost


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump won 2016 mainly on the “What If…?” vote.

Everyone knew what we were gonna get with Hillary in the office.

Spending all her time bending over backwards to give the GOP what they wanted with her Neo-Liberalism and Bi-Partisanship BS.

Trump was seen primarily as a Washington outsider with no direct connections to any politics.

If Hillary had won in 2016, folks would all be thinking “What If…?” Trump had won and actually made good on all his promises.

Being Trump was in there for 4 years and did nothing for nobody except Wall Street and Billionaires, it makes him impossible to win in 2024.

If you notice, Trump at his rallies never brings up what he done in the 4 years in office. His key legislation was the Tax Cuts that we are all feeling right now.
What if Hilary was planting the seed for the future of the Democratic Party? You say abandoning the working class I say folks in the suburbs work too.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


I can only hope that she's taking one for the team and playing the "Heel" here, giving Biden something to Criticize & an opportunity to connect with the younger voters that are really on his ass over this current conflict.

She may be giving him some room left of herself to position his stance- allowing him an easier time of "supporting" both sides.-( that suspended shipment of 3500 bombs was a good first step)

'cause it's a fine line he's riding politically. He needs both sides' support to get elected (I.M.O)


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I can only hope that she's taking one for the team and playing the "Heel" here, giving Biden something to Criticize & an opportunity to connect with the younger voters that are really on his ass over this current conflict.

She may be giving him some room left of herself to position his stance- allowing him an easier time of "supporting" both sides.-( that suspended shipment of 3500 bombs was a good first step)

'cause it's a fine line he's riding politically. He needs both sides' support to get elected (I.M.O)
The paradigms don’t shift in empire.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Which part of the article I posted is FACTUALLY untrue?
All of it. Have you ever looked at a map centered on China and you realize they’re surrounded by American sponsored enemies? The two-state solution is no different than the West Indian federation proposed, cheerled, and ultimately ignored by the British.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All of it. Have you ever looked at a map centered on China and you realize they’re surrounded by American sponsored enemies? The two-state solution is no different than the West Indian federation proposed, cheerled, and ultimately ignored by the British.
Feel free to post your sources so I can read up. Otherwise I posted what I posted


Medium well
BGOL Investor

I can only hope that she's taking one for the team and playing the "Heel" here, giving Biden something to Criticize & an opportunity to connect with the younger voters that are really on his ass over this current conflict.

She may be giving him some room left of herself to position his stance- allowing him an easier time of "supporting" both sides.-( that suspended shipment of 3500 bombs was a good first step)

'cause it's a fine line he's riding politically. He needs both sides' support to get elected (I.M.O)
Ealier this year Pelsoi on Msnbc said the pro peace protesters were getting paid by Putin. This how they think.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Feel free to post your sources so I can read up. Otherwise I posted what I posted
I have a subscription to the NYTimes, bruh. The Paper of Record only exists in this iteration to keep Ivy League Jews employed. The New Republic, Jacobins, The Atlantic Review are the same people with the same lousy perspective. The Jews really believe the Evangelicals want the return of Christ, when it’s all a farce. They just want the tax cuts. It’s easier to say I’m giving $3 billion to Israel than it is to pay Saudi Arabia the real cost of oil. Americans don’t really want to pay OPEC prices. There’s no 2-state solution there’s no comparative advantage in that shit.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
What if Hilary was planting the seed for the future of the Democratic Party? You say abandoning the working class I say folks in the suburbs work too.


Hillary is a “Blue Dog Democrat”.

Blue Dog Democrats follow the Moderate/Conservative agenda.

Hillary, if she had won would have been like Clinton and Obama negotiating with the GOP to cut spending on FDR New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society programs just to pass one key legislation that really doesn’t benefit anyone but Wall Street.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a subscription to the NYTimes, bruh. The Paper of Record only exists in this iteration to keep Ivy League Jews employed. The New Republic, Jacobins, The Atlantic Review are the same people with the same lousy perspective. The Jews really believe the Evangelicals want the return of Christ, when it’s all a farce. They just want the tax cuts. It’s easier to say I’m giving $3 billion to Israel than it is to pay Saudi Arabia the real cost of oil. Americans don’t really want to pay OPEC prices. There’s no 2-state solution there’s no comparative advantage in that shit.
to be clear, I am a reader. I have no problem reading another view point. So again, if you would like to post a link that completely contradicts what the Times said, I am willing to read it.

Here is an article from Al-jazzera who was kicked out of Israel in the last couple of weeks. Do you agree or disagree with this one?



Rising Star
Platinum Member

Hillary is a “Blue Dog Democrat”.

Blue Dog Democrats follow the Moderate/Conservative agenda.

Hillary, if she had won would have been like Clinton and Obama negotiating with the GOP to cut spending on FDR New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society programs just to pass one key legislation that really doesn’t benefit anyone but Wall Street.
Listening to Hilary Clinton is like listening to a Tobacco lawyer in the 70s talk about cancer. Why would you listen to the mouthpiece of the empire speak on empiring? Did you guys forget Libya?
I'm still waiting for the "pro peace" and "anti genocide" protestors to give a shit about Darfur.
This is such an asinine rationale. When was the last time Darfur was above the fold?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
to be clear, I am a reader. I have no problem reading another view point. So again, if you would like to post a link that completely contradicts what the Times said, I am willing to read it.

Here is an article from Al-jazzera who was kicked out of Israel in the last couple of weeks. Do you agree or disagree with this one?

Where is the U.N. located? The entire Rules Based Order is a sham. If Israel are war criminals, where does the folks who arm them stand? What do you think Roman J Israel, Esp. is a real thing? Do you think the ICC is going to indict Biden? Power doesn’t work that way. The sun doesn’t make a path for Pluto.


Rising Star
in a nutshell= her track record on certain issue we care about are weak.. she gave us no reason to vote for her

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

I can only hope that she's taking one for the team and playing the "Heel" here, giving Biden something to Criticize & an opportunity to connect with the younger voters that are really on his ass over this current conflict.

She may be giving him some room left of herself to position his stance- allowing him an easier time of "supporting" both sides.-( that suspended shipment of 3500 bombs was a good first step)

'cause it's a fine line he's riding politically. He needs both sides' support to get elected (I.M.O)
She is what she is bro lol
This isn't some Machivelian move.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She and the head of the DNC at the time rigged the election against Bernie. And people knew it, and said fuck her in November of 2016.