Why Hillary Clinton Lost


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She wrote off working people.



Hillary Clinton’s top aides would like the world to know they are morally superior to Donald Trump and his staff, who ran an ugly campaign courting white nationalists. The Clinton team is right. And it doesn’t matter.

At a vicious Harvard University post-mortem seminar on the 2016 election, top staffers for Clinton excoriated Team Trump for running a campaign that catered to white nationalists. “If providing a platform for white supremacists makes me a brilliant tactician, I am proud to have lost,” Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri declared. “I would rather lose than win the way you guys did.”

There are three possible choices to be made in the logical universe in which a political party is running a fascist campaign. People can 1) join the fascists, 2) lose to the fascists or 3) defeat the fascists. The Clinton campaign wants credit for not choosing door No. 1. Their job was to make option three a reality. History will remember them for number two.

Listen to HuffPost’s analysis of the 2016 mess in the latest episode of the politics podcast So, That Happened, embedded below:

Clinton ran against the single most unpopular candidate in the history of American presidential polling, and lost. Was this because Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee? Because FBI Director James Comey recklessly interfered? Because a tiny fraction of the electorate voted for Jill Stein? Because Clinton didn’t really bother to campaign in the Rust Belt? Why, yes! In an election decided by 110,000 votes, just about every factor can be considered decisive.

But Clintonia’s (persuasive) defense of its own righteousness helps explain why the election was close to begin with. Trump ran a deeply bigoted campaign that whipped up and played off of white resentment. But his dominant performance among white working-class voters wasn’t due to his campaign message alone. Much of Clinton’s poor performance resulted from her campaign’s strategic decision to not even contest the demographic. A good chunk of the Democratic Party intelligentsia applauded Clinton for taking the moral high ground, declaring the entire white working class to be a deplorable racist swamp. The notion that economic issues played literally no role ― zero ― in Trump’s appeal became a common Democratic talking point. Democrats were Good People, and anyone even considering voting for Trump was a Bad Person.

There is no need to pretend the white working class is a monolith of moral excellence. Many working-class people, like many middle- and upper-class people, are bigoted, hostile to all kinds of people and lifestyles. But the job of a presidential candidate is to appeal to our better angels and win votes anyway. In 2008, the Democratic coalition included millions of black churchgoers who opposed same-sex marriage. In 2012, Democrats welcomed millions of Catholic Latino voters who opposed abortion. These people were not scolded for their shortcomings but celebrated for their virtues. This year, Democratic elites decided that the entire white working class was unworthy of sharing their company.

The town of Nelsonville, Ohio, went for Barack Obama by 40 points in both 2008 and 2012. It’s 94 percent white, and, as Dave Jamieson reported for The Huffington Post, Trump narrowly carried it in 2016. Is this because Nelsonvillers are all morally repugnant slime? A lot of them were enthusiastic about the Trump Wall. But somehow the Democratic Party was OK with these same people voting for Obama, twice. This year, the party decided it was above such compromises.

In an era of extreme economic inequality, the votes are where the money isn’t ― the working class. Writing off the white working class is a pretty bad way to start, especially if the party can’t run up the score with the black and brown working class. The Clinton campaign didn’t do that. Trump ― who opened his campaign by deriding Mexicans as “rapists” ― outperformed Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign among black and Latino voters.

Being pro white working class doesn’t mean being anti-brown working class. True, Bill Clinton campaigned on white working-class grievances against the black and brown working class, and he governed with tragic results (welfare reform, the crime bill). But Obama aggressively courted working-class voters of all colors with a populist economic assault straight out of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s campaigns. Obama’s entire 2012 message was devoted to trashing Romney as a corporate raider who said “corporations are people.” Obama ran ads blasting Romney’s tax-dodging Cayman Islands investment funds. The Obama campaign relentlessly touted the Detroit auto bailout as a win for working people. At the time, nobody in the Democratic Party’s chattering class saw a conflict between the first black president courting black voters and white working-class voters at the same time. Today, we are told that “identity politics” and “economic justice” are incompatible.

This is ridiculous. But it’s not fair to blame it all on the Clinton campaign. Democratic elites cleared the nomination field for a candidate who was being criminally investigated by the FBI, a woman with a nine-figure net worth who was still courting six-figure Wall Street speeches when she announced her presidential bid. Her “identity politics” record with the black and brown working class was awful. She had supported her husband’s racist welfare reform and crime legislation, and warned against the threat of black “super-predators.” The problems weren’t all ancient ’90s history. In 2014, Clinton said that child refugees seeking asylum in the United states “should be sent back.” And, you know, the Iraq war thing.

All of this was obvious to the Democratic Party, which plowed ahead anyway, insisting that anyone who wasn’t on board with the first woman president was a vile sexist.

“Stronger together,” in retrospect, was a pretty good campaign theme. It’s too bad the Clinton camp didn’t think it applied to people living below the median household income.

“So, That Happened” is hosted by Jason Linkins, Zach Carter and Arthur Delaney. It is produced, edited and engineered by Christine Conetta.

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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
She was a terribly uninspiring candidate.

Obama and Trump ran inspiring campaigns. Obviously the rhetoric was different, but they both went the inspirational route.

Seems like she could have easily scared millions of voters by focusing on the fact Trump/GOP wanted to axe Medicaid/ObamaCare.
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Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Trump won the election because he was the first republican candidate to realize that he wasn't going to win the Black vote so he did everything he could to discourage Black people from voting democrat instead. This is largely why Clinton lost the swing states.

He also attacked Muslims which make up less than 2% of the country, illegal immigrants who can't vote. everyone though this would destroy him, but it galvanized his white following.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She was a terribly uninspiring candidate.

Obama and Trump ran inspiring campaigns. Obviously the rhetoric was different, but they both went the inspirational route.

Seems like she could have easily scared millions of voters by focusing on the fact Trump/GOP wanted to axe Medicaid/ObamaCare.

Arrogance and entitlement often causes people to miss the obvious.

Trump told her early on that running her campaign based on him being a miserable human being wouldn't work when he said he could stand on 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose a vote.

But she continued the look how horrible he is campaign..Don't vote for him because he is mean instead of vote for me because I can and will do this for you


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump won the election because he was the first republican candidate to realize that he wasn't going to win the Black vote so he did everything he could to discourage Black people from voting democrat instead. This is largely why Clinton lost the swing states.

He also attacked Muslims which make up less than 2% of the country, illegal immigrants who can't vote. everyone though this would destroy him, but it galvanized his white following.

Just stop ....Trump didn't win anything

Hillary lost.

There is a difference

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Arrogance and entitlement often causes people to miss the obvious.

Trump told her early on that running her campaign based on him being a miserable human being wouldn't work when he said he could stand on 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose a vote.

But she continued the look how horrible he is campaign..Don't vote for him because he is mean instead of vote for me because I can and will do this for you

Right. She played that shit like being up by 25 in the 2nd quarter and got lax instead of building on to the lead.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's the difference when he's the next president?

It's like is Bolt raced you in the 100 ut he ran backwards...

yeah you won the race but it was given to you.

Hillary wasn't beaten she lost but I am sure there will be a windfall for CGI so maybe she did win

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
"Stronger Together.
I'm With Her.
Love Trumps Hate."


"Make America Great Again."

Yes we can!" (Obama)

Subtle shit can make a world of difference when it comes to people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She knows it and her people know it. They just don't want to be on record saying it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
personally i don't understand
how you find a young electrifying young man
who ran and won 2 terms
then revert back to the same old...
shoulda kept the formula and found the next electrifying individual (man/woman)

I asked this before in another thread but didn't get an answer.

What happened to Deval Patrick. He was the next rising star and then poof he was gone from sight


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Stronger Together.
I'm With Her.
Love Trumps Hate."


"Make America Great Again."

Yes we can!" (Obama)

Subtle shit can make a world of difference when it comes to people.

Especially when the the election is really only contested in a handful of states...

Ohio Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin all lost jobs and industry...People feeling fucked

Obama gave them hope

Trump gave them a target NAFTA and TPP

Hillary defended NAFTA and called TPP the gold standard..

People lost homes jobs marriages and hope and she didn't even speak to them.....Obama held all 4 twice

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Especially when the the election is really only contested in a handful of states...

Ohio Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin all lost jobs and industry...People feeling fucked

Obama gave them hope

Trump gave them a target NAFTA and TPP

Hillary defended NAFTA and called TPP the gold standard..

People lost homes jobs marriages and hope and she didn't even speak to them.....Obama held all 4 twice

You can through North Carolina in the mix as well.

She could have focused on the reality of people's situtation. Majority of the country is poor and struggling with work. She failed to reach the people that needed hope.

This should be the way candidates should run their campaign ofAmericans now of days. At least if they can make it to the presidential elections. Preliminaries are different.


I asked this before in another thread but didn't get an answer.

What happened to Deval Patrick. He was the next rising star and then poof he was gone from sight
Because she is a bitch.
She lied all the way through the email scandal only to finally lay it off on Colin Powell.
She's never done anything other than be a first lady.
Using that logic, hire Saban and Urban's wives to rebuild your college football program.
She penned 3 bills as a senator, all being turning old buildings into landmarks. (Big Fucking deal).
Obama was forced to make her secretary of state abs she screwed that up with emails and Bengazi.
Pelosi, Donna Brasil, that piranha mouth hag who was over the DNC
Fucked us all by choosing our candidate.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Let's be real this election was lost once Joe Biden elected not to run. Hillary is not, never was and never will be an inspiring candidate. She definitely didn't inspire black people to get out there and vote. That election day when I drove by the election center 3 times and never saw a line, I knew then. I just hoped I was wrong.

In addition to being uninspiring the Clinton's have been in politics for decades. It is possible that the people simply got tired of them.

However IMO what we witnessed was nothing more than racial backlash. White people proved in this past election just how much hatred they for black people especially those in charge. Even though Obama saved this country from financial ruin they would rather die than have a black person in charge. No fucks given about results. They proved their determination by showing up in record numbers.

You could see the enthusiasm at Trump's rallies. It was like a school of fish having a feeding frenzy. This will be an interesting 4 years. Let's pray its only 4 years. Already less than a month after the election OPEC has agreed to cut oil production. So much for keeping inflation down.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
It's like is Bolt raced you in the 100 ut he ran backwards...

yeah you won the race but it was given to you.

Hillary wasn't beaten she lost but I am sure there will be a windfall for CGI so maybe she did win

That would imply that she the threw the race on purpose. She ran a poor campaign, but I wouldn't go that far.

Also, democrats need to admit across the board that the Clinton name is cursed. Al Gore lost, John Kerry lost, Hillary was slaughtered by Obama in 2008.

When republicans saw that the neocon thing wasn't going to work they ditched it immediately. meanwhile, democrats keep pushing the same failed strategy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That would imply that she the threw the race on purpose. She ran a poor campaign, but I wouldn't go that far.

Also, democrats need to admit across the board that the Clinton name is cursed. Al Gore lost, John Kerry lost, Hillary was slaughtered by Obama in 2008.

When republicans saw that the neocon thing wasn't going to work they ditched it immediately. meanwhile, democrats keep pushing the same failed strategy.

Gore lost because he distance himself from Bill when Bill was wildly popular.

Gore was afraid of the Lewinsky scandal. And that wouldn't have hurt him because Clinton was popular and that shit is overlooked.

Seems like the democrats always seem to have a courage issue.

Kerry lost by a slim margin but it is difficult to beat an incumbent especially when the country is in a war...They there was a very weak response to the swift boat slurs waged against him.

As for Hillary , you seem to forget she was ahead in the popular vote when she made the deal to step back. The SuperDelgates were with Obama though. So he made her SoS which she was unqualified for to boost her resume for 2016.

The bolded is spot on


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because she is a bitch.
She lied all the way through the email scandal only to finally lay it off on Colin Powell.
She's never done anything other than be a first lady.
Using that logic, hire Saban and Urban's wives to rebuild your college football program.
She penned 3 bills as a senator, all being turning old buildings into landmarks. (Big Fucking deal).
Obama was forced to make her secretary of state abs she screwed that up with emails and Bengazi.
Pelosi, Donna Brasil, that piranha mouth hag who was over the DNC
Fucked us all by choosing our candidate.

Yeah the Colin shit was bullshit since he used a private email account but he never hosted his own server.

Let's be real this election was lost once Joe Biden elected not to run. Hillary is not, never was and never will be an inspiring candidate. She definitely didn't inspire black people to get out there and vote. That election day when I drove by the election center 3 times and never saw a line, I knew then. I just hoped I was wrong.

In addition to being uninspiring the Clinton's have been in politics for decades. It is possible that the people simply got tired of them.

However IMO what we witnessed was nothing more than racial backlash. White people proved in this past election just how much hatred they for black people especially those in charge. Even though Obama saved this country from financial ruin they would rather die than have a black person in charge. No fucks given about results. They proved their determination by showing up in record numbers.

You could see the enthusiasm at Trump's rallies. It was like a school of fish having a feeding frenzy. This will be an interesting 4 years. Let's pray its only 4 years. Already less than a month after the election OPEC has agreed to cut oil production. So much for keeping inflation down.

I can agree except Biden was coerced to not run as was Warren which is the only reason Sanders got in .

It was establishment politics as usual. It was Hillary's turn and that was established in 2008.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Trump won the election because he was the first republican candidate to realize that he wasn't going to win the Black vote so he did everything he could to discourage Black people from voting democrat instead. This is largely why Clinton lost the swing states.

He also attacked Muslims which make up less than 2% of the country, illegal immigrants who can't vote. everyone though this would destroy him, but it galvanized his white following.

This coupled with the fact that, as usual, the Democrats brought a broom handle to a gunfight.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I was just recently having this conversation. She couldn't contain her elitist contempt for the average working person. Then she fucked up and condemned Trump's supporters instead of embracing them and trying to help them understand how he pandered to them and couldn't care less about the average Joe. While pointing out the Republican parties history of union busting and supporting sending business to other countries to avoid paying people in the US a decent wage. This presidential race was the bad against the ugly.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
It's like is Bolt raced you in the 100 ut he ran backwards...

yeah you won the race but it was given to you.

Hillary wasn't beaten she lost but I am sure there will be a windfall for CGI so maybe she did win
No matter how you spin it if she lost, Trump WON!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was just recently having this conversation. She couldn't contain her elitist contempt for the average working person. Then she fucked up and condemned Trump's supporters instead of embracing them and trying to help them understand how he pandered to them and couldn't care less about the average Joe. While pointing out the Republican parties history of union busting and supporting sending business to other countries to avoid paying people in the US a decent wage. This presidential race was the bad against the ugly.


A bucket full of deplorable was great strategy..