What the fucking hell Bernie Sanders


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
So we have a problem with a politician being honest? I don't see an issue here.

Not a Bernie Supporter, but please tell me what I'm getting wrong here.
You are a Bernie supporter

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
What would your answer have been?
Simple. He could have started with "Expect bad, hope for good. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it's on YOU not to make the trained professionals feel comfortable. No sudden moves. Be respectful even if the pig is being a jackass. For young black males, traffic stops are known fishing expeditions. Compliance and politeness in no way guarantee safety, but those things do help a great deal. Roadside protests that white people get away with put your life at risk. It's hard to take stuff from a cop when you know they are wrong, but a traffic stop is a survival situation."

He's a politician, but much like Warren, Harris, and the rest of them, they seem to not have interns or hired professionals to prepare them to deal with black issues.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Simple. He could have started with "Expect bad, hope for good. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it's on YOU not to make the trained professionals feel comfortable. No sudden moves. Be respectful even if the pig is being a jackass. For young black males, traffic stops are known fishing expeditions. Compliance and politeness in no way guarantee safety, but those things do help a great deal. Roadside protests that white people get away with put your life at risk. It's hard to take stuff from a cop when you know they are wrong, but a traffic stop is a survival situation."

He's a politician, but much like Warren, Harris, and the rest of them, they seem to not have interns or hired professionals to prepare them to deal with black issues.
Yeah...okay..but you gave the same answer he did.


Rising Star
OG Investor
See this is the problem with democrats...those politicians that we support at 88%+ every election who provide us with trickle down or "rising tide lifts all boats" policies.

This is evidence of how they take our vote for granted.....

All that shit he said was a mundane response with absolutely no resolve.

What would HE do if he were in office? How would the lives of black people change if he were in office?

He could have earned votes instead of criticism if he said........

"The high profile killings of black people by the police has been a travesty. As president I would complete an executive order to create independent bodies made up of over-policed communities in every state to assist the DOJ in investigating police departments all over the country. There was a report released recently that says law enforcement has been infiltrated by white supremacists. No administration has taken steps to correct this.....yada yada yada"

This ^^^^^ is something a candidate would say that actually cares about the issues that black people care about.

Democrats, overtime, have been taught that all they have to do is show up and they get our votes.

More failures from the blue arm of white supremacy...........

no supportive black agenda no vote.....
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Yeah...okay..but you gave the same answer he did.
You must be a Sanders supporter. Where did I say anything about identifying the officer and asking for their name? That's a road to pissing the pig off. That basically showed how out of touch Sanders was.

It's ok to support Sanders. I voted for him in 2016. Just admit he dropped the ball on this one.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You must be a Sanders supporter. Where did I say anything about identifying the officer and asking for their name? That's a road to pissing the pig off. That basically showed how out of touch Sanders was.

It's ok to support Sanders. I voted for him in 2016. Just admit he dropped the ball on this one.
Oh... lol
I like Sanders policies and would like to see him in a cabinet position. I am about 70% in the Warren camp but I still have a little distrust of some of her positions.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
Bro cops need to check themselves because we have seen plenty of times where people did everything right and the police still killed them. So that bullshit Bernie spewing is fucking insulting. I can go on and on about this but I’ll let the bgol family address it

I agree with the bold part however saying that isn't going to help your child get home if they encounter the cops.

If you have kids driving age or older then I'm pretty sure that you told them something similar to what Bernie said to this young man.

I'm not about to have a philosophical conversation with my kids when they start driving about the way police should be, these peckawoods are shooting people and getting off.

I'm assuming that he is answering the question as though his son were black.

For the record I'm not a fan of Bernie.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh... lol
I like Sanders policies and would like to see him in a cabinet position. I am about 70% in the Warren camp but I still have a little distrust of some of her positions.

Warren is worth being skeptical of because she lied about being a Native American. It’s interesting to see a group of so-called black men saying that they are all for the community while giving Cory Booker, the only so-called black man in the running, no support.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor

The BGOL Sanders stans don't know how to spin this at all. Here let me remind you dudes that Sanders never gave a fuck about Black people. Here is his DETROIT rally...



Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor

The BGOL Sanders stans don't know how to spin this at all. Here let me remind you dudes that Sanders never gave a fuck about Black people. Here is his DETROIT rally...

See this is what I’m talking about his out reach to black people in general is horrible. And also some of those white people are racist is Hell even though they hide under the liberal banner


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
See this is what I’m talking about his out reach to black people in general is horrible. And also some of those white people are racist is Hell even though they hide under the liberal banner

Sanders has always been a closet racist. He's just like the liberal racists we have in NYC, I've seen his type constantly.


Rising Star

The BGOL Sanders stans don't know how to spin this at all. Here let me remind you dudes that Sanders never gave a fuck about Black people. Here is his DETROIT rally...

Ever think those pictures show that black people don't give a fuck about Bernie Sanders? Maybe don't give a fuck about politics in Detroit?

He's being supported by Rashida Tlaib who replaced a black man in a black district.

Maybe we need to be asking questions about Detroit.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Sanders has always been a closet racist. He's just like the liberal racists we have in NYC, I've seen his type constantly.
Yeah I know I am a Democrat and liberal to death but there are some racist people in my party I am not blind to that fact


Rising Star
OG Investor

The BGOL Sanders stans don't know how to spin this at all. Here let me remind you dudes that Sanders never gave a fuck about Black people. Here is his DETROIT rally...


This rally was at Cass Tech?

One of my dawgs from Skegee went to that high school.

That school is at least 85% black.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Ever think those pictures show that black people don't give a fuck about Bernie Sanders? Maybe don't give a fuck about politics in Detroit?

He's being supported by Rashida Tlaib who replaced a black man in a black district.

Maybe we need to be asking questions about Detroit.
No they may support her but they don’t support Sanders


Rising Star
Platinum Member
See this is the problem with democrats...those politicians that we support at 88%+ every election who provide us with trickle down or "rising tide lifts all boats" policies.

This is evidence of how they take our vote for granted.....

All that shit he said was a mundane response with absolutely no resolve.

What would HE do if he were in office? How would the lives of black people change if he were in office?

He could have earned votes instead of criticism if he said........

"The high profile killings of black people by the police has been a travesty. As president I would complete an executive order to create independent bodies made up of over-policed communities in every state to assist the DOJ in investigating police departments all over the country. There was a report released recently that says law enforcement has been infiltrated by white supremacists. No administration has taken steps to correct this.....yada yada yada"

This ^^^^^ is something a candidate would say that actually cares about the issues that black people care about.

Democrats, overtime, have been taught that all they have to do is show up and they get our votes.

More failures from the blue arm of white supremacy...........

no supportive black agenda no vote.....
Warren is worth being skeptical of because she lied about being a Native American. It’s interesting to see a group of so-called black men saying that they are all for the community while giving Cory Booker, the only so-called black man in the running, no support.
Naw man... bitch could declare herself 50% smurfette if she wants to.. just get the policies right.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
You should stfu until you can come in here with proof Sanders didn't release his tax returns or an admission of your mistake
And you should shut the fuck up until you give me proof that he did release his taxes full Taxes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course people probably tell their kids to obey and respect the cops til you are home free but Bernie should have added to his statement that cops need to show some fuxking tact, restraint, and fucking training when it comes to deal with people specially people of color.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with the bold part however saying that isn't going to help your child get home if they encounter the cops.

If you have kids driving age or older then I'm pretty sure that you told them something similar to what Bernie said to this young man.

I'm not about to have a philosophical conversation with my kids when they start driving about the way police should be, these peckawoods are shooting people and getting off.

I'm assuming that he is answering the question as though his son were black.

For the record I'm not a fan of Bernie.

Of course people probably tell their kids to obey and respect the cops til you are home free but Bernie should have added to his statement that cops need to show some fuxking tact, restraint, and fucking training when it comes to deal with people specially people of color.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Of course people probably tell their kids to obey and respect the cops til you are home free but Bernie should have added to his statement that cops need to show some fuxking tact, restraint, and fucking training when it comes to deal with people specially people of color.
The question was.... what do you tell your son?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor


Why is this dumb ass woman OP still posting? I’ve already buried her ass in this thread. It’s funny how she conveniently ignored my post.

The op knows as much about politics as @Dr. Truth knows about sports.