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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I should have known it was FX. They keep a banger locked and loaded.

Let us know how you like it. It's a fun watch. That balance of family (daughter & ailing brother) and the brutality of his work. He plays the role well for someone with no formal acting training. Credit to the director (Joel Edgerton's brother, Nash) for ensuring that Scott Ryan played the lead role, as it was his original character. I need to go back and locate that movie, The Magician -

The Magician is an Australian film released in 2005, written and directed by Scott Ryan.[1] The film was originally shot over 10 days with a budget of A$3,000. Ryan edited a half-hour version of the film for screening at the St. Kilda Film Festival, where it was seen by stuntman and film producer Nash Edgerton (brother of Joel Edgerton), who took the project under his wing. After receiving A$330,000 in government grants, the film was re-released in 2005. The character of Ray Shoesmith later appeared as the main character in Scott Ryan's television series Mr Inbetween.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Let us know how you like it. It's a fun watch. That balance of family (daughter & ailing brother) and the brutality of his work. He plays the role well for someone with no formal acting training. Credit to the director (Joel Edgerton's brother, Nash) for ensuring that Scott Ryan played the lead role, as it was his original character. I need to go back and locate that movie, The Magician -

The Magician is an Australian film released in 2005, written and directed by Scott Ryan.[1] The film was originally shot over 10 days with a budget of A$3,000. Ryan edited a half-hour version of the film for screening at the St. Kilda Film Festival, where it was seen by stuntman and film producer Nash Edgerton (brother of Joel Edgerton), who took the project under his wing. After receiving A$330,000 in government grants, the film was re-released in 2005. The character of Ray Shoesmith later appeared as the main character in Scott Ryan's television series Mr Inbetween.
Watch The Magician | Prime Video


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Well said. Yeah - things definitely have to appeal to wider audiences. Some of the media insiders have been saying in recent years the reason why we see so many sequels and reboots is because studios & financial backers just aren't willing to take a risk on new ideas and concepts. They want to go with something which is tried and true. Even if no one was asking for yet another sequel, or a reboot from 20 - 30 years ago. So when they're made, they need to be done well.

The studios are banking on the built-in audience of us now liking the stuff when we were kids or teens - i.e. Saved by the Bell, Cruella, Mulan, Halloween franchise, and countless more.

Also ... they are looking to cash in on merchandising opportunities too, as kids these days will want to own the clothing & stuff from the kid-themed stuff, or the physical media (blu-ray). An interesting juggling act during the pandemic of 2020 / 2021 ... in that so many movies were pushed back, or the various streaming options. Those VOD ones which were $20 - 30 or more. Or wait 1 - 3 months and it'll be available on the platform like Disney+ or Paramount+ .... meanwhile everyone else is scrambling to locate the streamers, lol.

That is a lot to unpack.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
That is a lot to unpack.

Yeah - they were saying it's one of those combo type of audiences. I.E. - parents have nostalgia from decades past, and they're banking on said adults passing on that interest to their kids. Pre-pandemic ... going as a group to see it. Buying the merchandise, etc. If the reboot is successful ... keep the newly-updated franchise going.

Which makes it that much more impressive when original ideas & filmmakers get their work out there. The odds are stacked against them. The studios would rather release Friday the 13th - Part 14. Or Punky Brewster 2.0.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah - they were saying it's one of those combo type of audiences. I.E. - parents have nostalgia from decades past, and they're banking on said adults passing on that interest to their kids. Pre-pandemic ... going as a group to see it. Buying the merchandise, etc. If the reboot is successful ... keep the newly-updated franchise going.

Which makes it that much more impressive when original ideas & filmmakers get their work out there. The odds are stacked against them. The studios would rather release Friday the 13th - Part 14. Or Punky Brewster 2.0.



And I'm one of the few kinda sympathetic in a WAY to these greedy ass studios

They OWN this IP

They gotta capitalize on their our OWN STUFF

And it's already a tried and true trusted formula

Also consider this...

In 2021 damn near EVERYONE understands ownership, residuals, back end, etc etc

So why would the studio pour a lot of money into that new independent idea with such a higher risk?

And then they have to share the success?

Also WE, THE AUDIENCE bears a lot of the responsibility...

They are difficult to support new stuff.

If the audience supported new properties?

Studios would make them and fund them.

It's complicated


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

And I'm one of the few kinda sympathetic in a WAY to these greedy ass studios

They OWN this IP

They gotta capitalize on their our OWN STUFF

And it's already a tried and true trusted formula

Also consider this...

In 2021 damn near EVERYONE understands ownership, residuals, back end, etc etc

So why would the studio pour a lot of money into that new independent idea with such a higher risk?

And then they have to share the success?

Also WE, THE AUDIENCE bears a lot of the responsibility...

They are difficult to support new stuff.

If the audience supported new properties?

Studios would make them and fund them.

It's complicated

Good points. Definitely wish the landscape had more offerings like Get Out and Us (from Peele), or the A Quiet Place movies (Krasinski & Emily B.). New, fresh ideas.

Credit to everyone involved with the Fast franchise. They've built a mega success globally that has generated billions over the course of 20 years.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Good points. Definitely wish the landscape had more offerings like Get Out and Us (from Peele), or the A Quiet Place movies (Krasinski & Emily B.). New, fresh ideas.

Credit to everyone involved with the Fast franchise. They've built a mega success globally that has generated billions over the course of 20 years.


That is exactly what studios need to do make smaller budget content

Maybe a limited run in theatres and then streaming

Or Make movies that are just for streaming

Diversify the landscape.

It can't just be blockbuster to blockbuster to etc....

Even Quiet Place is complicated cause NOW they gotta back up the truck to pay cause those are big name stars

And they tried to mess up their back end money during the pandemic with hbo max

This is a game they still figuring out

Cause now these apps run everything

And the shareholders want numbers and results


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

That is exactly what studios need to do make smaller budget content

Maybe a limited run in theatres and then streaming

Or Make movies that are just for streaming

Diversify the landscape.

It can't just be blockbuster to blockbuster to etc....

Even Quiet Place is complicated cause NOW they gotta back up the truck to pay cause those are big name stars

And they tried to mess up their back end money during the pandemic with hbo max

This is a game they still figuring out

Cause now these apps run everything

And the shareholders want numbers and results

Agreed. I'm surprised we don't see more short stories (or miniseries) popping up on Youtube, FB, IG, Twitter, etc. I.E. - generating that buzz for the new filmmaker(s) or director(s). Like you said - making smaller scale stuff just for streaming. Not everything needs to be big budget or blockbuster. It's definitely a tough market (entertainment) vying for peoples' eyes and ears. So many choices. Entertainment overload.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Do you think there will ever have some type of award specific to streaming platform original content?

I think so. It's only a matter of time. Especially with how the major award shows will sometimes have the branch-off categories.

Even podcasting has their own awards. Not sure of the exact title (I skip almost all ad breaks) but I'll hear podcasters note they're nominated in certain categories, so if people are interested in voting ...

It would be cool to see streaming platforms have their own unique award show or event.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I might have to chill and wait until I get back to Houston and watch it with the wife. Episode was the bomb!

Glad you liked it. Yeah ... it's a good little series. Let her check out the 1st ep and remind her it's a quick watch as the episodes are so short.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
No shit. I was rewinding a lot when his brother was talking.

Agreed. A few times we missed bits of dialogue in the 1st season (his brother & some other scenes). Didn't have captions. Got them (captions) for the 2nd season.

Regarding the brother -

Motor neuron diseases or motor neurone diseases (MNDs) are a group of rare neurodegenerative disorders that selectively affect motor neurons, the cells which control voluntary muscles of the body.[1][2] They include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),[3][4] progressive bulbar palsy (PBP), pseudobulbar palsy, progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and monomelic amyotrophy (MMA), as well as some rarer variants resembling ALS.

Motor neuron diseases affect both children and adults.[5] While each motor neuron disease affects patients differently, they all cause movement-related symptoms, mainly muscle weakness.[6] Most of these diseases seem to occur randomly without known causes, but some forms are inherited.[2] Studies into these inherited forms have led to discoveries of various genes (e.g. SOD1) that are thought to be important in understanding how the disease occurs.[7]

Symptoms of motor neuron diseases can be first seen at birth or can come on slowly later in life. Most of these diseases worsen over time; while some, such as ALS, shorten one's life expectancy, others do not.[2] Currently, there are no approved treatments for the majority of motor neuron disorders, and care is mostly symptomatic.[2]


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Gonna probably check out this series in the near future ... just started a few days ago. Trailer reminders me a little bit of season 1 of The Terror from a few years ago. The North Water is an upcoming BBC Two five-part television serial, based on Ian McGuire's novel of the same name. It will premiere on AMC+ in the United States on July 15, 2021.[1]



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


The series captures Osaka during an introspective, transitional period of figuring out how to exist within her new circumstances—and how to use her platform in ways she feels good about.

out 10 I'd give it a 9


BGOL Investor
The porno dvd. That was the name of the episode, haha! There's a funny scene later in the season (or season 2) wherein 4 people are at dinner and the dvd is brought up. Pure comedy.

I got friends like that. Not about peeing but will hang some shit on you requiring you to confess to some bullshit to save their marriage, lol. If they weren't like a brother you would beat their ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I got friends like that. Not about peeing but will hang some shit on you requiring you to confess to some bullshit to save their marriage, lol. If they weren't like a brother you would beat their ass.

Got some funny situations for you. Back around 1997 my brother explaining to me the family computer had a "History" and that BOTH of us needed to clear that thing regularly, as it was full of porn. We had no idea prior. Then when some stubborn pop-ups were happening at a later point in time ... my mom questioned me (teenager) and I had to lie my way out of that shit. Said some NON-porn site was the culprit. They had all types of ads & spam, etc. She 10% believed me, but got off my back.

This one really pissed me off. Was using the computer lab in the library at college. A number of terminals. Glass windows so walking by you could see everything. Log in with your student ID, etc. So I get on there and I'm doing some actual research for an assignment. Start getting hit with a bunch of pop-up bullshit. It was like delayed onset or something. HARDCORE stuff. I tried frantically to close the stuff. No luck. Stormed over to one of the librarians and angrily explained what was going on. That shit wasn't getting pinned on me! They needed to fix that and whoever was checking porn on it before ... that's on them. Busy library ... lunch hour ... WTF?

I was pissed.

:roflmao3: :scream::furious:


BGOL Investor
Got some funny situations for you. Back around 1997 my brother explaining to me the family computer had a "History" and that BOTH of us needed to clear that thing regularly, as it was full of porn. We had no idea prior. Then when some stubborn pop-ups were happening at a later point in time ... my mom questioned me (teenager) and I had to lie my way out of that shit. Said some NON-porn site was the culprit. They had all types of ads & spam, etc. She 10% believed me, but got off my back.

This one really pissed me off. Was using the computer lab in the library at college. A number of terminals. Glass windows so walking by you could see everything. Log in with your student ID, etc. So I get on there and I'm doing some actual research for an assignment. Start getting hit with a bunch of pop-up bullshit. It was like delayed onset or something. HARDCORE stuff. I tried frantically to close the stuff. No luck. Stormed over to one of the librarians and angrily explained what was going on. That shit wasn't getting pinned on me! They needed to fix that and whoever was checking porn on it before ... that's on them. Busy library ... lunch hour ... WTF?

I was pissed.

:roflmao3: :scream::furious:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

OK really liked Hacks

Very very good

Not the greatest show but it is addictive as hell...took me awhile

But that ending I was hooked much more than I realized

Still don't like the lead but she is tackling such a difficult Character it's very special work she doing every episode

All the supporting actors are great impressive

I'm still not sure how I feel about the black guy.

They keep showing that thick airplane chick in all white, I think it's specifically for my benefit

Jean Smart is on a mission. She has been a damn illumanary. Her resume right now is impeccable . Deborah is already iconic


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
Just finished All-American's 3rd season, this show got delayed due to covid-19, so that's why it was airing this late into the summer, when it would have usually wrapped in March. It will return on October 25, 2021 for it's 4th season.

Also just finished Batwoman, I'll be ready for that show's 3rd season. Which starts on October 13, 2021


BGOL Investor
Just finished All-American's 3rd season, this show got delayed due to covid-19, so that's why it was airing this late into the summer, when it would have usually wrapped in March. It will return on October 25, 2021 for it's 4th season.

Also just finished Batwoman, I'll be ready for that show's 3rd season. Which starts on October 13, 2021
How was season 3?


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
How was season 3?

I felt like it maintained its quality and didn't feel like a drop-off. It was topical at times, I'm wondering if they are going to do something with that back door pilot.

The cliff hanger was well placed, these kids are in the middle of their senior year, so it gives them a full season to flesh out the last semesters of their high school lives.


BGOL Investor
I felt like it maintained its quality and didn't feel like a drop-off. It was topical at times, I'm wondering if they are going to do something with that back door pilot.

The cliff hanger was well placed, these kids are in the middle of their senior year, so it gives them a full season to flesh out the last semesters of their high school lives.
Props fam


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just finished All-American's 3rd season, this show got delayed due to covid-19, so that's why it was airing this late into the summer, when it would have usually wrapped in March. It will return on October 25, 2021 for it's 4th season.

Also just finished Batwoman, I'll be ready for that show's 3rd season. Which starts on October 13, 2021

I gotta get around to starting to watch that how All American SEEMS like it would be something I would enjoy.

I slipped on Batwoman, I gotta head back. Wish it was Netflix or HBO Max.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

OK really liked Hacks

Very very good

Not the greatest show but it is addictive as hell...took me awhile

But that ending I was hooked much more than I realized

Still don't like the lead but she is tackling such a difficult Character it's very special work she doing every episode

All the supporting actors are great impressive

I'm still not sure how I feel about the black guy.

They keep showing that thick airplane chick in all white, I think it's specifically for my benefit

Jean Smart is on a mission. She has been a damn illumanary. Her resume right now is impeccable . Deborah is already iconic

Lol @ the thick airplane chick that has caught your eye.

Glad you liked the series. Yeah ... I liked how they set things up for the 2nd season. Promising for them too as the series debuted in mid-May, and by June HBO Max had already renewed it for a 2nd season.

Props to Jean Smart racking up a solid list of credits later in her career. Yeah - the woman playing "Ava" has a challenging role. Having to play with a chip on her shoulder across from a seriously accomplished actress with several decades more acting chops under her belt. She plays it well, considering many of us viewers don't particularly like her, but gradually come to understand the character & what she's about.

I wonder if they filmed any of the last episode in the Vancouver region. Reason I say this is there's a quick shot of Seymour or Granville St. in that last or 2nd-to-last (penultimate) episode. It's an evening shot in passing, but that's downtown Vancouver. Seemed a bit out of place - unless they filmed that stuff locally. Though the scenes with Ava at home and with her family are indoors. I was hoping for a few outdoor scenes to see if I could spot some local shooting locations.

I tell ya ... I am liking these shorter seasons & running times. Gonna start that new Colin Farrell series (from BBC & AMC+) The North Water soon. Just 5 episodes? I'm in ...
