Pastor John Gray gifts wife $200,000 Lamborghini after makin ‘faith deposit’ for wedding anniversary


The Big Brain
BGOL Investor
IF Gray bought his wife a $200K car then it was a dumb move. While I can appreciate these cats making a good living from their ministry I do have to ask why do stupid shit when they know it's going to be bgol (yea John Gray's on bgol) and other social media and news outlets. The church has enough scandal about money and sexual misconduct. Why do asinine shit?!?!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
IF Gray bought his wife a $200K car then it was a dumb move. While I can appreciate these cats making a good living from their ministry I do have to ask why do stupid shit when they know it's going to be bgol (yea John Gray's on bgol) and other social media and news outlets. The church has enough scandal about money and sexual misconduct. Why do asinine shit?!?!

It's tournament rules....

The cat on top HAS to be shining so that those beneath him will 'buy in' to what he is saying because they subconsciously aspire to be him.

Prosperity pimps preachers preach PROSPERITY. You gonna follow a nigga stepping out of something that you feel is beneath you?

The pimp has to be the biggest peacock or his hoes won't follow.

The Wardlord has to be the most ruthless or his soldiers won't follow.

The professor has to have the most knowledge on the subject or his students won't follow.

The prosperity preacher has to reek of prosperity or his congregation won't follow.

Tournament rules....

*two cents*

My nigga said the registered business lol

Did Jesus charge for the word? Would he have bought a lambo? Do you think he would approve of of take part in prosperity ministry?

Hustling is Hustling. I still think pimping the word is wrong.

Man this dude a fucking fag and he ignorant too? What’s his real story? How many boys he rape in church? Ain’t no way he not flaming! A fudge packer who bought his wife a car like that to shut her up from telling on his man booty loving self.

IF Gray bought his wife a $200K car then it was a dumb move. While I can appreciate these cats making a good living from their ministry I do have to ask why do stupid shit when they know it's going to be bgol (yea John Gray's on bgol) and other social media and news outlets. The church has enough scandal about money and sexual misconduct. Why do asinine shit?!?!

When I see these stories I always question the people who follow these kind of pastors and these posts are why.

Not judging, but if Jesus himself walked in these churches and showed them His actual words they'd probably ignore it to follow prosperity.

I mean the money changers scenario would happen with Jesus going savage on these people. I say this not to be disrespectful either. It's just the truth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's YOUR belief. Who are you to shit on other people's comfort? People been getting up and Going to Church on Sundays long before you were born grandpa.

People pay for HOPE everyday. That's why lotto is big business.

I am not condoning a lambo, simply illustrating that it's business and it's (his) customers aren't complaining so 'hate' all you want

People been going to church long before I was born but this prosperity doctrine bullshit is something new.

Churches and ministries were a social doctrine and did good works and were activists.

These mofokrs are silent when it comes to social issues and you won't hear from most of them when it comes to injustice. Even Olsten ass wouldn't open his church for victims of the hurricane until he started getting bad press.

Funny thing is they talk about Jesus and being Christlike but Jesus wouldn't even buy shoes for his feet

And the issue with this fraud is the crocodile tears and the talking about the other preachers while he does the same shit.

People weren't complaining about predatory lending either so being taken advantage of isn't a defense for those doing the taking advantage.

Fukkn churches with ATMs in the lobby an the pressure that is put on people to give so that these charlatans can drive and live in luxury representing a pauper.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Church IS a business. Don't confuse the CHURCH with GOD.

You don't NEED a church to get closer to GOD. You can do that on your own. There is no middleman needed.

However, a CHURCH requires financing. I don't know how many of you speaking of experience from real churches, or you just watch the made for tv shit.

Where I am from churches offer several social services that require finances to run. Not prayers.

You guys watch that TV shit and sit home mad. Chances are, it was the Church and their belief in God that got many of your mom and pops through some tough times. Don't throw stones behind you.
You assuming way too much quoting me homie

And I noticed you ignored the part about how Jesus would feel about church being a business

If you think church is a business, you are the one with the fucked up view, not me.

I know damn well you don't believe Jesus would take up your argument and explain along with you to me that church is a business. If he were standing next to you, would you feel okay explaining to him that church was a business?

Foh man


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It beats the building fund and other bullshit collection reasons. Hopefully the funeral collection goes to the family for whatever expenses they incur from those rip off funeral homes and other expense.

Shit ain't going to the family and the family still has to pay to have the funeral there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Got it. So Churches should somehow find a way to operate without finances or offerings or tithes and still service the communities they are in.

If THE CHURCH and it's congregants want to reward their pastor with that lifestyle, why you mad? They aren't

What does operating have to do with Bentleys, Lambos diamonds and 50k sq foot homes?

You seem to forget that most churches have tax exempt status because it isn't supposed to be a for-profit business

But mofokrs stopped giving money to the Red Cross because more was going to pay salaries than helping people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Then that's exceptionally fucked up to take up a CHURCH collection at a funeral.

I have never seen that happen but then again I stopped dealing with them when they started that prosperity doctrine shit.

Give me your social security money as a seed and you will receive a blessing..... FOH :lol:

Dude was crying talking about how one day they will be able to buy homes for those who rent and buy cars for the single mothers on the bus..

Next day picked up the Lambo...


Immigrant Expat
International Member
You assuming way too much quoting me homie

And I noticed you ignored the part about how Jesus would feel about church being a business

If you think church is a business, you are the one with the fucked up view, not me.

I know damn well you don't believe Jesus would take up your argument and explain along with you to me that church is a business. If he were standing next to you, would you feel okay explaining to him that church was a business?

Foh man

I don't have to make assumptions. Your worldview is simplistic and reflective of your experience... and that's ok. You do know that tithes are mentioned in the bible in several places correct?

In regards to it being a business... There is staff that have to be paid, rent, utilities and community outreach that costs real world dollars. How is it not a business? Because it's about God?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People go to church IN HOPE of getting their prayers answered. People who go to restaurants get an immediate benefit. Put it this way, how many people would go to restaurant if the owner me when you come in and I might give you a meal? Or you pay for chicken and get pork because the chef felt you should have pork?
That's YOUR belief. Who are you to shit on other people's comfort? People been getting up and Going to Church on Sundays long before you were born grandpa.

People pay for HOPE everyday. That's why lotto is big business.

I am not condoning a lambo, simply illustrating that it's business and it's (his) customers aren't complaining so 'hate' all you want
Your arguments make absolutely no sense in this case. The thread was based on someone working under the guise of the Christian religion. the dude is preaching from the new testament on a weekly basis. You can't take Jesus out of the argument. The Christian religion was never supposed to be a multi-billion dollar business. You can pretend otherwise, but you be would wrong.

As for your lottery comment , people clown folks all the time about playing the lottery, just like people clown folks for going to church.

If it is that important to you, what you getting mad about? Go give your money and pray all you want.

The fact that you getting so annoyed by this implies you liked being pimped...have fun, be happy, and pray all you want.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
What does operating have to do with Bentleys, Lambos diamonds and 50k sq foot homes?

That is an individuals taste . Plenty of pastors living humbly around the world. Don't broad brush them all because of these materialistic motherfuckers. They are just a reflection of your society.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
People go to church IN HOPE of getting their prayers answered. People who go to restaurants get an immediate benefit. Put it this way, how many people would go to restaurant if the owner me when you come in and I might give you a meal? Or you pay for chicken and get pork because the chef felt you should have pork?

Your arguments make absolutely no sense in this case. The thread was based on someone working under the guise of the Christian religion. the dude is preaching from the new testament on a weekly basis. You can't take Jesus out of the argument. The Christian religion was never supposed to be a multi-billion dollar business. You can pretend otherwise, but you be would wrong.

As for your lottery comment , people clown folks all the time about playing the lottery, just like people clown folks for going to church.

If it is that important to you, what you getting mad about? Go give your money and pray all you want.

The fact that you getting so annoyed by this implies you liked being pimped...have fun, be happy, and pray all you want.

I ain't mad son. Simply stating that people have a right to believe what they want and put their money where they want to.

It may not be for you, but church has helped MANY folk who have suffered and are suffering. Matter of fact, most people are up in there because of bad stuff that happening in their life and they need to believe in something beyond what they can see.

If it makes them feel better, who are you to Judge? Live and let live


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is an individuals taste . Plenty of pastors living humbly around the world. Don't broad brush them all because of these materialistic motherfuckers. They are just a reflection of your society.

If you read my posts I was talking specifically about these mega church prosperity doctrine following pulpit pimps.

They aren't a reflection they are one reason why society is the way it is....

James Meeks who is the pastor of a mega church in Chicago ran for and won political office.....guess serving two masters is okay now too .:lol:


Immigrant Expat
International Member
If you read my posts I was talking specifically about these mega church prosperity doctrine following pulpit pimps.

They aren't a reflection they are one reason why society is the way it is....

James Meeks who is the pastor of a mega church in Chicago ran for and won political office.....guess serving two masters is okay now too .:lol:

I don't know about all that man. Truthfully, I didn't even watch the video so I am not defending any one individual.

I am speaking in general terms and just saying if the church wants the pastor in the Bentley and the church wants it too... then hey...


Immigrant Expat
International Member
People been going to church long before I was born but this prosperity doctrine bullshit is something new.

Churches and ministries were a social doctrine and did good works and were activists.

These mofokrs are silent when it comes to social issues and you won't hear from most of them when it comes to injustice. Even Olsten ass wouldn't open his church for victims of the hurricane until he started getting bad press.

Funny thing is they talk about Jesus and being Christlike but Jesus wouldn't even buy shoes for his feet

And the issue with this fraud is the crocodile tears and the talking about the other preachers while he does the same shit.

People weren't complaining about predatory lending either so being taken advantage of isn't a defense for those doing the taking advantage.

Fukkn churches with ATMs in the lobby an the pressure that is put on people to give so that these charlatans can drive and live in luxury representing a pauper.

This is what I know them to be where I'm from.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That is an individuals taste . Plenty of pastors living humbly around the world. Don't broad brush them all because of these materialistic motherfuckers. They are just a reflection of your society.

This is why I question the people just as much as the pastor. You mean to tell me attending this church with these kind of actions doesn't bring red flags to them? It says just as much about them too imo.

It's just that others living humbly and who are doing social work aren't "newsworthy" enough and pastors like this just get all the publicity bringing reproach on all Christian people or pastors.

All you have to do is understand Jesus and the Pharisees and you could see something is off how they operate. I get it that it's also an organization that needs money to run its various operations, but buying jets and so on as a marketing plan to promote "prosperity" is wrong imo. Some of the people I'm sure are genuine, but other people are in there looking for ways to prosper materially. Not just the pastors either which is why the people are just as bad as the pastor in my eyes.

older version

A version older
I ain't mad son. Simply stating that people have a right to believe what they want and put their money where they want to.

It may not be for you, but church has helped MANY folk who have suffered and are suffering. Matter of fact, most people are up in there because of bad stuff that happening in their life and they need to believe in something beyond what they can see.

If it makes them feel better, who are you to Judge? Live and let live

We are not judging them. I am judging this bad tree they are associated with,
which leads to the loving thing of questioning their judgement. Your boy might
be the best driver drunk, but his judgement is off. What are you going to do?

They should question themselves and see if they are heading down the wrong path
But people get blinded when they believe in men, they won't listen to outside observers.

You know what happens to fruit from a bad tree?
Last edited:


Immigrant Expat
International Member
Those pastors aren't in this discussion....They might have a Cadillac but they won't buy planes and Bentleys and mansions.

They use the ministry money to help their community and congregation

And they also aren't silent in the face of injustice

so to keep it short...we aren't talking about them

Fair enough


Immigrant Expat
International Member
This is why I question the people just as much as the pastor. You mean to tell me attending this church with these kind of actions doesn't bring red flags to them? It says just as much about them too imo.

It's just that others living humbly and who are doing social work aren't "newsworthy" enough and pastors like this just get all the publicity bringing reproach on all Christian people or pastors.

All you have to do is understand Jesus and the Pharisees and you could see something is off how they operate. I get it that it's also an organization that needs money to run its various operations, but buying jets and so on as a marketing plan to promote "prosperity" is wrong imo. Some of the people I'm sure are genuine, but other people are in there looking for ways to prosper materially. Not just the pastors either which is why the people are just as bad as the pastor in my eyes.

Balanced viewpoint. Respect


Immigrant Expat
International Member
We are not judging them. I am judging this bad tree they are associated with,
which leads to the loving thing of questioning their judgement. Your boy might
be the best driver drunk, but his judgement is off. What are you going to do?

They should question themselves and see if they are heading down the wrong path
But people get blinded when they believe in men, they won't listen to outside observers.

You know what happens to fruit from a bad tree?

Fair enough


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I don't have to make assumptions. Your worldview is simplistic and reflective of your experience... and that's ok. You do know that tithes are mentioned in the bible in several places correct?

In regards to it being a business... There is staff that have to be paid, rent, utilities and community outreach that costs real world dollars. How is it not a business? Because it's about God?
You sound mighty triggered homeboy

My worldview would put you in a coma homie, again you are taking an assumptive stance with a capital ass.

You doing a whole lot of exposition but you have yet to answer my question about church being a business being aligned with Jesus' view of the church. But we both know why you're avoiding that one.

As far as tithes in the Bible, show me where those were used to enrich the priests and not to take care of the sick and old and shut in and afflicted. Again, get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

You definitely sounding like you are either one of these charlatan ass niggas or the student or partner in crime of one.

Twisting the word for profit is against the word of God. If you cool with that, so be it. Don't try to slick me though bro, I see through that bs.
That is an individuals taste . Plenty of pastors living humbly around the world. Don't broad brush them all because of these materialistic motherfuckers. They are just a reflection of your society.

Nobody has painted anything with a broad brush. It's obvious the ire is directed at the "materialistic motherfuckers" and not at religion or the concept of church.

Quit playing dumb nigga, you know what the fuck is being said in this thread.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
You sound mighty triggered homeboy

My worldview would put you in a coma homie, again you are taking an assumptive stance with a capital ass.

You doing a whole lot of exposition but you have yet to answer my question about church being a business being aligned with Jesus' view of the church. But we both know why you're avoiding that one.

As far as tithes in the Bible, show me where those were used to enrich the priests and not to take care of the sick and old and shut in and afflicted. Again, get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

You definitely sounding like you are either one of these charlatan ass niggas or the student or partner in crime of one.

Twisting the word for profit is against the word of God. If you cool with that, so be it. Don't try to slick me though bro, I see through that bs.

Nobody has painted anything with a broad brush. It's obvious the ire is directed at the "materialistic motherfuckers" and not at religion or the concept of church.

Quit playing dumb nigga, you know what the fuck is being said in this thread.

I am way too much over my character and post quota for the week to respond individually.

Have a good night


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Balanced viewpoint. Respect

Respect. This is what I would say to this pastor and to some of the people in churches like this.

Matthew 24:11
and many false prophets will arise and mislead many.

Of course it goes back to my original post what happens when you actually show these people the actual stuff they are suppose to be following. They'll cherry pick or ignore the very teachings they claim they are following.

Why I say the pastor and people are questionable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't have to make assumptions. Your worldview is simplistic and reflective of your experience... and that's ok. You do know that tithes are mentioned in the bible in several places correct?

In regards to it being a business... There is staff that have to be paid, rent, utilities and community outreach that costs real world dollars. How is it not a business? Because it's about God?

Fuck a church...I give 2 shits..Jesus and his faggots...I mean disciples..didn't get money..they did it for the love...folk


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't have to make assumptions. Your worldview is simplistic and reflective of your experience... and that's ok. You do know that tithes are mentioned in the bible in several places correct?

In regards to it being a business... There is staff that have to be paid, rent, utilities and community outreach that costs real world dollars. How is it not a business? Because it's about God?
Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.