Official Man Of Steel reviews! Love it or Hate it! Discuss it here! MERGED! SPOILERS


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

so this movie has everything that iron man 3 didnt ? less tony stark and more iron man

, who the fuck wants to see clark kent for One And A Half Hours, people bitching about too much action :smh:


I am loving the fact that people are complaining about too much action.

What the fuck do people want? 1 minute action sequences?

20 minutes of Superman vs 1 hour-50 minutes of Clark Kent?

Please. We all know about his origin. Bring on the fuckin action.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

I understand, but it supposed to be a Superman movie. To get into a complete origin of a villain like Doomsday would make for too long a film.

They just need to explain it quickly, then roll into the destruction/battle sequences.

but they obsessed with going over origins for each film.

if you could contrast Superman's upbringing the "welcomed alien/good immigrant" as opposed to Doomsday the "enslaved/dark outsider" you got an epic film where you could actually force the audience to see who your past sins effect your present and future.

Imagine in the middle of the epic battle Superman is bleeding for the first time and is actually challenged, he looks at the humans his "children" actually doubting him...and he asks Doomsday who has been pretty silent so far "Why?" and responds coldly but with conviction and a little confusion...Because THEY made me...I did not want to be here, they dragged me and punished me for BEING but they welcome YOU...So YOU will DIE for THEM.

Like I said earlier there is no need to "darken" Superman his mythology is actually dark enough already.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
So has anyone actually seen it yet? And if this movie is decent, shouldn't we give it a pass for being better than the rest? DC has to start somewhere to get on Marvel's level.


Rising Star
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

So has anyone actually seen it yet? And if this movie is decent, shouldn't we give it a pass for being better than the rest? DC has to start somewhere to get on Marvel's level.

i saw it earlier tonight. shit was damn good. i loved the action. only one thing i wish want in it but i guess they had to do it. i wont spoil it though

El Guapo

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

Don't believe the hype. Supes is back! Movie was great! :dance::dance::dance:


My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

Yeah, yeah, yeah it's a different take on the General Zod character blah, blah whatever. Terrence Stamp played the character with such a cool, silk pimp shirt wearing malevolence kind of way that he actually seemed more threatening because you knew what he was capable without actually seeing it.

Michael Shannon does not really do much to elevate the material but he doesn't detract from it. He's a genious much like Stamp, but a brawler pure and simple. However nothing is left to the imagination in this film. He and his henchmen (and woman) whips out the proverbial beat stick and they dont let up. This is super hero/villain fighting at its finest. It's loud, long, flashy and frequent.

The editing.... Oh boy the editing.. It felt like someone had taken all the trailers and spliced them all together and set it to music like some kind of wierd fan edit. That is my main issue with the film. The movie never really sits still long enough to get any real meaningful dialogue. It jumps from one person to another then from one location to the next. It doesn't really get a chance to breathe. The editing really kills it. Fighting scenes jump quickly to flashbacks, or scenes of other people "doing stuff" and a lot of it is not really in service of the plot. The movie didnt really stay still or in one spot for very long except for the fight scenes. But most of those were pretty jumpy too.

You have people all over the place in this film. The chief offender is Lois Lane. This chick is everywhere. I swear she can move as fast as Superman himself. One minute she is being saved after falling from space, then shes on an AC130 suicide mission, (which she falls out again to be save by our hero in the nick of time and set down gently somewhere in Metropolis) and then showing up magically (teleportation perhaps) in the final confrontation, all in a matter of minutes. Keep in mind that the final battle wipes out half the city, but she is able traverse what seems like a great distace through wreckage, debris, bodies, fire, glass and the sheer horror of an obliterated city just in time to see Superman put the final kibosh on the whole Zod invasion thing.

Costner and Crowe were good. The chick who played Faroa wasn't too bad either. She was actually pretty menacing. Fishburne didn't really do much to elevate the material and most of his scenes looked like they could be filed in the "give the character something to do category".

Kryptonite didn't really have a place in this movie. It's more of a plot device for villains who aren't on the same power level as Superman to even the playing field. Since all of the baddies were on the same power level, kyptonite had no purpose in the movie. But rest assured we will see it in the sequel if there is one. (When he fights Lex Luthor. Come on, we all know that's coming next. They wouldn't dare step out of THAT comfort zone)

The movie is really heavy handed with the "You are here to save/change the world..." After a while we were like, Ok I get it already! Jor-El said it a bunch of times, Jonathan Kent said it a bunch of times...

Now this might be just in my movie theater, but there was a scene where Clark is talking to Lois in a graveyard and the music starts but then just abruptly stops. It didnt fade out, it was like someone hit the "music off" button. My friend and I just looked at each other like, "did you just hear that?"

The pros? Faora was cool. Bitch was wrecking shop. Every time she showed up, you KNEW somebody was about to get fucked up.

Snyder was true to his word when he said that he wanted to convey a sense of speed amongst the Kryptonians. The fighting was quick, fierce and brutal. Punches, heat vision, exploding buildings, the ground cavetating whenever somebody got body slammed or took flight. Gunfire, missiles, rockets, bombs, lasers, knives... It was all there. Everything blew up real pretty like.

So that's it. Just my opinion. Go see it if you want, or wait for bootleg here on bgol. Just remember, I watch the bullshit, so you don't have to.

I'm out.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

didn't read but why would you expect anyone to read a review with spoilers?


Rising Star
Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

was dam good. i loved the action. went a good bit like the original. 2 things i didnt like was lois lane and the flashbacks.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

I stopped reading once you compared the New Zod to Terrence Stamp.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

The Critics are mad because this wasn't the Superman they were expecting. They wanted a Comic Book and got the REAL DEAL - This movie was fuckin' Good... if not that Great...

The Film did lack chemistry between some of the characters but that doesn't mean the acting was off. I give it a B+ so far. WAY better than IRON MAN 3.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

i saw it earlier tonight. shit was damn good. i loved the action. only one thing i wish want in it but i guess they had to do it. i wont spoil it though


Thanks for not spoiling any of the movie fam... I will be seeing it saturday afternoon!

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

I thought the bad superman in Superman 3 was more Bizarro. The super computer Superman faced was more Braniac.
Bad Superman in Superman 3 was Red Kryptonite
Nuclear Man in Superman 4 was suppose to be Bizarro.


Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

I stopped reading once you compared the New Zod to Terrence Stamp.

I'm ok with that my brotha. These are my opinions only, I can't speak for a anybody else. When/if you see it, I'll gladly read yours if you choose to share them.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

man this is all time bgol low

ninjas are making spoiler threads on the opening day now

unfuckingreal lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

The Critics are mad because this wasn't the Superman they were expecting. They wanted a Comic Book and got the REAL DEAL - This movie was fuckin' Good... if not that Great...

The Film did lack chemistry between some of the characters but that doesn't mean the acting was off. I give it a B+ so far. WAY better than IRON MAN 3.

What would have made it an A+ in your opinion w/o spoiling it?

a) More chemistry between the characters
b) Stuff related to the story itself
c) Less action as the critics have complained about



Rising Star
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

What would have made it an A+ in your opinion w/o spoiling it?

a) More chemistry between the characters
b) Stuff related to the story itself
c) Less action as the critics have complained about


i actually gave it an A-. gotta watch it again at home without kids giggling the whole time and could possibly go A.. there were about 2 things IMO that would have given the movie an A+ for me but it's hard to describe without spoiling.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

What would have made it an A+ in your opinion w/o spoiling it?

a) More chemistry between the characters
b) Stuff related to the story itself
c) Less action as the critics have complained about



and they could have edited it a bit better.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

i actually gave it an A-. gotta watch it again at home without kids giggling the whole time and could possibly go A.. there were about 2 things IMO that would have given the movie an A+ for me but it's hard to describe without spoiling.


and they could have edited it a bit better.


Based on what you saw could this version of Sups be a good catalyst for other DC characters and eventually a JLA movie?


Rising Star
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky


Based on what you saw could this version of Sups be a good catalyst for other DC characters and eventually a JLA movie?

i for one think a Justice league movie would have a hard time topping a Superman movie. JMO

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky


Based on what you saw could this version of Sups be a good catalyst for other DC characters and eventually a JLA movie?

100% YEP!

I can't even watch the Christopher Reeves Supermans without cringing now.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

I'm ok with that my brotha. These are my opinions only, I can't speak for a anybody else. When/if you see it, I'll gladly read yours if you choose to share them.

Terrence Stamp, as Iconic as his version of Zod was, WAS COMEDY.


Rising Star
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky


Based on what you saw could this version of Sups be a good catalyst for other DC characters and eventually a JLA movie?

it would be tough to top a Superman movie. I think a JL movie could work with the right characters and villians.

El Guapo

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky


Based on what you saw could this version of Sups be a good catalyst for other DC characters and eventually a JLA movie?

Based upon this and TDK, DC seems to finally be on the right track. Here's hoping it'll last. We all win if we get good DC movies to match the good Marvel films.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

i for one think a Justice league movie would have a hard time topping a Superman movie. JMO

it would be tough to top a Superman movie. I think a JL movie could work with the right characters and villians.

This is a surprising comment. So if they follow-up this movie with say a Brainiac character and then a Worlds Finest(Superman and Batman) sprinkling a Wonder Women/Green Arrow and perhaps a Flash Movie in-between you still don't think an eventual JLA featuring say Darkseid would top MOS?

If so, that's not good for WB/DC:smh:

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

This is a surprising comment. So if they follow-up this movie with say a Brainiac character and then a Worlds Finest(Superman and Batman) sprinkling a Wonder Women/Green Arrow and perhaps a Flash Movie in-between you still don't think an eventual JLA featuring say Darkseid would top MOS?

If so, that's not good for WB/DC:smh:

Wonder Woman needs her own movie. I don't know why they keep doubting her as a character.

All them other JL Characters can make their debut in the sequels.


Support BGOL
Man of Steel Was Fucking Awesome...GO SEE IT! No spoilers.

The movie was amazing and had pacing similar to Star Trek 2 so if you don't like high tempo movies beware.

- The backstory was crafted beautifully and really set the tone for every film from here forth.

- The action was spectacular and would make a dragon ball gt fight look like a super smash brothers match.

- The story was interspersed through-out the flick which may turn some off but to me I felt it was done in order to show the backstory while continuing on with the present day situation.

- Only thing I didn't like was the fact that lois lane was every damn where...for awhile I was thinking she had the ability yo fly too or something.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

Wonder Woman needs her own movie. I don't know why they keep doubting her as a character.

All them other JL Characters can make their debut in the sequels.

maybe becuz shes a walking sex object? Lets be honest WW is a just a big bitch in glorified bikini





no matter what you do with her you'll keep coming back to the same bottom she LOOKS not what she does or is even if you put her in an alternate outfit:smh:


This is why you haven't ANY female superhero movies except catwoman and that sucked and it was all about the skimpy costume with halle anyway..:smh:

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Early reviews for Man Of Steel looking shaky

maybe becuz shes a walking sex object? Lets be honest WW is a just a big bitch in glorified bikini

This is why you haven't ANY female superhero movies except catwoman and that sucked and it was all about the skimpy costume with halle anyway..:smh:

Didn't you see the Animated Film. There's more to her then just being a sex object.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: My Man of Steel Review (spoilers I guess)

going to the midnight show(IMAX 3D) later.. just two things since there spoilers..

there a after-credits scene..?

is the final shot of henry cavill's superman flying up into space,looking around,then looks at the camera cracking a smile before flying away? :lol: