NASA mars Landings are fake and actually filmed in the Gobi desert.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I always wondered what would be the benefit of concocting an elaborate conspiracy to make the masses of people believe the world is round if it is actually flat.

Is there a monetary incentive or power dynamic at play?

Secret people are spending billions and trillions of $ to convince everyone in the world that the world is round?

This means China, Russia, America, Japan, Europe etc would have to be in on it since 3rd century BC. A cospiracy that big for that long?

This would be the biggest conspiracy in history by far. But why?

Nobody's life would change if the truth was that the earth was flat. Life would go on like it has been on a round earth.

Who's idea was it to lie and make every human on earth believe that the earth is round and more importantly, why?
yeah why?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Lesson: The Electrostatic Theory of Gravity


  1. To introduce students to an alternative theory of gravity.
  2. To understand the basic principles of electrostatic attraction.
  3. To evaluate how the Electrostatic Theory of Gravity fits within the Flat Earth model.
Traditional physics posits the concept of gravity as a force caused by mass warping the spacetime fabric. This force keeps planets in their orbits and objects grounded to the Earth's surface. However, in the context of Flat Earth theory, some proponents put forward the Electrostatic Theory of Gravity as an alternative explanation.

1. Basics of Electrostatic Attraction:
Electrostatics deals with the phenomena and properties of stationary electric charges. When two objects acquire opposite static charges (one positive and one negative), they will attract each other. This phenomenon can be observed when rubbing a balloon on your hair and then sticking it to a wall.

Key Points:
  • Opposite charges attract, like charges repel.
  • The force of attraction (or repulsion) decreases as the distance between the charges increases.
2. Electrostatic Theory of Gravity Explained:

This theory posits that the force we traditionally understand as gravity is, in fact, an electrostatic force. The Earth is believed to have a net negative charge, while celestial objects like the sun and moon have a net positive charge. This difference in charge results in the attraction of objects towards the Earth's surface.

Key Concepts:
  • Objects are "pulled" towards the Earth not because of a mysterious gravitational force due to mass, but because of electrostatic attractions.

  • The reason why objects don't just stick to the ground as they do with magnets is due to the subtle nature of this electrostatic force, which is strong enough to pull objects down but not strong enough to make them immovably attached.
3. Implications for the Flat Earth Model:

If the Electrostatic Theory of Gravity were accurate, it would present an alternative way to explain certain phenomena on a flat Earth.

  • Tidal Phenomena: Traditional gravity explains tides due to the gravitational pull of the moon. However, under the electrostatic model, tides could be explained as the result of varying electrostatic attractions as the positively charged moon moves a cross the sky.
  • Floating of Celestial Bodies: The sun and moon float above the Earth due to their positive charge in relation to the Earth's negative charge, creating a delicate balance of forces.

The Electrostatic Theory of Gravity offers an intriguing alternative to the conventional understanding of gravity in the context of a flat Earth. While this theory has been met with skepticism by mainstream physicists, it remains a topic of interest and discussion within certain Flat Earth circles.
The theory (not to be confused with an actual scientific theory) is dumb as rocks, for number one point me to the test or experiment that is conducted to falsify this claim. And why is it that Diamagnetic materials such as wood, water, gold, lead, copper, etc fall at the same accelerated rate as magnetic materials?
This may not be obvious for people who lack scientific knowledge, a.k.a the target audience for the flat earth scammers. But for people who know a thing about physics, it's the reason why we laugh at them!


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Time to wrap up this prequel Idiocracy once and for all, with videos that can at least get you to 10th-grade science, for those lacking.
I like this guy he speaks in plain layman's English, easy to digest with all the meat and potatoes.
If you have a question about space or perhaps you saw a meme that is making you doubt things, well chances are he has the answers to it. It's no wonder why flatties fear this guy.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've answered this before but here are a few possibilities.

#1. More Land. It is believed by some that there are more continents beyond the ones we know. There could be infinite resources on these unknown continents. There could be more people. Imagine if there were another land mass populated with civilizations like North and South America had when the colonizers arrived. Suppose the powers that be decided to rope off the rest of the world and form a one-world government that maintained total control, created scarcity and imprisoned/enslaved humanity.

#2. A demonic force trying to convince the world that God or the creator doesn't exist. Spiritual warfare.

#3. A real life Truman Show. If you've seen the Jim Carrey movie, it's pretty much a movie about the flat earth.

There are other theories I've heard. I lean towards #1 the strongest however, given the belief that the moon is actually a topographical map of the flat earth in its entirety, including the other continents. But again, just speculation.

However, we can actually observe that we live on a flat plane. I've seen enough irrefutable evidence that suggests it's 100% flat.

One more thing. Who's to say life would stay the same? Once the world realized it was living behind a cage in a sense, a confined area, who's to say humanity will be content with staying in that confined area? And what if humanity realizes it can't escape? That forces won't allow us beyond a certain point? Then what, carry on with our normal lives?

Living on planet, surrounded by other planets, infinite galaxies with infinite planets, there's a sense of freedom and non-uniqueness about life. What if that was all bullshit and we are the center of the universe? Or that nature as we know it is all we have? How would that change our reality?
If you lean towards explanation 1, just imagine the enormity of a conspiracy at that scale to be this successful for thousands of years.

Imagine the amount of people that would have to be in on the conspiracy including, scientist, astronomers, astrophysicist, NASA, CNSA, RSA, JAXA, ESA, etc. Could this insane amount of people keep a secret this long for century after century?

As far as your number 2, how would being on round earth disprove there is a God? People have been believing in God on round earth since forever.

Also how is it that everything in the observable universe is round including planets, stars, moon and sun but we are the only ones that are flat?

And if we are flat, what are we sitting on? And what ever your answer is to that, what is that sitting on? And so on and so on.

To me it seems like the matrix would be more credible than flat earth.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
If you lean towards explanation 1, just imagine the enormity of a conspiracy at that scale to be this successful for thousands of years.

Imagine the amount of people that would have to be in on the conspiracy including, scientist, astronomers, astrophysicist, NASA, CNSA, RSA, JAXA, ESA, etc. Could this insane amount of people keep a secret this long for century after century?

As far as your number 2, how would being on round earth disprove there is a God? People have been believing in God on round earth since forever.

Also how is it that everything in the observable universe is round including planets, stars, moon and sun but we are the only ones that are flat?

And if we are flat, what are we sitting on? And what ever your answer is to that, what is that sitting on? And so on and so on.

To me it seems like the matrix would be more credible than flat earth.

This hasn't been a century after century thing. I assumed it was too, until I realized that it wasn't until very recently in the 1800's that the shape of the earth was "confirmed".

Again, people didn't accept the globe theory until the 1850's with Coriolis, which turned out to be false.

After Admiral Byrd returned from his expedition proclaiming that there was more land beyond Antarctica, those same nations you mentioned signed the 1959 Antarctica treaty which banned humanity from being able to freely explore Antarctica. Also, that was around the time the UN was created.

It wasn't until the 1900's that man achieved flight with the discovery/ invention of airplanes. NASA was founded in 1958 (by Nazi scientists from Germany). The Columbus expedition was in part supposed to prove that the world was "round" but what people lose sight of is that the world can be flat and round. We assume he discovered the world was a "sphere".

If you look into the freemasons and their symbology, you will find that the big secret they have been hiding all along was the flat earth.


Imagine the amount of people that would have to be in on the conspiracy including, scientist, astronomers, astrophysicist, NASA, CNSA, RSA, JAXA, ESA, etc. Could this insane amount of people keep a secret this long for century after century?

When everything is administered from the top down, the education in schools, it's not that difficult to control people and their perceptions, especially when a budget of billions is implemented. If you read Edward Bernay's 1928 book "Propaganda", you will see how easy it is to control people's perceptions.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” - Edward Bernays

As far as your number 2, how would being on round earth disprove there is a God? People have been believing in God on round earth since forever.

Again, no they have not. This spherical earth thing is a concept that's very new to humanity. The bible, in particular Genesis, tells you about the earth being flat. It speaks of how the earth was created, with a firmament separating the earth from the heavens. Again, I posted the video showing you how it was decided in the late 1800's that the earth was spherical. This has not been a "thousands of years" ideology.

Also how is it that everything in the observable universe is round including planets, stars, moon and sun but we are the only ones that are flat?
You keep using the term "round" to mean "spherical". But the earth is flat and round, just not a ball. Due to recent technology, it's become revealed that what we think are stars or distant suns are actually not what we think they are, and I've posted videos over and over showing proof of it.

And if we are flat, what are we sitting on? And what ever your answer is to that, what is that sitting on? And so on and so on.

I don't know. There are several theories. But I don't see that as any different to the question of "What's beyond the edge of the universe?" According to NASA, the universe is expanding and it has an edge. What is the universe expanding into? Nothing? Either way, flat or spherical, there are a lot of unanswered questions. But what I maintain, through proof you can see WITH YOUR OWN EYES (through an infrared camera filter) is that there is no disputing that we live on a flat plane.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Time to wrap up this prequel Idiocracy once and for all, with videos that can at least get you to 10th-grade science, for those lacking.
I like this guy he speaks in plain layman's English, easy to digest with all the meat and potatoes.
If you have a question about space or perhaps you saw a meme that is making you doubt things, well chances are he has the answers to it. It's no wonder why flatties fear this guy.


You need to stop promoting bullshit and propaganda. This shit is beyond sad. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You need to stop promoting bullshit and propaganda. This shit is beyond sad. :smh:
Dude had a lot of good arguments. I don't think anyone can prove beyond a reasonable doubt if it is round or if its flat though.

All we have to go by is second hand information and what someone else says to be true. We have never been up high enough personally to see what it actually is.

The only explanation I can think of that would make any sense for making every human think the world is round is if a higher being has us on a flat surface in a laboratory somewhere and we are some kind of experiment, symulator or game.

I don't think humans would be capable enough to pull a conspiracy off that enormous without getting found, out especially with all of the technology we have an continue to develop.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I don't think anyone can prove beyond a reasonable doubt if it is round or if its flat though.

I would have said that a year or two ago myself, but now that we have infrared video showing flatness for thousands of miles, I think we CAN prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it's flat.

Either the Earth is a sphere with a circumference of 25,900 miles or it isn't.

Either the Earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared or it doesn't.

The higher you ascend on a sphere, the lower the horizon should fall. It definitely shouldn't rise to eye level, yet it does.

Ball earthers want it both ways. They want to scream "MATH" and "PEER REVIEW" and all that shit, when they won't accept that their eyesight isn't matching up with the equations they purport. They wanna scream refraction, but it's simply a lie that refraction will make you see flatness instead of a curve.

This channel shows footage over and over again of the earth through an infrared camera, and SHOWS that there is no curve.

I don't think humans would be capable enough to pull a conspiracy off that enormous without getting found, out especially with all of the technology we have an continue to develop.

Religion can do that by itself. We have media on top of it. Propaganda is a very powerful tool. And the budget has been reserved for its continual operation. It's another kind of Matrix.

But hey, believe what you believe is the truth. No sweat off my back. :dunno:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Dude had a lot of good arguments. I don't think anyone can prove beyond a reasonable doubt if it is round or if its flat though.

All we have to go by is second hand information and what someone else says to be true. We have never been up high enough personally to see what it actually is.

The only explanation I can think of that would make any sense for making every human think the world is round is if a higher being has us on a flat surface in a laboratory somewhere and we are some kind of experiment, symulator or game.

I don't think humans would be capable enough to pull a conspiracy off that enormous without getting found, out especially with all of the technology we have an continue to develop.
Science doesn't prove things, what it does is test hypotheses often with models then it tests these models' predictive ability with tests that are designed to falsify the claim. However, if no one can falsify this hypothesis with rigorous testing and peer review it eventually becomes a scientific theory.
So the question shouldn't be can science prove a model the question should be which model has more predictive capabilities that are used in the real world, things like accurate distances on maps that allow airline companies and sailors to be able to accurately determine how much fuel and other supplies they will need for the trip. In the case of the flat earth map (which is far from an actual model), there is no accurate scale to help plot how far things are. The glob can tell you exactly how far things are because every map and glob has a scale that depicts how much smaller things on the map are than their counterparts in real life. For A map of an area 100 miles long by 100 miles wide drawn at a scale of 1:63,360 would be more than 8 feet square!
Wanna ruffle a few flattards feathers the next time they show you their retarded map, ask them where is the scale key, and I guarantee they will attempt to change the subject, usually by asking you an asinine question (their cult is taught to deflect to hide their lies).
This is just one area where the heliocentric Earth model is much better at depicting and predicting what we see in reality over the flat Earth.
And without proper predictability powers, the Flat Earth toy and cartoons that they call a map, cannot qualify as a model.

So what is going on is we have an accurate model that is used in the everyday world to predict where the next tsunami may hit land, predict the next solar and lunar eclipses, or the next solar flare, not to mention everyday things like GPS and satellites and we are comparing it with a cartoon that some nut made up with zero predictive capabilities.
So can science prove the earth is a globe, nope that's not what science does, but what it can do is falsify the bullshit that the flat earthers call the flat earth.

For bonus, if you are a flattie and want to falsify your claim all you have to do is one of the following.

1- Create a better map of the world with better predictive capabilities than the globe.

2- Present a map that shows where the moon, sun, and all the planets are at all times so we can test it vs reality.

3- Explain the mechanisms that power the sun and moon, please include what keeps them floating and please show no more derpy stories about how it can happen, but instead show us examples and tests that measure the forces that keep them floating while magically speeding them up and slowing it down over the tropics.

4- Explain to us how gravity is fake while having tools such as gravitometers that use gravity to detect gas oil and other large masses. (Again nobody wants to hear an ignoramus squirm looking for ad-hoc excuses that make no damn sense, so stop with the "well to me it could be" (bullshit)!

5- Explaining Antarctica's 24-hour sun would be another good start, but if they are going to pull the (they won't let us go there card) then please explain how the regions below the 30th parallel south all have longer summer days. On one hand, you can explain it by the sun traveling slower (due to reasons) but then this would put you in a pickle explaining how the sun and the moon are both able to travel the much larger southern path on the flat Earth in 24 hours while traveling slower than a much shorter path of the similar latitude circumference of the north. :dunno:

I could go on and on for days (actually I think I already have) but the point to be made of all of this, is that the flat earth is nothing but a cult that is trying to be religion, ushered in by the same wicked forces that gave us the crusades, religion wars, slavery, and white supremacy. So if you are black and you are buying into all of this, you are only feeding into the racist religious zealot liars whose biggest fear is seeing the black man with a scientific mind that can one day challenge their way of life.
Last edited:


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor

So we could get a live-feed, camera footage and a phone call to the White House in 1969 but in 2024 all we get is a simulation video and NASA people cheering for an unmanned flight???

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Gooooooodaaaaammmnnn!!!!! GAME OVER!!!


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
When in the history of white people have they gone somewhere and said, "Been there done that. We don't have to go back." They don't care how much money it costs or how many lives. They go to the Mariana Trench and on top of Mount Everest (330 deaths on Mount Everest and 835 in submersibles).

Not just Americans, Russia hasn't landed, and China hasn't landed? Both of those extremely competitive Nations said, "Oh well, United States got their first. We're never going to try now." The moon landing was absolutely fake.

And before you attack me saying why are you bringing race into it, answer the question, "When in the history of white people have they gone somewhere and said we did it once and we don't have to ever go back there."


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
When in the history of white people have they gone somewhere and said, "Been there done that. We don't have to go back." They don't care how much money it costs or how many lives. They go to the Mariana Trench and on top of Mount Everest (330 deaths on Mount Everest and 835 in submersibles).

Not just Americans, Russia hasn't landed, and China hasn't landed? Both of those extremely competitive Nations said, "Oh well, United States got their first. We're never going to try now." The moon landing was absolutely fake.

And before you attack me saying why are you bringing race into it, answer the question, "When in the history of white people have they gone somewhere and said we did it once and we don't have to ever go back there."
You are overlooking the economic factor, for example, it costs anywhere from hundreds of thousands to several million dollars to go to the Mariana Trench, and the cost of going to Everest is $30,000 to $160,000, now compared to the price of going to the moon, which is roughly $288.1 billion adjusted to today's inflation.
The only reason they are going back with the Artemis missions is for one reason: the "Helium-3 that's worth $4 billion per ton.
But as they say in the real world, you have to have money to make money, and while other countries would love to be the first ones to get their hands on those precious rocks, very few, if any have the money or the technology to pull it off.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
You are overlooking the economic factor, for example, it costs anywhere from hundreds of thousands to several million dollars to go to the Mariana Trench, and the cost of going to Everest is $30,000 to $160,000, now compared to the price of going to the moon, which is roughly $288.1 billion adjusted to today's inflation.
The only reason they are going back with the Artemis missions is for one reason: the "Helium-3 that's worth $4 billion per ton.
But as they say in the real world, you have to have money to make money, and while other countries would love to be the first ones to get their hands on those precious rocks, very few, if any have the money or the technology to pull it off.



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You are overlooking the economic factor, for example, it costs anywhere from hundreds of thousands to several million dollars to go to the Mariana Trench, and the cost of going to Everest is $30,000 to $160,000, now compared to the price of going to the moon, which is roughly $288.1 billion adjusted to today's inflation.
The only reason they are going back with the Artemis missions is for one reason: the "Helium-3 that's worth $4 billion per ton.
But as they say in the real world, you have to have money to make money, and while other countries would love to be the first ones to get their hands on those precious rocks, very few, if any have the money or the technology to pull it off.
How much money was spent on Christopher Columbus's failed voyages before he succeeded? The point is white people print money. They don't give a fuck about how much shit costs.

"The abundance of helium-3 is thought to be greater on the Moon than on Earth"

They don't even know for sure and they're willing to risk billions of dollars to find out. You see how dumb that shit is? Like I said, they don't give a shit how much things cost, they will find a way to get it done if they want to do it.

You can't tell me that with all of the technological advances they haven't built something that could take them to the Moon? Not america, not russia, not China


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
How much money was spent on Christopher Columbus's failed voyages before he succeeded? The point is white people print money. They don't give a fuck about how much shit costs.

"The abundance of helium-3 is thought to be greater on the Moon than on Earth"

They don't even know for sure and they're willing to risk billions of dollars to find out. You see how dumb that shit is? Like I said, they don't give a shit how much things cost, they will find a way to get it done if they want to do it.

You can't tell me that with all of the technological advances they haven't built something that could take them to the Moon? Not america, not russia, not China
Just imagine Columbus sailed over to the west and found nothing but dirt and worthless rocks, do you think they would have returned? As for helium 3 being being more abundance on the moon, this is true because the moon doesn't have an atmosphere so the isotope helium 3 (which is created in our sun) radiates towards the moon, in the form of cosmic rays, without any atmosphere to block, resulting in it hitting the lunar rocks where it is absorbed and can be extracted later on. The abundance of Helium 3 on the moon has been determined after examining moon rocks for decades so unlike the Columbus scenario just posted, these rocks are worth more than gold.
On the other hand, Helium 3, on Earth, is very rare and found in a few volcanic rocks and remote places like on the top of the tallest mountains and at the bottom of the ocean.
Sidenote: If there is ever to be a mission to Mars and beyond, chances are we will first have to set up a moon base where the rockets can be refueled with Helium three, and with the reduced gravitational attraction on the moon, liftoff from there would take far less power.



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Also, keep in mind, the U.S. lost a shitload of money (most of it was acquired after the U.S. officially became the home of the world bank and the dollar was declared the new gold standard of currency) but after the moon landing and Vietnam the U.S. economy damn nearly collapsed, and without any economic gains from going to the moon, NASA budget was stripped down while to Apollo project scraped.
Now the race back to the moon has been privatized, and with newer technology, the cost of going back has been significantly reduced. So this as well as the Helium three discovery has created a new version of the gold rush back to the moon.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Just imagine Columbus sailed over to the west and found nothing but dirt and worthless rocks, do you think they would have returned? As for helium 3 being being more abundance on the moon, this is true because the moon doesn't have an atmosphere so the isotope helium 3 (which is created in our sun) radiates towards the moon, in the form of cosmic rays, without any atmosphere to block, resulting in it hitting the lunar rocks where it is absorbed and can be extracted later on. The abundance of Helium 3 on the moon has been determined after examining moon rocks for decades so unlike the Columbus scenario just posted, these rocks are worth more than gold.
On the other hand, Helium 3, on Earth, is very rare and found in a few volcanic rocks and remote places like on the top of the tallest mountains and at the bottom of the ocean.
Sidenote: If there is ever to be a mission to Mars and beyond, chances are we will first have to set up a moon base where the rockets can be refueled with Helium three, and with the reduced gravitational attraction on the moon, liftoff from there would take far less power.

Noted, but it still doesn't explain the lack of putting a man on the moon again. I understand if they're going to mine the Moon, so machines might have been to the moon, but we're talking about humans being on the moon


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Noted, but it still doesn't explain the lack of putting a man on the moon again. I understand if they're going to mine the Moon, so machines might have been to the moon, but we're talking about humans being on the moon
It's really, really expensive (not to mention dangerous) to the point that it can collapse one of the greatest economies in years.
But now that it is much more cheaper coupled with the fact that there is a shitload worth of Helium 3 in those rocks, going back there is almost inevitable.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Noted, but it still doesn't explain the lack of putting a man on the moon again. I understand if they're going to mine the Moon, so machines might have been to the moon, but we're talking about humans being on the moon

Machines have been to the moon? Theys hailed this recent "moon landing" as the first time the US has been back in 50 years :smh:

What's so expensive about going to the moon that would break the bank? The "Mars Rover" is taking up too much of the budget?!? It's all bullshit bruh.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Also from NASA

For a rocket, the accelerated gas, or working fluid, is the hot exhaust; the surrounding atmosphere is not used. That's why a rocket will work in space, where there is no surrounding air, and a jet engine or propeller will not work. Jets and propellers rely on the atmosphere to provide the working fluid.
So how do they Propel themselves in a vacuum? How did those satellites get up there? I have no idea about this shit
Machines have been to the moon? Theys hailed this recent "moon landing" as the first time the US has been back in 50 years :smh:

What's so expensive about going to the moon that would break the bank? The "Mars Rover" is taking up too much of the budget?!? It's all bullshit bruh.
I don't know what's so expensive about the shit either, but I ain't paying for it, or actually I am in a way. But I don't give a shit it's not like the money was coming to me or my neighborhood anyway


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Also from NASA

For a rocket, the accelerated gas, or working fluid, is the hot exhaust; the surrounding atmosphere is not used. That's why a rocket will work in space, where there is no surrounding air, and a jet engine or propeller will not work. Jets and propellers rely on the atmosphere to provide the working fluid.
Thanks for saving me from trying to type that with my phone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So how do they Propel themselves in a vacuum? How did those satellites get up there? I have no idea about this shit

I don't know what's so expensive about the shit either, but I ain't paying for it, or actually I am in a way. But I don't give a shit it's not like the money was coming to me or my neighborhood anyway
The rocket exhaust is the "working fluid". Conservation of momentum states that the mass and velocity of the stuff coming out of the thrusters/nozzles pushes the rocket in the direction opposite the exhaust. No need for any atmosphere at all. The satellites are placed into orbit on top of a launch vehicle/rocket.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
So how do they Propel themselves in a vacuum? How did those satellites get up there? I have no idea about this shit

They don't.

Dude, here is a 10-year, 58 page thread on a non-flat earth forum calling NASA's bullshit and explaining why gas cannot move objects in a vaccum. And at the end of the thread it was determined that NASA is full of shit and are lying about thrust and propulsion. It's all bullshit.

I don't know what's so expensive about the shit either, but I ain't paying for it, or actually I am in a way. But I don't give a shit it's not like the money was coming to me or my neighborhood anyway

Oh, we're paying for it alright. But it's not an issue of expense. How dumb does it sound that there is a valuable resource on the moon that the US can't afford to go get, after already going to the moon SIX TIMES?!?! Plus sending a rover to MARS???!!
