


All due respect for you posting Mr. Freeze...and yes, I am a devout...

Seeker of knowledge.
In that case plz, allow me to channel your attention to the first chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes...

Not that am a bible basher... just that theres much wisdom there ;)

Of course feel free to read the rest of the book if you wish but IMHO the first chapter sums up the entire book :)


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Jahbulon as identified by the Masonic Ritual is a combination of 3 dieties! It is a mix of "Jehovah" with 2 Pagan dieties!

<*>Here is an actual scanned copy from the "Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor or guide to the three symbolic degrees of the Ancient York Rite and to the degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch" by Malcom C. Duncan, David McKay Company, Inc. New York.


**Please note that they are saying that the Early Eastern Church mistakenly represented the Greek letters
“Jesus, the first and the Last.”

But the Royal Arch Degree has “seen it in its true light; but they have corrected the error unlearnedly. It ought to have been….”

Then they spell out the blasphemous name JAH BUL ON confirming this word to the combination of the names of the Syrian God, the Chaldea God and the Egyptian God.

Are these other God's the same God of the Christian faith?

JAH- representing the name JAHOVAH, the blessed name of the Lord in the Old Testament. The name "Jesus" means "Jehovah is Salvation."

BUL- representing the name BAAL or BEL, an Old Testament demon god. (1 Kings 16:29-33)

ON- represents the name of the Egyptian Sun god, another demon god. (Gen. 41:45, 50)

They have mixed the name of the Lord with DEMON GODS! :hmm:

... and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. Exodus 23:13

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. (1 Cor 10:20-21 KJV)

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (2 Cor 6:14-17 KJV)

JAH BUL ON the Masonic replacement for the name Jesus Christ, is ANTICHRIST! The Mason (who claims to be a Christain) is forbidden by oath, to evangelize his Mason "brothers" and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord! The name of Jesus Christ is an offense to those who are perishing. So they devise a name by which the Christian and the Pagans can both use without offending each other!

Personally, I don't believe that any Mason is a "saved" Christian, but rather someone who thinks they are saved, never really having surrendered their heart to Jesus. They do not have the Holy Spirit to give them the discearnment to know what is right and what is wrong in the eyes of the living God. The Holy Spirit will not allow a child of God to partake in these rituals, swear these death oaths, or declare a blasphemous name for God. Without the Holy Spirit indwelling, the person is NOT saved and still a subject of God's wrath on judgment day!

Romans 8:14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Romans 8:8-9
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. [9] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Oh! what a tangled web we weave...keep your owls close and your enemies closer.


Well-Known Member
You Christians crack me up with your ideas of good and evil. You don't even know your own religious history but you proclaim to know the history of good and evil. Your religion is based upon solar worship, astrology, Mithraism, Egyptian mystery teachings, Dionysus teachings, and several other mystery religions (pagan). Your religion started out as a mystery religion that believed in initiation by degrees. John the baptist was believed to be a high priest in Mithraism as this was one of the few religions in that area and time that practiced baptism. You met in the same catacombs that the worshipers of Dionysus worshiped in. The first Christians (real Christians) believed in reincarnation. They believed that the soul never dies and will return until they get it right. In fact they used the Hindu word “om” when they meditated (yes they did that too). By your standards of today you would crucify Jesus as the anti Christ if he came back.

Your religion doesn't like or trust any organization that speaks of “knowledge” of any kind. You have perverted all that Jesus symbolized. You no longer quest for truth and higher ascension but instead you just attack the rest of the world and destroy in the name of God. Imagine the arrogance of an individual to think that God needs “his help” to do something. But what more can I expect out of a religion that attacks its own brother. Christians and Muslims are brothers from the seed of Abraham but does that matter? Instead of trying to be the worlds spiritual dictator why don't you do what your own Jesus taught you and LOVE YOUR NEIGBHOR AS YOU WOULD LOVE YOURSELF. In fact here's a news flash.... research on your own about your religion. Then practice it like it was originally meant to be practiced.

At least 50,000 women died when they ushered in the new Christian religion after the Council of Nicea all because women wanted to be accepted in the church as equal spiritual leaders like Jesus taught. You have been sold a religion that is based upon all the pagan beliefs that you are supposedly so much against, laced with a liberal helping of penis worshiping. Early Christianity believed that Jesus was only a symbol of what man can attain to be if he loved his neighbor, loved God and progressed in degrees of knowledge through initiation. The idea of Jesus being a real human being didn't come around until later. The Christ story has appeared all around the world under the names of almost all the many different Gods. In fact you couldn't have a “sun of God” that wasn't born to a virgin and crucified and risen from the dead. Even the Mayan God Quetzalcoatl managed to be born of a virgin and raised form the dead.

All I'm saying is don't attack other peoples beliefs and ideas. If you are in a religion that teaches violence towards others, domination and lack of love for humanity then maybe you are in the wrong religion. Could you be worshiping The God of Mars....The God of war? In fact....I'll let you find that part out for yourself.


Potential Star
This is funny... I am only a MM but we must ask what is the definition of a mason?
where are you first made a mason? and what is the perpose of SPECULATIVE masonry? YOU have all the information... Yet you still seek knowledge ! ha ha ha is it the SILENCE from true masons that bother you? Read the oaths that you have posted and find understanding in why I nor any true mason will divulge any information to you... This my curious conspiracy theorist is the essence of your claims and accusations- YOU make US more sinister that WE could ever be. From now on please focus on the accomplishments of Prince Hall and the time period in witch he accomplished them, then lets talk about PHAMly and the Black church as an institution of leadership and comunity involvment. STOP DIGGING SO DEEP "...Walk in the light - Beautiful light..."


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Respect Masons, can you explain this!!?

Yet another video disabled by Google, i apologize...some one has it...i plan on reposting it in the near future...

This is the first and original post of the thread, included in this post was a video. After several days and hundreds of views, the video was deleted from google...I don't find that to be a mystery, conspiracy theory, but rather, censorship. From there private messages I recieved prompted me to post requested information.

The scope of the post is to discuss the similarities between Illuminati and Masons...I have concluded that most Illuminati/skull & bones are, some degree of Masons and if they have twisted the meaning or teaching of what it is to be in the Masonic order the fault lies with them...

We (#of viewers) have come to seek knowledge...not beef. Respect!


Well-Known Member
Calling someone evil and satanic and quoting scriptures to condem someones views is not looking for knowledge. It's being judgemental and accusitory. The early christrians went through the same thing. I hope one day you find peace in your self and not have to attack other peoples beliefs in order to strengthen your own. Being curious is only being human. Nothing wrong with that. But when you fail to get your answers do not attack but rather strengthen your resolve and try another way. I still emplore you to research the history of the religions of Abraham and find a comparative religion course that will give you more insight on your own religions beginings. The concept of good and evil have changed every time a new religous regime has taken power. This doesnt neccesarily mean that something they say is evil is indeed evil. Its simply means it doesnt have a place inside there doctrine and teachings. According to todays dominate relgious theology my African ancestors are in hell and i must forsake my ancestrial ways of worship. Dont feed into the hegelian dialect of divide and conquer. Open your mind and heart and you will be surprised the amount of light that will pour into it.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
The Profane cannot see what is hidden in plain view.

The signs of the illuminati are everywhere in society, if the masses choose to follow...then fall they shall.

I will not be silenced...


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
New World Order

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-6836269967817017350"> </embed>

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=6910071778128998984"> </embed>

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-2723664699464363863"> </embed>

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-8184267844222841963"> </embed>


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
socrotize said:
Calling someone evil and satanic and quoting scriptures to condem someones views is not looking for knowledge. It's being judgemental and accusitory. The early christrians went through the same thing. I hope one day you find peace in your self and not have to attack other peoples beliefs in order to strengthen your own. Being curious is only being human. Nothing wrong with that. But when you fail to get your answers do not attack but rather strengthen your resolve and try another way. I still emplore you to research the history of the religions of Abraham and find a comparative religion course that will give you more insight on your own religions beginings. The concept of good and evil have changed every time a new religous regime has taken power. This doesnt neccesarily mean that something they say is evil is indeed evil. Its simply means it doesnt have a place inside there doctrine and teachings. According to todays dominate relgious theology my African ancestors are in hell and i must forsake my ancestrial ways of worship. Dont feed into the hegelian dialect of divide and conquer. Open your mind and heart and you will be surprised the amount of light that will pour into it.

co-sign :dance:


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
The thread title reads Illuminati=Masons, but since you decided to play the religion card...

Theism - "belief in the existence of a god or gods; specif: belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of man and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world."

Deism - "a movement or system of thought advocating natural religions based on human reason rather than revelation, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe."



Christians have been led to believe that the government of the United States of America is based on the basic principles of Christian morality, which have their origin in the Scriptures. Notable for propagating this misinformation are D. James Kennedy, author of a book promoting astrology, and Peter Marshall, Jr. (son of the late U.S. Senate Chaplain) who wrote The Light and The Glory. Interestingly, both ministers are members of the Council for National Policy, a secret organization founded by the Council on Foreign Relations which includes among its 400+ members numerous Christian ministry leaders, various members of Scottish Rite Freemasonry of high degree, including Jesse Helms and Jack Kemp, Senator Trent Lott, Rep. Dick Armey, and other globalists involved in media, oil, real estate and financial industries.​

An intruiging opening paragraph only yielded more information & a film, here is the link to the site.



Well-Known Member
You made it religious when you stated there was a connection between Mason and Luciferian worship. Let me give you some background on the word Lucifer or Luciferian.

Lucifer was originally a Latin word meaning "light-bearer", and also was used to refer to Venus “The Bright Morning Star”. If there were ever any Luciferian forces on this planet it would be Jesus and his followers because John 8:12 states:

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

also in Revelation 22:16 he states:

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

”Christians have been led to believe that the government of the United States of America is based on the basic principles of Christian morality, which have their origin in the Scriptures.“

That's true and false. Instead of seeing things as they are people tend to look through tinted glasses. Tinted by there own deep seated religious views and ideas. That don't mean someone tried to pull the wool over someone's eyes. It means that people simply see what they identify with. So where is the conspiracy in that?

Can you name one Mason that you know of personally and know to be a Mason that has harmed you in anyway shape or form? Or even harmed anyone you know or love in anyway shape or form? Don't give me rehashed insinuations as to who is a Mason and who isn't a Mason. You even said your father is one, would he be involved in any nefarious undertakings?

I like the fact that you are searching because knowledge frees more than minds. But instead of being easily manipulated by sensationalism learn how to look for what you need and where. Start by learning the history of the words we use because there inlays the history of mankind and religion.

Duval's King

Rising Star
Can you name one Mason that you know of personally and know to be a Mason that has harmed you in anyway shape or form? Or even harmed anyone you know or love in anyway shape or form? Don't give me rehashed insinuations as to who is a Mason and who isn't a Mason. You even said your father is one, would he be involved in any nefarious undertakings?

George Bush


Well-Known Member
DuvalNigga said:
George Bush

George W. Bush is also a Christian of the United Methodist denomination so for all we know he may be simply implementing his religious beliefs of world conversion or damnation? Masons are no more responsible for his personal decisions as the United Methodist Church.

"In the televised Republican presidential debate held in Des Moines, Iowa on December 13 1999, all of the participating candidates were asked: "What political philosopher or thinker do you most identify with and why?" Unlike the other candidates, who cited former presidents and other political figures, Bush responded "Christ, because he changed my heart."



socrotize said:
George W. Bush is also a Christian of the United Methodist denomination so for all we know he may be simply implementing his religious beliefs of world conversion or damnation? Masons are no more responsible for his personal decisions as the United Methodist Church.

"In the televised Republican presidential debate held in Des Moines, Iowa on December 13 1999, all of the participating candidates were asked: "What political philosopher or thinker do you most identify with and why?" Unlike the other candidates, who cited former presidents and other political figures, Bush responded "Christ, because he changed my heart."


George Bush is a questionable "Christian" at best. Unlike many other presidents, many say he is not seen around (or actually attending) churches very often, is a member of a morbid fraternity that is obssessed with death (the Skull & Bones, a group some tie to Satanism) and there are a few other claims but I have yet to confirm them (so I take them as rumor but one is that he is a member of the Church of Satan, that sounds like gossip but I'm currently researching it).

The bigger isssue isn't whether Bush is a Christian or not. I don't care that much one way or the other. The larger issue is if he isn't Christian but constantly talks about "conversative values" and plays up being a part of the Christian "religious right" when he's possibly not even Christian, then it's fraud. If he has other beliefs he won't expose or openly talk about (fear of being criticized or not appealing to mainstream Middle America), it's all a calculated game of appearing to be one thing in public, but being another thing entirely behind closed doors.

Duval's King

Rising Star
oneofmany said:
George Bush is a questionable "Christian" at best. Unlike many other presidents, many say he is not seen around (or actually attending) churches very often, is a member of a morbid fraternity that is obssessed with death (the Skull & Bones, a group some tie to Satanism) and there are a few other claims but I have yet to confirm them (so I take them as rumor but one is that he is a member of the Church of Satan, that sounds like gossip but I'm currently researching it).

The bigger isssue isn't whether Bush is a Christian or not. I don't care that much one way or the other. The larger issue is if he isn't Christian but constantly talks about "conversative values" and plays up being a part of the Christian "religious right" when he's possibly not even Christian, then it's fraud. If he has other beliefs he won't expose or openly talk about (fear of being criticized or not appealing to mainstream Middle America), it's all a calculated game of appearing to be one thing in public, but being another thing entirely behind closed doors.
good post


Well-Known Member
The nominative Satan (meaning "adversary" or "accuser"), and the Arabic shaitan, derives from a Northwest Semitic root štn, meaning "to be hostile", "to accuse"

The most common synonym for Satan, "the Devil", entered Modern English from Middle English devel, from Old English dēofol, from Latin diabolus, from Late Greek diabolos, from Greek, "slanderer", from diaballein, "to slander".

This thread had done nothing but accuse and slander Masonry. I ask you who is Satanic by definition? I can't even begin to mention the amount of charity being done by EVERY Masonic Lodge across the globe. I can't begin to tell you the amount of children who are burn victims that have a chance at a somewhat normal life because of the selfless contributions of the Masonic order.

So far all i have seen in this thread is how evil/satanic/luciferain Masonry is and have yet to see any valid proof to back these accusations. Stop accusing and slandering Masonry when by the very definition you are being what you despise.

Bush is responsible for Bush. Not Masonry.
Last edited:


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Now, :smh: and always, I have said certain sects of Free Masons, perhaps the Unthochables of the orginization, but there is no denying there is a relationship.

As for my Father, and millions of Masons, no, never any bit evidence devil of satanic worship, ie; i mentioned certain sects, hence the discussion.

Seems as though with a mix of politics, large bank roll, pale skin and/or holy rollers, "A" types engage in some not so ordinary behavior behind closed doors of their temples, and at the Grove.

***Let me make it clear now...all Masons are not devil worshipers, all masons are not illuminati...Period. I am not the authority on freemasonry... :lol:

P.S. This shit is powerful!!!


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Is this true?

Masons require one to believe in God to be a member, but the candidate is never required to say what god he believes in -- "Masonry ... requires merely that you believe in some deity, give him what name you will ... any god will do, so he is your god" (Little Masonic Library, Macoy Publishing, 1977, 4:32). Masons commonly refer to their deity as the "Great Architect of the Universe" (G.A.O.T.U.) or the Supreme Being. God is further described as Grand Artificer, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Above, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, or Great Geometer. (The "G" in the Masonic ring can refer to God; it can also refer to geometry.) Masons claim that the actual name for God has been lost (cf. Jn. 14:8,9; Phil. 2:9-11; 1 Jn. 5:20) [HJB].


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor

In NEWS1040, we broke the story that the street layout connecting the White House with the Capitol was originally laid out by Masonic architect, L'Enfant in 1792, so that the streets formed the evil Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram encompassing the White House -- plus the Masonic Compass, Square, and Rule from the White House to the Capitol. These street layouts continue to this day. The Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram encompassing the White House troubled us the most, since it is a 5-pointed star; occultists believe the number 5 is the number for Death .

As we stated in this original article, the occultist believes that symbols reverberate with inherent power from the moment they are created, power that is made even more effective since only the Adepts of Satanic societies and covens know the truth. Furthermore, most spells are not started until the witch or wizard creates a Satanic symbol on the floor or the ground to use during the ceremony; symbols created on the ground are deemed most powerful.

Please examine this depiction carefully.

You will see 33rd Degree Mason, Eliphas Levi standing inside a specially created circle conjuring up the demon spirit Apollonius of Tyana [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalist and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy" Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed Within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of All Ages, H.S. Crocker Company, Inc., 1928, p. 101; also mentioned by David Carrico, Scottish Rite Journal, in article, "Manly P. Hall: The Honored Masonic Author, Evansville, Indiana, 1992, p. 17; listed as a book recommended by the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company; reprinted by Dr. Burns, with permission]

With Eliphas Levi playing the role of Wizard -- reading from the spell book in his hand -- the demon is conjured into this dimension, appearing within a circle that has a triangle painted within. Notice the Baphomet on the extreme upper left and the human skull in the extreme right. Thus do Satanists place great emphasis on symbols drawn on the floor or the ground. They use such symbols during powerful witchcraft ceremonies.

Given this belief, you can see why occult architects place a great emphasis on creating Satanic symbols on the ground, when they are creating a layout they consider to be of great importance, and through which they want the most occult power flowing every minute of every day.

Clearly, our Masonic and Rosicrucian Founding Fathers considered the capital of the United States to be of such critical importance. As we fully explain in the article referenced above, our Founding Fathers were secretly fulfilling the Rosicrucian Plan originally envisioned by Sir Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I in the late 1500's, to found the North American colonies as the occult New Atlantis, chosen by their Guiding Spirits to lead the world into the New World Order, the Kingdom of the New Age Christ.



When you compare this Sephiroth Tree of Life , left, to The Mall overhead view, above, you will see that this former Satanist was correct when he told us that the inspiration for The Mall, Government Center, was the Sephiroth Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is also depicted a little differently when it is shown in the figure of Adam, the first man; as you can see, this depiction does not have the left and right points in a perfectly straight line as depicted on the left. The Mall design is clearly the Adam Tree of Life. Even though Mackey in the left illustration depicts the left and right points in a vertical straight line, he is clearly relating the entire image to Adam, the man, with the shaped left and right points, as we note below.

When you look at The Mall overview, you can identify the major points of the Sephiroth:

1. Lincoln Memorial is the top position, the Crown

2. The circular formation to the immediate left forms the Male position, Intelligence

3. The circular formation to the immediate right forms the Female position, Wisdom

4. The Jefferson Memorial on the left forms the position, Justice

5. The White House on the right forms the position, Mercy

6. The Washington Obelisk monument forms the position, Beauty. Some Sephiroths show this position to be more elevated, in the "chest" of the Adam man, as the Adam Tree of Life clearly demonstrates.

7. The rectangular formation on the straight diagonal line running from the Jefferson Memorial to the Capitol forms the position, Splendor

8. The oval formation on the straight diagonal line running from the White House to the Capital forms the position, Firmness

9. The rectangular formation in front of the Capitol forms the position, Foundation

10. The Capitol Building forms the position, Kingdom


At this point, you must be asking yourself what all of this means; what, exactly, is the Sephiroth Tree of Life and why is it so important that the occultic Founding Fathers would want IT to be the symbol of Government Center of their New Atlantis?

Quoting from Mackey's Masonic Encyclopedia [pages 166-168], we discover that the Sephiroth depicts the occult concept of the creation of this world, as well as other worlds they believe exist. Let us more closely examine Mackey's depiction and explanation of the Sephiroth. [Emphasis was in the original]

"These ten Sephiroth constitute in their totality the ... World of Emanations, and from it proceeded three other worlds, each having also its ten Sephiroth ... each inhabited by a different order of beings. The Supreme Being, say the Cabalists is an absolute and inscrutable unity, having nothing without him and everything within him. He is called ...En Soph, meaning the Infinite One. In this magnitude, he cannot be comprehended by the intellect, nor described in words intelligible by human minds, so as to make his existence perceptible. It was necessary, therefore, that, to render himself comprehensible, the En Soph should make himself active and creative. But he could not become the direct creator; because, being infinite, he is without will, intention, thought, desire, or action, all of which are qualities of a finite being only. The En Soph, therefore, was compelled to create the world in an indirect manner, by ten emanations from the infinite light which he was and in which he dwelt. These ten emanations are the ten Sephiroth, or Splendors of the Infinite One , and the way in which they were produced was thus:

"At first, the En Soph sent forth into space one spiritual emanation. This first Sephirah is called ... the Crown, because it occupies the highest position. This first Sephirah contained within it the other nine, which sprang forth in the following order: At first, a Male , or active potency, proceeded from it, and this, the second Sephirah, is called ... [Intelligence]. This sent forth an opposite, Female , or passive potency, named [Wisdom]. These three Sephiroth constitute the first triad, and out of them proceed the other seven. [NOTE: The Great Sex Act is depicted here, as the Male Potency united with the Female, to produce the other seven Sephirah. If this sounds a little like Mormonism, it should, as Freemasonry created Mormonism]

"From the junction of Wisdom and Intelligence [Union of Male and Female] came the fourth Sephirah, called Mercy ... and from it emanated the fifth Sephirah, named Justice. The union of Mercy and Justice [Sex Act] produced the sixth Sephirah ... Beauty; and these three constitute the second triad. From the sixth Sephirah came forth the seventh Sephirah ... Firmness ... which produced ... Splendor. From the Union of these two proceeded ... Foundation. These three constituted the third triad of the Sephiroth. Lastly, from the Foundation came the tenth Sephirah ... Kingdom, which was at the foot of all, as the Crown was at the top."

Mackey's Masonic Encyclopedia continues:

"This division of the ten Sephiroth into three triads was arranged into a form called by the Cabalists the Cabalistic Tree, or the Tree of Life ... These ten Sephiroth are collectively denominated the archetypal man, the Microcosm ... and each of them refers to a particular part of the body. Thus the Crown is the head; Wisdom the brain and Intelligence the heart, which is deemed the seat of understanding ... These three are ... the first triad and is called the Intellectual World. Justice is the right arm and Mercy the left arm, and Beauty is the chest [note that the Washington Monument forms the position, Beauty, and is elevated into the chest region]. This second triad is called the Moral World. Splendor is the right leg, and Firmness the left leg, and Foundation the privates. These three represent power and stability ... hence the third triad is called the Material World . Lastly, Kingdom is the feet, the basis upon which all stand, and represents the harmony of the whole archetypal man." [Ibid.]

Thus, we can see that The Mall was drawn to represent the Adam depiction of the Sephiroth Tree of Life , the Archetypal Man. This is the reason the points on each side of The Mall are sloped, not in a vertical line.


I had always wondered why a Masonic coffin was so different from a normal coffin. Why did it have the two extreme left and right protrusions, when a person's body lying in a coffin has their arms straight down at the side, thus not needing these protrusions? However, when you realize that the Sephiroth Tree of Life , the Archetypal Man depiction, was used as the inspiration of the Masonic Coffin, you can easily see why their coffin has a left and right "arm" protruding to each side.

By placing a Mason in a coffin shaped like the Sephiroth Tree of Life, Freemasonry is depicting Eternal Life. Of course, the Upright, Perfected Man of Freemasonry ["Good Men Becoming Better"] has his Crown in the afterlife, and is wearing it. Therefore, there is no need to have the upper Crown point on the Masonic Coffin. The departed Mason brother has taken his Crown with him to the Eternal Abode. The Crown has been replaced in this illustration by the Acacia sprig; Acacia has long been a Masonic symbol for Eternal Life and it is placed in this coffin illustration in precisely the location of the Crown of the Tree of Life. Further, Masonic brothers surround the coffin of their departed Brother, touch the Acacia sprig to their nose, and toss the sprig on the coffin. They do this just like their Pagan brothers did in Old Testament times, and which God roundly condemned. Listen:

"Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? ... and have returned to provoke me to anger: lo, they put the branch to their nose. Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them." [Ezekiel 8:17-18]

You see, the worshippers of Baal placed exactly the same meaning of Eternal Life to the Acacia sprig as do modern Masons, and they would place the branch to their noses. Since the Acacia branch symbolized a counterfeit pagan Eternal Life, God was infuriated. His precious plan of Salvation through the Jews was being supplanted by this Satanic plan. Freemasons commit the same trespass today. But, their spiritual blindness and their Biblical ignorance prevent them from seeing the most ugly Truth.


Now that we know that The Mall was specifically created in the form of the Sephiroth Tree of Life , and in the form of a Masonic Coffin, some very interesting, troubling, and terrifying prospects offer themselves, do they not?

First, the Sephiroth Tree of Life is a representation of how the god, En Soph, the Infinite One, created this world. This god of forces -- without "will, intention, thought, desire, or action -- created this world, and others, through ten emanations. Since this Tree of Life is representative of the creation process, can you see how perfect it would be to use it to represent the creation of the Kingdom of Antichrist, using the new government of the United States as the creative agent? We know that the British secret societies believed the North American colonies had to be established as the occult New Atlantis that would lead the world into the creation of the New World Order. Therefore, it is appropriate to represent the entire government center as a Sephiroth Tree of Life !

Secondly, though, we are suprised that the Masons drew their inspiration for their coffin from the Tree of Life, since Death is not Life, but the end thereof. It does seem, therefore, amazing that their coffin would be shaped like the Tree of Life, unless you understand their belief that the Perfected Mason would enter into eternal life. According to an Eastern Star book, The Ladies' Friend, we learn that "Masons are taught to look forward with hope and confidence to the opening scenes of eternity, to look upon death without fear or trembling, and welcome the grim tyrant as a kind messenger sent by our Supreme Grand Master to conduct us to that Grand Lodge above where the Great Architect of the Universe presides." [G.W. Brown, The Ladies' Friend , Ann Arbor, MI, Press of Dr. A.W. Chase, 1866, p. 76-77].

We should then not be surprised that the Masons would use the Tree of Life to depict the translation of the soul of the departed Mason into the "opening scenes of eternity ... to conduct [them] to the Grand Lodge above where the Great Architect of the Universe presides". The Acacia sprig -- representative of Eternal Life -- replaces the Crown in the Tree of Life, allowing the top of the coffin to be straightened out.

However, we find it most troubling, upon further contemplation, that The Mall was created in a form that strongly resembles Death in the form of the Masonic Coffin. You see, Masons have also used another symbol of Death to represent the United States. Did you know that our American Eagle was originally depicted as a Phoenix Bird [Doc Marquis, former Black Magick Satanist]. The Phoenix Bird is an Egyptian mythological bird that reportedly lived for 500 years; when it came time to die, the Phoenix Bird would cause its own immolation. The dying bird would catch on fire, and would burn completely to a pile of ashes. Suddenly, a new Phoenix Bird would form out of the ashes and fly away. Literally, the new Phoenix Bird is formed out of the ashes of the old.

Occultists have always viewed the United States as a Phoenix Bird. After leading the world into the doorway of the New World Order Kingdom of Antichrist, is their plan that we would self-immolate, burst into flames and be reduced to a pile of ashes? However, out of the pile of ashes another Phoenix Bird would arise, a global Kingdom of The Christ, this time! We believe key, inner-circle Founding Fathers understood this occult plan perfectly, that the United States would be called upon to die at the very end of the cycle to produce Antichrist, and out of our ashes the truly global New World Order would arise.

Current New World Order author, Elizabeth van Buren, stated this concept best -- although she mixes metaphors -- when she says: "We have arrived at a time when many an American, as a New Atlantean, is receiving the call: 'Go out! the time is short! Build your Ark and take in it as seed for the future age all that is worthy of a New World! Take the dream of a Brotherhood of Man with you, for it was your country which took the first steps towards this ideal. Nothing is lost and no good thing can perish from this earth. There is only change. Do not fear this, for out of the ashes of New Atlantis will rise in many parts of the world a people who are conscious of their Oneness with Atlantis and America. They will help to create a democracy of world states under one government which will rule the world-wide ... The Plan of the White Brotherhood proceeds!" [The Secret of the Illuminati , van Buren, p. 150]

American leaders, from the beginning, quite possibly envisioned the deliberate death of our country. They told us so in their choice of the Phoenix Bird as our national bird, and they are telling us so by creating The Mall, Government Center, in the form of the occult Tree of Life , from which the Masonic Coffin is derived.

Are you still not convinced? Consider that, within, The Mall, we have one 5-pointed Death symbol . The occultists has always considered the Number Five as a symbol of Death. In this Mall, we have just such a symbol. In NEWS1040, we demonstrate that the street layout adjoining the White House is in the form of the 5-Pointed Goats Head of Mendes! We actually show the street layout at http://www.cuttingedge.org/washDCmap.jpg. Does this mean that the White House is targeted for destruction, for death?

Then, we have the Pentagon located in Arlington, Virginia, completed in 1943. While this building is not located in The Mall , it does house our military establishment. Why was it constructed this uniquely, with 5 sides, the number of Death?

In summary, we have the following Symbols of Death connected with our Federal Government:

1. Phoenix Bird -- Illuminists initially made the Phoenix Bird our national symbol.

2. Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram street layout encompassing the White House.

3. The Mall shaped like a Masonic Coffin.*

4. The Pentagon -- a 5-sided structure.**





Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Bush is, a descendant of the original Bavarian Illuminati.


Some History...

**Our Masonic forefathers were merely following the details of the occult plan as envisioned specifically by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1590's, operating according to the vision provided him by his Guiding Spirit. Also in the same article we see that the The White House (President's House) -- "... the President's House was the first public building to be erected in Washington, D.C. A letter submitted 'by a gentleman' to a Charleston newspaper offers the only surviving eyewitness version of the Masonic cornerstone laying, which was held on Saturday, October 13, 1792, when the Georgetown Lodge No. 9 of Maryland gathered for the ceremony." [Ovason, P. 62] Also as the story of Washington, D.C., unfolds, we will be forced to the conclusion that the 13 approximately straight lines of avenues which L'Enfant planned for the city were symbolic of the stripes of the national flag, laid out to receive the impress of the stars." [Ovason, P. 66] Further, July 4 is exactly 13 days after Summer Solstice on June 21. In this calculation, June 22 is counted as 'Day 1'. The number 13 is the number of Satan's rebellion, and figures prominently in Luciferian lore.

But, now, David Ovason tells us something new about the Declaration of Independence. "These [Astrological] computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius ." [Page 138]

Thus, our occult Masonic Founding Fathers calculated even the day when they should agree on the wording of the Declaration of Independence. This day was one in which the Sun was on Sirius. This careful attention to the timing of the events which succeeded in founding this nation were predetermined according to Astrological phenomenon! Ovason then clearly states, "The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event."

**According to occultists/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goat head (left) represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. In the above photocopy of the Goat head Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. Notice the above pentagram of the Washington Streets layout in which the south part of the pentagram falls on the White House. Where the Spirit of Satan is to dwell.


"...when our founding fathers started their great work of the ages they were acting on ancient prophesies that were meant to be fulfilled..." - george dubya inaugurating speech