
silkyblue said:
All these organizations are just ways off enslaving blacks from within. How come when white people join frats and soros they graduate and thats it. You ask them about it and they say it was a college thing and let it go. But blacks carry it to the grave. Instead of seeking progression they brand themselves and act like fools and parade around with all these symbols on their car to show people that they are apart of some "super" group. When I look at White masons I might see a ring, but again blacks have all these symbols stuck all over the car just to show that they belong to some type of group. We need to stop being identity seekers and just look in the mirror. How come MTV never mixes christian music with anything but BET has R&B hour, the Gospel hour and combine everything. We have a person that is a muslim and believes that Jesus was not the son of God and we let her sing on the Gospel awards (India). Only on BET will you see this. White people would never do this on thier station. We continue to blame the "White" for things that we do to ourselves. My girl is a Delta and we get into it all the time because I refuse to go to any of the things they do. I tell her I'm good with just being in church. I don't have to pay dues to remain active, hide anything from those close to me and don't have to be demeaned or humiliated just to become a member. All I have to do is humble myself before God and not a "Big brother SOOUULL!". Just venting, but think about it.

you sound like an attention whore


with a name like mine how couldn't i chime in, at least what i know ... my family's masonic affilation runs deep, particularly in the last couple of generations, as a young child there were alot of times i had to go with them to those meetings and wait in the lobby for hours, but as i come of age i am expected to carry the tradition, hopefully one day i can/will ... i can tell u without a shadow of a doubt masonry and devil worship don't even begin to coexist ... its actually the complete opposite, people automatically assume the worst because it's practiced in secrecy, i can tell u that it just gives a whole new outlook on religion and the bible as you've come to know it ... there maybe some coincidences in masonic and illuminati symbollism, but the general ideas are different, as are the teachings of the skulls (skull&bones) ... but sooner or later skeptics will come to realize theres no absolute way of ever gaining knowledge about any of these organizations w/o experiencing for themselves

btw, GYH ... will u marry me!


theory_718 said:
with a name like mine how couldn't i chime in, at least what i know ... my family's masonic affilation runs deep, particularly in the last couple of generations, as a young child there were alot of times i had to go with them to those meetings and wait in the lobby for hours, but as i come of age i am expected to carry the tradition, hopefully one day i can/will ... i can tell u without a shadow of a doubt masonry and devil worship don't even begin to coexist ... its actually the complete opposite, people automatically assume the worst because it's practiced in secrecy, i can tell u that it just gives a whole new outlook on religion and the bible as you've come to know it ... there maybe some coincidences in masonic and illuminati symbollism, but the general ideas are different, as are the teachings of the skulls (skull&bones) ... but sooner or later skeptics will come to realize theres no absolute way of ever gaining knowledge about any of these organizations w/o experiencing for themselves

What one calls the "devil" is solely dependent upon what one calls "god" or more specifically "christianity".


Support BGOL
They are here lurking and otherwise, one even issued some type of round about warning about a cat getting killed...im still wondering where :cool: James Cooper is...nevertheless my questions are being answered slowly but surely. I find it very interesting that within both the Illuminati and the Masons there are similarities and different sects & levels within...the association is very apparent...to what level, is not totally apparent , but some are each other that is for sure! Secrecy is key...be light!

You conspiricy theorists are fuckin' funny (although I admit to a little of it myself). I am a mason and have been for a good amount of time. I have seen NO Devil worship or machinations to rule the world. The reason we often do not answer the ridiculous rantings of madmen is that we use reason, not emotion, to guide our lives. We would be as crazy as many of you if we devoted our time to disproving negatives. A theory must be proven and then asked to be addressed, not the other way around. Anyway, please continue to have fun by avoiding reality by believing:

Masons & Illuminati are constantly conspiring;

the Govt. ( and maybe the Japanese Mafia) used Katrina to depopulate NO;

the Govt. perpatrated 9-11;

and the Govt's. of the world control the weather.

I'll keep on getting on with the decidedly non-exotic and often mudane duties of living within reality and becoming the best person I can be (and looking at some powno by the by). It may no be as dramatic or fantastic as tilting at windmills, but it's what keeps the world spinning.

And with that, I'll leave you maniacs with this beautiful quote:

"Before the Internet, every village had its idiot, but all the idiots could do was sit and mumble to themselves in the village square. With the Internet, all the previously isolated village idiots were able to connect with each other, cross-breed their cock-eyed views, and concoct even more grandiose theories. So now we have... global village idiots. Most bloggers aren't idiots, but the principle is the same."


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Thanks for your imput, but it holds no water, to shed some "light" on your comments I am directing you to the beginning of the thread...try not to read between the lines.

Duval's King

Rising Star


a lot of these Masons are only lower degree mason which means that they know juss as much as we do about the higher degrees and no more...they're kept in the dark(no pun intended)


Rising Star
Rebel-INS said:
The masons worship the Devil, the masons are the Illuminati, and David Icke is correct, George Bush, Tony Blair, And the Queen of England are hybrid Reptiles who can shape shift :rolleyes:

Wow I don't recall any of my family members devil worshipping. Since the requirement to be a mason you have to be religous. I'm sure that reptiles would be be protected if all the leaders of the free world were reptiles.

Have you ever seen a reptile? Have you ever seen a person shift shapes? What is a hybrid reptile as opposed to a full reptile? If the societies are all so secret like the masons and the illuminati and skull and bones are so secret and powerful, how do you or anyone else knows about them? How are you still alive considering a trace of were any message you sent forth last twenty years is tracable? You do know that the internet is really run by the government.

For people that can think. These a frat orginazations run by insecure people that feel a need to either belong or seek higher office by filling a square. Powerful people would not need to register in a public place and gather in groups. They would simply be able to mind meld or some shit like that.

For people that would even pay attention they would see this is urban legend and hoax shit. Here is the site to read about how this shit came to be.


Rising Star
Rebel-INS said:
The masons worship the Devil, the masons are the Illuminati, and David Icke is correct, George Bush, Tony Blair, And the Queen of England are hybrid Reptiles who can shape shift :rolleyes:

Wow I don't recall any of my family members devil worshipping. Since the requirement to be a mason you have to be religous. I'm sure that reptiles would be be protected if all the leaders of the free world were reptiles.

Have you ever seen a reptile? Have you ever seen a person shift shapes? What is a hybrid reptile as opposed to a full reptile? If the societies are all so secret like the masons and the illuminati and skull and bones are so secret and powerful, how do you or anyone else knows about them? How are you still alive considering a trace of were any message you sent forth last twenty years is tracable? You do know that the internet is really run by the government.

For people that can think. These a frat orginazations run by insecure people that feel a need to either belong or seek higher office by filling a square. Powerful people would not need to register in a public place and gather in groups. They would simply be able to mind meld or some shit like that.

For people that would even pay attention they would see this is urban legend and hoax shit. Here is the site to read about how this shit came to be.


Here is the illuminati shit.



James Cooper

They are here lurking and otherwise, one even issued some type of round about warning about a cat getting killed...im still wondering where :cool: James Cooper is...nevertheless my questions are being answered slowly but surely. I find it very interesting that within both the Illuminati and the Masons there are similarities and different sects & levels within...the association is very apparent...to what level, is not totally apparent , but some are each other that is for sure! Secrecy is key...be light!
Peace....Im alive and well. Just had to get my high speed internet back on!!!

Again folks Freemasonry is not that deep as you think, unless you truly undertsand the symbols and most people dont including the masons.....Now as for someone mentioning theat when the NEW WORLD ORDER is in place the Roman Catholics will rule the world.....Well Im afraid they have always ruled the western world since the dark ages(The age of organized WESTERN religion).

If you cant understand yourselves....Than how can you truly understand something outside of your selves....But of course thats another story!!!



Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Welcome back Brother J C, perhaps you could shed some more light on this thread. In the Prophecy video, the commentator claims to have elevated thru many degrees and claims that the run of the mill Mason may not be aware of such occurances(devil worship, eternal life thru homosexual relationships with young boys), as I mentioned before...in SOME sects, not all.

The real ambiguity is the juxtapositon between beliefs of the Illuminati and the Masonic Order...Please elaborate.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=5820744253963598640"> </embed>


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
D-Nice 1 said:
We've been living with Masons and the Illuminati for centuries. If they were gonna start some shit, they'd have done it by now.

"Humanity's Inhumanity" is the "frat" that poses the biggest threat fella.

Keep it movin'.........

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)

"They" have been doing things, besides meetings at their Temples, Lodges, Camps, Bohemian Grove(as we speak) and the U.S Capital, anywhere AF1 lands..."they" go about business as usual.

Meet The New World Disorder: Many Of Our Current World Leaders, United Nations, NATO, Vatican, CIA, World Bank, World Court, Club of Rome, Council On Foreign Relations, Bilderbergs, Hollywood, Trilateral Commission, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, European Union, African Union, Free Trade Agreement Of The Americas, Skull And Bones, MI6, Multi-National Corporations, World Economic Forum, Stock Market, Freemasons, G8, Current Mainstream Media, GLF, World Food Programme, Red Cross, Military Industrial Complex, Council Of World Churches, International Criminal Court, World Health Organization, Bohemian Grove, Joint Military Actions, Federal Reserve, Dalai Lama, UNICEF, Summit of the Americas.

Here is another video.

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=7652891847477492406"> </embed>
Last edited:


Rising Star
dlow said:
Wow I don't recall any of my family members devil worshipping. Since the requirement to be a mason you have to be religous. I'm sure that reptiles would be be protected if all the leaders of the free world were reptiles.

Have you ever seen a reptile? Have you ever seen a person shift shapes? What is a hybrid reptile as opposed to a full reptile? If the societies are all so secret like the masons and the illuminati and skull and bones are so secret and powerful, how do you or anyone else knows about them? How are you still alive considering a trace of were any message you sent forth last twenty years is tracable? You do know that the internet is really run by the government.

For people that can think. These a frat orginazations run by insecure people that feel a need to either belong or seek higher office by filling a square. Powerful people would not need to register in a public place and gather in groups. They would simply be able to mind meld or some shit like that.

For people that would even pay attention they would see this is urban legend and hoax shit. Here is the site to read about how this shit came to be.


Here is the illuminati shit.



:eek: Bruh, I was being sarcastic. this little guy>> :rolleyes: is the closest thing to sarcasm that we have.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Before the Internet there were Libraries...publications, exploring and exposing True Lies....before the age of 13, I was reading U.S. News, Newsweek, National Geographic, Readers Digest, Jet, New York Times, Journal of Medical & Science...you name it, I read it...

I did not chose this life, I was "born" into it.

"Time is the substance from which I am made.
Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river;
it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger;
it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire."
-Jorge Luis Borges​

Here another video...This One Should Tie All Lose Ends Together for YOUs'

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=2402835665090667567"> </embed>

***For All Hoping to Debunk the so-called Maniacs or Conspiracy Theorists...here is your answer, my best advice...Use the Scientific Method...and dig a little!!



“Have you then unveiled the beginning that you should

ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there the

end will be. Happy is he who stands at the beginning:

he will know the end and will not taste death . . . ”​
Raw Food
Mono Man Mantra is what it is... and if I am such a fool, why did the writer use "taste".
Cooked food is death food.
Read and get the info.
I don't preach..
I still gotta do right but masonry is a bunch of sick, fat cigarette devil worshippers it seems... but they act cool... whatever... I might become a mason.


BGOL Investor
D-Nice 1 said:
I generally don't listen to anybody with a mullet. That's just my way.....sorry.

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)

Yo daddy you funny as hell with that one, i knew you was gonna say some thing smart soon as i saw your name in the post.

But to address the post its fucks me up how everyone gives credence to the whole mason/illuminati scenario but does two things:

1) asks everyday masons what they think
2) laugh at Icke's ideas (specifically the reptile shit)

It fucks my head up, i tell you something though, and this is real talk, the answers are close for both, now let me say here, i m not sayiing i have the answers, nah not at all. This is what i m saying, you will never (YOU) meet anyone from that line, and i mean interact with, and if you could, you wouldn't be laughing.

On another note, i m not sure by who, but most of the hints are right in front of your leisured face, not your everyday working face, but your relaxed kick back and watch tv face.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Textiles said:
Raw Food
Mono Man Mantra is what it is... and if I am such a fool, why did the writer use "taste".
Cooked food is death food.
Read and get the info.
I don't preach..
I still gotta do right but masonry is a bunch of sick, fat cigarette devil worshippers it seems... but they act cool... whatever... I might become a mason.

You say, what you want to hear...


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
KhowYunFat said:
Yo daddy you funny as hell with that one, i knew you was gonna say some thing smart soon as i saw your name in the post.

But to address the post its fucks me up how everyone gives credence to the whole mason/illuminati scenario but does two things:

1) asks everyday masons what they think
2) laugh at Icke's ideas (specifically the reptile shit)

It fucks my head up, i tell you something though, and this is real talk, the answers are close for both, now let me say here, i m not sayiing i have the answers, nah not at all. This is what i m saying, you will never (YOU) meet anyone from that line, and i mean interact with, and if you could, you wouldn't be laughing.

On another note, i m not sure by who, but most of the hints are right in front of your leisured face, not your everyday working face, but your relaxed kick back and watch tv face.

Try Using Your Primary Screen Name!!! :lol:

perhaps (YOU) should watch and listen...

***1000 Posts***​
Last edited:


BGOL Investor
Try Using Your Primary Screen Name!!! :lol:

perhaps (YOU) should watch and listen...

umm...this is my only screenname (unless you count one i used years ago just to see the back up board, which i dont think is still active)

I'm not so sure, however, i will say this (getting back to the point of the thread) if you really want to find out the answers to what you ask, all you have to do is dig in the medium, you see there's a reason they use signs, talismen, amulets, rituals, its the same reason that optical illusions are their how you say, garlic or cross (not the best analogy but if you follow you understand what im saying) the same way you cant stop dreaming (even you pesky lucid dreamers) they cant stop invoking and telling on themselves (i could be wrong could be a whole nother faction that is truly still secret) but the point is its right there in your entertainment, they tell on themselves ALL THE TIME


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
True, true....why I said this

...nevertheless my questions are being answered slowly but surely. I find it very interesting that within both the Illuminati and the Masons there are similarities and different sects & levels within...the association is very apparent...to what level, is not totally apparent , but some are each other that is for sure! Secrecy is key...be light!


BGOL Investor
True true, but dont be so quick to scoff at Icke, you see they (the searchers on their side of the fence) get parts of it but cant piece it all together, cuz they dont have it in their mindframe (not capacity; frame) as to the whole picture and how we (I? or rather us not you?) fit into it. however they do get a lot of info that we wont so its up to you to piece it together.

My other point to you is, watch your movies, your cartoons (especially cartoons ) your tv shows, watch them closely you'll see alot. a whole lot.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
The Illuminati
Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer​

Part 4: The Illuminati - Freemason Connection

Q: Svali, one of the more important points, which I am sure a lot of readers would like to know more about, is, what is the Illuminati /Freemason connection, as far as you are aware of, given your previous position in the Illuminati?

Q: Was - and is - there an infiltration of the Masonic Order?

A: The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a center in the Washington DC area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to step up a level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders in this Masonic group were also Illuminists.

This has been true of every large city I have lived in. The top Freemasons were also top Illuminists. My maternal grandparents were both high ranking Masons in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. (president of the Eastern Star and 33rd degree Mason) and they both were also leaders in the Illuminati in that area.

Are all Masons Illuminati?

A. No, especially at the lower levels, I believe they know nothing of the practices that occur in the middle of the night in the larger temples. Many are probably fine businessmen and Christians. But I have never known a 32 degree or above who wasn't Illuminati, and the group helped create Freemasonry as a "front" for their activities.

Q: What exactly is the meaning of the pyramid on the back of the $1 U.S. note? I'm talking about the pyramid with the capstone detached and hovering above the rest of the pyramid, containing the 'All-Seeing-Eye'. Is this a Masonic or Illuminati symbol?

A: The pyramid and the "eye of Horus" on the back of the dollar bill are Illuminati symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form based on the holiness of the number 3 to the ancient mystery religions (it, not 6, is considered the most spiritual number), and a pyramid was a structure used specifically to call up the demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.

The eye is the all seeing eye of Horus (remember the emphasis on Egyptian magical religious practices? The book of the undead, etc.?) and the fact that no one can escape his magical reach. This eye is considered a demonic eye in the group, or the eye of the deity, and in Illuminati mythology is either open or closed, depending upon the spiritual time of year and the state of the person psychically. Young children are given "psychic surgery" where the eye is placed inside, and they are told that Horus will snatch their soul if they ever try to leave, or if they tell, or that the eye will explode. The symbol on the dollar is reinforcement for every Illuminati child who sees one, and the reminder that they are being watched.

The saying on the dollar, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' also means "bringing in the new order", which is the Illuminati stated agenda. Just think, in the early 1800's, our forefathers already were looking forward to when the new order would be ushered in. Have I mentioned that this is a patient, forward looking group of intellectuals? That Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, FDR, and others were Illuminati leaders? Our country may have been founded on freedom from taxation, but it was also founded on the New World Order just as surely. see also: United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure Link added by Robert Howard, Wake Up America.

Q: How far back in time does the concept / cult of the Illuminati go? It seems to me that they have been around quite some time, possibly since antiquity, guiding, steering and using humanity for their own purposes, operating under different names? Can you elaborate?

A: I was taught that the Illuminati had its roots in the ancient practices that reach into the beginning of recorded time; that the Babylonians on the plains created ziggurats to their deities, whom the Illuminati worship. They were proud of the fact that it was supposedly an unbroken occult line from then until now. The names changed, the basic group was the same.

The ancient mystery religions of Egypt, heart of dark magic were another forerunner, with adherents of Set, Osiris, Horus and Ra; and the Illuminists also believe their bloodlines have come down from the ancient kings of Egypt.

It's hard for me to know how much was cult propaganda, and how much truth is in the claims. The Templar Knights were definitely a forerunner during medieval times, as well as the Rosicrucian's and ancient celts and druids (you know, the ones who built Stonehenge.

SOURCE: http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/2000/12/svali04.html


These are all distractions. The truth is Bush and his ilk make their money off of death and would love to see a war erupt in this country or any country. It would make it easier for them to push their new religion on anyone who doesn't agree with it. Hence, the reason why America is in Iraq.

Anyone want to guess why Al Gore didn't win?


Potential Star
Greetings. I just had to post something to this thread. I wasn't going to out of fear of bumping it and keeping it going but I decided to go ahead and add a few lines. Let me first say that I am a Mason. During my time as one, I have not encountered anything that conflicts with my religion (Christianity) or shown any connection to the illuminati. I say this to give the non masons on the board the facts from someone that is a part of the order. While I can not speak for all of my brethren, I can say I do not usually respond to these threads because you don't want to know the truth. You would rather believe the info that Hollywood gives you or take facts off websites from people that have no masonic affiliation. So I let people that want to believe the hype believe it. Nothing I can say will make you accept the truth given and my time is much too precious to try to change peoples minds.

Here is an interesting website that shows some of the lies that people say about Masons. http://masonicinfo.com/

In closing I would like to say to the creator of this thread, I applaud your drive and your hunger for knowledge. It is very refreshing to see that type of motivation. I was curious to know why do you seek the so called secrets of Masonry. (by the way there aren't any) What will you do with that knowledge. Are you seeking knowledge because you think it will uplift us as a people. I only ask this because I believe that as people we should devote our time to change things that we know are wrong. Many people assume Masonry is evil but this fact has not been proven. (Nor will it be cause it isn't) If it was though, how many devil worshippers do you know that wouldn't acknowledge the fact that they worship in that way. So you are all wasting your time trying to expose something that isn't there. I haven't seen this type of drive put into questions such as why are young children being raped by men of the cloth, why people of color are still being marginalized , and other issues like that that we see on our televisions everyday. There is no need trying to catch an imaginary boogey man when there are real monsters sitting around you everyday.

So continue the fight, just chose battles that will benefit people and be a contribution to the greater good of humanity.

Peace and Blessings

Duval's King

Rising Star
MR. FREEZE said:
Greetings. I just had to post something to this thread. I wasn't going to out of fear of bumping it and keeping it going but I decided to go ahead and add a few lines. Let me first say that I am a Mason. During my time as one, I have not encountered anything that conflicts with my religion (Christianity) or shown any connection to the illuminati. I say this to give the non masons on the board the facts from someone that is a part of the order. While I can not speak for all of my brethren, I can say I do not usually respond to these threads because you don't want to know the truth. You would rather believe the info that Hollywood gives you or take facts off websites from people that have no masonic affiliation. So I let people that want to believe the hype believe it. Nothing I can say will make you accept the truth given and my time is much too precious to try to change peoples minds.

Here is an interesting website that shows some of the lies that people say about Masons. http://masonicinfo.com/

In closing I would like to say to the creator of this thread, I applaud your drive and your hunger for knowledge. It is very refreshing to see that type of motivation. I was curious to know why do you seek the so called secrets of Masonry. (by the way there aren't any) What will you do with that knowledge. Are you seeking knowledge because you think it will uplift us as a people. I only ask this because I believe that as people we should devote our time to change things that we know are wrong. Many people assume Masonry is evil but this fact has not been proven. (Nor will it be cause it isn't) If it was though, how many devil worshippers do you know that wouldn't acknowledge the fact that they worship in that way. So you are all wasting your time trying to expose something that isn't there. I haven't seen this type of drive put into questions such as why are young children being raped by men of the cloth, why people of color are still being marginalized , and other issues like that that we see on our televisions everyday. There is no need trying to catch an imaginary boogey man when there are real monsters sitting around you everyday.

So continue the fight, just chose battles that will benefit people and be a contribution to the greater good of humanity.

Peace and Blessings
So who is Jahbulon..Why do you all praise(praise no worship) Albert Pike(the founder of the KKK)..Why are u all so fascinated with acient pagan symbols and symbolism..???? I not trying to slander u i really would like to know the answer to these questions..I recently found out that my oldest cousin is a active 32 degree mason and that honestly scared me a lil..

Another note I'm glad u posted in this thread and thanks for the link..


Potential Star
I don't take your curiousity as slander. You are just misinformed and I'll do my best to give you what you are seeking. First thing you must realize is that Masonry has many different affiliations. I'm P.H.A. so Albert Pike is not worshipped by me or any other brother. He was a Mason and is respected for that. Now as far as him being a founder of the KKK. I have not evidence to support that but I'm sure if you look deep enough you will probably find that he was a Christian too. Would that make you renounce Christianity? One bad brother does not ruin the whole organization. Even though people tend to focus on the negative more than the positive. Jahbulon is not the god of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is not a religion and it allows its members to worship God in whatever way they do. Meaning that I may be a Christian but have to respect another brother if he worships Allah. One thing that is a prerequisite for membership is a belief in God. You can't be an atheist and be a Mason. So don't be tricked into believing that all Masons worship the same God. That is the problem that a lot of Christians have with us is that we can breathe the same air, fellowship, and love people that think differently than we do. While I may believe in Christ, I have to respect my brothers wishes to worship how he wants to. Ancient Pagan imagery... I'm glad you asked this one. Masonry does use a lot of symbolism that has been passed down from ancient time but what you have to understand is that things have different meanings based on who they are displayed to. So a star that means one thing to me may mean something to someone else. I can't tell you the origins of every symbol but I can tell you that none that I have encountered have been demonic. One thing that you should examine tho are the holidays that we celebrate since you are interested in the belief/worship of Pagan things. Do a google search on Saturnalia (Greek festival celebrated on Dec. 25th to worship Saturn , What does the Easter bunny and eggs have to do with the resurrected Christ? (Do a search on Oestre, a fertility goddess) This is not an attack on Christianity (I am a Christian) The purpose for me to put up this information is to show you that while things may have pagan origins, the symbolism and meaning in time can be changed to mean something beautiful for someone else.

P.S. Your cousin reaching the level of 32nd is a good thing. Its funny to hear how people say that the lower level Masons have no knowledge of whats going on and that you don't receive that info until you go higher. Well I am a 32nd degree Mason that has been up both the York and Scottish side There is no grand secret waiting about world domination. The only thing you will learn as you go up is how to be a better man and how to dedicate yourself more for the service of humanity. After all the purpose of Masonry is to take a good man and make him better. I hope I have helped you


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
YmX said:
These are all distractions. The truth is Bush and his ilk make their money off of death and would love to see a war erupt in this country or any country. It would make it easier for them to push their new religion on anyone who doesn't agree with it. Hence, the reason why America is in Iraq.

Anyone want to guess why Al Gore didn't win?

Al Gore got dumbed down with threats...he refused to be a patsy for the Illuminati. They outcasted him and now he is mad...