Dominican woman goes in on the "One Drop Rule"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ive never heard that in my whole life in the east coast and travelling , i might have heard some creole types wanna go that rout but they're so minuscule its laughable and its often in france id heard that but its becos they dumbly seen themselves as "french" etc
Plenty of Haitians here in ATL and Ive heard them say it; not all but some; Jamaicans say it as well; hell ive heard Africans say it also; but they all love to benefit from our struggles when they come over here; from the shit that we have had to endure in this country; Im not saying its a collective but its definitely being said with some of them; FUCK ALL OF THEM AND ANYONE ELSE WHO THINK LIKE THEM!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Plenty of Haitians here in ATL and Ive heard them say it; not all but some; Jamaicans say it as well; hell ive heard Africans say it also; but they all love to benefit from our struggles when they come over here; from the shit that we have had to endure in this country; Im not saying its a collective but its definitely being said with some of them; FUCK ALL OF THEM AND ANYONE ELSE WHO THINK LIKE THEM!!!
the only people ive ever heard anyone crossed with that inclination from is mostly people we'd classify as Afro-latino/a not islanders or african and when ive ever seen a black foreigner eg carribean or native african explaining it its often due to them not understanding the concept of blackness becos they see themselves as whatever tribe or country first, the concept of "black" is not the same when everyone u live & grow up with in the carribean or africa is black ,(and that bleeds into other aspects of their lives in the west , its a continuum to other parts of their lives & choices of profession etc ) ur default would mostly be ur tribe or country , some didnt learn the concept of blackness perse until they get to the west where they realized differently, its mostly a function of miseducation and not self hate


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've said it before and I'm a say it again the one drop rule it bullshit.

I'm half black half white and I represent both sides and I'm proud of it.

Fuck whoever has a problem with that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm reminded of what Gee Money said to Nino Brown in New Jack City when the law enforcement walls were closing in. He said, "we all we got".
That simple sentence is so true and we should embrace it and live by it and separate ourselves from black self hating types like Entrepronegro,
or mixed blood Haitians, Dominicans and others who disassociate themselves from us, and even pure blooded but snobbish and arrogant Africans who do the same.

We don't need nor should want to associate with anyone who looks down their nose at us out of some mistaken notion of superiority because of the amount of white blood flowing through their veins or in the case of Africans the lack of it. Leave them to those they so foolishly want to be accepted by because we know they never will be no matter how light their skin or pure their blood. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm reminded of what Gee Money said to Nino Brown in New Jack City when the law enforcement walls were closing in. He said, "we all we got".
That simple sentence is so true and we should embrace it and live by it and separate ourselves from black self hating types like Entrepronegro,
or mixed blood Haitians, Dominicans and others who disassociate themselves from us, and even pure blooded but snobbish and arrogant Africans who do the same.

We don't need nor should want to associate with anyone who looks down their nose at us out of some mistaken notion of superiority because of the amount of white blood flowing through their veins or in the case of Africans the lack of it. Leave them to those they so foolishly want to be accepted by because we know they never will be no matter how light their skin or pure their blood. :hmm:

I do agree we need to come together more.. we need to start our own EUMELANIN network...

watch how fast we get global respect.... everybody else does it..

bruh that whole paperbag society shit held us back just like cacs...

lightskin folks have their sundown towns, they are just more lowkey

about it..

We dont have to cut them off.. we just have to love each other more and be more

exclusive.. and NOT announce shit.. just move in SILENCE like everybody else

does when it comes to us..

but we gotta announce to the fuckin world everything we are going to do, before we do it..

We waaay more aware than that now...

you know where it starts.. it starts with us.. just getting together with two to three people you KNOW
and trust..

and eventually like minds will find each other..

what we dont realize is the qatrillion dollar effort to keep us like this, we think its happening organically

and thats where the mindfuck begins...

I could go on, but what I have to say next needs to be said amongst each other only...


Rising Star
I have seen this a few times. The people that do this think that Creole is closer to white.
I've never heard any Haitian call themselves creole and I grew up with and around plenty of Haitians. I dealt with plenty of Haitian women and that word has never come up. There was a time when Haitians were faken Jamaican but that'd about it.
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Rising Star
I have no idea how that is possible because Haitians dont correlate the word creole to color, race or status. Im not calling you a liar but I have no idea where it would even come from.

In the U.S. the term Creole refers to mixed people (i.e. Lousiana Creole), but in the Caribbean it refers to mixed language (Haitian Creole, Bahamian Creole, Jamaican Creole (Patois), etc.


Rising Star
In the U.S. the term Creole refers to mixed people (i.e. Lousiana Creole), but in the Caribbean it refers to mixed language (Haitian Creole, Bahamian Creole, Jamaican Creole (Patois), etc.


For us creole is a language, not an identity. And we certainly NEVER associate it to whiteness. I think dude misunderstood what was said or who said it.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
This is her way of getting out of saying she’s Black. It’s not about the 1 drop rule it’s about her coon ass having African blood. She looks like any random light skinned Black woman. So she thinks a racist will excuse her for being Dominican? She will get called a nigra with the rest of us. I’m so tired of fucking Domicoons.

That’s exactly what I hear.

Too many want their nationality to supersede anything else about them as a way to cover up their ethnic Blackness.

That’s the mental tricknology that’s being played. Acceptance of White rejection of Black.

It’s the same thing I hear when these weirdos try to convince everyone their a woman when they got all the features of a damn MAN.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
I have seen this a few times. The people that do this think that Creole is closer to white.

In the U.S. the term Creole refers to mixed people (i.e. Lousiana Creole), but in the Caribbean it refers to mixed language (Haitian Creole, Bahamian Creole, Jamaican Creole (Patois), etc.

I’ve heard similar and I draw the conclusion to racist origins in from United States for making creole a white thing or mixed thing. The way I grew up creole was considered to have mixed ancestry from my folks in the south. You were either mixed (half & half) or light skin (if both parents were considered black) you could be creole. Until I encountered Haitian folks who considered themselves creole because they spoke different dialects of French and patio.

In the US they divide by race outside the divide is by culture.

Cajun was the other thing that was made mixed.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have no idea how that is possible because Haitians dont correlate the word creole to color, race or status. Im not calling you a liar but I have no idea where it would even come from.

In the U.S. the term Creole refers to mixed people (i.e. Lousiana Creole), but in the Caribbean it refers to mixed language (Haitian Creole, Bahamian Creole, Jamaican Creole (Patois), etc.

For us creole is a language, not an identity. And we certainly NEVER associate it to whiteness. I think dude misunderstood what was said or who said it.
I’ve heard similar and I draw the conclusion to racist origins in from United States for making creole a white thing or mixed thing. The way I grew up creole was considered to have mixed ancestry from my folks in the south. You were either mixed (half & half) or light skin (if both parents were considered black) you could be creole. Until I encountered Haitian folks who considered themselves creole because they spoke different dialects of French and patio.

In the US they divide by race outside the divide is by culture.

Cajun was the other thing that was made mixed.

Exactly, it seems the term CREOLE is applied differently depending on the speaker's origin
One use is as a linguistic identity n the other is as a racial identifier

Yeah CAJUN can be also mixed use depending on origin ,CAJUN seems to mean different things in France, Canada or the USA


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I could careless how a Dominican identifies. You niggaz who still do this shit trying to convince them they’re black. some of them are dumb enough to think white.

I could careless how they identify. They’re irrelevant people who are really nobodies. They’re not known for nothing.

when you give them this relevance you then give them energy to despise you which is what they’ve been looking to do.


I don't care what background they claim. I just keep enjoying the food, sex, and fire haircuts.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait we going by skin color right ? @mangobob79
this is about the thread's topic right? ive made my stance clear, u can argue it out with those who want to go to DR n the whys & the hows they chose DR

my original responses in this thread

like i said
ive made my stance clear, u can argue it out with those who want to go to DR n the whys & the hows they chose DR



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
this is about the thread's topic right? ive made my stance clear, u can argue it out with those who want to go to DR n the whys & the hows they chose DR

my original responses in this thread

like i said
ive made my stance clear, u can argue it out with those who want to go to DR n the whys & the hows they chose DR

I need a yes or no

are we going by skin color?

I know some people of color all over the world.

the dude in the taye diggs pic

this lady from Tonga

a few Afro Polynesian niggas

Some are tan some are Dawk and some are light

They are all black

So again are we going by skin color?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
this is about the thread's topic right? ive made my stance clear, u can argue it out with those who want to go to DR n the whys & the hows they chose DR

my original responses in this thread

like i said
ive made my stance clear, u can argue it out with those who want to go to DR n the whys & the hows they chose DR

There is no difference between david ortiz and Micheal Jordan.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I need a yes or no

are we going by skin color?

I know some people of color all over the world.

the dude in the taye diggs pic

this lady from Tonga

a few Afro Polynesian niggas

Some are tan some are Dawk and some are light

They are all black

So again are we going by skin color?
There is no difference between david ortiz and Micheal Jordan.
refer back to my previous posts on these matters, meantime go and argue it with those who r confused about what/who is BLACK


As long as those types stay they ass in their country and don’t try to come over here to the states; we good. Don’t come over here to enjoy the freedoms we fought for. Stay yo ass in your impoverished country! Ho!


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Like I said Boston is the untapped slut town.. they are so easyyyy
I went to school in Rhode Island for a bit and we’d party in and around Providence and up in Boston… that area is the ONLY place I’ve ever seen chicks holla at men. We driving one night and had the windows down and these two Cape Verdean chicks look over at us at the light. The driver tells us to pull over up ahead and her home girl hopped out the car and started talking us up. This was my first encounter so I was amazed but we carried on. Man her and her friends got fucked that night at a house party.

There’s definitely something in the water up there cause this kinda thing don’t really happen anywhere else. And this was back in the 99-00’s.

Miss that place


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Black Americans subscribe strictly to the One Drop Rule through conditioning.

Black Diaspora acknowledge every other part of your including nationalities and tribes which come before race many times.

That’s the disconnect. When those lines cross, this argument is what you’ll always get.

True Real Info

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black Americans subscribe strictly to the One Drop Rule through conditioning.

Black Diaspora acknowledge every other part of your including nationalities and tribes which come before race many times.

That’s the disconnect. When those lines cross, this argument is what you’ll always get.

Not necessarily
“African/Black American” is used as an ethnic identifier as well as a racial identifier to delineate ones ancestry in north america from others in the diaspora.
The “one drop rule” in north america was perfected by its antecedents found in the racial heirarchies collaboratively established by nharas,signares and donas of west africa and their European paramours.

“Daughters of the Trade uncovers the vital role interracial marriage played in the coastal slave trade, the production of racial difference, and the increasing stratification of the early modern Atlantic world.”



Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Not necessarily
“African/Black American” is used as an ethnic identifier as well as a racial identifier to delineate ones ancestry in north america from others in the diaspora.
When looking at ourselves absolutely. However when looking at foreigners, not a chance.

We only acknowledge our own race and culture in this country and any black man outside this place is simply looked at as “black”, disregarding their tribe, nationality more times than not. We ignore it because it’s easier.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Not necessarily
“African/Black American” is used as an ethnic identifier as well as a racial identifier to delineate ones ancestry in north america from others in the diaspora.
The “one drop rule” in north america was perfected by its antecedents found in the racial heirarchies collaboratively established by nharas,signares and donas of west africa and their European paramours.

“Daughters of the Trade uncovers the vital role interracial marriage played in the coastal slave trade, the production of racial difference, and the increasing stratification of the early modern Atlantic world.”

Tell that to @mangobob79

he will tell u different.