BREAKING: Britney Griner released, on a plane on her way home UPDATE: TOUCHDOWN IN SAN ANTONIO, SHE'S HOME!!!

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I wish I could fuck Brittney Griner now I bet her pussy is nice and tight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not nerry a tear to be shed for that white dude. Who gives a fuck if he served. Military is full of racist, rapist, Trumpers; you name it. We don’t know his character or if why he’s there is legit. A black woman is free, who gives a damn who got home first; we won. Typically cacs get alllllll the benefit of the doubt. All I care about is a win for black people. Sorry Mr. All Lives Matter needs to renegotiate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honestly, bruh. I don’t even recall the alphabet mafia going hard for her like that. They were quiet as hell. I don’t think her being gay would have made a difference. But then again. I don't know :dunno:

Most of the people going hard for here were celebs and the NBA/WNBA

But you right, if it was anyone one of us, we doing the whole bid
All gay people don't ride for other gay people. There is a lot of clique shit going on in the LGBT community. White gay men are no different than white straight men. They're still the same entitled, power hungry people.


Mr. Pool
State of bgol 2022

Before she got on the plane I would ask her, What do you think about the United States? Will you stand for the Flag now?

if she gave the wrong answer I would leave her right there where she stood. She needs to humble herself knowing that we left a military person behind. SEND IN THE FUCKING SEALS
For much is given, much is expected.

So that old buzzard Joe Biden turn his back on the Marine who fought for this country to let a damn lesbian go free from Russia???
fuck that spy


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
So Blackstar is mad Biden got the black woman out instead of the white man?
1)Half of social media, and many on this board, are implying or outright stating the US should have let her rot. 2) Injustice against black folks has not ceased. 3) Black people have given much to this country. What should we expect?

I thought the first couple comments were trolling but damn I think some of these guys are serious :oops:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So that old buzzard Joe Biden turn his back on the Marine who fought for this country to let a damn lesbian go free from Russia???
Dude is a Cac. Fuck him. And you don’t know shit about his character. A black woman came home. Fuck that white dude! He could be MAGA, Proud Boy or anything. Who gives a fuck he served; that don’t cancel out black skin. Fuck-that-dude. This country don’t love you. Know this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So that old buzzard Joe Biden turn his back on a disgraced Marine who was dishonorably discharged for larceny and by law can't be called a US Veteran nor can receive VA benefits from this country to let a damn lesbian go free from Russia???
Fixed. Emphasis mine.

And the crackkka was a fucking clerk in the Marines. Ya'll talk like that honkey was a war hero kicking down Al Qeada doors or some shit :lol: