Official "Both Parties are the Same" Thread...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

it all comes around , we gonna be sitting here when this shit blows up ,im just very saddened to know there will be many innocent black folks, old folks, single mothers, children, the youth , that will be collateral damage when its all said and done not just the ones who boosted them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

an american president downing and disrespecting his own government in another country...but both sides Barrack barely made mention of how he felt americans needed to work with other countries for a common goal and they called him a traitor for it !


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
an american president downing and disrespecting his own government in another country...but both sides Barrack barely made mention of how he felt americans needed to work with other countries for a common goal and they called him a traitor for it !

Yeah meanwhile the twitter bots are mad at CNN for "disrespecting" Trump because when Trump called them liars, Acosta told Trump their record was better than his.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Trump Pick Criticized Affirmative Action in ‘Angry Yellow Men’ (2)

read full page on line - clip from it below

Affirmative action in higher education continues to be a political, policy and legal flash point. The Supreme Court so far has ruled it constitutional, but the Trump administration this year said it was doing away with Obama-era guidelines for universities to weigh race in admissions diversity. Arch conservatives applauded the move while liberals considered it a step backward. An ongoing federal lawsuit accusing Harvard University of being biased against Asian Americans in its admissions policies highlights the debate, and could ultimately wind up at the high court.

Although college writings torpedoed Trump Ninth Circuit nominee Ryan Bounds, Lee’s situation is different politically, for now, and there’s no indication that his published anti-affirmative action views from 20 years ago will hurt his chances. Republicans holding a razor-thin majority pulled the Bounds nomination on the Senate floor last July when a member of their own caucus, Tim Scott of South Carolina, raised concerns. Bounds’ writings, also as an undergraduate, concerned campus diversity.

Democrats could press Lee’s writings at his confirmation hearing since Feinstein has raised the issue publicly, but that proceeding could still be months off. Judiciary Committee Republicans led by Charles Grassley of Iowa didn’t respond to a request for comment, but Republicans, who’ll hold an expanded Senate majority come January, haven’t raised any concerns publicly either about Lee.


hes also a member of THE RACIST FEDERALIST SOCIETY !!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

check the linked page for full spread

Lee – a Federalist Society member for over 20 years – has a record of attacking “liberals,” Democrats, and “left-leaning lawyers” who have sought to enforce rights and legal protections in court. He has opposed voting rights and equal opportunity programs. He has advocated on behalf of wealthy corporations to make it harder for workers and consumers to have their day in court. And, like circuit court nominees Ryan Bounds and Neomi Rao, Lee in his student years amassed a record of intolerance. During those years he harshly criticized “multiculturalism” (a “malodorous sickness”) and fought activists advocating for racial justice, women’s rights, and LGBTQ equality.

Among other things, Lee wrote that ethnic studies on campus perpetuated a “victimization culture,” that a resource center for LGBTQ students was nothing but “a token to appease the more militant gay activists on campus,” and that “phony feminist statistics on rape, anorexia, and discriminatory treatment of girls” were rife on campus.

Voting Rights
In a 2006 article, Lee criticized, as “the latest cause célèbre” of the left, the restoration of voting rights to individuals once they have returned to their communities after being released from incarceration. He called the argument for restoration of voting rights “unconvincing and problematic.

It bears noting that in the United States in 2016, an estimated 6.1 million adult citizens were disenfranchised as a result of a criminal conviction. Most recently, in 2018, the citizens of Florida, by 65 to 35 percent, voted to amend their state constitution to automatically restore the right to vote for most individuals with prior felony convictions.


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor
Obama steps into the presidential race for the first time to demand South Carolina TV stations pull 'despicable' Republican ad using his voice that attacks Biden because it 'takes my words out of context'
  • Former President Barack Obama is sending a cease and desist letter to television stations in South Carolina demanding a Job Biden attack ad be taken down
  • The super Pac, Comittee to Defend the President,' began airing the ad as South Carolina prepares for its Democratic presidential primary on Saturday
  • The ad relies on audio and quotes from his 1995 book, 'Dreams from My Father,' in a 'misleading way', according to an Obama spokeswoman
  • The commercial is 'designed to suppress turnout among minority voters in South Carolina', the spokeswoman says

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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
never seen this level of craziness!

We're dealing with a man who would hide the Truth from Americans and downplay danger so he gets credit for the stock market and he and his rich friends can continue to see their investment portfolio do well. I put nothing past him.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
never seen this level of craziness!​
And, it might be even crazier than that. Note below, the February 26, 2020 CDC Report indicates 445 tested as of that date! If that's true, and the number of tested stood only at 472 on March 1st, WTF was going on in the 4 intervening days ? ? ?

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

Updated February 26, 2020

CDC is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. The outbreak first started in Wuhan, China, but cases have been identified in a growing number of other international locations, including the United States. This page will be updated regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States*†
COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States*†
Person-to-person spread2
Total confirmed cases14
Total tested445
* This table represents cases detected and tested in the United States through U.S. public health surveillance systems since January 21, 2020. It does not include people who returned to the U.S. via State Department-chartered flights.

† Numbers closed out at 4 p.m. the day before reporting.
COVID-19: Cases among Persons Repatriated to the United States†
COVID-19: Cases among Persons Repatriated to the United States†
Wuhan, ChinaDiamond Princess Cruise Ship‡
† Numbers closed out at 4 p.m. the day before reporting.

‡ Cases have laboratory confirmation and may or may not have been symptomatic.

Related Pages

See also:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

And, it might be even crazier than that. Note below, the February 26, 2020 CDC Report indicates 445 tested as of that date! If that's true, and the number of tested stood only at 472 on March 1st, WTF was going on in the 4 intervening days ? ? ?

See also:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I think this has been resolved now, but I'm adding it to the record.

Republicans are opposing paid sick leave and holding up free coronavirus testing over abortion

Senate Republicans have backed down on the threat to wait until after a week-long recess to consider the House coronavirus response bill, and have canceled recess. But that doesn’t mean they’re gearing up to be reasonable about protecting families from the economic impact of the pandemic.
“Per multiple sources, there are 2 issues emerging as sticking points in negotiations between the White House and Speaker Pelosi on the Coronavirus aid bill: paid sick leave and abortion,” NBC's Alex Moe tweeted. It’s a close call which of these is more shocking (without being all that surprising)—that Republicans are balking at paid sick leave during a pandemic or that Republicans are somehow turning pandemic response into an abortion fight.

The issue at play, abortion-wise, is that Republicans want to add anti-abortion language to the bill. That scans—as something ruthlessly partisan politicians with no regard for health or safety would do. It also comes in the context of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell having warned about the House Democrats’ bill—the one with the sick leave and coronavirus testing—being “an ideological wish list that was not tailored closely to the circumstances.”
According to the Daily Caller (no, I’m not linking), the issue was “a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.” So Democrats called for funding to cover laboratory costs of testing for coronavirus, and Republicans said no, because it would set a precedent that the federal government could spend money on health care without explicitly excluding abortion? IT’S CORONAVIRUS TESTING. But oh noes, it would set a precedent.
According to Politico Playbook, “The two sides resolved issues over federal funding of abortion in a separate bill that will also hit the floor.”
Then there’s paid sick leave. Which is at least a relevant issue here. In fact, it’s one of the absolute central issues: People who may miss weeks of work because they’re sick, caring for a sick loved one, or caring for a child whose school is closed should not face hunger and eviction or foreclosure for it. We should not want these people going about their daily lives infecting other people, even if we lack the basic humanity to say they shouldn’t have to suffer through working while sick.
Paid sick leave is, for the record, extremely popular with the public. Ten states and the District of Columbia, in addition to some cities and counties, have paid sick leave laws, although none of them are likely to offer enough time for someone to ride out a case of COVID-19. Eight states and the District of Columbia have paid family leave laws—except that the Massachusetts law hasn’t gone into effect yet.
Paid sick leave was already a dire need in this country, and now it’s a crisis. It’s one more thing keeping the U.S. from an effective response to the pandemic, as if we needed one more thing when we already had Donald Trump. Paid sick leave has always been a moral imperative and safety imperative and now for many people it is a survival imperative. And Republicans are standing in the way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think this has been resolved now, but I'm adding it to the record.

Republicans are opposing paid sick leave and holding up free coronavirus testing over abortion

Senate Republicans have backed down on the threat to wait until after a week-long recess to consider the House coronavirus response bill, and have canceled recess. But that doesn’t mean they’re gearing up to be reasonable about protecting families from the economic impact of the pandemic.
“Per multiple sources, there are 2 issues emerging as sticking points in negotiations between the White House and Speaker Pelosi on the Coronavirus aid bill: paid sick leave and abortion,” NBC's Alex Moe tweeted. It’s a close call which of these is more shocking (without being all that surprising)—that Republicans are balking at paid sick leave during a pandemic or that Republicans are somehow turning pandemic response into an abortion fight.

The issue at play, abortion-wise, is that Republicans want to add anti-abortion language to the bill. That scans—as something ruthlessly partisan politicians with no regard for health or safety would do. It also comes in the context of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell having warned about the House Democrats’ bill—the one with the sick leave and coronavirus testing—being “an ideological wish list that was not tailored closely to the circumstances.”
According to the Daily Caller (no, I’m not linking), the issue was “a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.” So Democrats called for funding to cover laboratory costs of testing for coronavirus, and Republicans said no, because it would set a precedent that the federal government could spend money on health care without explicitly excluding abortion? IT’S CORONAVIRUS TESTING. But oh noes, it would set a precedent.
According to Politico Playbook, “The two sides resolved issues over federal funding of abortion in a separate bill that will also hit the floor.”
Then there’s paid sick leave. Which is at least a relevant issue here. In fact, it’s one of the absolute central issues: People who may miss weeks of work because they’re sick, caring for a sick loved one, or caring for a child whose school is closed should not face hunger and eviction or foreclosure for it. We should not want these people going about their daily lives infecting other people, even if we lack the basic humanity to say they shouldn’t have to suffer through working while sick.
Paid sick leave is, for the record, extremely popular with the public. Ten states and the District of Columbia, in addition to some cities and counties, have paid sick leave laws, although none of them are likely to offer enough time for someone to ride out a case of COVID-19. Eight states and the District of Columbia have paid family leave laws—except that the Massachusetts law hasn’t gone into effect yet.
Paid sick leave was already a dire need in this country, and now it’s a crisis. It’s one more thing keeping the U.S. from an effective response to the pandemic, as if we needed one more thing when we already had Donald Trump. Paid sick leave has always been a moral imperative and safety imperative and now for many people it is a survival imperative. And Republicans are standing in the way.
Both sides


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
HUD is gutting fair-housing protections for profit !

In the latest of the Trump administration’s attacks on fair housing, HUD has proposed a new rule that would effectively eliminate their basic mandate – “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Act (AFFH), making housing discrimination easier and further entrenching housing segregation.”The administration’s new proposal ticks four boxes that are basic themes for our “Who profits?” Trump administration.

  1. We must search out and destroy any program Obama touched.
  2. We hate poor people other than as convenient scapegoats for all America’s ills we can’t hang on immigrants.
  3. We do not “see” the results of racism.
  4. With a little tweaking, we can make money meant for the poor flow upwards to the wealthy.”


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