Have any of you tried the Keto diet


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Any books or recommended meal plans?

Check out the “Rapid Fat-Loss Diet” by Lyle McDonald. It used to be posted on this board, and still might be somewhere. It’s based on a PSMF diet - Protein Sparing Modified Fast. Check out the thread on the fitness board called “How I lost 40 pounds in 62 days”, because he did an extended PSMF. His method was kind of dangerous though.

I tried it. Hated it. Cant go without carbs. Body needed the fuel. My ole ass gets constipated without them. You mentioned..

Hardest thing for me might be giving up rice & peas or lasagna. I luv da fuck outta them especially rice n peas with oxtail gravy and jerk chicken

So I did the following Rice..... Never had a prob with it but use Quinoa instead.
The soul food, man I don't eat any of it. Collard greens I juice. All that adding it to oxtails :smh:
I also spiralize veggies to mimic pasta.
I juice a pound of kale/spinach with a pound of carrots every morning.

After the gym smoothie with:
chia seeds
40 grams grotein
40 gram egg white powder
mixed fruits and I do that twice a day.

Then I eat Quinoa and turkey. Along the day I eat seeds cant eat almonds or any other nuts I have an allergy. Does it get boring? Sometimes but when I eat bad my damn stomach hurts so shits not worth it to me. Speaking of such got food tested and avoid all things Im allergic to. Stops inflamation. Over the years I have educated myself and now I eat to live not live to eat. Got rid of that mentality that its the weekend lets eat something fried you deserve it. If my body is my temple I have learned to respect it bec I have more years behind than ahead. I also stay in the gym 2-3 hours a day disabilities and all. If I want something sweet, a nigga grab either fruit or protein.

Changing my diet and lifestyle I was able to get off Fentanyl and Oxycontin AND loose over 100 pounds. Im never turning back.

Damn. Fentanyl and OxyContin?

58lbs lost during the winter months on keto

I posted alot of the dishes i prepared on here

Im down to 197lbs now

Its more about eliminating anything white out of your diet.

White girls too?


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Jesus you’re an idiot. At the eithteen hour mark autophagy starts moron, not ketosis. Intermittent fasting will never put you on ketosis if you eat sugar and carbs during your eating hours...

Just stick to being an idiot but stop giving advice to niggas who want to learn correctly. You’re just a typical armchair, pocketbook wearing, cell phone in your back pocket faggot ass nigga.
Fuck you tater tot air frying dick gargling grease stain wall lamb-o renting bitch you....

Go French kiss a shotgun


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
For those that actually want to learn something instead of listening to that jackass say to have to fast for 48+ hours to reach ketosis, here's a REAL DOCTOR, Mark Mattson, a leading expert on intermittent fasting and a neurosciences professor at Johns Hopkins University, and chief of the laboratory of neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging (NIA) has to say about intermittent fasting and ketosis.

Just follow the link and skip ahead to the 17:40 mark



Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Gonna disagree from real world experience.

Fastest way to enter ketosis, AFTER carbing up is by heneceforth starving the body of carbohydrates.

Coupled with exercise, the body is looking for glycogen stores to feed off to repair muscle. When carbs are no longer available, the body produces ketones to fuel.

Perhaps your experience is different but for many who I know an can attest, IF is one of the best ways to enter ketosis after a dose of carbs.
That's tiny Tina loser ass bro don't even waste your time... Ole potato head faggit


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Check out the “Rapid Fat-Loss Diet” by Lyle McDonald. It used to be posted on this board, and still might be somewhere. It’s based on a PSMF diet - Protein Sparing Modified Fast. Check out the thread on the fitness board called “How I lost 40 pounds in 62 days”, because he did an extended PSMF. His method was kind of dangerous though.

Damn. Fentanyl and OxyContin?

White girls too?

Yeah bra AND
Muscle relaxers and nerve pills :smh: I was afraid I was gonna die in my sleep.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Been on the Keto diet for a week, and I've already lost 5lbs (206 down to 201). I'm loving it so far


Platinum Member
I’ve tried to put 3 people onto Intermittent fasting and they all claim they can’t understand how basically missing one meal and cutting off snacking at a certain time works. One guy couldn’t even last a full day before he claimed he got headaches so bad that he had to stop at KENTICKY FRIED CHICKEN and get something to eat.:lol:I tried to get my friend to start with me when I started and she didn’t wanna hear it, now that she sees how I’ve cut up in the midsection she wants to try it but has a million questions and says it makes no sense.

I started 16/8 almost a month ago. I have to do my weekly weigh in today but have lost 7lbs confirmed before I check. I did get a headache the first day but that's because I didn't plan right and didn't really eat much. But I'm going to keep doing it til I drop like 90 lol it's pretty easy if you time it right with your sleep that way you only have to wait about an hour or so before you eat again


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I do Keto and IF, get crazy results.

Keto works for me because my pallet is so plain anyway.

I just eat chicken, turkey or ham. Leafy greens, broccoli with cheese, salads with bacon.

I make my own keto fat bomb peanut butter cups for dessert.

Keto is basically getting rid of all the bullshit that fucks you up anyway like processed foods, sugar, flour, etc.

There are keto substitutes for all those things, recipes if you don't mind cooking.

Once I found monk fruit sweetener, a sugar substitute, I was good.

I've been doing this for 14 months working out a few times a week, and I feel great.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
I started 16/8 almost a month ago. I have to do my weekly weigh in today but have lost 7lbs confirmed before I check. I did get a headache the first day but that's because I didn't plan right and didn't really eat much. But I'm going to keep doing it til I drop like 90 lol it's pretty easy if you time it right with your sleep that way you only have to wait about an hour or so before you eat again

Yeah friend did the same thing, she ate last meal at 5pm Sunday, (I told her 8pm), and then at noon on Monday ate a salad then complained about still starving..lmaooo I told her she was supposed to eat regular meal. She’s been on it 2 weeks now, lost 5 the first week and I told her to wait a couple weeks before she weighs again. I keep telling people it’s easy and ypu’re basically just cutting out one meal and late night snacking

I do Keto and IF, get crazy results.

Keto works for me because my pallet is so plain anyway.

I just eat chicken, turkey or ham. Leafy greens, broccoli with cheese, salads with bacon.

I make my own keto fat bomb peanut butter cups for dessert.

Keto is basically getting rid of all the bullshit that fucks you up anyway like processed foods, sugar, flour, etc.

There are keto substitutes for all those things, recipes if you don't mind cooking.

Once I found monk fruit sweetener, a sugar substitute, I was good.

I've been doing this for 14 months working out a few times a week, and I feel great.

I can do KETO i’m just so weak when it comes to desserts. I’ll keep carbs low and within range on meals and then eat some cookies or something. Last Saturday I went to a place that sells KETO desserts, spent $15 for low carb desserts for the whole week and then Wednesday needed to go to Walmart amd got some oatmeal cookies for absolutely no reason!!!! I still went from 235 to 208 with IF though


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I started 16/8 almost a month ago. I have to do my weekly weigh in today but have lost 7lbs confirmed before I check. I did get a headache the first day but that's because I didn't plan right and didn't really eat much. But I'm going to keep doing it til I drop like 90 lol it's pretty easy if you time it right with your sleep that way you only have to wait about an hour or so before you eat again

How was it for you after having a child and if you don't mind me asking do you breastfeed? Anything you have to share would be greatly appreciated because after having a child women tend to struggle with weight loss if they were not health nuts to begin with. I would like to pass this info on to other women looking to drop baby weight.


Platinum Member
How was it for you after having a child and if you don't mind me asking do you breastfeed? Anything you have to share would be greatly appreciated because after having a child women tend to struggle with weight loss if they were not health nuts to begin with. I would like to pass this info on to other women looking to drop baby weight.

I'm still breastfeeding lol I went down to where I was basically after the birth but then I was just eating whatever and went beyond how much I was while pregnant like an extra 40lbs lol so it was like 180ish during pregnancy at the end and with breastfeeding got back down to it once I hit 200 after then it just kept creeping back up. Once I hit 220 I'm like OK that's enough so just woke up and started fasting. That was about a month ago. I plan on losing roughly about 90lbs. That's the goal. With the extra weight my knees became extremely painful to where I could barely walk right and getting in and out of the car was like an old lady. It's way better now so I'm going to keep at it. And you can still eat junk if you want but junk takes up a lot of calories so knowing you want to go under 2000 for the day you're more mindful. I wanted to to do my dance central for working out but baby spazzes. Tried doing it while holding him and it didn't work out lol will probably wear him next time while doing it.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
Weighed today and down to 200, from 235 in February, I didn’t wanna lose this much weight but i’m cut up 3verywhere except that last row of six packs so i’m satisfied. I’m gonna up my protein intake, shakes and lift heavier so I can put about 5-7 pounds of muscle on

Rembrandt Brown

I’ve tried to put 3 people onto Intermittent fasting and they all claim they can’t understand how basically missing one meal and cutting off snacking at a certain time works. One guy couldn’t even last a full day before he claimed he got headaches so bad that he had to stop at KENTICKY FRIED CHICKEN and get something to eat.:lol:I tried to get my friend to start with me when I started and she didn’t wanna hear it, now that she sees how I’ve cut up in the midsection she wants to try it but has a million questions and says it makes no sense.

"One guy couldn’t even last a full day before he claimed he got headaches so bad that he had to stop at KENTICKY FRIED CHICKEN and get something to eat."

I WISH I heard such nonsense.

He didn't just have to eat to fight his headache, he had to eat at KFC. "Only the Colonel has the cure!"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Been on the Keto diet for a week, and I've already lost 5lbs (206 down to 201). I'm loving it so far
Down to 193 and that's after gaining 2lbs while on vacation. I thought I'd lose some muscle/strength but I'm actually gradually getting stronger.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Been on the fasting for about 2 weeks and have good energy. 18 hours of fasting and very low carb intake.
It's hard at work cause they don't have advocates and the meal I'm skipping is dinner which is actually breakfast cause I'm on nightshift. I just don't want bacon and eggs every meal for dinner with 0 vegetables. :smh::smh:

So I guess it's a modified keto. I'll know if it worked once I get back onshore and weigh myself.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
"One guy couldn’t even last a full day before he claimed he got headaches so bad that he had to stop at KENTICKY FRIED CHICKEN and get something to eat."

I WISH I heard such nonsense.

He didn't just have to eat to fight his headache, he had to eat at KFC. "Only the Colonel has the cure!"

He was a guy that’s always talking about going on new diets and new types of workouts and not sticking with them so I knew he wasn’t gonna stick with this so I just laughed..lmaoo

Been on the fasting for about 2 weeks and have good energy. 18 hours of fasting and very low carb intake.
It's hard at work cause they don't have advocates and the meal I'm skipping is dinner which is actually breakfast cause I'm on nightshift. I just don't want bacon and eggs every meal for dinner with 0 vegetables. :smh::smh:

So I guess it's a modified keto. I'll know if it worked once I get back onshore and weigh myself.

I set my eating window to coincide with my work hours 2pm to 10pm (I work 4pm to 12:30 am) so I wouldn’t be at work hungry. I could never fully get into that KETO either


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
I know everyone's different, but I lost my desired weight after laying off carbs & sugars for about a year or so. Since then, I do both in moderation, and I'm maintaining. I've lost a pound or two since, but haven't gained. For the last 8 or 9 months, I've been holding steady at around 177-178. At one point, I dipped to 174 and got worried I was losing too much weight, but my doctor said it was my body making adjustments. My last 2 annual physicals have been great.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I recently tried the egg Keto diet for 5 days. I definitely dropped weight as I saw it go from 215 to 207 but lawd the farts were deadly & I want a fan of my stomach constantly feeling tight like it was gonna cramp up. I'm probably gonna stick with intermittent fasting but if I need to do lbs to make a certain weight goal quickly I know what to do now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Down to 193 and that's after gaining 2lbs while on vacation. I thought I'd lose some muscle/strength but I'm actually gradually getting stronger.
Got down to 180 in Mid-july and went on another vacay and put on 6lbs (186) lol. Got all the way down to 175 in 2 weeks, then hit a plateau. So I decided to pig out this past weekend to shock my system again. I'm 179 as of today. I think I need to get down to about 165-170 for my abs to be completely defined, hope to reach that by the end of the month. I've lost a total of 50lbs this year, 30 of it has been due to Keto and IF the past 4 months, the lbs just fall off man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is there like a keto for chart?
I used google and YouTube when I first started. There's plenty of info out there. I suggest subscribing to KetoConnect on youtube, it's a married couple who've been doing Keto for years. They've got videos that cover just about every aspect of Keto.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is a Keto app. But has anyone ever monitored there Keto levels with Keto strips to see what foods don’t affect being in ketosis
From what I've read online, those strips are a rip-off. It's basically just showing what ur pissing out , it's not an accurate assessment of your bodies current state.

I think the best tool for an accurate reading is a blood ketone reading test

I've never used any tests though. I just us the Myfitness app to monitor my macros and my calories. As long as 70-80% of your calories are from fat and 5% or less are carbs, you should be good.


Rising Star
Probably when Keto and a lot of other diets is you cut something out usually carbs and once you reintroduce those things your ass blows right back up

The wife is doing that shit now


Rising Star
Consuming all that fat I worry about what’s its doing to me in the long run. I’ll be ripped muscles popping from everywhere then drop dead from a heart attack