Have any of you tried the Keto diet


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I was just talking with my neighbor the other day and he was giddy as hell over losing 40+lbs in about 5 months from doing the Keto diet. He told me he has a few diabetic co-workers who did it as well and no longer require the need to take insulin. I have another friend who also lost over 30lbs from doing the Keto diet. I'm considering doing the diet as well but am curious about what it fully entails and what challenges I'd face in maintaining it or if there are alternatives that should be considered.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
I was just talking with my neighbor the other day and he was giddy as hell over losing 40+lbs in about 5 months from doing the Keto diet. He told me he has a few diabetic co-workers who did it as well and no longer require the need to take insulin. I have another friend who also lost over 30lbs from doing the Keto diet. I'm considering doing the diet as well but am curious about what it fully entails and what challenges I'd face in maintaining it or if there are alternatives that should be considered.

yes, it works.

do a board search. plenty of information here, online and youtube.

it is not a diet. it is a lifestyle.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Hardest thing for me might be giving up rice & peas or lasagna. I luv da fuck outta them especially rice n peas with oxtail gravy and jerk chicken


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
'My family is counting on me': Father-of-three proudly shows off his RIPPED body as he reveals how he lost 92LBS in just five months after realizing he could no longer keep up with his kids
  • Jeremiah Peterson, 40, from Montana started his health journey in 2017
  • He decided to alter his diet and exercise after realizing he could no longer keep up with his wife and three children on a hike
  • The dad-of-three chose the ketogenic diet, which is high-fat and low-carbs
  • In just 150 days, he dropped 92lbs and went from a size 42 to a size 33 in jeans
  • Jeremiah now uses Instagram to inspire other people to change their diets
  • He encourages people to set fitness and health goals to improve their lives


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Love cyclic keto. Used to be able to get cut to shit in my partying days with keto most of Sunday all the way to Friday evening. Ate and drank anything I wanted from Friday evening to Sunday morning. Basically 5 days on/ 2 off. For those in a hurry, 10 days on with 14 being a big, big push. Keto does work great for most people. After you get your results, make a sensible lifestyle change.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Basically cut all or most carbs: sweets, candy, soda, juice, bread, chips, annnnnd fruits except, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and avocado. Stick to eggs, meats, cheese, veggies and water and watch the fat disappear.

Like above said achieve your results then switch to a more conventional diet, maybe vegetarian focusing on low carbs, gluten free and the best of what keto has to offer.

Moderate exercise up to 6 days a week will put you on a path to greatness.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Any books or recommended meal plans?



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I tried it. Hated it. Cant go without carbs. Body needed the fuel. My ole ass gets constipated without them. You mentioned..

Hardest thing for me might be giving up rice & peas or lasagna. I luv da fuck outta them especially rice n peas with oxtail gravy and jerk chicken

So I did the following Rice..... Never had a prob with it but use Quinoa instead.
The soul food, man I don't eat any of it. Collard greens I juice. All that adding it to oxtails :smh:
I also spiralize veggies to mimic pasta.
I juice a pound of kale/spinach with a pound of carrots every morning.

After the gym smoothie with:
chia seeds
40 grams grotein
40 gram egg white powder
mixed fruits and I do that twice a day.

Then I eat Quinoa and turkey. Along the day I eat seeds cant eat almonds or any other nuts I have an allergy. Does it get boring? Sometimes but when I eat bad my damn stomach hurts so shits not worth it to me. Speaking of such got food tested and avoid all things Im allergic to. Stops inflamation. Over the years I have educated myself and now I eat to live not live to eat. Got rid of that mentality that its the weekend lets eat something fried you deserve it. If my body is my temple I have learned to respect it bec I have more years behind than ahead. I also stay in the gym 2-3 hours a day disabilities and all. If I want something sweet, a nigga grab either fruit or protein.

Changing my diet and lifestyle I was able to get off Fentanyl and Oxycontin AND loose over 100 pounds. Im never turning back.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Keto has been my world since I started 6 months ago.

Weight loss is coming down every week, blood pressure is optimal, and the energy levels are through the roof. No more midday naps cause the ketones just power me through.

Coupled with regular exercise, it's been a dream.

Yes, going without the carbs are tough in the beginning stages but once you see and feel the results, you won't miss em too much.

I thought I could NEVER live without pasta but 6 months later, I'm doing good.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Tried it but I just could not do it long term, bacon, meat, fat, all day every day. You get tired of it after awhile. You can get similar result by just counting your calories.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
I have keto cheat days here and there but I immediately go into IF to get back into ketosis.

Shit works like clockwork.
Yeah I just don't think that way of life is sustainable for me personally. I know people that do it full time, but there are some foods I just can't see myself giving up.

With IF, I pretty much eat what I want as long as I'm within my macros and feeding window


Medium well
BGOL Investor
If you have the discipline and iron will do it.

Just know that your filling your body with more fat and cholesterol then ever and if you fuck up the diet, your increasing your risk if heart attack stroke and diabetes.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
If you have the discipline and iron will do it.

Just know that your filling your body with more fat and cholesterol then ever and if you fuck up the diet, your increasing your risk if heart attack stroke and diabetes.
This is why I go intermittent fasting over keto diet... But like I say that's my personal opinion


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
Love cyclic keto. Used to be able to get cut to shit in my partying days with keto most of Sunday all the way to Friday evening. Ate and drank anything I wanted from Friday evening to Sunday morning. Basically 5 days on/ 2 off. For those in a hurry, 10 days on with 14 being a big, big push. Keto does work great for most people. After you get your results, make a sensible lifestyle change.

I’ve been doing intermittent fasting 16:8 for the past 9 weeks and i do the same method as you. I’ll eat really clean during the week and eat whatever during the weekend but always stay within my eating window. I thought about trying KETO but that <35g of carbs just seemed to restrictive to me, so I’ve been doing a low carb diet <65 for the past week


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
I’ve tried to put 3 people onto Intermittent fasting and they all claim they can’t understand how basically missing one meal and cutting off snacking at a certain time works. One guy couldn’t even last a full day before he claimed he got headaches so bad that he had to stop at KENTICKY FRIED CHICKEN and get something to eat.:lol:I tried to get my friend to start with me when I started and she didn’t wanna hear it, now that she sees how I’ve cut up in the midsection she wants to try it but has a million questions and says it makes no sense.


Rising Star
OG Investor
My recommendation would be to use this as a tool to get jumpstarted if nothing else has been successful for you and as soon as you get the ball rolling to where you feel comfortable revert to a more suitable diet catered towards lots of vegetables and plenty of exercise. But the reason this does work for many is because you don’t feel as deprived without seeing good or major results during the sacrifice. People wanna feel like their efforts are worthwhile which gives them extra motivation to push forward each day and stay dedicated.
Get your good weight loss jumpstarted, metabolism rolling and switch to something more healthier and long term with exercise.

Take care of your Health while you can.
Good Luck Everyone


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I’ve tried to put 3 people onto Intermittent fasting and they all claim they can’t understand how basically missing one meal and cutting off snacking at a certain time works. One guy couldn’t even last a full day before he claimed he got headaches so bad that he had to stop at KENTICKY FRIED CHICKEN and get something to eat.:lol:I tried to get my friend to start with me when I started and she didn’t wanna hear it, now that she sees how I’ve cut up in the midsection she wants to try it but has a million questions and says it makes no sense.
You gotta remember that alotta people are brainwashed by the 3 meals a day routine.

Historically speaking, out ancestors never ate like we do. They ate sparingly with gaps in between. Modern humans have come to believe that 3 meals a day is adequate but fail to realize it's just a marketing scheme over anything else.

The proof is when IF kicks in and then they truly become believers having realized that skipping meals for long durations is highly beneficial to the human body.
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I’ve been doing intermittent fasting 16:8 for the past 9 weeks and i do the same method as you. I’ll eat really clean during the week and eat whatever during the weekend but always stay within my eating window. I thought about trying KETO but that <35g of carbs just seemed to restrictive to me, so I’ve been doing a low carb diet <65 for the past week
When I first tried cyclic keto in the mid-90s, I couldn't get past the carb thing either. I eased my way in by just eating shit I enjoyed that fit within the parameters. So it was wings, burgers, steaks, and catfish for me. Lots of water.

Knowing I could eat what I want on the weekends kept me in check. Back then, I was like the only one doing this shit. People thought I was crazy. Even though I could eat what I wanted on the weekends, I'd still be throwing buns away off my rally burgers after the club.

20+ years later. It's still my go to method for a summer cut.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
When I first tried cyclic keto in the mid-90s, I couldn't get past the carb thing either. I eased my way in by just eating shit I enjoyed that fit within the parameters. So it was wings, burgers, steaks, and catfish for me. Lots of water.

Knowing I could eat what I want on the weekends kept me in check. Back then, I was like the only one doing this shit. People thought I was crazy. Even though I could eat what I wanted on the weekends, I'd still be throwing buns away off my rally burgers after the club.

20+ years later. It's still my go to method for a summer cut.

I downloaded a carb/ macro manager app on my phone. I set it up for 55g of carbs a day. The carbs were 55g but the 141g fat, 315g protein and 2700 calories. I was like damn i’m gonna have to eat wings, burgers and steaks to meet those numbers. I’ve been doing it this week and just haven’t been able to bring myself to eat the necessary amount of food to meet my protein and fat recommendations

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I downloaded a carb/ macro manager app on my phone. I set it up for 55g of carbs a day. The carbs were 55g but the 141g fat, 315g protein and 2700 calories. I was like damn i’m gonna have to eat wings, burgers and steaks to meet those numbers. I’ve been doing it this week and just haven’t been able to bring myself to eat the necessary amount of food to meet my protein and fat recommendations
Try essential amino acids or BCAAs to help with protein. Goal with protein is to preserve LBM, and aminos work great for that. 18oz of chicken breast is over 100 grams of protein and will have about 18-20 grams BCAA. I prefer just to take the 20 grams of BCAA instead of eating just to eat. As long as I get complete protein from other meals, I'm good.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
This is incorrect information as usual here. To the op, Keto dieting is a very effective way to lose weight. If you combine it with intermittent fasting as well as some long term fasting, I could almost guarantee you supreme results. Pm me if you want REAL, ACCURATE information.

Intermittent fasting will not cause you to enter ketosis. Only long term fasting (48 hours +). Intermittent fasting is when you change your eating pattern. For instance, 16 hours fast, 8 hour eating window. Or 20 hours fast with a 4 hour eating window. This must be done daily. Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it’s more of a pattern of eating.

Once again, if you really want quality info, holler at me and I’ll school you. If you’re a man and don’t live by the word “can’t” like most here.....(I CANT live without rice, I CANT live without pasta, I CANT live without cake) then holler at me and I’ll help. If you’re a mouse with no discipline then this isn’t for you.

Side note: I train lots of people and I realize that women succeed at least twice as much as men. I guess roles have truly reversed these days. Most men cave in after 2 days like little pussies while women go in thug life style and succeed.
Ok so because you have Dr in your name we should believe you?

It's a fact that you can go into a state of ketosis by using a 16:8 intermittent fasting regimen. It also says that the biggest change happens at around the 18 hour mark. a simple Google search says as much and it is from reputable sources, not just some mommy blogger spewing a bunch of bullshit. But whatever.

We're not gonna pm you for advice. Whatever you have to say, say it here. Don't lie to mufuccas in private. Say it out in the open
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Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
This is incorrect information as usual here. To the op, Keto dieting is a very effective way to lose weight. If you combine it with intermittent fasting as well as some long term fasting, I could almost guarantee you supreme results. Pm me if you want REAL, ACCURATE information.

Intermittent fasting will not cause you to enter ketosis. Only long term fasting (48 hours +). Intermittent fasting is when you change your eating pattern. For instance, 16 hours fast, 8 hour eating window. Or 20 hours fast with a 4 hour eating window. This must be done daily. Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it’s more of a pattern of eating.

Once again, if you really want quality info, holler at me and I’ll school you. If you’re a man and don’t live by the word “can’t” like most here.....(I CANT live without rice, I CANT live without pasta, I CANT live without cake) then holler at me and I’ll help. If you’re a mouse with no discipline then this isn’t for you.

Side note: I train lots of people and I realize that women succeed at least twice as much as men. I guess roles have truly reversed these days. Most men cave in after 2 days like little pussies while women go in thug life style and succeed.
Wait a minute...
Who the fuck are you?

Your bitch ass registered today. What old user name have you abandoned and are using here?

Is that you, Tina? :smh:


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Jesus you’re an idiot. At the eithteen hour mark autophagy starts moron, not ketosis. Intermittent fasting will never put you on ketosis if you eat sugar and carbs during your eating hours...

Just stick to being an idiot but stop giving advice to niggas who want to learn correctly. You’re just a typical armchair, pocketbook wearing, cell phone in your back pocket faggot ass nigga.
Gonna disagree from real world experience.

Fastest way to enter ketosis, AFTER carbing up is by heneceforth starving the body of carbohydrates.

Coupled with exercise, the body is looking for glycogen stores to feed off to repair muscle. When carbs are no longer available, the body produces ketones to fuel.

Perhaps your experience is different but for many who I know an can attest, IF is one of the best ways to enter ketosis after a dose of carbs.