Justice League MOVIE Discussion (The SynderCut Drops 3/18/2021)


Rising Star
Platinum Member
But I don’t get why he had to touch it right before it touched the water... when its already been shown that cube works underwater or they could have placed the cube on his body.
The spark had to be right or he would return as ...

The scene was written to showcase his speed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kingdom Come was so wack. Wtf you talking about.

IMO perfect follow up to JL would be to do a kingdom come adaption!

Perfect finish for Afflecks old man batman.



X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
The movie was weird. So this guy took on 3 groups and lost, got destroyed by Superman easily, but Batman felt he could take him on?

I’m going to have to call in Wonder Woman’s god card.
wonder woman continues to be the best thing in DC..


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Y'all ain't notice how crazy Supermans face looked with all the CGI? Cuzz looked like Devo or Kraftwerk. Wonder Woman's flat ass?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Warner Bros. were in a hurry to catch Marvel and they should have followed Marvel's road map. Every movie except Wonder Woman has been panned by critics. They are as bad as Sony is with the Spiderman movies. Flash running look silly as hell, the CW's Flash running looks way more natural than that. So now it looks like they may have to recast Batman. The DCEU is a fucking mess, Zack Synder really fucked it up. Wonder Woman would have been the same way if Synder had directed it. I guess Warner Bros. didn't want ILM to do the CGI because who ever did it fucked it up. This movie should have been epic and now it may be a big joke.


Rising Star
Warner Bros. were in a hurry to catch Marvel and they should have followed Marvel's road map. Every movie except Wonder Woman has been panned by critics. They are as bad as Sony is with the Spiderman movies. Flash running look silly as hell, the CW's Flash running looks way more natural than that. So now it looks like they may have to recast Batman. The DCEU is a fucking mess, Zack Synder really fucked it up. Wonder Woman would have been the same way if Synder had directed it. I guess Warner Bros. didn't want ILM to do the CGI because who ever did it fucked it up. This movie should have been epic and now it may be a big joke.

Dude me and my friend was just discussing this. Marvels post production schedules are like a year or less and the CGI from ILM, framestore, and luma pictures look FLAWLESS

Justice league had like a year and a half of post production and there is NO EXCUSE to have it look like a PS3 game


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
And even tho I liked him as aqua man I forgot about this :angry:

further proof that DC/WB Zack snyder are all IDIOTS and CLUELESS!!!!!!

The DC Villain Jason Momoa Thought Zack Snyder Would Ask Him To Play

When Momoa was first reportedly approached for the Aquaman character, I assumed it was to stop Marvel from hiring him to play Prince Namor. If I remember correctly, he was cast very early on. It seemed like the kind of fuckboy shit DC would do.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
OK just came back from seeing the movie. Here's my thoughts in no real order

  • The pacing of the movie felt weird. It felt like there was a piece in the middle that was missing.
  • I hated how they portrayed Flash. They made him borderline autistic with his behavior and it was rubbing me the wrong way. You can have Flash be the funny one without making him socially awkward nerd. Someone tell me if anything else portrays him like that.
  • I enjoyed the fight when Superman first woke up. The look on Flash's face when he noticed that Superman was fast enough to react to him was outstanding.
  • I hated how easily they had Superman deal with Steppenwolf at the end. If it's that easy then why do we need to worry???
  • I liked Cyborg
So I've been reading that it's not doing as well as expected in the box office but we'll know by the end of this weekend and more if there's a big drop in numbers next weekend.

On a side note......I really am getting impatient for an Infinity War trailer.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
OK just came back from seeing the movie. Here's my thoughts in no real order

  • The pacing of the movie felt weird. It felt like there was a piece in the middle that was missing.
  • I hated how they portrayed Flash. They made him borderline autistic with his behavior and it was rubbing me the wrong way. You can have Flash be the funny one without making him socially awkward nerd. Someone tell me if anything else portrays him like that.
  • I enjoyed the fight when Superman first woke up. The look on Flash's face when he noticed that Superman was fast enough to react to him was outstanding.
  • I hated how easily they had Superman deal with Steppenwolf at the end. If it's that easy then why do we need to worry???
  • I liked Cyborg
So I've been reading that it's not doing as well as expected in the box office but we'll know by the end of this weekend and more if there's a big drop in numbers next weekend.

On a side note......I really am getting impatient for an Infinity War trailer.
Co-sign on the last sentence


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just saw the movie. Is it me or does the Flash run like a retard?

Yes, he was beyond foolish, way worse than peter parker,ran with goofy ass slow strides. The suit was god awful( I was waiting for Bruce wayne to say throw that trash In garbage and I'll make you one)... I preferred the CW Flash in just about all aspects.


Rising Star
OK just came back from seeing the movie. Here's my thoughts in no real order

  • The pacing of the movie felt weird. It felt like there was a piece in the middle that was missing.
  • I hated how they portrayed Flash. They made him borderline autistic with his behavior and it was rubbing me the wrong way. You can have Flash be the funny one without making him socially awkward nerd. Someone tell me if anything else portrays him like that.
  • I enjoyed the fight when Superman first woke up. The look on Flash's face when he noticed that Superman was fast enough to react to him was outstanding.
  • I hated how easily they had Superman deal with Steppenwolf at the end. If it's that easy then why do we need to worry???
  • I liked Cyborg
So I've been reading that it's not doing as well as expected in the box office but we'll know by the end of this weekend and more if there's a big drop in numbers next weekend.

On a side note......I really am getting impatient for an Infinity War trailer.

Co-sign on the last sentence

early December......