What Happened to Respecting A Lady???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Logically explain the "correlation".

Think about it. So many men are over here cosigning on a "woman's respect" but isn't posting pussy pics going against that respect? Now I can see if no man came in here and agreed with the OP- then yes, you would be expecting pussy shots. But for you to agree that women, even to a certain extent on a porn forum, should demand/expect/receive a certain level of respect AND then to expect pussy shots? It's contradictory. The women here asked for dick pic, but we didn't force you all to post. The men posted out of their good will, (thank you all by the way). But we didn't raise hell like some of you men are over this pussy contest when some didn't deliver. I do find it odd though that SOL got more dick pics from the men than ab pics.

But then again you never know. If the respect was here maybe folks would show the cootie cat. Or if the men would stop being so stingy with other parts of their body- you never know. Just my two cents.

Girl you know they're gonna be mad because that's the only thing women can really contribute to BGOL. And notice most of the dudes begging for P shots have NEVER contributed to any of the male pic threads. Isn't that crazy though?

Ol' I want my cake and eat it too people; they can't have it both ways! Give something and ye shall receive...as long as it is within that individuals personal boundaries.

But naw, we got more than pussy. It's some feet and leg men here. Some tit men. Most definitely some ass men. Doesn't have to be all about the pussy. Or does it men? To see the lips of a woman you will never meet? :confused:


BGOL Investor
One of those pics threads is, Anonymous, so, you can't say that to be verifiable fact.
Yeah, but a lot are not anonymous and I think it's a safe assumption that a guy whose only post on SOL is in the pussy photo thread did not post himself in the anonymous thread.


Super Moderator
Yeah, but a lot are not anonymous and I think it's a safe assumption that a guy whose only post on SOL is in the pussy photo thread did not post himself in the anonymous thread.

Hmmm. Well, you don't know WHO got posted in that anonymous thread, but I'm betting you think you do, or who not, because you be like, knowing shit and shit!



But I see you must be speaking of someone particularly.


Rising Star
You know what? I was just thinking about what destrehan said. He goes at everyone. male and female. So ladies, just go BGOL side and look at how the men go at each other on here. That is BGOL culture. So we should be spared just because we have vaginas? I in fact LOVE BGOL culture. I get the best insults here! When you use them in real life you really shut down assholes and render everyone speechless. Its great! I actually recently called someone a doo doo chasing whining hypocritical pickle smuggler. GOOD TIMES!!!

BUT THEY DON'T HEAR YOU THOUGH. :smh: That's how a lot of women go through life, expecting certain things because they're women, yet denouncing double standards.


Rising Star
Girl you know they're gonna be mad because that's the only thing women can really contribute to BGOL. And notice most of the dudes begging for P shots have NEVER contributed to any of the male pic threads. Isn't that crazy though?

And the people that started the thread about the Male contest (the original one) have never contributed to any of the female pic threads. What is your point? :confused:


Rising Star
One of those pics threads is, Anonymous, so, you can't say that to be verifiable fact.


Tsk tsk Shane you should know better than to feed the troll :smh: :hmm:

Bingo X 2.

Yo we on a porn board with women who are exposing themselves. What do you expect


word? care to share...damn i'm out of the loop once again lol


I mean, what would you accept as valid criteria?? Making a post about it, making 5 posts about it, making a thread about it, leaving the board behind it? It's safe to say that every female with over 250 posts has made some comment in some form or fashion whining about the women's treatment on this board.


Rising Star
Ol' I want my cake and eat it too people; they can't have it both ways! Give something and ye shall receive...as long as it is within that individuals personal boundaries.

But naw, we got more than pussy. It's some feet and leg men here. Some tit men. Most definitely some ass men. Doesn't have to be all about the pussy. Or does it men? To see the lips of a woman you will never meet? :confused:

You think that most SOL regulars are really that hard up for pussy (or whatever) pics from female members? Most, if not all, have seen a lot of the women in various stages of undress through the magic of the PM exchange program. It's mostly people from the other side who straggled over here when an SOL mod posted an advertisement on the other side for the contests. You also realize that there was a vote for the contest that was open to men AND women and pussy STILL won out. As a matter of fact, it was decided upon by the creators of the contest (Psstt...they be women too).

Think about it. So many men are over here cosigning on a "woman's respect" but isn't posting pussy pics going against that respect? Now I can see if no man came in here and agreed with the OP- then yes, you would be expecting pussy shots. But for you to agree that women, even to a certain extent on a porn forum, should demand/expect/receive a certain level of respect AND then to expect pussy shots? It's contradictory. The women here asked for dick pic, but we didn't force you all to post. The men posted out of their good will, (thank you all by the way). But we didn't raise hell like some of you men are over this pussy contest when some didn't deliver. I do find it odd though that SOL got more dick pics from the men than ab pics.

But then again you never know. If the respect was here maybe folks would show the cootie cat. Or if the men would stop being so stingy with other parts of their body- you never know. Just my two cents.


Posting your pussy anonymously has nothing to do with earning respect, especially because it's anonymous (I hope I don't have to explain that concept). There's nothing contradictory at all in that. Do you women respect the men less who posted their dicks or the men in the ab contest?? NO. No man is forcing a woman to post either. Most, with the exception of maybe 4 of the posts in that 175+ post thread are in jest and good-natured ribbing. So again, I don't see the correlation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think that most SOL regulars are really that hard up for pussy (or whatever) pics from female members? Most, if not all, have seen a lot of the women in various stages of undress through the magic of the PM exchange program. It's mostly people from the other side who straggled over here when an SOL mod posted an advertisement on the other side for the contests. You also realize that there was a vote for the contest that was open to men AND women and pussy STILL won out. As a matter of fact, it was decided upon by the creators of the contest (Psstt...they be women too).

Posting your pussy anonymously has nothing to do with earning respect, especially because it's anonymous (I hope I don't have to explain that concept). There's nothing contradictory at all in that. Do you women respect the men less who posted their dicks or the men in the ab contest?? NO. No man is forcing a woman to post either. Most, with the exception of maybe 4 of the posts in that 175+ post thread are in jest and good-natured ribbing. So again, I don't see the correlation.

You silly. First off I never said that the women can't be put in the same boat as the men when wanting it all, because they can; I was just trying to reply to Followup. She explained that pussy pics were the only thing us women have to offer the BGOL men and I disagreed. Thus my reply to her.

As for you not seeing the correlation, my point is that the men seem to be more upset, (from what I have read), in the lack of participation or thought of lack of participation on the females part in the pussy challenge. When I read SOL replies about the men giving up various goods it seems as though the males are more upset and thus more vocal. Hence why I asked my first question in this thread.

Now I have heard of the things being exchanged through the fabulous PM system and I ain't gonna knock it. Do what you do. For those that got that .jpeg action, :D. I am in no way insinuating that the BGOL men can't get pussy, (although I do call bullshit on some of the men here). My point was concerning the participation in the pussy challenge and the responses that I saw between the men and women on the matter of posting certain body parts on the BOARD, not on the net in general.

I can continue...


BGOL Investor
You silly. First off I never said that the women can't be put in the same boat as the men when wanting it all, because they can; I was just trying to reply to Followup. She explained that pussy pics were the only thing us women have to offer the BGOL men and I disagreed. Thus my reply to her.
Girl, you shouldn't waste your time replying to that one. Trust me :smh:


Rising Star
You silly. First off I never said that the women can't be put in the same boat as the men when wanting it all, because they can; I was just trying to reply to Followup. She explained that pussy pics were the only thing us women have to offer the BGOL men and I disagreed. Thus my reply to her.

Oh, that was your first mistake.

As for you not seeing the correlation, my point is that the men seem to be more upset, (from what I have read), in the lack of participation or thought of lack of participation on the females part in the pussy challenge. When I read SOL replies about the men giving up various goods it seems as though the males are more upset and thus more vocal. Hence why I asked my first question in this thread.

That's the thing though, the men aren't more upset. A) It seems that way because there are 200 times more men than women on this board and B) the responses in that thread are tongue in cheek with the exception of three posts, which AGAIN, aren't from regular SOL male posters but from assholes who migrated over when the contests were advertised on the other side. Besides, that wasn't the point you were making, you were correlating a demand for respect of the women with the lack of pussy pictures posted in the thread. You've still failed to show that correlation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

One, I don't know why I shouldn't reply to a post stating my opinion, but to each his own.

Two, I thought I stated clearly the correlation but I guess you're missing it. I don't know. If I'm missing something here, please let me know. :confused:


agent of change
BGOL Investor
And the people that started the thread about the Male contest (the original one) have never contributed to any of the female pic threads. What is your point? :confused:

there is a difference in what she said and what ur saying

Desire and I made a suggestion

now speaking for myself...i NEVER begged or got MAD cuz the dudes weren't giving up pics...in fact the dudes were WILLING

Follow is talking about ppl getting mad and begging not ppl just asking or suggesting...there is a difference


Rising Star

One, I don't know why I shouldn't reply to a post stating my opinion, but to each his own.

Two, I thought I stated clearly the correlation but I guess you're missing it. I don't know. If I'm missing something here, please let me know. :confused:

First, I just be sayins dat Followup be a troll. Ona dem angry bitter trolls. Dats all, yous can have aaaaaaaaall the oponions you be wantin.

Third, I just neva done saw de, how you say it, corickilake....coriander...corre, aw, fuck, de connecshun wit respect n pussy postin. But, I ain't dat smarts, so maybe you can be pointin out to me. O', we can be disagreeing to agree, ya dig. Ya feels me??


Rising Star
there is a difference in what she said and what ur saying

Desire and I made a suggestion

now speaking for myself...i NEVER begged or got MAD cuz the dudes weren't giving up pics...in fact the dudes were WILLING

Follow is talking about ppl getting mad and begging not ppl just asking or suggesting...there is a difference

uhhh, dat "suggession", as you be saying, turnt inta whinin and cryin jus like de pussy thread. Again, u be missin the point. Aints nobody mad, aints nobodys angry. There be no difference.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First, I just be sayins dat Followup be a troll. Ona dem angry bitter trolls. Dats all, yous can have aaaaaaaaall the oponions you be wantin.

Third, I just neva done saw de, how you say it, corickilake....coriander...corre, aw, fuck, de connecshun wit respect n pussy postin. But, I ain't dat smarts, so maybe you can be pointin out to me. O', we can be disagreeing to agree, ya dig. Ya feels me??



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
respect is earned, not expected. kats want it that don't deserve nor put it out. bitches and hoes ain't women, and niggas and thugs ain't men. respect where respect is due.


Rising Star
And when guys "come to the rescue" for females they are talked shit about for days. And each member you listed, I've seen and heard another member call them a simp. Shit the guys who hang on SOL are called simps in general for being here alot.

You kno whut be real funny bout dis, I wuz reedins (yea, I be reedins from time to times :hmm:) on de main bored and dey was tryna, how y'all say, "Ock" Bigirl. Tho I don kno why she "bi", you picks one o' de ova, but I aints judgin, no no. Anyway, dis poster name of Makkinmen came and was takin up for her an' you know how many men call him a simp, none. You kno' how many wimmens call him a simp, one.

You trying to fuck bigirl? Or you already hit it? LOL @ a lame like you taking pride in being an original at "exposing" people on BGOL, being highly selective in who you expose. Why don't you do something that will get you paid? Fucking internet loser.... Only a simp tries to take up the problems of a woman he's not banging and it's not his relative :smh:
Man I just came to see what the hype was about, and didn't expect some lame save-a-bigirl to cape up


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
You kno whut be real funny bout dis, I wuz reedins (yea, I be reedins from time to times :hmm:) on de main bored and dey was tryna, how y'all say, "Ock" Bigirl. Tho I don kno why she "bi", you picks one o' de ova, but I aints judgin, no no. Anyway, dis poster name of Makkinmen came and was takin up for her an' you know how many men call him a simp, none. You kno' how many wimmens call him a simp, one.

She just vex because she doesn't have any friends.