What Happened to Respecting A Lady???


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One of the main issues with this board and every other one on the net is the lack of respect. A lot of these cats get away with calling women all sorts of names bc many women don't demand their respect. Some would accept being disrespected just to say that they have someone then to stand up for themselves and be single with dignity. If there was more respect between the brothas and sistas on this board it would be a lot more interactive.

nigga tryin' get some phone numbers huh:lol:


Rising Star
So are you saying that guys on board don't run females off, especially the main board. That's bull even when they, themselves say they do. NO I didn't say this should be any of the females channels you listed, I stated that this is a porn board and because of the extremes they take with women, why should the females on board expect soo much different. Do I think its bad? Yes, but I don't really give two shits.

I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, the SHOW ME state. Niggas can say and people can say, but I need evidence. I'm a legal mind.

My point was that when the men on board rate/critique models, actresses, singers down to their hair follicles, what makes them think that us average women will be treated differently. And when guys "come to the rescue" for females they are talked shit about for days. And each member you listed, I've seen and heard another member call them a simp. Shit the guys who hang on SOL are called simps in general for being here alot.

Again, please SHOW ME. And if you possess all this knowledge about how "regular women" will be treated then why make threads/posts about how women on this board are treated???

this all stems from the fact that guys who sweat women on message boards are lame. just give this shit a rest, all of yall.

Yes, extremely lame.


BGOL Investor
destrehan just called Sean a simp the other day in the thread about .... ummm open marriage i think...cuz he used a smiley face...and destrehan said u can't use a laugh while scorning or scorching bitches (im paraphrasing)

:lol::lol: Damn Ju, da fuck are you, an investigative reporter? Yo curious ass.
Aint' mad atcha, getcha Geraldo on.

:hmm: <--- Destrehan-ly speaking

....ahhh you don't visit the chat rooms much eh?

I'm one of the type of people that really don't care about RESPECT on the INTERNET. I'll say what I wanna say, and leave it at that. If it disrespect you, offends you, maybe you need to check your sensitivity level. Lets face it, there's a couple things that black people are sensitive with RIGHT NOW.

1. obama

2. women when you talking about women

3. religion

4. President Bush in a whole.

5. sports

6. Black people failures.

7. hip hop

8. racism

9. doing anything thats not the "norm".

10. if you are rich... *niggas get sensitive if they money ain't right, and you are making it*

Any of these 10 things can make someone feel that they are being disrespected if you believe anything other than what they believe in. So to put it in many words, I don't respect PUSSY I fuck it.... If a chick is sensitive with a pussy, she is a jumpoff. If a chick is head strong, with great pussy, she is a wifey. Just the law of the land dude...

CAC. :hmm:


Potential Star
I agree with your statement that women on the board are insulted and disrespected often. However, I disagree that the women on the board are not demanding their respect and most women on the board (especially the SOL ladies) carry themselves with dignity.

However, the problem is that we are in cyberspace. The anonymity and virtual nature of the board allows these punks to insult the women and ignore them when the women demand respect. Unfortunately the women cannot kick these punks asses in cyberspace (though the punks are thoroughly clowned and their stupidity exposed). In an equal and free medium of the board even the idiots can have a voice.

Seriously, how many of these punks would even dare utter 1% of what they say online if they were face-to-face with the women they seem to get their rocks off insulting?

Thanks for your response. I wanted to clarify that I wasn't talking about women on this board. I was just speaking about women in general. I do agree that there are far too many ppl living out their Scarface fantasies online. Far too many e-thugs and internet gangstas frequent these boards. You are right, most of these cats would say half of the stuff they say online.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ladies either you are naive or completely stupid. You are on a PORN board. Men don't respect hoes PERIOD. Just by posting on a Male oriented porn board you are going to be group into the Ho catagory. Who wants to be respected on a porn board anyway. 99.9% of the men on BGOL respect women fully. The comments you see on BGOL are nothing more the JOKES.


agent of change
BGOL Investor
Ladies either you are naive or completely stupid. You are on a PORN board. Men don't respect hoes PERIOD. Just by posting on a Male oriented porn board you are going to be group into the Ho catagory. Who wants to be respected on a porn board anyway. 99.9% of the men on BGOL respect women fully. The comments you see on BGOL are nothing more the JOKES.

hahahaha and we are either naive or completely stupid?

the irony:rolleyes:


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
hahahaha and we are either naive or completely stupid?

the irony:rolleyes:
Ok but still you have to realize that SOL just started back in like November. Before that, it really was a male dominated porn board. There were only a handful of females, and the majority were still somehow involved in the industry in some aspect. BGOL was a place for men to come and vent and talk shit with other men. Think barbershop. Also realize that alot of the haters are little boys. Most of the grown men are just venting. You know? Again this makes me laugh a bit because you really had no idea how it was before. You are sitting in a picnic in the park right now. I don't think you would have lasted before.


...the easy cum!!
BGOL Investor
Ok but still you have to realize that SOL just started back in like November. Before that, it really was a male dominated porn board. There were only a handful of females, and the majority were still somehow involved in the industry in some aspect. BGOL was a place for men to come and vent and talk shit with other men. Think barbershop. Also realize that alot of the haters are little boys. Most of the grown men are just venting. You know? Again this makes me laugh a bit because you really had no idea how it was before. You are sitting in a picnic in the park right now. I don't think you would have lasted before.

This is all true....eventhough I was lurking, I saw how brutal it was before.


So pretty!
BGOL Investor
Ladies either you are naive or completely stupid. You are on a PORN board. Men don't respect hoes PERIOD. Just by posting on a Male oriented porn board you are going to be group into the Ho catagory. Who wants to be respected on a porn board anyway. 99.9% of the men on BGOL respect women fully. The comments you see on BGOL are nothing more the JOKES.

Ok but still you have to realize that SOL just started back in like November. Before that, it really was a male dominated porn board. There were only a handful of females, and the majority were still somehow involved in the industry in some aspect. BGOL was a place for men to come and vent and talk shit with other men. Think barbershop. Also realize that alot of the haters are little boys. Most of the grown men are just venting. You know? Again this makes me laugh a bit because you really had no idea how it was before. You are sitting in a picnic in the park right now. I don't think you would have lasted before.

Agreed. Alot of us dealt with bs before SOL was created.


agent of change
BGOL Investor
Ok but still you have to realize that SOL just started back in like November. Before that, it really was a male dominated porn board. There were only a handful of females, and the majority were still somehow involved in the industry in some aspect. BGOL was a place for men to come and vent and talk shit with other men. Think barbershop. Also realize that alot of the haters are little boys. Most of the grown men are just venting. You know? Again this makes me laugh a bit because you really had no idea how it was before. You are sitting in a picnic in the park right now. I don't think you would have lasted before.

BG....i KNOW this is a virtual barbershop....i know i'm basically walking into a war zone...i have no issue w/ that. i can hang.

what i was responding to was his claim that 99% of bgol respected women...:lol:

and he called us naive or completely stupid


I agree with alot posted here.. but Respect is a two way street.
Men and Women both aew equally deserving of it, IF they earned it.
I can't respect someone just because they have tit's or a penis.
That's stupid.
If you act with respect and dignity, and self assuredness, without being a moron then you are deserving of respect.


Rising Star
....ahhh you don't visit the chat rooms much eh?

I'm one of the type of people that really don't care about RESPECT on the INTERNET. I'll say what I wanna say, and leave it at that. If it disrespect you, offends you, maybe you need to check your sensitivity level. Lets face it, there's a couple things that black people are sensitive with RIGHT NOW.

1. obama

2. women when you talking about women

3. religion

4. President Bush in a whole.

5. sports

6. Black people failures.

7. hip hop

8. racism

9. doing anything thats not the "norm".

10. if you are rich... *niggas get sensitive if they money ain't right, and you are making it*

Any of these 10 things can make someone feel that they are being disrespected if you believe anything other than what they believe in. So to put it in many words, I don't respect PUSSY I fuck it.... If a chick is sensitive with a pussy, she is a jumpoff. If a chick is head strong, with great pussy, she is a wifey. Just the law of the land dude...

Armstrong is that you....




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So it seems to me like some of the women on here pretend to understand the level of disrespect since it is a porn board.

Then why get mad when the disrespect is aim at you?

That's like a person who puts his/her hand in fire then complain about getting burn.:confused:


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
what i was responding to was his claim that 99% of bgol respected women...:lol:
I swear I think in real life they probably do...
I have met quite a few in real life and they were all perfect gentlemen and very nice except for one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BG....i KNOW this is a virtual barbershop....i know i'm basically walking into a war zone...i have no issue w/ that. i can hang.

what i was responding to was his claim that 99% of bgol respected women...:lol:

and he called us naive or completely stupid
99.9% of men on BGOL respect woman unless he is gay. If men went around disrepecting woman then they would never get any pussy. You are on a board that loves to talk shit. Hell brothas catch it more often the females. It is never serious and all fun.


Rising Star
Ok but still you have to realize that SOL just started back in like November. Before that, it really was a male dominated porn board. There were only a handful of females, and the majority were still somehow involved in the industry in some aspect. BGOL was a place for men to come and vent and talk shit with other men. Think barbershop. Also realize that alot of the haters are little boys. Most of the grown men are just venting. You know? Again this makes me laugh a bit because you really had no idea how it was before. You are sitting in a picnic in the park right now. I don't think you would have lasted before.

But they don't hear you though.


Rising Star
So it seems to me like some of the women on here pretend to understand the level of disrespect since it is a porn board.

Then why get mad when the disrespect is aim at you?

That's like a person who puts his/her hand in fire then complain about getting burn.:confused:

But they don't hear you though.


agent of change
BGOL Investor
So it seems to me like some of the women on here pretend to understand the level of disrespect since it is a porn board.

Then why get mad when the disrespect is aim at you?

That's like a person who puts his/her hand in fire then complain about getting burn.:confused:

not all the ladies are mad...don't paint us all with the same brush stroke. we are discussing a topic that was brought up by a poster. you can voice an opinion without getting mad. if the ladies were mad about it they would either engage in battle w/ the guys about it often or leave; the regulars have seen evidence of both.

I swear I think in real life they probably do...
I have met quite a few in real life and they were all perfect gentlemen and very nice except for one.
-were they tryna fuck? lol

nah j/k

yeah some of the dudes prolly are cool but 99% absolute gentlemen...nah

99.9% of men on BGOL respect woman unless he is gay. If men went around disrepecting woman then they would never get any pussy. You are on a board that loves to talk shit. Hell brothas catch it more often the females. It is never serious and all fun.

where are u getting this stuff from?

-are u doing the whole Men vs Boy (mentality) and vice versa thing? if not then i will have to disagree with you.

-some chics will give it up to a dude who disrespects her (we've seen the post about guys who talk about treating a chic like shit and the chic in turn being interested. as much as i hated reading that...i know its true...shit i've seen it with my own eyes)

-yes the board loves to talk shit

-and of course the brothas will catch it more than the females cuz yall statistically out number us and interact with each other more than yall do with us in threads

-lastly...what do u mean its never serious? some of the disdain ppl have for each other on here is serious (despite it being the NET and ppl's ideas of the net being JUST THE NET..u r dealing w/ real live [not life] ppl, talking about sex, politics, family life, jobs, and more on a regular basis....some ppl really can't stand each other on here)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
not all the ladies are mad...don't paint us all with the same brush stroke. we are discussing a topic that was brought up by a poster. you can voice an opinion without getting mad. if the ladies were mad about it they would either engage in battle w/ the guys about it often or leave; the regulars have seen evidence of both.

Did I painted all with the same brush?

Do you people read before you reply?

So it seems to me like some of the women on here pretend to understand the level of disrespect since it is a porn board.

Then why get mad when the disrespect is aim at you?

That's like a person who puts his/her hand in fire then complain about getting burn.:confused:


what happened to the days when niggas threw ladies outta moving cars?

niggas be opening up doors and going to prison for broads that barely like em.


agent of change
BGOL Investor
Did I painted all with the same brush?

Do you people read before you reply?

my apologies..I stand corrected...I shouldn't have used all...but if you think about it...it aint even SOME that's "pretending"...i know of maybe 2 or 3 that have gotten mad...but i don't think that had anything to do w/ general respect but more so w/ situational beef

who is pretending?


Rising Star
my apologies..I stand corrected...I shouldn't have used all...but if you think about it...it aint even SOME that's "pretending"...i know of maybe 2 or 3 that have gotten mad...but i don't think that had anything to do w/ general respect but more so w/ situational beef

who is pretending?

I can name waaaaay more than three. And some try to mask their emotions, but fail.


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
You know what? I was just thinking about what destrehan said. He goes at everyone. male and female. So ladies, just go BGOL side and look at how the men go at each other on here. That is BGOL culture. So we should be spared just because we have vaginas? I in fact LOVE BGOL culture. I get the best insults here! When you use them in real life you really shut down assholes and render everyone speechless. Its great! I actually recently called someone a doo doo chasing whining hypocritical pickle smuggler. GOOD TIMES!!!


BGOL Investor
Does this mean no one will be mad if no women enter the pussy contest?
Girl you know they're gonna be mad because that's the only thing women can really contribute to BGOL. And notice most of the dudes begging for P shots have NEVER contributed to any of the male pic threads. Isn't that crazy though?