Valuing money over life

Rembrandt Brown


If you dead, you can't eat, so don't be a fool

And try to protect your jewels, 'cause they can't protect you


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Folks talking about sacrificing themselves for the economy so they can get fools to do it. As usual, cacs are more than willing to be exploited by the cacs with all the fucking sense. :smh:

Our society is able to thrive as it is because the smart cacs are able to exploit the dumb ones. Also, the miserable cacs in the masses love to see others suffer like them.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Folks talking about sacrificing themselves for the economy so they can get fools to do it. As usual, cacs are more than willing to be exploited by the cacs with all the fucking sense. :smh:

Our society is able to thrive as it is because the smart cacs are able to exploit the dumb ones. Also, the miserable cacs in the masses love to see others suffer like them.

couldn't agree more. But what's even dumber is that even if these fools sacrificed themselves for the economy it wouldn't make any damn difference.

The coronavirus didn't make the economy tanked. It was already well on its way. That's why they cut the Fed rate twice. That's why people were protesting for a $15 minimum wage. That's why Bernie Sanders damn near won the nomination twice by promising to get rid of hospital bills and student loans.

All the coronavirus really did was show the cracks and fallacies in our system.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
couldn't agree more. But what's even dumber is that even if these fools sacrificed themselves for the economy it wouldn't make any damn difference.

The coronavirus didn't make the economy tanked. It was already well on its way. That's why they cut the Fed rate twice. That's why people were protesting for a $15 minimum wage. That's why Bernie Sanders damn near won the nomination twice by promising to get rid of hospital bills and student loans.

All the coronavirus really did was show the cracks and fallacies in our system.
No doubt, corona just exposed the house of cards.

Joe six pack worrying about his tax dollars paying trillions back is laughable. Best believe the CEOs who practice tax avoidance ain't worried. Joe also worried about the economy, but the billionaires ain't going to give up billions to stimulate it. These cacs just too goofy and made to be used like whores. :smh:


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
No doubt, corona just exposed the house of cards.

Joe six pack worrying about his tax dollars paying trillions back is laughable. Best believe the CEOs who practice tax avoidance ain't worried. Joe also worried about the economy, but the billionaires ain't going to give up billions to stimulate it. These cacs just too goofy and made to be used like whores. :smh:

the biggest deception either party ever played on the people was conflating a strong stock market with a strong economy even as the people worked two jobs to keep a roof over their head.

what's even worse is that a corporation's only purpose is to increase the wealth of the people who own their stocks. Companies usually do this by cutting costs or selling more products. That means loser safety regulations, illegal dumping of chemicals, sweatshops, underpaid domestic workers, etc.

In a sense Joe six-pack is getting fucked twice. once by the corporation making his lives miserable to raise the stock price. And second by government that keeps convincing him that this rising stock market is proof that the economy is getting better.

Rembrandt Brown

Folks talking about sacrificing themselves for the economy so they can get fools to do it. As usual, cacs are more than willing to be exploited by the cacs with all the fucking sense. :smh:

Our society is able to thrive as it is because the smart cacs are able to exploit the dumb ones. Also, the miserable cacs in the masses love to see others suffer like them.

Is that really just a cac thing, though? Redistribution of wealth would help black people in this country more than anybody but capitalism-obsessed so-called entrepreneurs embrace white values and evangelize the cause of beating the white man at his own rigged game. Capitalism is exploitation and non-white people have the most reason to fight against it but I don't see enough fight.

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's black folks these college profit from.

No other race of men generate the money black men do in sports.

So it's a meeting of the plantation owners to get those bucks back on the field/court/area/stadium.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Is that really just a cac thing, though? Redistribution of wealth would help black people in this country more than anybody but capitalism-obsessed so-called entrepreneurs embrace white values and evangelize the cause of beating the white man at his own rigged game. Capitalism is exploitation and non-white people have the most reason to fight against it but I don't see enough fight.
I see your point, but would argue there are differences in how we approach the game of capitalism. Black folks are far less likely to hate on people at or below their own level who succeed at the game.

For example, with this $600 plus of unemployment, you'll see cacs bitching about it like people are hitting the lotto. :angry: "why should they get that when I still have to work. Muh tax dollars!" Black people mostly have the :dunno: 'Get yours, I ain't mad" reaction. I know it's a different example, but paying college athletes is another. Where white people bitch and complain and make it about THEM not getting special treatment, black folks more like 'pay them, I'm not jealous'.

The sheer amount of jealousy and hate depicted by the average cac is crazy. And I'd argue that it helps elite cacs get over. These miserable cacs want their peers to be miserable too and seemingly hate when their peers get bigger crumbs. Black people play the game, but tend not to be mad at folks who get over.