TOO MANY students run from the "hard" classes ... Neil deGrasse Tyson on Calculus


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Calculus was easy. Now that fucking trigonometry in 7th, shiiiiit bad fucking idea. Linear Algebra was a problem for me big time and oddly fucking C+. I had to take that shit twice almost broke me. I am a ChemE, so fuck programming :lol: and don't judge me.

Most of Calculus was easy to me but fuck Trigonometry and C++



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another major strike that most advanced math has going against it is that there's generally no practical application for it. In school, we'd joke about how we were never gonna use calculus, trig, or differential equations, but it wasn't until I was squarely in middle age did I realize we were right. Now I'm sure there are some hardcore STEM professions were that stuff does get used (i.e. rocket scientist, statistician, etc.), but there are lots of other STEM fields where you'll never see it ever again.

Meanwhile other skills like following the scientific method, time/project management, giving presentations, and conducting research -- these have always been useful. But not once have I ever in my adult life needed to know the cosine of 30 degrees.