Serena Williams gets engaged to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

Stop being so damned righteous. She's a dim witted coon and you know it.

I don't think so. Some may actually think like her also. Things have changed generationally when it comes to race relations and interactions to a degree. For example, white women have traditionally been taboo for a black man. Forbidden fruit. Black men could get hanged for looking at a white woman, or looking like they thinking of looking at a white woman. Traditionally, after a certain age, black boys who grew up with or around white families often were not allowed in the house, especially if the family had daughters.

Black women on the other hand, have had to fight off the unwanted advances of white men. Hispanic women are often maids now, but black women used to be the maids. They were involved with the white families, saw the marriage and family life up close. They saw the white men who beat their wives. Who were alcoholics. Who cheated. Who put on a genteel face in public but was mean as hell or vulgar behind doors. Who had problems. Their wives sometimes confided in them about their financial or marriage problems. They had to clean up after them like any other man Their clothes still stink if dirty. They still eat, drink, sweat, fart, and live just like we do. They saw up close and personal that their lives may be different to a certain degree, especially as it came to wealth, but not necessarily better. White men were not seen as the saviors or a way out. The lifestyle, better neighborhood, better education, better job, maybe, but not the man himself.

My mom used to do "day work". In fact one of my sisters is still very good friends with the daughter of a woman she used to work for. The common wisdom was always a man is a man is a man. White, black or other it made no difference. Now one thing we did get as a result of that which was a benefit, is that being introduced to a more upper class so to speak, was the technology, and convenience/luxury factor. We grew up with dish washers, compactors, etc. things that other homes of families we interacted with (at that time) didn't necessarily have. The benefit that black women got from those situations was knowledge to increase or benefit their families, not a desire to steal away with a white man.

Now days even though children are more diverse in choosing friends and stuff, there has been some what of a separation. We don't really have black people interacting and seeing white life up close and personal like that where they are somewhat part of the scenery as their lives play out. When that relationship is not there there are some who think the grass is greener, or that a white spouse will be without problems or baggage, and that is never going to be the case. A white man is never going to be the "promised land" or problem free. People who think like that, and there are those who do, we've seen it around here when it comes to white women, are going to be in for a rude awakening. But when the familiarity isn't there, then the mind is free to invent all these fantasies and scenarios where a white spouse would make their lives better.


BGOL Legend
If I had said she wasn't going to find a black man on her financial level, then I would have been shitting on black men. We have a lot of black men with wealth that isn't advertised, but the ones we hear about are going to basically be other athletes, and movie stars, most known for being male hoes. There aren't a whole lot of options. I would prefer to see her with a black man, I put black love above everything, even if I do advocate for people having freedom of choice, but its not my place to tell her or anyone they have a responsibility to marry black. Life is short. Take love where you find it. Y'all make fun of the white supremacists who cry "white genocide" every time they see an interracial couple. How would that be any different?

They not crying white genocide because of interracial couples they calling it white genocide because they are actually dying out lol


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I would wish she married a black man but she not so I'm cool with that also

Yall talk about how racist CACS are but reading this thread n alot of threads on this board would suggest yall just as bad as them smh

I never could marry a white bitch but I'm not mad at the next man that would

Some of you have alot of hatred in your hearts just hope yall not raising yall kids that way


BGOL Legend
Why would she cry?


How dare any person of color say a white person is the promised land.
Anyone ever utters that, they are completely lost and there's no saving them PERIOD.
Man or Woman.


BGOL Legend
I feel like you have this idea that a white woman can benefit a black man but not a white man benefit a black woman. Am I correct?

I feel like you're just saying shit at this point lol. My entire post history is known and I have never said the words white woman and benefit in the same sentence until now.
Nor have I even expressed something that could be interpreted as white women benefiting black men at any point.

A white person cannot love a black person the way they need to be loved fully PERIOD


Rising Star
OG Investor
I feel like you're just saying shit at this point lol. My entire post history is known and I have never said the words white woman and benefit in the same sentence until now.
Nor have I even expressed something that could be interpreted as white women benefiting black men at any point.

A white person cannot love a black person the way they need to be loved fully PERIOD

Im trying to not be so harsh and disrespectful on here so Im just going to back out of this post but know, Im rolling my eyes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would wish she married a black man but she not so I'm cool with that also

Yall talk about how racist CACS are but reading this thread n alot of threads on this board would suggest yall just as bad as them smh

I never could marry a white bitch but I'm not mad at the next man that would

Some of you have alot of hatred in your hearts just hope yall not raising yall kids that way

I cant even fuck with a white bitch, I aint sayin I havent seen some nice lookin white hoes,

Im just sayin Im not tryin to have my energy sapped, them bitches suck up a brothers energy like a gotdam succubus..

sistas, give a brother energy.... I seen some real fuckable white hoes, my dick be like YEAH my melanin be like.. sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up..

my dick be like ok....

that being said... as long as she is happy... I dont have to wake up to that cac everyday..

aint my problem


BGOL Legend
Im trying to not be so harshened disrespectful on here so Im just going to back out of this post but know, Im rolling my eyes.

Cl;early you feel differently?
Go ahead and spill the beans.
1st do you even know how you're supposed to be loved? That's 1st then we can go further.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I would wish she married a black man but she not so I'm cool with that also

Yall talk about how racist CACS are but reading this thread n alot of threads on this board would suggest yall just as bad as them smh

I never could marry a white bitch but I'm not mad at the next man that would

Some of you have alot of hatred in your hearts just hope yall not raising yall kids that way



Rising Star
OG Investor
I would wish she married a black man but she not so I'm cool with that also

Yall talk about how racist CACS are but reading this thread n alot of threads on this board would suggest yall just as bad as them smh

I never could marry a white bitch but I'm not mad at the next man that would

Some of you have alot of hatred in your hearts just hope yall not raising yall kids that way
You'd have to be a got damn fool to think a black person not liking white people is the same a a white people having unfounded dislike of black people. You've also been here too long to not know the difference between racism and bigotry.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember back in day seeing comments on AOL where white men as well as some white women making disparaging, racist remarks about Serena and her sister Venus as all kinds of apes, monkeys , baboons, drag queens, steroid abusers, negative references to their smell and calling them the N word.
And yet both sisters flocks to these white guys like they don't have a memory.
I'll give Serena credit because she did date a few brotha's so she wasn't exclusively "white men only" like her sister Venus.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I cant even fuck with a white bitch, I aint sayin I havent seen some nice lookin white hoes,

Im just sayin Im not tryin to have my energy sapped, them bitches suck up a brothers energy like a gotdam succubus..

sistas, give a brother energy.... I seen some real fuckable white hoes, my dick be like YEAH my melanin be like.. sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up..

my dick be like ok....

that being said... as long as she is happy... I dont have to wake up to that cac everyday..

aint my problem

I'm into into white bitches either, have to have a certain look for me to even be attracted to them but I've had my fair share of em on my early 20s

It could never be more than sex; I love black women too much

I have sum boys who only mess with spanish chicks; a few that really only into white chicks

I don't knock them even tho; that's their thing

One of my boys who only dated white chicks recently married a black chick I was totally shocked but can't front I was relieved lol

I explained this on here b4 my best friend have 2 kids by a Spanish chick n married a white chick. Everybody think he don't like black girls but that's far from the truth he love black chicks and just like me he loves em dark but black girls don't fuck with him, they think he's a light skin pretty boy n don't give him much play.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You'd have to be a got damn fool to think a black person not liking white people is the same a a white people having unfounded dislike of black people. You've also been here too long to not know the difference between racism and bigotry.

Pardon me if 10 yrs ago I knew the difference shit even 5 yrs ago lol

but I don't anymore when it comes to the comments on here the last 3 yrs

Either way I've always said what the fuck I wanted never gave a fuck if it rubbed ppl the wrong way

Also pardon me for calling mfers out for being hypocrites it's kinda normal tho I have to do that often here when I'm not feeling all the unnecessary hate

But imma hypocrite also cause I don't like white ppl either but it's not just white ppl I don't like ppl in general so every race can get it especially Hispanics who I have to work around every day I hate them fuckin spics they drive me crazy

Difference with me saying this I don't want no harm to come to ppl tho just want ppl to stay out my fuckin way n don't annoy me.


BGOL Legend
Interesting. I'd love to hear your take on this.

We adopted western ideals about love. What it means and how we should do it. The standards set are not our own. It's not how we were born or meant to love one another. It has totally ruined our community and our relationships the point of balance is lost and one always wants to have the upper hand. I have come to realize there is no upper hand. What happens is that we as men are not in tune with our women when we date them. We end up loving black women, like a white man would, and that just don't work. We need to understand their emotions care about them and balance them out as they balance us out. It should be more than a physical connection. Those of us that acknowledge that still only had it partly right. We usually go with mind and body and think that's it. but now i see that we need to be connected spiritually too the bond between black woman and black man whole.
The only way to truly understand what it means to be black, to understand that internal struggle, is to be it yourself.


Horace C. Jones II
I remember back in day seeing comments on AOL where white men as well as some white women making disparaging, racist remarks about Serena and her sister Venus as all kinds of apes, monkeys , baboons, drag queens, steroid abusers, negative references to their smell and calling them the N word.
And yet both sisters flocks to these white guys like they don't have a memory.
I'll give Serena credit because she did date a few brotha's so she wasn't exclusively "white men only" like her sister Venus.

You see this is why I get pissed off. Not because I care who she's fuckin, but it's the shit I underlined in Bluelaser's comment. All that shit and you go right there and get engaged to that shit.


BGOL Legend
I would wish she married a black man but she not so I'm cool with that also

Yall talk about how racist CACS are but reading this thread n alot of threads on this board would suggest yall just as bad as them smh

I never could marry a white bitch but I'm not mad at the next man that would

Some of you have alot of hatred in your hearts just hope yall not raising yall kids that way

LMAO why not?
Where do you think future trump voters come from? The sky?
We supposed to raise our kids to know love only to not see color ever
meanwhile on the other side that's all that's taught. it's the most IMPORTANT lesson.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
We adopted western ideals about love. What it means and how we should do it. The standards set are not our own. It's not how we were born or meant to love one another. It has totally ruined our community and our relationships the point of balance is lost and one always wants to have the upper hand. I have come to realize there is no upper hand. What happens is that we as men are not in tune with our women when we date them. We end up loving black women, like a white man would, and that just don't work. We need to understand their emotions care about them and balance them out as they balance us out. It should be more than a physical connection. Those of us that acknowledge that still only had it partly right. We usually go with mind and body and think that's it. but now i see that we need to be connected spiritually too the bond between black woman and black man whole.
The only way to truly understand what it means to be black, to understand that internal struggle, is to be it yourself.

So when are you going to write the Billz Book of Love? LOL. Seriously tho, this is interesting. I'd love to hear you go into more detail about this. Normally when black men to denounce white relationship ideals want open marriages or polygamy or simply to avoid a marriage certificate so they don't have legal obligations.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
LMAO why not?
Where do you think future trump voters come from? The sky?
We supposed to raise our kids to know love only to not see color ever
meanwhile on the other side that's all that's taught. it's the most IMPORTANT lesson.

Typed out a long message to reply but u know what I'm going to keep it simple I'm not teaching my kids HATE but u more than welcome to its nothing wrong with that brother


BGOL Legend
So when are you going to write the Billz Book of Love? LOL. Seriously tho, this is interesting. I'd love to hear you go into more detail about this. Normally when black men to denounce white relationship ideals want open marriages or polygamy or simply to avoid a marriage certificate so they don't have legal obligations.

Yea none of that, though those things are western ideas it's about truly connecting. White people-Plato- denounced the spirit because they could not understand it. Therefore emotions made you weak. Emotions were bad- being rigid was good and that's just not how HUMAN BEINGS work.
It's not how any relationship works. Balance is the key. The real key. Not that I like yellow and he like yellow too shit. It has to be everything. You should feel the connection completely and you can't if you worried about dumb shit instead of focusing on each other the way you should.
I don't care HOW understanding a white person is, there's going to be a day where you come home to them and you're going to be mad about some shit THAT COUNTS and they're going to say "I don't see what the big deal is" or "Why do you have to make such a big deal out of it?"
You're going to have to suppress it. Not talk about it. Just going to have to do it. Whether they want to admit it or not.
And when that day comes they'll either abandon what they should be or realize they made a huge mistake.


BGOL Legend
Typed out a long message to reply but u know what I'm going to keep it simple I'm not teaching my kids HATE but u more than welcome to its nothing wrong with that brother

I'm not teaching hate. I'm teaching that the other side hates them because it's true.
Black kids naturally love. Nurture that love but don't make them naive to what's going on in the world.
Eve was saying she's going to raise her kids to not see color knowing damn well every person who looks at them is going to see a nigga and treat them accordingly
that's failing imo.