I know of that segment you are speaking of. Thought the same thing especially with other reports about his issues with his children. Thought it was just mixed info.What's so crazy Ms Jones spoiled it on the radio a few wks back but I didn't think anything of it thought it was a mistake smh
RIP to that man a legend
RIP to Charlie Hustle Pete Rose also
I remember there was dispute on when Doom died too with the dates.This the sh!t that blew me…like the 21st or the 24th.
Family must be very, very private.
It made me wonder how common a delay like this is for stars and people in general.
my favorite tv dad, because growing up...he was my dad
looked the same, acted the same, no-nonsense head of the family...even the same mannerisms
84 is a ripe old age, but still...seeing your childhood just fade slowly, person by person...
can't go without one of my favorite good times scenes...the cabin with judy pace...wish i had the full clip
r.i.p. mr amos