Principles of Economics: The Banking System and Money Creation (run by the international banking cartels)

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
can you help a brother out and point me in the direction of the material you are using to become literate.

Honestly I'd say study bitcoin...
seriously, you don't have to put money into it. By learning what it is, you'll gain the insight to finance. Youtube, Twitter, Reddit.
Of course there is good and bbad commentary in the space. After awhile you'll be able to tell those with good insight from those without. I'll try to come back and post a few decent places/people with helpful information. Also listen to both sides when someone presents information contrary to what you think. Compare and contrast ideas and see what makes more sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honestly I'd say study bitcoin...
seriously, you don't have to put money into it. By learning what it is, you'll gain the insight to finance. Youtube, Twitter, Reddit.
Of course there is good and bbad commentary in the space. After awhile you'll be able to tell those with good insight from those without. I'll try to come back and post a few decent places/people with helpful information. Also listen to both sides when someone presents information contrary to what you think. Compare and contrast ideas and see what makes more sense.

Hey Yo you heard they caught Do Kwon right??? while he is an arrogant prick.... they are only going after him for creating

a STAKING crypto protocol that SHITS all over traditional savings and checking accounts... they the banksters were like

WE MUST STOP this GUY because there is no way they can compete with his 15 percent APRs for staking your funds, as opposed to

leaving it in a banksters bank and getting pathetic apr's for your checking or savings account

some are literally LESS than ONE PERCENT WTF bruh??

they are really trying to shut crypto down and have their bullshit banksters crypto, I been telling yall was the reason for the whole FUD and literal war they are waging on crypto that caused this

bullshit crypto bear market was this cbdc or whatever this bankster CRYPTO is called....

the younger generation ALREADY sees the BENEFITS of STAKING FOR REAL ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATES like 10 percent PLUS...

fuckin LUNA was at like the banksters cant have that...

but not for nothing Do Kwan needs to be checked for the way he fucked up the airdrops... the only thing they can get him for is lying to

those that bought into the Luna after the fall and were promised rates they traded in their old Luna for, he totatlly fucked that UP BAD.. He claims he is going to fix that my May of THIS year...

IF he doesnt fix it, and give people the correct amounts they were supposed to get, then they GOT HIM!!

He better be able to show he had protocols in place to fix this BEFORE THE ARREST... !1

but chea they Bagged Do Kwon I think in Montenegro bruh...

they are desperate as fuck to push their crypto currency on the masses and they try and

dump the Dollar... which the people aint going to go for en masse..

Dealing in these promissary notes at least keeps the control of money in OUR hands,

you give them control with their bullshit crypto currency, they are going to fuck people over,

Just cause.... gotta keep a little bit of everything in your arsenal

you may never need it but the security of knowing you have it, is a feeling you want to live with..

You gotta have some silver and gold coins, some dollars, and some crypto on deck in your own hardware wallet.

only leave enough money in banks to avoid fees if you dont want to pay em...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Central Banks, Their Functions and Role


on June 30, 2020

A central bank is an independent national authority that conducts monetary policy, regulates banks, and provides financial services including economic research. Its goals are to stabilize the nation's currency, keep unemployment low, and prevent inflation.

Most central banks are governed by a board consisting of its member banks. The country's chief elected official appoints the director. The national legislative body approves him or her. That keeps the central bank aligned with the nation's long-term policy goals. At the same time, it's free of political influence in its day-to-day operations. The Bank of England first established that model. Conspiracy theories to the contrary, that's also who owns the U.S. Federal Reserve.1

Monetary Policy
Central banks affect economic growth by controlling the liquidity in the financial system. They have three monetary policy tools to achieve this goal.

First, they set a reserve requirement. It's the amount of cash that member banks must have on hand each night.2 The central bank uses it to control how much banks can lend.

Second, they use open market operations to buy and sell securities from member banks. It changes the amount of cash on hand without changing the reserve requirement. They used this tool during the 2008 financial crisis. Banks bought government bonds and mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the banking system. The Federal Reserve added $4 trillion to its balance sheet with quantitative easing.3It began reducing this stockpile in October 2017.

Third, they set targets on interest rates they charge their member banks. That guides rates for loans, mortgages, and bonds. Raising interest rates slows growth, preventing inflation. That's known as contractionary monetary policy. Lowering rates stimulates growth, preventing or shortening a recession. That's called expansionary monetary policy. The European Central Bank lowered rates so far that they became negative.4

Monetary policy is tricky. It takes about six months for the effects to trickle through the economy. Banks can misread economic data as the Fed did in 2006. It thought the subprime mortgage meltdown would only affect housing. It waited to lower the fed funds rate. By the time the Fed lowered rates, it was already too late.5

But if central banks stimulate the economy too much, they can trigger inflation.6 Central banks avoid inflation like the plague. Ongoing inflation destroys any benefits of growth. It raises prices for consumers, increases costs for businesses, and eats up any profits. Central banks must work hard to keep interest rates high enough to prevent it.

Politicians and sometimes the general public are suspicious of central banks. That's because they usually operate independently of elected officials. They often are unpopular in their attempt to heal the economy. For example, Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (served from 1979-1987) sent interest rates skyrocketing.7 It was the only cure to runaway inflation. Critics lambasted him. Central bank actions are often poorly understood, raising the level of suspicion.

Bank Regulation
Central banks regulate their members.8They require enough reserves to cover potential loan losses. They are responsible for ensuring financial stability and protecting depositors' funds.

In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act gave more regulatory authority to the Fed. It created the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. That gave regulators the power to split up large banks, so they don't become "too big to fail." It eliminates loopholes for hedge funds and mortgage brokers. The Volcker Rule prohibits banks from owning hedge funds. It bans them from using investors' money to buy risky derivatives for their own profit.9

Dodd-Frank also established the Financial Stability Oversight Council.10 It warns of risks that affect the entire financial industry. It can also recommend that the Federal Reserve regulate any non-bank financial firms.

Dodd Franks keeps banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds from becoming too big to fail.
Provide Financial Services
Central banks serve as the bank for private banks and the nation's government. They process checks and lend money to their members.

Central banks store currency in their foreign exchange reserves. They use these reserves to change exchange rates. They add foreign currency, usually the dollar or euro, to keep their own currency in alignment.11

That's called a peg, and it helps exporters keep their prices competitive.

Central banks also regulate exchange rates as a way to control inflation. They buy and sell large quantities of foreign currency to affect supply and demand.12

Most central banks produce regular economic statistics to guide fiscal policy decisions. Here are examples of reports provided by the Federal Reserve:

  • Beige Book: A monthly economic status report from regional Federal Reserve banks.
  • Monetary Policy Report: A semiannual report to Congress on the national economy
  • Credit Card Debt: A monthly report on consumer credit.

Sweden created the world's first central bank, the Riksbank, in 1668. The Bank of England came next in 1694. Napoleon created the Banquet de France in 1800. Congress established the Federal Reserve in 1913.13 The Bank of Canada began in 1935,14 and the German Bundesbank was reestablished after World War II. In 1998, the European Central Bank replaced all the eurozone's central banks.
Remember, the Bank of England is the principal entity that owns the Federal Reserve banking system of the United States. Do people understand this?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember, the Bank of England is the principal entity that owns the Federal Reserve banking system of the United States. Do people understand this?

Most dont, most think the federal reserve is part of the federal govt... HA, that shit is a PRIVATE COMPANY.. a private FOR PROFIT company... that WE give CONTROL of our "money" to...

Which is total retardation !!!


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Remember, the Bank of England is the principal entity that owns the Federal Reserve banking system of the United States. Do people understand this?
They don't want to, some people don't want to know the science behind the magic show known as the banking system. I always have.
Most dont, most think the federal reserve is part of the federal govt... HA, that shit is a PRIVATE COMPANY.. a private FOR PROFIT company... that WE give CONTROL of our "money" to...

Which is total retardation !!!
People love that false sense of security, when I was in elementary and middle school it was taught as part of the government class but, that is not the case anymore and it's done for a reason.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They don't want to, some people don't want to know the science behind the magic show know as the banking system. I always have.

People love that false sense of security, when I was in elementary and middle school it was taught as part of the government class but, that is not the case anymore and it's done for a reason.

Exactly there is a reason they dont teach Contract Law, Legalese and they Took Civics out,

they are not trying to educate, just indoctrinate...

they got so many indoctrinated fools really out here thinking,

they can process their own thoughts and think critically.

Not realizing they are being told what, how, why and where to think,

while attacking those that do process ideas and implement simple logic

to form their own conclusions and act accordingly... those fools love saying stupid shit like


FOOLS dont know


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most dont, most think the federal reserve is part of the federal govt... HA, that shit is a PRIVATE COMPANY.. a private FOR PROFIT company... that WE give CONTROL of our "money" to...

Which is total retardation !!!
I think when I took Economics in 92 they charged like 2 cents for every paper currency they produced. I asked my economics professor about the power of the Federal Reserve and he said that the president could remove the chairman and board members as a check on their power. I raised my eyebrow and was like oh its that easy.

But that shit is not easy to learn at all and the professors at least mine weren't doing anything to make that shit easy. I think I took about as many economics classes as my major in college and I still don't understand most of that shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think when I took Economics in 92 they charged like 2 cents for every paper currency they produced. I asked my economics professor about the power of the Federal Reserve and he said that the president could remove the chairman and board members as a check on their power. I raised my eyebrow and was like oh its that easy.

But that shit is not easy to learn at all and the professors at least mine weren't doing anything to make that shit easy. I think I took about as many economics classes as my major in college and I still don't understand most of that shit.

You want to learn real economics, gotta pay about a hundred thousand a year,

and get that private schooling... Public school shit, is to teach you just enough

to fill out applications, and depend on the system...

Private schools are for Leadership positions... "upper middle and semi wealthy class'

Mystery schools are for the parasitic elites children...if you dont have the right last name,

you wont even know they exist....

but quiet as its kept, A few Hotep kniggas are way ahead of all them bruh!!!

They been calling shit before the "experts".. they Knew about the banking crisis,

since the 90's.....and said all banks do nothing but pimp the public out of their

funds.. way more than the public thinks they do, its a fuckin crime what they get away with,

but they buy the politicians like biden and dont worry about nothing,

thats why they are doing everything in their power to get biden a second term... they even going

at the supreme court justices anybody they think is in the way, will be tied up in court..

and if biden wins

expect four more years of us being fucked, by a fake ukraine war, just so they can launder our

tax dollars to their off shore accounts... if you think banksters dont have anything to do with this bullshit

ukraine war, then you dont know economics..

economics in this country is just mindfuckery the fact that it ignores

The gold reserve act of 1934.. tells you all you need to know..

There should be years dedicated to studying that shit!!!!

One of the greatest cover ups ever!!!
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Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
You want to learn real economics, gotta pay about a hundred thousand a year,

and get that private schooling... Public school shit, is to teach you just enough

to fill out applications, and depend on the system...

Private schools are for Leadership positions... "upper middle and semi wealthy class'

Mystery schools are for the parasitic elites children...if you dont have the right last name,

you wont even know they exist....

but quiet as its kept, A few Hotep kniggas are way ahead of all them bruh!!!

They been calling shit before the "experts".. they Knew about the banking crisis,

since the 90's.....and said all banks do nothing but pimp the public out of their

funds.. way more than the public thinks they do, its a fuckin crime what they get away with,

but they buy the politicians like biden and dont worry about nothing,

thats why they are doing everything in their power to get biden a second term... they even going

at the supreme court justices anybody they think is in the way, will be tied up in court..

and if biden wins

expect four more years of us being fucked, by a fake ukraine war, just so they can launder our

tax dollars to their off shore accounts... if you think banksters dont have anything to do with this bullshit

ukraine war, then you dont know economics..

economics in this country is just mindfuckery the fact that it ignores

The gold reserve act of 1934.. tells you all you need to know..

There should be years dedicated to studying that shit!!!!

One of the greatest cover ups ever!!!
Private schools and elite school are taught everything, public schools after 1990 (that's when all the big cuts to education started going into full swing) only taught the bare minimum. STEM school teach way more than most public schools but, some schools are STEM schools in name only.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Private schools and elite school are taught everything, public schools after 1990 (that's when all the big cuts to education started going into full swing) only taught the bare minimum. STEM school teach way more than most public schools but, some schools are STEM schools in name only.

Bruh them elites schools all around me, you know what they do, they have them kids running in the park first thing in the morning.... buring that energy so they can focus more during the day..

Public school children walk by all these junk food stores loading up with sugar and diabetic causing shit, like bagles, some sugary fuckin drink, then head to school..

bruh I see them wealthy school children in the park PHYSICALLY LEARNING BOTONY...

public schools get social studies and other commie promote herd mentality...

there is NO reason why we cant home school are children, and just have them attend school

for the social factor...

You can teach them anything nowadays, fuckin Harvard got their full computer science course

online... straight 24 hours bruh....

If I had children, they would definitely be homeschooled, learning languages, legalese,

contract law...the history of MONEY.... lots of folks will never understand how money works if they dont

know its history... and how our whole monetary system is controlled by foreigners........

Our whole political and legal system is one big treasonous act.... against Us The American People

in favor of London England/vatican....

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You want to learn real economics, gotta pay about a hundred thousand a year,

and get that private schooling... Public school shit, is to teach you just enough

to fill out applications, and depend on the system...

Private schools are for Leadership positions... "upper middle and semi wealthy class'

Mystery schools are for the parasitic elites children...if you dont have the right last name,

you wont even know they exist....

but quiet as its kept, A few Hotep kniggas are way ahead of all them bruh!!!

They been calling shit before the "experts".. they Knew about the banking crisis,

since the 90's.....and said all banks do nothing but pimp the public out of their

funds.. way more than the public thinks they do, its a fuckin crime what they get away with,

but they buy the politicians like biden and dont worry about nothing,

thats why they are doing everything in their power to get biden a second term... they even going

at the supreme court justices anybody they think is in the way, will be tied up in court..

and if biden wins

expect four more years of us being fucked, by a fake ukraine war, just so they can launder our

tax dollars to their off shore accounts... if you think banksters dont have anything to do with this bullshit

ukraine war, then you dont know economics..

economics in this country is just mindfuckery the fact that it ignores

The gold reserve act of 1934.. tells you all you need to know..

There should be years dedicated to studying that shit!!!!

One of the greatest cover ups ever!!!
Well I went to a private HBCU but I get your point.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
But that shit is not easy to learn at all and the professors at least mine weren't doing anything to make that shit easy. I think I took about as many economics classes as my major in college and I still don't understand most of that shit.

Economics and Biology really fucked up my overall college GPA.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Private schools and elite school are taught everything, public schools after 1990 (that's when all the big cuts to education started going into full swing) only taught the bare minimum. STEM school teach way more than most public schools but, some schools are STEM schools in name only.

Man I remember when they had shop in schools, at least they were like let them learn a trade I remember by the mid to late 90's they took all that shit OUT of public schools in NYC...

No electric shop, No metal shop, No wood shop... if they take shop out... you can just imagine

what else they are ommiting.. I remember attending summer classes in a school in the bronx...

in the late eighties... in order to get a regents diploma I had to make up a credit, I was on the football team, so I thought I didnt have to go to gym class.. I failed gym and had to make it up the credit to graduate on time..

I remember taking business law, and the fuckin textbook was from 1934...... I remember taking a computer class... and our hardware to practice on, was a paper copy of a qwerty keyboard...

them private school muthafuckas got ceo's to come in to talk to them about how business works,

they practiced on actual computers....

whats happening now is because of the internet, information is becoming way more widespread,

this is forcing the playing field to even out, slowly but surely.. thats what the real CRT talk

is about, critical race theory is about kniggas catching up with the information and certain people

not having that informed advantage anymore...