"Odd" West Virginia... The Whitakers, an inbred family. (Some sad stuff)


Truth Teller
Yes. Very common in the Arab world and Pakistan.

Definitely not true. These types of people don’t vote at all. They’re what are called “waste people”.
100% facts. They are politically equivalent to the millions of black folk in the hood/ projects that do not vote in local or national elections.

Trumps core base is the lawyers pulling the guns on the protesters and the couple painting over the BLM mural.

Almost 50% of my white neighbors are Trump supporters, which include my direct next door neighbors on both sides.

Do not underestimate the number of covert Trump supporters. Our issues are not their issues. They are making crazy paper from the market and they all attribute it to their master Trump.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
And if you watch the old white tricks interview he basically slips and said you party with the girls too.
I saw one that was originally posted in a thread of a younger Black chick with a nice set of tits on her, then a year or two later he reinterviewed her and she was just emaciated.

He'd casually mentioned "donating" a small sum to some of these women/people to "help:" them out here and there. That was my takeaway from the comment...he's fucking some of these females.