Obama Condemns Ludicris's Obama Song

Dert Bagg

:rolleyes::angry::hmm: Gotta be da most annoying and most grossly overused phrase in da history of da fuckin English language. Got dayum i'm so fuckin sick n tied of people throwin dat shit around like it's sposed to add some kind of leverage to dere argument. lol fuck outta here wit dat bullshit mayne.

No disrespect to da cat i just quoted but dat phrase is just gettin so insanely played da fuck out right now yo.

Especially on this board...
I think he should have admonished Luda for the track.
But round here, Drudge could post a photo of Obama giving Bush Sr. a handjob and niggas would be like "C'mon dog. What is he supposed to do? He's a former president. This is chess not checkers."
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Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Bruh, stop being so narrow minded. Obama can not win being a black president. Remember that we are only 13% of the population. WE can't put him in office. So if someone associated with him says something offensive about blacks or whites or hispanics or anybody, he has to distance himself from that. You think them crackas want to hear niggas talking about painting the whitehouse black? Obama is not going to get into the white house and hook the black people up. He will be a fair president who cares about the concerns of all Americans. The benefit for us will be we'll finally have a person who understands our culture and unique needs within this country. Get off Obama dog. We already got Fox News attacking him constantly and they don't need no help.

This is such a sad and pathetic train of thought...Obama is running for the white house NOT Ludacris...any fukkin ass crakka that will allow a snippet from a song that they heard influence them not to vote for Obama had no real fukkin intention of voting for Obama to begin with...believe that...no wonder we are where we are in this country...too many spineless niggas...damn I can already see Obama will probably just serve one-term on some David Dinkins shit...I expect simple niggas to be on this shucking and jiving shit but not someone who is supposed to be the President...

Damn Right

Rising Star
Why does it seems like when Obama condemns or make a speech about something it is like the GOSPEL (GHOST SPELL)? Lets not forget he takes a dump like everyone else hopefully on a daily basis.

I hope one of his daughters to don't get caught doing something of the wall. He may put them up for adoption.

you're an idiot. what's funny is that u think you're very clever though. :rolleyes:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Especially on this board...
I think he should have admonished Luda for the track.
But round here, Drudge could post a photo of Obama giving Bush Sr. a handjob and niggas would be like "C'mon dog. What is he supposed to do? He's a former president. This is checkers not chess."



Support BGOL
You made my point for me which again is Luda has nothing to do with the campaign...Obama apologizing for/denouncing something he had no real ties to puts him right there on the level of Ludacris so to speak playing tic-tac-toe...I think some of y'all just want to see a President with a Black face at ANY cost...a leader of the "free" world should have a little bit of a spine...no...? No one is saying Obama should "talk shit"...this ain't a pickup game of ball...he's aspiring to be the President...he should act like one and that doesn't consist of apologizing for every little thing that can be deemed offensive to whites...even shit that he is not even remotely responsible for...someone said it best in another thread...he should've said he wasn't aware of the song and dropped the fukkin topic on the goddamn spot...all he's done is given the story credibility and don't be surprised now if more rappers become "political" in an attempt to make a name for themselves now that they've seen the attention this brings...

..and you're right. Obama shouldn't have to explain Luda's actions. But you already know the O'Reilly's and Hannity's are on top of linking him to anything. They're biggest fear is to allow Obama in the White House. They're not gonna go down easy. Obama has to play it safe for now 'cause White fear is huge in the U.S. Think Michael Douglas in "Falling Down"...but everywhere! Obama can say "I never heard the song" maybe once or twice. But once asked again a week from now, he can't play that since he already said Luda's one of his favorite rappers.

If Jigga dropped an exclusive with an old Biggie verse right now, you think a Jay-Z fan won't cop it immediately? ..not to say Obama's a fiend for Luda, but I'm sure he'll listen to his new stuff when he can.

Trust me...I'm with you. I wish it didn't have to be like that. But it's between McCain and Obama right now. If McCain gets in...man..:smh:



Rising Star
OG Investor
This is such a sad and pathetic train of thought...Obama is running for the white house NOT Ludacris...any fukkin ass crakka that will allow a snippet from a song that they heard influence them not to vote for Obama had no real fukkin intention of voting for Obama to begin with...believe that...no wonder we are where we are in this country...too many spineless niggas...damn I can already see Obama will probably just serve one-term on some David Dinkins shit...I expect simple niggas to be on this shucking and jiving shit but not someone who is supposed to be the President...

Dinkins was a shitty mayor bruh....

Mr. Del

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get the feeling that Obama's spokesperson was asked about the song and he gave a response, as opposed to hearing the song and independently condemning it without provocation.

Obama's spokesperson didn't do or say anything unusual as far as I can see.


Bruh, stop being so narrow minded. Obama can not win being a black president. Remember that we are only 13% of the population. WE can't put him in office. So if someone associated with him says something offensive about blacks or whites or hispanics or anybody, he has to distance himself from that. You think them crackas want to hear niggas talking about painting the whitehouse black? Obama is not going to get into the white house and hook the black people up. He will be a fair president who cares about the concerns of all Americans. The benefit for us will be we'll finally have a person who understands our culture and unique needs within this country. Get off Obama dog. We already got Fox News attacking him constantly and they don't need no help.

lol and you really believe once he gets into office is gonna go out his way to help "us" like dat mayne? Like i've stated countless times, Imma still vote for da brotha cuz i dont wanna have McOld's punk ass in office. But remember bruh, Obama is a POLITICIAN. I think folks seem to let his skin color blind dem fron dat important fact. Politicians will do whatever da fuck dey gotta do, say whatever da fuck dey gotta say to gain political heirarchy fam.

Da only thing dat's gonna be different if Obama gets in office is his skin color. Him gettin in office aint gonna stop dat cracka from callin you a ****** behind/or to your face. It's not gonna make racial profiling /injustices stop, and it shole aint fix da already false perceptions da world has towards blacks. Especially black americans. I serioulsy think if we hadn't endured 8 years of Bush, a falling economy, war, and if Obama wasn't half white...folks wouldn't be praisin dis cat so much. call me a hater or whatever da fuck yall niggas want, but you cannot deny dere's truth to wtf i just said. I praise Obama for makin dis far and all he's done, but i'm not puttin dis cat on some pedalstal as some hero for da black community when in fact he really dont know shit about growin up having dat tru "black experience" dat many of us have had yo.

Obama 08', imma vote for da brotha but now its only because i dont want another 4 years of Bush policies.



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
..and you're right. Obama shouldn't have to explain Luda's actions. But you already know the O'Reilly's and Hannity's are on top of linking him to anything. They're biggest fear is to allow Obama in the White House. They're not gonna go down easy. Obama has to play it safe for now 'cause White fear is huge in the U.S. Think Michael Douglas in "Falling Down"...but everywhere! Obama can say "I never heard the song" maybe once or twice. But once asked again a week from now, he can't play that since he already said Luda's one of his favorite rappers.

If Jigga dropped an exclusive with an old Biggie verse right now, you think a Jay-Z fan won't cop it immediately? ..not to say Obama's a fiend for Luda, but I'm sure he'll listen to his new stuff when he can.

Trust me...I'm with you. I wish it didn't have to be like that. But it's between McCain and Obama right now. If McCain gets in...man..:smh:


I am sorry but as someone aspiring to be the President of the US he should not give this shit legs which is what he unintentionally did...he is setting a bad precedent...these white folks will have him apologizing for some obscure shit every fukkin other week now...God forbid Dave Chappelle should say something about McCain during a skit...this is ridiculous...that he's allowed a fukkin song to become a focal point in his campaign...niggas are talking about checkers and chess will his ass just got checkmated because they are showing us his weak side...and that is that he'll bend over every time someone Black that is LOOSELY connected to him says some shit that is offensive to white folks...


..and you're right. Obama shouldn't have to explain Luda's actions. But you already know the O'Reilly's and Hannity's are on top of linking him to anything. They're biggest fear is to allow Obama in the White House. They're not gonna go down easy. Obama has to play it safe for now 'cause White fear is huge in the U.S. Think Michael Douglas in "Falling Down"...but everywhere! Obama can say "I never heard the song" maybe once or twice. But once asked again a week from now, he can't play that since he already said Luda's one of his favorite rappers.

If Jigga dropped an exclusive with an old Biggie verse right now, you think a Jay-Z fan won't cop it immediately? ..not to say Obama's a fiend for Luda, but I'm sure he'll listen to his new stuff when he can.

Trust me...I'm with you. I wish it didn't have to be like that. But it's between McCain and Obama right now. If McCain gets in...man..:smh:


I agree with you. But this country is predominately white. Let's be honest, the only reason Obama even has a chance right now is because he is half white. These so called "bold" niggas on this board are the same ones who would say they would not have been slaves back in the day. Running for the president of the United States is a tap dance for a black man. I respect how Obama is handling this. I know NONE of these niggas on this board would have made it this far.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I agree with you. But this country is predominately white. Let's be honest, the only reason Obama even has a chance right now is because he is half white. These so called "bold" niggas on this board are the same ones who would say they would not have been slaves back in the day. Running for the president of the United States is a tap dance for a black man. I respect how Obama is handling this. I know NONE of these niggas on this board would have made it this far.



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
I agree with you. But this country is predominately white. Let's be honest, the only reason Obama even has a chance right now is because he is half white. These so called "bold" niggas on this board are the same ones who would say they would not have been slaves back in the day. Running for the president of the United States is a tap dance for a black man. I respect how Obama is handling this. I know NONE of these niggas on this board would have made it this far.

That's a cheap ass low blow...a lot of "niggas" white, Black or otherwise could never make it "that far"...there have only been 43 presidents...that nigga Al Gore sure as hell didn't make it...fukk outta here...CNN/FOX is full of niggas who could never make it that far but yet there ass is commenting on the shit 24/7 so don't try to act like muthafukkas is not good enough to speak on the situation...


I agree with you. But this country is predominately white. Let's be honest, the only reason Obama even has a chance right now is because he is half white. These so called "bold" niggas on this board are the same ones who would say they would not have been slaves back in the day. Running for the president of the United States is a tap dance for a black man. I respect how Obama is handling this. I know NONE of these niggas on this board would have made it this far.

i stay sayin dis shit, but i had to fend off da die hard Obama Stans somethin serious whenever i did. Dere are many attributes to Obama's success right now and dat is one of da top 2. Da other one is dis country's exhaustion of da Bush administration.


OG Investor
Bruh, stop being so narrow minded. Obama can not win being a black president. Remember that we are only 13% of the population. WE can't put him in office. So if someone associated with him says something offensive about blacks or whites or hispanics or anybody, he has to distance himself from that. You think them crackas want to hear niggas talking about painting the whitehouse black? Obama is not going to get into the white house and hook the black people up. He will be a fair president who cares about the concerns of all Americans. The benefit for us will be we'll finally have a person who understands our culture and unique needs within this country. Get off Obama dog. We already got Fox News attacking him constantly and they don't need no help.

On point. Too many of us are STILL tripping trying to make Obama this civil rights guy. He's not a civil rights guy.

He carries our skin tone and our history but he is a very important man trying to do something none of us has ever seen before. That is namely running this got damn nation and doing that isn't about skin...black, white or otherwise.

A white man put us 500 BILLION in debt in less than 8 damn years. It's going to take work and sacrifice to keep this bitch from becoming a Chinese and Saudi subsidiary.



lol and you really believe once he gets into office is gonna go out his way to help "us" like dat mayne? Like i've stated countless times, Imma still vote for da brotha cuz i dont wanna have McOld's punk ass in office. But remember bruh, Obama is a POLITICIAN. I think folks seem to let his skin color blind dem fron dat important fact. Politicians will do whatever da fuck dey gotta do, say whatever da fuck dey gotta say to gain political heirarchy fam.

Da only thing dat's gonna be different if Obama gets in office is his skin color. Him gettin in office aint gonna stop dat cracka from callin you a ****** behind/or to your face. It's not gonna make racial profiling /injustices stop, and it shole aint fix da already false perceptions da world has towards blacks. Especially black americans. I serioulsy think if we hadn't endured 8 years of Bush, a falling economy, war, and if Obama wasn't half white...folks wouldn't be praisin dis cat so much. call me a hater or whatever da fuck yall niggas want, but you cannot deny dere's truth to wtf i just said. I praise Obama for makin dis far and all he's done, but i'm not puttin dis cat on some pedalstal as some hero for da black community when in fact he really dont know shit about growin up having dat tru "black experience" dat many of us have had yo.

Obama 08', imma vote for da brotha but now its only because i dont want another 4 years of Bush policies.


I agree with some of what you are saying. I do believe him being bi racial is helpful to him. I did not say he would go out of his way to help us. I specifically said he is not going to hook black people up. READ DUDE!! But you can not deny that he has had to face experiences coming up that other blacks face. Don't try to take that from him. No one is going to see him and think he is white. And me personally, I don't care what crackas say behind my back. I care about someone in the government having the power to veto policies that unfairly benefit whites and hurt blacks. To me, this is what Obama represents. And I think he is a hero for the black community. He grew up in a white household, but when he grew up he reached out to the black community. He went to Africa to learn about his African family. He could have took that Harvard Law degree to Wall Street and got rich. But he went to the Southside of Chicago and worked to help black underprivileged people. He chose to go to a black church. He chose to marry a strong black woman. Now he's close to being the 1st black president. So don't sit up there and down play what this brother has accomplished and what he means to blacks all over the world. He is a great black man and a hero!
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I agree with some of what you are saying. I do believe him being bi racial is helpful to him. I did not say he would go out of his way to help us. I specifically said he is not going to hook black people up. READ DUDE!! But you can not deny that he has had to face experiences coming up that other blacks face. Don't try to take that from him. No one is going to see him and think he is white. And me personally, I don't care what crackas say behimd my back. I care about someone in the government having the power to veto policies that unfairly benefit whites and hurt blacks. To me, this is what Obama represents. And I think he is a hero for the black community. He grew up in a white household, but when he grew up he reached out to the black community. He went to Africa to learn about his African family. He could have took that Harvard Law degree to Wall Street and got rich. But he went to the Southside of Chicago and worked to help black underprivileged people. He chose to go to a black church. He chose to marry a strong black woman. Now he's close to being the 1st black president. So don't sit up there and down play what this brother has accomplished and what he means to blacks all over the world. He is a great black man and a hero!


And he chose to throw his church and his paster both away as soon as it became convenient for his politcial campaign.

But i feel u mayne. Let's just work on gettin McCain'ts ass outta da race den fam.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Especially on this board...
I think he should have admonished Luda for the track.
But round here, Drudge could post a photo of Obama giving Bush Sr. a handjob and niggas would be like "C'mon dog. What is he supposed to do? He's a former president. This is chess not checkers."



BGOL Investor
Especially on this board...
I think he should have admonished Luda for the track.
But round here, Drudge could post a photo of Obama giving Bush Sr. a handjob and niggas would be like "C'mon dog. What is he supposed to do? He's a former president. This is chess not checkers."



Support BGOL

And he chose to throw his church and his paster both away as soon as it became convenient for his politcial campaign.

But i feel u mayne. Let's just work on gettin McCain'ts ass outta da race den fam.

That's the bottom line.



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
niggas don't seem to understand that a black man can't be hanging with militant blacks, rappers talking about painting the white house black, black people talking about reperations etc. whites are very weary about voting fir blacks, we all know latins will vote white or die, so ablack man needs to use strategy to get in and not worry about these fools on bgol who can't comprehend what a black man needs to do to become president of the united states in a 80% white country :smh:

Here you A to Z niggas go a-fukkin-gain...no one is saying he has to hang with Luda or any type of other bullshit to show he is "down" or whatever the fukk...the song should have been a non-issue...period...when will you niggas learn that sucking up to white folks does not accomplish anything...it's either they hate you or they don't...he's allowing people to play games with his campaign...nitpicking at every little bullshit...all this does is open the door for more "justified" attacks based on frivolous shit...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
another low life nigga putting his feelings and opinions ahead of Obama's campaign. Don't they know the only thing important in this world is getting Obama elected so we can say we have a black president.

imho Barack should go ahead and renounce all of hip hop and other forms of black entertainment..he can renounce me too, as long as he is our next president.



Rising Star
OG Investor
I agree with some of what you are saying. I do believe him being bi racial is helpful to him. I did not say he would go out of his way to help us. I specifically said he is not going to hook black people up. READ DUDE!! But you can not deny that he has had to face experiences coming up that other blacks face. Don't try to take that from him. No one is going to see him and think he is white. And me personally, I don't care what crackas say behind my back. I care about someone in the government having the power to veto policies that unfairly benefit whites and hurt blacks. To me, this is what Obama represents. And I think he is a hero for the black community. He grew up in a white household, but when he grew up he reached out to the black community. He went to Africa to learn about his African family. He could have took that Harvard Law degree to Wall Street and got rich. But he went to the Southside of Chicago and worked to help black underprivileged people. He chose to go to a black church. He chose to marry a strong black woman. Now he's close to being the 1st black president. So don't sit up there and down play what this brother has accomplished and what he means to blacks all over the world. He is a great black man and a hero!




Luda went into a tasteless rant....he needs to be smarter with his actions....

make a song but tasteless name calling right now just makes you look like an ass....:smh:

See this is the problem. Ludacris has made dozens of tasteless comments in his career. I could be wrong and if I am someone correct me on that. I think it's both wrong and very unrealistic to expect to start making "tastefull" things now. He's been saying what he wants all this time no one should expect him or anyone else to hold his tongue just for Obama's sake.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was thread created for individuals to state their degree(s). With all this fucking education on this board I'm tripping that individuals cannot see through the bullshit. It is all bullshit, plain and simple. Muthafuckas attack anybody who say something that may cause Obama not getting in the White House. While you all talk about Luda, Jessie, Wright, etc. you are not realizing is the man is going to the White House no matter what happens. John McCain cannot win if he casted all the votes for himself. This is no conspiracy type shit. It is what it is. If you realize that then you would not be so quick to jump on another brotha who came from the same type of streets you may have came. That man is in that position for a reason. It is not because the everyday black folk put him there. Use all that education to do some research. That is why you go to school to learn how to learn on your own. I never seen Obama in person and I never seen Luda in person. So neither one don't exist in my world to the point where I can get bent out of shape and talk shit.

It does not make me proud to have someone non-white (that is intential) as the President. What makes me proud and should every true black person is when a brotha down the street from take his son and/or daughter to school, to the park or just being in the fucking house with them. All this other bullshit everyone is talking they can have it because it is just bullshit.


another low life nigga putting his feelings and opinions ahead of Obama's campaign. Don't they know the only thing important in this world is getting Obama elected so we can say we have a black president.

imho Barack should go ahead and renounce all of hip hop and other forms of black entertainment..he can renounce me too, as long as he is our next president.

Thats pretty much the mentality people here have. These are the ones that will be the most shocked and first to speak badly about Obama when he wins and doesnt do anything different. Mark my words on that.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
See this is the problem. Ludacris has made dozens of tasteless comments in his career. I could be wrong and if I am someone correct me on that. I think it's both wrong and very unrealistic to expect to start making "tastefull" things now. He's been saying what he wants all this time no one should expect him or anyone else to hold his tongue just for Obama's sake.

Exactly...this whole "oh Ludacris better behave before he messes it up for us" shit is fukkin retarded and backwards as hell...it has absolutely no basis...do I see the game the media is playing...yes I do...and it's shameful that niggas is playing right into it...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
another low life nigga putting his feelings and opinions ahead of Obama's campaign. Don't they know the only thing important in this world is getting Obama elected so we can say we have a black president.

imho Barack should go ahead and renounce all of hip hop and other forms of black entertainment..he can renounce me too, as long as he is our next president.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thats pretty much the mentality people here have. These are the ones that will be the most shocked and first to speak badly about Obama when he wins and doesnt do anything different. Mark my words on that.



lol I'm sayin...Obama condemning every single thing dat goes against da white grain( stone cold truth) is becoming repetitively more pathetic now. Dood IS a fuckin uncle tom. Maybe not in da extreme of cats like Larry Elder, Johnson, or Juan williams, but dis mufucka STAYS tap dancin for dese white folks mayne. Shit's gettin fuckin old and ridiculous now.

smh Nigga is str8 charmin. :hmm:

I don't think Obama is a coon. I don't see a problem with him denouncing what ludacris said. He has every right to do so. Infact it makes sense for him to do it. Ludacris attacked a very prominant member of that party and her supporters probably wouldnt vote for Obama if he didn't denounce his comments. This is politics man. Obama is black but he's still a politician. It's like people forget that. Politicians will tell you what you want to hear in order to get the presidency. With that said if you don't like that he denounced ludacris then by all means you don't have to vote for him.

oh snap

Potential Star

Ludacris is just trying to go down on record.
Obama has told all these muthafuckas to shut the fuck up on his behalf and they won't. After the elections...yeeeeshhh!! hen yall can have all the fun you want

Believe these last 3 months, its about to get ill.

Kats for Obama going to continue saying stuff he don't need while the Repubs wll probably call him an outright N!@@eR to his face. The TV channels are about to get paid!!!! Its going to be entertaining.




And he chose to throw his church and his paster both away as soon as it became convenient for his politcial campaign.

But i feel u mayne. Let's just work on gettin McCain'ts ass outta da race den fam.
Bruh, if President Clinton's preacher came out and said blacks need to stop whining and slavery wasn't that bad, would you vote for him if he didn't come out and refute that. I personally agree with what Rev. Wright was saying. But he can't convince whites to vote for him with people like that in his life. Yet and still Obama stood by him untill he came out and said some more shit after the race speech. Don't try to make it look like Obama is a weak brother.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Thats pretty much the mentality people here have. These are the ones that will be the most shocked and first to speak badly about Obama when he wins and doesnt do anything different. Mark my words on that.

but honestly brotha has anyone done anthing when they have won the presidency?

honestly I hate politics....and I'm on the fence about OBAMA at times...but i will show support 4 him...

why think so negative...like TexasT said he could have easily got his degree and forgot about Chicago but he didn't....

and LUDA has been a major supporter of OBAMA & even if he did not say anything to represent OBAMA you know the media will jump on it regardless....they use shit like that and fool ass Rev. Wright's rant to get at OBAMA and what he stands 4...

Luda should use better judgement...

we should give him benefit of the doubt...didn't blk folks do the same for the now "hated" Clintons..?



people always talk about they want positive hip-hop luda comes out with some fire positive shit and folks are like "wrong time", FUCK THAT. Obama is smart enough to play the game he knows in order to get elected he has to do certain things. All you scared negroes who think this shit is gonna hurt him need to quit being so sensitive.

Ludacris is a private citizen who can say whatever he wants. If anything a message like this is painfully needed to mobilize folks who never get involved in politics. I can't believe how scared of white people some folks are.

oh snap

Potential Star
It's not that, it's the timing. Barack is world-wide now and this isn't a position on the staff at the NAACP; it's basically leader of the "free" world. White America is looking for a reason...any reason, to make him look like some Negro trying to take over THEIR world. And they can't have that.

It's Chess vs. Checkers and Luda's playing tic-tac-toe. Once Obama's in, then talk that loud shit. Until then, the media machine Fox will go after the one base that Obama's having the most trouble with at the moment. It's not about ducking and hiding, it's simple maneuvering. Luda should've done something with more intelligence behind it. Calling people names (like Hillary's base) is not a good look right now.

My 2.


ESPECIALLY considering Hillary supporter's are still not really feeling Obama and voting for McCain :hmm: That was the worst move, Luda.