Marvel Cinematic Universe on going: Trusted source reveals Phase Four films 2019 SDCC OFFICIAL UPDATE!


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Looks like Killmonger is coming back :yes:
If they do it right. I've said it before:

When Killmonger said, "Bury me in the ocean..."

He planned ahead. He was a brilliant dude, so he even plotted what would occur even if he lost.

T'Challa, being the honorable guy he is, would honor his wishes and bury him in the ocean. There, he will be rescued by Namor and resuscitated. He would be in a coma the entire Black Panther sequel and awake from the coma in the post-credits.

That right there is entirely believable and that is how I would do it as a writer.

T'Challa, like Black people, have always lacked the killer instinct their oppressors possess, something Killmonger said he learned from the colonizers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I also liked Elixir and Vanisher on XForce.

Both their powers were very useful.

Deadpool's humor..
The 2 of them + Wolverine constantly talking shit to each other...
Archangel's Schizo spells of rage..
Psylocke trying to hold the fort but she has her own issues...
Apocalypse's horseman...
Deathlocke, the clones and the battle for The World..
Evil Beast..


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
All hail King Killmonger!!!!!!:cool: BP2 is the only one I'm interested in I'm pretty much done with these flicks after Spidey, enjoy youngsters.:D


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Black Panther 2: Marvel leak suggests Michael B Jordan will return for sequel
New details of forthcoming film seemingly revealed by trusted source

The Black Panther sequel may see the unexpected return of one of the first film’s lead stars.

According to a new leak, a follow-up to Marvel‘s first Best Picture nominee will be one of many films the studio has planned for the next decade.

Surprisingly, though, this leak claims that Michael B Jordan will return as Erik Killmonger despite *spoiler alert* the character dying in the 2018 film.

The details come from a trusted source known as “Roger Wardell” – he leaked accurate details about Avengers: Endgame months before the blockbuster was released.

Wardell claims that Jordan’s character won’t be resurrected, but will exist in Wakanda’s ”spiritual plane”. He also suggests the film will be politically charged and teases the arrival of the Queen Divine Justice, a princess secretly raised in America by one of T’Challa’s warriors.

There has been no confirmation yet, but Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira and Lupita Nyong’o are all set to return for the sequel that will likely be released in 2021.

Another tease for the sequel may have arrived in Endgame; fans have been highlighting a seemingly throwaway line spoken by Gurira’s character Okoye that hints at a future threat for Wakanda.

You can look through all the details of the leak – which seemingly reveals all the films Marvel will release over the coming decades – here.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Black Widow film: Florence Pugh joins Scarlett Johansson in standalone Marvel movie
The 'Fight with My Family' actor will likely play 'a moral opposite' to Johansson's spy

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The Independent Culture

Florence Pugh in 'Fighting with My Family' ( Lionsgate )

Fighting with My Family and Lady Macbeth actor Florence Pugh has joined the cast of Black Widow.

She will star opposite Scarlett Johansson, who has played the Marvel superhero for almost 10 years.

Australian filmmaker Cate Shortland, best known for Nazi drama Lore, will direct the project, which begins filming this June in London.

The Hollywood Reporter notes that, while few plot details regarding the film are currently known, the story will take Johansson's Natasha Romanoff around the world.

Pugh will play a spy on the same level as Romanoff, but "likely a moral opposite".

Jac Schaeffer, who helped script Captain Marvel, has penned the script. She will also act as showrunner on the upcoming Disney+ show The Vision and Scarlet Witch.

Whether Black Widow will act as a prequel or a sequel to Avengers: Endgameremains unclear. Marvel likely will not confirm either way until after Endgamehas debuted in cinemas on 25 April.

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Avengers: Endgame - The throwaway Okoye line that could reveal future MCU villain
Could this character play a big part in Black Panther 2?

A seemingly throwaway line from Avengers: Endgame may have been a huge hint teasing the arrival of a huge Marvel villain.

The interaction arrived early on in the film with those who survived Thanos’ destructive finger-snap attempting to adjust to life without those they lost five years later.

We see Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow host a hologram meeting with several characters, including Black Panthers Okoye (Danai Gurira). Okoye briefly mentions that there’s been an underwater earthquake off the coast of Africa and, when Natasha asks her how Wakanda will deal with the incident, she simply says they were going to avoid it.

To the casual viewer, this line will bear no weight. However, some Marvel fans have been questioning whether this revealed the existence of Namor, the Sub-Mariner in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Whether this means the character – an underwater mutant – will appear in Black Panther 2 remains to be seen, though director Scott Derrickson recently fuelled speculation he’ll appear in the Doctor Strange sequel after posting a comic book cover featuring the heroic sorcerer and Namor on Twitter.

Considering Derrickson went on to delete the tweet, it seems likely that Namor could one day face off against Benedict Cumberbatch’s character.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has spoken about his desire to get Namor in the MCU, but admitted that acquiring film rights to the character have proved difficult.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Marvel leak: Trusted source appears to reveal Phase Four films and key MCU details
He reported correctly on Avengers: Endgame plot points months before it was released

A new leak seems to reveal every film Marvel will released over the next decade.

The news comes from the mysterious “Roger Wardell” who has been hailed by Marvel fans as the most trusted source since he accurately revealed key Avengers: Endgame plot points back in December.

As well as listing the films Marvel will apparently release as part of its fourth phase, Wardell also makes some big claims about the series as a whole.

Spider-Man: Far From Home.

So, the films – according to Wardell, Marvel is developing Black Widow, The Eternals, Black Panther 2, Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange 2, Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.

He adds that there are plans to make new Thor, Ant-Manand Captain Marvel sequels and suggests there could even be New Avengers, Young Avengers and Dark Avengers films.

Most interesting is the appearance of Nova. He is a member of the intergalactic police force known as the Nova Corps and, in the comics, has had dealings with the Guardians, Captain Marvel and Thor.

The leak claims that a very unexpected Black Panther cast member will return for the sequel.

The leak also claims that Black Widow will star Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova, who will be introduced as the new version of Scarlett Johansson’s character while Richard Madden will take the lead role of Ikaris in Chloé Zhao’s The Eternals.

Avengers: Endgame line could hint at arrival of Marvel character

We won’t know any of this for certain until San Diego Comic Con where Marvel president Kevin Feige will no doubt unveil the studio’s slate of films that’ll be released well into the 2020s. It takes place 18-21 July.

Louis Koo

BGOL Investor
i thought Thanos was implied to wipe out the entire Nova Corps at the beginning of Infinity War.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
The Eternals would be dope if they begin the movie with the Gaia, Elder Gods(Chthon and Set), Atum/Demogourge putting the background in place. In other words a huge war by the elder gods and new gods predating what was to become life on Earth. Just need 5 minutes of action with good narration explaining Marvel Earth's infancy.

Then they can talk about how the Eternals, Deviants, and Humankind were created by the Celestials. Then the movie could be a war between the Eternals of Olympia vs. The Deviants of Lemuria. We see Uni-Mind and everything. This would be a good way of introducing the entire Marvel Earth mythos.


Truth Teller
even the worst marvel movie is better than the best DC movie......:lol:

As a true comic connoisseur, one who owns several first editions, collectors editions, etc. including a CGC 8.5 Lobo #1. (if you do not know what I'm referring to, then just accept my comic prowess) I felt the need to exit the lurker dungeon to address this craziness. 1st, I have no stake in the game. Meaning, I like watching comic based movies period, DC and Marvel. I'm hopeful that some of the others (yes, there are other comic creators) will begin developing films.

But, getting to my point.....2008's Hulk is worst than ANY DCU movie period. No debate. If anyone says it wasn't a MCU movie, then you must exit this conversation and allow the adults to speak. Additionally, when it comes to lack luster films, one could also easily talk about Iron Man 2, Age of Ultron, and a couple of other very non memorable films. Please do not bring up revenue, because awards and money has never been a true measure of quality or greatness. Eminem has sold more albums, won more awards, and made more money than most of your favorite artists, is he in your playlist? Not mine. Conversely, Jimmy Hendricks, Tupac, B.I.G., Run DMC, Chuck Berry, and Diana Ross never won a grammy and some on this list were never rich rich.

Now, time for the rant and Coldchi, this isn't directed at you brother. This is a jovial rant from years of reading and watching some of the millionaires of bgol become bandwagon comic fans. When did it become the thing to dick ride a production company? MCU is the Rebranded production company of Marvel who finally got it right. And man, did they ever get it right. Someone must have made a deal with the devil. But, whether you agree or not, Marvel has put out movies prior to the MCU. We can get into semantics, we can talk "creative control" etc., however, the fact remains that movies like Howard the Duck were made in partnership with Marvel allowing Marvel to use other studios to create the films. Fact is, DC Comics had its film run, now its Marvel's turn. Enjoy it. I am always quite amused how we are so excited about Jews and other mayo executives making money off of these movies. True Cognitive Dissonance.

Lastly, let me be the first to say and I hope I'm quoted in the future.....Joker will be the best comic based movie of the year. It may not make as much money as "put your favorite movie here." But, it will have true longevity and will live long in the lore of comic greatness.

As I run full speed back into the lurker's dungeon let me say that Maliah Michel is fat. Cherokee is sloppy, and Bria is.......(slams lurker dungeon door)


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor

As a true comic connoisseur, one who owns several first editions, collectors editions, etc. including a CGC 8.5 Lobo #1. (if you do not know what I'm referring to, then just accept my comic prowess) I felt the need to exit the lurker dungeon to address this craziness. 1st, I have no stake in the game. Meaning, I like watching comic based movies period, DC and Marvel. I'm hopeful that some of the others (yes, there are other comic creators) will begin developing films.

But, getting to my point.....2008's Hulk is worst than ANY DCU movie period. No debate. If anyone says it wasn't a MCU movie, then you must exit this conversation and allow the adults to speak. Additionally, when it comes to lack luster films, one could also easily talk about Iron Man 2, Age of Ultron, and a couple of other very non memorable films. Please do not bring up revenue, because awards and money has never been a true measure of quality or greatness. Eminem has sold more albums, won more awards, and made more money than most of your favorite artists, is he in your playlist? Not mine. Conversely, Jimmy Hendricks, Tupac, B.I.G., Run DMC, Chuck Berry, and Diana Ross never won a grammy and some on this list were never rich rich.

Now, time for the rant and Coldchi, this isn't directed at you brother. This is a jovial rant from years of reading and watching some of the millionaires of bgol become bandwagon comic fans. When did it become the thing to dick ride a production company? MCU is the Rebranded production company of Marvel who finally got it right. And man, did they ever get it right. Someone must have made a deal with the devil. But, whether you agree or not, Marvel has put out movies prior to the MCU. We can get into semantics, we can talk "creative control" etc., however, the fact remains that movies like Howard the Duck were made in partnership with Marvel allowing Marvel to use other studios to create the films. Fact is, DC Comics had its film run, now its Marvel's turn. Enjoy it. I am always quite amused how we are so excited about Jews and other mayo executives making money off of these movies. True Cognitive Dissonance.

Lastly, let me be the first to say and I hope I'm quoted in the future.....Joker will be the best comic based movie of the year. It may not make as much money as "put your favorite movie here." But, it will have true longevity and will live long in the lore of comic greatness.

As I run full speed back into the lurker's dungeon let me say that Maliah Michel is fat. Cherokee is sloppy, and Bria is.......(slams lurker dungeon door)
I liked the hulk movie. And what you said about Cherokee.....:angry:and what you got to say about Bria?


Rising Star
I'm mostly hyped for Black Panther 2 and Dr.Strange 2. I'm 'meh' about everything else , inlcueding X-Man and FfF. Doesn't mean I won't watch, but nothing else coming down the pike gives me the "Oh hell fucking yeah, I'm taking a nerd vacatio day for opening day." Oh and as for Okoye's line about the "underwater earthquke" in Avengers:Endgame, it could have also been an allude to Moses Magnum or Namor.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
If thanos invaded their planet like he did earth. Nothing is left of the nova corps.
Unless there were members off planet during that Invasion.

Edit: quoted before I read the next few responses.


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
Damn Marvel just went full tilt boogie and turned the franchise on its ear, this may be more interesting than I thought hmmmm..........