I Would Be Scared To Play Inside The New Cowboys Stadium


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Yeah, I noticed that. After that punter had hit it 2 or 3 times, JJ went over and appeared to speak to him a bit nervously. JJ had that nervous smile on his face. Like he was saying, "I know you got a job to do but could you try not hitting the fuckin' scoreboard?" :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What so funny about this shit, people on here complaining, but if I say "hey I got tickets to the game...do you wanna go?" Ya'll would be the first to jump on that shit.

Don't let it be an Cowboys Eagles game...

Lord T

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The shit is fresh and I like it. As long as they can raise it up and it doesn't interfere with gameplay then I see no problem with it. This is just the beginning. I'm sure in the future other teams and stadiums will try to outdo this. This was just good timing that this was already in the works (2005/2006) before the recession hit hard last year/this year.

Congrads to the Dallas Cowboys on their new stadium. There are only a few teams in the league that would be able to beat this if they get a new stadium.

I just wish the Titans had a dome from the beginning so that we could have hosted a Superbowl:(

Plus playing 360 on it makes it a winner in my book!




That screen looks like a big ass blimp indoors in this pic!
Take the HDTV by way of example. According to the Associated Press, the giant jumbotron screen contains more than 30 million light bulbs and it is so big it has a 10-level network of catwalks inside so that workers can monitor activity inside the screen. It hangs more than 90 feet above the stadium so stray punts do not interfere.
:lol::lol: Looks like they might have to take it up another 10 FT.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sneeder, there is an option to watch it live on the field, or if you have a bad angle or have shitty seats, you can see the replays and whatnot from the big screen.

That's what I did...you don't really wanna watch it live unless you're in the lower levels. The screen kinda keeps your attention.


I hate the cowgirls being a Skins fan but the scoreboard is nice but Troy I was thinking the same thing when I heard it weighed over a million pounds I was like if that shit fucking snaps in the middle of the game and crashes to the ground on some players shit would be all kinds of fucked up.

and after the tragedy of their practice facility collapsing I wouldn't trust shit with the Cowboys and construction safety.

The league better look into that shit before something real fucked up happens how can they hold a million + lbs up with fucking pullies.

this is gonna end badly.