Guardian of the Galaxy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



BGOL Investor
Now will someone end up playing Nova repping the Nova squad or is that not that important overall?

Here's how Nova will be introduced - seeing that the current Nova core (the guys in the star shaped ships) were underpowered facing Ronan the accuser they will use the power from the power gem to create the new Nova suits and helmets. Similar to the way the Red Skull used a gems powers to make those weapons from Captain America.


Rising Star

Here's how Nova will be introduced - seeing that the current Nova core (the guys in the star shaped ships) were underpowered facing Ronan the accuser they will use the power from the power gem to create the new Nova suits and helmets. Similar to the way the Red Skull used a gems powers to make those weapons from Captain America.


I guess we'll have to see who will be that chosen one by the time these flicks get to that cross road;
since they seem to be following suite with the animated Disney shows, I guess they'll also find a way to work PowerMan & IronFist into things too.

Based on what you're saying, the Teserac IS one of the stones or naw since they're differentiating that between the comics & the movies?
One comic kat said that the Teserac is really (directly from the comics) just a container & not actually a stone pre se but the movie has already taken liberties as the 1st stone, right?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was right up there with the avengers to me. Great action from start to finish.soundtrack was nice too

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Yep. That was cool as hell to me.


Is this from the Thanos infinity revelation? I heard he shits on all of the Annihilators in that one. :lol::lol:

I like the story where Thanos is watching the Crunch and Death comes to him looking like a little girl. he complains about the pedophile looking form, and she says I'm Death, not comfort. :lol::lol:

I just read his Annual, shit was cool. it basically goes back to the days of the cosmic cube and how he got past that first humbling defeat. :yes:

It was. I was going to skip it but it turned out to be a great fill in story that continued to flesh out the character and set up a future major story.


The archer had that throwback 60s/70s mohawk though as shown

Didnt read but am familiar with the images.

I did like them having one of the original Guardians make a significant appearance.
Yondu and Martinex were my favorites on that squad.

Now will someone end up playing Nova repping the Nova squad or is that not that important overall?

Not important and it would be introducing another character in a loaded movie but...

Here's how Nova will be introduced - seeing that the current Nova core (the guys in the star shaped ships) were underpowered facing Ronan the accuser they will use the power from the power gem to create the new Nova suits and helmets. Similar to the way the Red Skull used a gems powers to make those weapons from Captain America.

...this would work and could set up another franchise instead rebooting the Phase One movies over and over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Took my nephew to see it this week. I thought it was good.

My Marvel movie list:
1. Avengers
2. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Iron Man
5. Thor 2: The Dark World
6. Iron Man 3
7. Captain America: The First Avenger
8. Iron Man 2
9. Thor
10. The Incredible Hulk

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Took my nephew to see it this week. I thought it was good.

My Marvel movie list:
1. Avengers
2. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Iron Man
5. Thor 2: The Dark World
6. Iron Man 3
7. Captain America: The First Avenger
8. Iron Man 2
9. Thor
10. The Incredible Hulk


My list is similar but with Hulk and Thor higher and the Thor sequel and IM3 lower.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Every single post credit scenes in the Marvel Universe,manual#!bz6ABj


Guardians Of The Galaxy was stuffed to the gills with aliens, side characters and creatures. But there was one character that we didn't see on screen, Nova—a character so hotly anticipated folks were certain Nathan Fillion was secretly cast as this strong-jawed space cop. He wasn't, but here's what Nova could have looked like.

Cinemablend has a picture from the Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Art Of The Movie art book (which is LOADED with amazing GOTG art) of the never before seen, much-hyped character Nova. For those of you unaware, the Nova Corps are the space cops of the Marvel cosmic comic book world. Nova is basically the prime guy, numero uno, and gets to do a lot of awesome stuff. He's also been killing it in the comics lately (so I hear). All signs point to a Nova appearance somewhere down the MCU road. And this is what he may turn up wearing.

Cinema bland

This weekend, a whole bunch of people got acquainted with the Nova Corps. Those are the intergalactic police that protect Xandar in Guardians Of The Galaxy and above you can see one of them. That's concept art from "Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Art Of The Movie", which is probably loaded with all sorts of goodies. Remember, this is a movie that basically began its promotional campaign with production art: few people knew what the Guardians Of The Galaxy were before Marvel debuted the idea for fans at Comic Con with concept sketches.


The Nova Corps are an integral part of the Marvel universe, to the point where the studio could have just as easily made a Nova movie instead of Guardians Of The Galaxy and had the same name recognition. Their primary Earth hero is Richard Rider, who was granted the abilities of a Nova policeman by a dying Rhomann Dey, the character played by John C. Reilly. Hey, maybe he could join the Guardians sometime. Hopefully the movies don't follow the comics too closely, because we like John C. Reilly and because, in one adventure, the Nova Corps are completely wiped out by the actions of Nebula, as played by Karen Gillan.

Rider was known to Earth as Nova and served as that hero for years, crossing paths with every major Marvel hero and villain, and even serving as one of the early members of the superhero team New Warriors. Lately, however, Nova has been experiencing a strong run on Marvel shelves, with the young Sam Alexander taking on the mantle of the hero. Alexander's a pretty young teen learning the spaceways and interacting with several heroes while managing homework and his single mom and little sister at home. It's a cute book, you should check it out.

The potential for the Nova character is strong, should Marvel pursue that angle. And they already have a cast if he were to be given his own movie, with Reilly onboard and Glenn Close as the regal Nova Prime. Perhaps if they used the movie-friendly current run, with young Sam Alexander, they'd be able to distinguish not only from the other Marvel films (none of which have a kid hero), but also from another certain famous character who fights with an intergalactic space police force.

Here are some other bits and pieces of concept art likely to show up in the book, courtesy of Guard The Galaxy and Comic Book Movie .


Here's the futuristic world...


Here's the Badoon Bazooka...


Here's how Nova will be introduced - seeing that the current Nova core (the guys in the star shaped ships) were underpowered facing Ronan the accuser they will use the power from the power gem to create the new Nova suits and helmets. Similar to the way the Red Skull used a gems powers to make those weapons from Captain America.

Alot of people been saying this.....:cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Guardians was great and better than I thought it would be. It's not better than Cap 2, it's strategically set for Aug. If it was on Avenger level it would've came out earlier in the Summer. I think Diesel will have a future Marvel character other than Groot but they wanted to rush him into the fold due to customer demand. I liked it.:dance:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

When Vin Diesel first let it be known he was playing the role of Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, he also teased he would be a part of a new Marvel franchise.

Now, Vin Diesel has seemingly teased Black Bolt, or at least the Inhumans.

Vin Diesel took to his Facebook page to thank Marvel for letting him play Groot, where he mentioned "Inhuman."

Stan Lee has stated numerous times that Marvel is probably going to do an Inhumans movie.

Here's the blurb:

Vin and Marvel... you all made it happen!

I get the strange feeling that Marvel thinks I'm Inhuman... Haha.



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
ya I'm rereading it now...having thanos act like he has a kindergarten crush is kinda fucking corny reading this shit now as an adult

Yep. Thanos is as bad as Crixus aka Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson on both TV shows. Motherfucka gonna try and end the galaxy over the affections of a bitch that won't even speak to him.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Took my nephew to see it this week. I thought it was good.

My Marvel movie list:
1. Avengers
2. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Iron Man
5. Thor 2: The Dark World
6. Iron Man 3
7. Captain America: The First Avenger
8. Iron Man 2
9. Thor
10. The Incredible Hulk

My list:
1. Avengers
2. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
3. Iron Man
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. Captain America: The First Avenger
6. Iron Man 3
7. The Incredible Hulk
8. Thor
9. Iron Man 2
10. Thor 2: The Dark World


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all swear thanos is big and bad

He ain't shit at all

He coulda been blew the earth up if it was problems

But he know that shit ain't happening.

And I heard nova in a deleted scene in guardians


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all swear thanos is big and bad

He ain't shit at all

He coulda been blew the earth up if it was problems

But he know that shit ain't happening.

And I heard nova in a deleted scene in guardians


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Y'all know how cheesy those scifi shows from the 60s and 70s look, I wonder what we will think of these movies 30 years from now

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor


I guess we'll have to see who will be that chosen one by the time these flicks get to that cross road;
since they seem to be following suite with the animated Disney shows, I guess they'll also find a way to work PowerMan & IronFist into things too.

Based on what you're saying, the Teserac IS one of the stones or naw since they're differentiating that between the comics & the movies?
One comic kat said that the Teserac is really (directly from the comics) just a container & not actually a stone pre se but the movie has already taken liberties as the 1st stone, right?
Look back a few pages. I specifically posted a video explaining the Infinity Gems in the cinematic Marvel Universe.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
My list:
1. Avengers
2. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
3. Iron Man
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. Captain America: The First Avenger
6. Iron Man 3
7. The Incredible Hulk
8. Thor
9. Iron Man 2
10. Thor 2: The Dark World

1. Avengers
2. Captain America winter soldier
3. Iron man
4. Incredible hulk
5. Guardians of the galaxy
6. Thor 2
7. Captain America first avenger
8 thru 10 can be in any order
Iron man 2
Iron man 3