Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nadia sold Avon products at your job and appeared to be doing well in her "side hustle." You and her developed a good friendship at work since you would spend a good portion of your time talking to her at work when you did Overtime on Saturdays. You could talk to her about a litany of subjects and she was very informative.

So one day when you were talking she mentioned the Holiday season was approaching and asked you did you celebrate Christmas? And, if so, do you exchange gifts with friends and family? It occurred to you at that moment that you had no idea what to get for your nieces and Nadia suggested Avon might make a nice gift.

The only problem was that you would prefer to at least sample the products that you might consider purchasing (at least be able to smell the aroma of the creams and perfumes). So Nadia suggested that since you both are usually at work on Saturday that after work you could drop by her house and she had "sample testers" that would allow you to get a whiff of the products.

So, you told Nadia that you would be working this coming Saturday (this was in December before Christmas) and she said you could stop by her house and see what you liked. So you drove in that day, and at 5:00 PM you drove out to Nadia's place in Queens.

Her place was really nice and she had all the products lined up for you to see or sample. You tried a few creams on yourself and after awhile it became difficult to distinguish one fragrance from another.

So Nadia said that she would "model" the fragrances and creams for you, but had to shower first. When you came out the shower she decided to put on some traditional "Indian garb."

Between the way Nadia looked and the sweet smells coming from her "samples" you came real close to buying her entire inventory.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You had been working the overnight shift for years and was used to it. You are well aware that it has its advantages and disadvantages, and one of the disadvantages is that it takes its toil on your social life. Shanaya had been working with the company for 10 months and you could see it was getting to her. Hearing about her friends going out and partying on the weekend, not getting proper sleep, and her dating life was suffering.

On a very cold night back in January, it was just you and Shanaya working (the other 2 employees that worked on your shift called in). Now you and Shanaya usually had talked, but this time the conversation turned to sex (she broached the subject). You were very apprehensive at first, because you're in the work place and tried to change the subject, but she would always pivot back to the subject of sex.

She was telling you about this guy she was seeing "off and on," and how he was a very selfish lover and never wanted to return the favor (he told her that men from his country don't do those things). Furthermore, she said that she had never experienced and orgasm (her girlfriend told her that she should try to pleasure herself, but each time she attempted to she would stop because she felt embarrassed.

You got up for a minute to get some water from the cooler near the kitchen area and upon returning Shanaya is just sitting there topless.

Mind you it's 3:00 AM, and you're not expecting anyone to come into the office, but you never can tell. So you basically had to talk her into putting her shirt back on. Then Shanaya tells you "No," and says "You don't find me attractive?" "If so, prove it!"

You told her "Ok, Ok, just put your shirt back on before someone comes in the room, please."
She listened and you suggested that you take a ride to the store to get something to eat (there's a few Chinese restaurant and a few diners open all night).

You treated her to lunch and brought the food back to the office. You wanted to "risk it all" when you were in the office, but you had seen people "pop up" at all times of the night and you and Shanaya couldn't afford to take that chance.

You tried to explain that to her and she understood and you made arrangements to go out in the next 2 days when she was off. You're not sure if she is going to be feeling the same way when you take her out, but only time will tell.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The other day you were "hanging out" with your friend Nicole, and she needed to purchase some stockings for an event she would be attending on Saturday night.

You end up going to a small neighborhood boutique and you see this Indian woman that bares a strong resemblance to your friend Sonia's mother (Sonia works with you and you met her mother one day when Sonia was giving her a tour of the workplace).

Maybe you were staring too hard, and she caught you looking at her. So you're thinking if it's Sonia's mother she would say something, but...

You realized that probably isn't Sonia's mother, and you doubt that anyone in the store saw that (You left the boutique feeling like Captain Kirk did when he saw that Gremlin on the wing of the airplane in the "Twilight Zone")?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was around 10:30 PM on a Tuesday night, and you decided to stop by Popeye's. They close at 11:00 PM, and not soon after you placed your order this attractive young lady walked in and approached the counter and addressed the staff.

She then grabbed a cup got a drink and sat down near you. You had to say something so you said:
"You must be the owner?"
She laughed and said she was here to pick up her sister.
That lead to a nice conversation and you later found out that "Anam" is a model.
And she was kind enough to share a few photos with you.

You wanted to see more photos and of course more of Anam, so you were surprised that she exchanged phone numbers with you (you were thinking she was going to tell you to follow her on Instagram).

Hopefully, if you play your card right you will see more.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Although you no longer work with Kayla she would still call you from time to time. When you did work together you would have many "heart to heart" conversations with her especially when she was going through some issues with her boyfriend. Out of the blue she called you last night and was telling you about some guy she was dating, but wasn't sure about him (she was thinking that he just wanted to "get in her pants," and she wanted to make sure that he really cared about her.

So you tried to give her some sound advice as always and all of a sudden things changed. She had always told you that she liked the sound of your voice and how it was so soothing to her. It was probably the combinations of being alone on a Friday night and she was "horny."

So she wanted to "Face time" you. The only problem was that she just wanted you to talk while she focused on doing other things (and she positioned the camera so that you could witness the entire show).

Kayla was getting off to the sound of your voice and the music you had playing in the background (and the show would go on as long as you continued to talk to her).


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most of us have heard some variation of the expression: "God takes care of fools and babies."

For 4 to 5 weeks you had to live with this line on "repeat" because you allowed your libido to run the show.

Your friend Krishna invited you to his house to show you how he had his television and sound system wired (in addition, he was building a recording studio in his basement and he wanted you to check out).

The set up was impressive, but so was his cousin Yasmina. Yasmina was very attractive and very flirty (she might have been born in India, but grew up in Guyana and was now visiting her aunt and uncle, Krishna's parents in Jamaica, Queens).

Krishna introduced you as his friend from work and she assumed you had money (probably why she was flirting so hard, in addition, you found out that she was thinking about becoming a citizen here).

Krishna's system was nice and he let you experiment with it until his parents asked him to take a run to the store for them. He said if you wanted you could play with it and he would be back in about 15 - 20 minutes.

Yasmina must have seen Krishna leave out because not soon after she came down to the basement in traditional Indian garb (actually, this was good because Yasmina was familiar with the sound board and she could play piano).

She was trying to teach you how to play "Lucy and Linus," the Charlie Brown theme, and was playing you real close as she was showing you. Before you knew it, her garment flew open and you went in...Raw.

You were afraid of getting caught so you didn't last to long. Furthermore, you got caught up in the moment and didn’t pull out in time.

Now, you're worried because you might have just become her sponsor as well as other things because you weren't thinking.

Fortunately, Aunt Flo showed up and you dodged a bullet.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You had been on a few dates with Rena, and inspite of your desires, you respected her religious convictions (at least that's what she told you).

When you went out last Friday you ended up coming back to your place to just "chill." For now, you just took comfort with knowing that she was there.

If memory serves you correctly, you were watching "BMF," and she appeared to be enthralled by a scene with "Big Meech" and "Slugger" laying in bed. After that Rena jumped up and went to the bathroom and was in there for awhile.

You went to check on her and initially she said she wasn't feeling well, but was better now. She said she needed a few more minutes and that she wold leave the door cracked if she had to call out to you (she also said to check on her periodically).

After about 10 minutes you went back to check on her and you see her crouched down and sucking on a toothbrush.

What the hell is she doing? Whatever it was it must have been a warmup for what she did to you when she came out the bathroom (because you nearly passed out).

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yesterday evening you stopped by "Starbucks" to order 2 "Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccinos."

It's very rare that you go there, but your brief trips there can sometimes turn into adventures. This time was no different. You noticed this very attractive young lady standing behind you when you order and her ears raised up when she heard you mention "Mocha."

She inquired as to what did you order? You told her and she said she wasn't familiar with the beverage, but said if it's got "Mocha" in it, it must be good. She smiled and said the drink must be like her (even thought she was more a Caramel complexion) Brown and Sweet.

You laughed and told her that she was indeed a beautiful Brown, but how would one know if you are sweet? She laughed at your response. So when your order was ready she commented on how "tasty" the drinks looked and asked if she could try some.

You offered to treat her to one, but she said no, because if she didn't like it she didn't want you to waste your money. Then she said she lived in the building right across the street and you could stop by her place and she could "sample" a small taste in her kitchen (if she liked it she would keep it and give you some money to buy another one).

Of course you're thinking it's very weird that this woman, who you've never met before is inviting you to her apartment to taste test a "Starbucks" drink, but you go with the flow.

She poured out a very small sample of the Frappuccino and said that it was good, brown, sweet and tasty like her.

Nevertheless, you're still wondering how you found yourself on the kitchen floor of a woman you met 17 minutes ago, and thinking should you "sample what's she's offering?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few months ago you went to visit your old job and say "Hi" to some friends. While you were there you ran into Mirabella, who was actually happy to see you. You always wanted to "hook up" with Mirabella, but you were never really sure how she felt about you and although you spoke often you felt she regarded you as "just a friend."

Now in the process of getting reacquainted she told you that she no longer lived with her family, but had moved into a small apartment in Washington Heights. She explained how she was enjoying her freedom, but sometimes it's a bit scary because she lives by herself. In addition, some of the guys in the area try to "ask her out," but they don't seem to mean any harm.

Mirabella tells you that you have to come visit her apartment one day soon. Since it's getting dark outside you ask her, "Would you like me to escort you home this evening?" She said "Sure, that way I don't have to ride the train uptown by myself, but my place might be a little messy."

You tell her not to worry about it and leave out with her. The ride is about an hour and it's a bit of a walk from the train station, but the neighborhood seems nice. Since you don't have a "house warming gift" you offer to treat her to dinner, and find the nearest pizza shop.

When you get to her apartment, as much as you would love something to happen between you and Mirabella you are not going to say or do anything to give her the idea that sex is on your mind.

At that point something strange happened, Mirabella asked you "how come you never asked her out?" You explained to her that you felt she wasn't interesting in you in that way and only saw you as a friend, besides you're not my type and you're ugly.

You were just kidding about the ugly part to see how she would react and you quickly told her that you were just joking. But for whatever reason she thought you might have been serious and kept asking do you really find her unattractive?

Then she was on a mission to prove you wrong...

And it soon became apparent that Mirabella wanted you to "feed" all the parts of her body.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kabir, who is originally from Georgetown, Guyana invited you to "hangout" with him, his wife and his cousin Anika who was in town for the week (she is currently living in Georgetown, Guyana).

You were cool with the idea, but what scared you was that Kabir had what you might call "very interesting taste" in women. Although, he didn't have a photograph of Anika he keep telling you that she looked "alright."

So, you told yourself not to have any expectations and just go out and have a good time.

When you finally met Anika, she joked and said, (in a British accent) "I bet you assumed I was going to look like a troll."

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because you had spent the majority of your Sunday watching NBA basketball you realized that you didn't have anything prepared for dinner so you decided to take a brief walk and came upon this new Indian restaurant on 2nd Avenue. You're not really familiar with Indian cuisine so you grabbed a menu and took a seat trying to figure out is there anything you might like.

Now the place is almost empty, however, you do notice this young lady seated not to far from you in an evening dress. You can't determine if she works there or if she is waiting for someone, but why not ask her for some help in trying to figure out what might be good.

You walk over to her (Samira, was her name) and explain that this is your first time eating Indian food and was wondering if she could recommend something that you might enjoy. A strange look came across her face and before she answered she looked like she was about to tell you that you might enjoy eating her, but she held back.

She recommended a few things and you then went to the counter and placed your order. While you're sitting there waiting for them to prepare your order you look over at Samira and "Thanked" her once again. She says, "Your welcome," but in a playfully bold move said that you should buy her dinner.

You explain to Samira that you truly appreciated her help, but why should you buy her dinner?
Then she did a move that looked like something out of a movie...

Then Samira said:
"Since you are a 'virgin' when it comes to Indian food you will require a good teacher, like myself, so that you will be shown the proper way to enjoy every morsel."


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and Pasha were good friends at work, but you tried your best never to cross the lines and flirt with her. You both worked the overnight tour, however, she worked for a different agency, and you guess it was by happenstance that you ran into her during her lunch break at 3:00 AM. Ironically, she was taking her break in the same place you would go to for lunch (to get away from your coworkers for some solitude).

Over time you and Pasha became comfortable with each other and you always tried to remain respectful, at least you did. One night (actually morning) when you and her were having lunch you both had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was very small and had 1 urinal and 1 toilet and could barely accommodate 2 people, so you flipped a coin to see who would go first.

You won and went first, but Pasha said "the hell with it, I'm coming in since there's a toilet and a urinal, so we are just going to treat it like we're a married couple."

In spite of the door being locked, Pasha had a key and came in the bathroom while you are trying to adjust your pants. Well, you tried to adjust your pants.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dating a younger girl can be an compelling experience simply because you may find that your interests are different. This is would be the case with any woman that you date, but it really becomes apparent when you're discussing music (If you're lucky you might find a young woman with an "Old Soul").

Yasmina was the definition of a "freak," and didn't ask for too much, but her last request is something that is "keeping you up at night." Her birthday is May 27 and she wants to go see "Megan Thee Stallion and GloRilla@ Madison Square Garden on May 21. Even though the tickets are probably going to cost you "an arm and a leg" the problem is that you're going to have to deal with the crowd and the music.

However, Yasmina is going to make sure you know what the hell "WAP" is for the rest of the month if you take her to that show.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Elvin comes to you with a slight dilemma. He's been married for the last 12 years and been with his current wife for 15, but things don't feel right.

He, on not so many words, seems to be saying that his wife has lost her interest in sex (at least with him). He can't say he's found evidence confirming his suspicions, but still he wonders.

In the meantime he's found himself developing a relationship with his coworker Asa. Intially, it was just casual conversation, then going out to lunch together.

Then there was this one night when they were both working late and she came into his office and gave him a neck/shoulder and back massage (he was ready to risk it all at that point, but a member of the cleaning staff was working in the hallway).

He's not sure what to do at this point.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Tara at Keyfood and would see her on Wednesday mornings when you got off work. You made it your business to always go to her checkout line so that you could briefly chat with her. However, you felt funny about asking her out because of the age difference (you had to be at least 15 - 20 years older than her). Nevertheless, you heard her "hint" about age just being a number so you invited her to dinner and a movie (for starters).

The movie ended late and you offered to pay for a cab or Uber, but she said she wouldn't mind spending the night at your place. So you said ok, and told her that she could take your bed or the couch. She said she didn't want to put you out so she elected the couch.
Of course this situation didn't last too long because she felt funny sleeping in the living room all alone and asked if she could share your bed.
You told her sure, "but don't try anything, you're not that type of guy."

It took about 15 minutes and then Tara said that "tonight, you're going to learn how to be that type of guy."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your cousin Bilal currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. The plan was for you to fly down to Atlanta and meet with your cousin Bilal and then drive down to Columbus (you needed to attend to some family matters). Now, your cousin is driving a Black Mercedes AMG-GT 4 door Coupe and he really likes his car, but hates to take it with him on dates. If he goes out with a young lady he will usually park the car in a garage or several blocks away from where they are suppose to meet (he does this because too many women make assumptions about guys based on the type of car they are driving).

When you arrive in Columbus you realize that it's well past 5:00 PM and that you will have to meet up with a few people the next day during business hours the next day so you decide to check into a motel. So you ride around for about 40 minutes looking for a decent spot and finally find one not too far from the downtown area.

You both just want to chill a bit and then go out and get something to eat, but when you check in you make a strange observation. Upon entering the check in area of the motel you notice "Karishma," and apparently she notices you both (especially Bilal since she saw him driving when you pulled up).

Karishma was flirting hard with Bilal even to the point of when he asked her about where he could find a good place to eat, she averted her eyes downward, bit her lip and just smiled (she was dropping some serious hints). You could see what was going on so you just left him there and went to your room (yeah, you could have saved money by just staying in one room, but he's on a totally different time schedule and you're a night owl).

You chilled for a while and then later ended up at some small diner and eventually came back to the motel. And what of the lovely Karishma you may ask?

She got off around 10:00 or 11:00 PM and ended up spending the night with Bilal.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The good thing about dating Ayana is that appears wise she can pass for several different ethnicities, the bad thing about dating Ayana is that she can pass of several different ethnicities.

To keep from getting upset you have to laugh when you took her to the "Inwood Bar & Grill" (Inwood is a section of Northern Manhattan) ,and when you went to the bathroom for a few minutes. As you're walking back to your table you could see a few dudes trying hard to talk to her in Spanish (She's Indian, but bares a slight resemblance to Roselyn Sanchez, and doesn't speak Spanish).
