Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
About a week ago as you were on your way to the grocery store you ran into Ananya coming out of CityMD (she didn't look well). She wasn't feeling well and stop by there to get a check up because she was feeling very tired and achy. She said that they have just tested her and the results would not be available until the next day.

Since you were heading to the grocery store you asked her if she wanted anything? She couldn't think of anything at the moment and "Thank you" (You gave her your phone number and told her to call you if she did). Nevertheless, you picked up some Oranges, Orange juice, and stopped by the "Moon Dragon" (Chinese restaurant) and purchased a large order of "Sweet and Sour" soup.

When you got home you called her and told her that you would stop by because you had something for her. She struggled to come to the door, but was happy to see the things you got her and you brought the items into the apartment and told her "Feel better."

For the next week and a half you checked on her and Ananya seemed to have recovered after about a week.

Ananya called you about a week after she felt she had fully recovered and wanted to invite you to dinner at her place and would not accept "no" for an answer. In addition, she wanted to do something nice for you since you did so much to help her recover when she was feeling sick.

However, upon arrive at Ananya's place that Friday evening she wanted to play a game with you and asked you if it was okay if she blindfolded you (You agreed). She walked you toward the front of her apartment and asked you to take a seat (you had no idea what she might have prepared and all you could smell was the sweet aroma of some candles).

Ananya then asked you to take the blindfold off and open your eyes...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You hadn't been to "Subway" in a long time so you look forward to getting a sandwich for a change of pace. When you entered the store you didn't see anyone at first and then a very attractive young lady came out the back. She asked you, "how can she help you?" Now, because you were alone in the store this allowed her to have a little fun with you and be a bit flirty. So when it was time to select a bun, she wanted to know if you wanted a 6 inch or a foot long? Before you could answer she said you look like a "foot long" type of guy, and said that she felt the "bigger the better."

When it came time to select what type of sandwich you told her turkey and she said turkey was okay, but you really need to try some "brown meat," and added that once you taste some good brown meat you will not desire anything else. Beside, it's so moist and juicy! Then she told you that she was going to toast it for you because your mouth looks like it can handle hot things.

You can honestly say that you've never had someone turn making a sandwich into something so sexual, so you ended up giving her your number.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chandra worked with you and it appeared that guys of all ethnicities were chasing after her. You didn't even bother because she swore she was "out of your league," and that she was "high maintenance."

Now, you assumed that she didn't go to anything less than a four or five star restaurant, so when you brought in a few hot dogs from "Gray's Papaya," you were surprised that aroma got her attention.

Apparently, she had never had a hot dog before (she's originally from Guyana), and was curious as to what they tasted like? So you found a knife and broke her off a piece and to your surprise you liked it. Furthermore, she wanted you to take her to "Gray's Papaya," go figure.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Diya's family had proposed that she be in an arranged married that she really didn't want to be a part of. In addition, according to Hindu tradition she is supposed to be a virgin prior to getting married. However, when you got involved with Diya she told you that she was open to doing other things with you.

You respected her Hindu tradition, but that urge got the best of her the first time you were together.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were shopping in the local Health food store and you had to ask a female store clerk where you could find Yohimbine, Red Ginseng and Horny Goat Weed. She helped you find each one and then had a funny smile on her face and laughed. You were curious as to why she react that way so you asked, "What is so funny?"
She asked, "Do you know what those are for?"
You said that someone suggested that they would help you since you needed more energy for bike riding.
She laughed again and said, "Well, they help with other things too."
You, "Huh?"
She, "A different kinda of riding."

She told you that she had suggested those same herbs to her sister because her husband's performance was not up to par, but she said her sister later found out that he had "another woman," and that he was too tired to do anything after trying to please his mistress.

She told you that she would make a deal with you. If you take her to dinner tonight, she'll let you "test" out those herbs on her, plus she knows a few tricks that she can teach you.

That night you took her to dinner at an Italian restaurant, later that night she taught you how to properly enjoy Indian, hmm, Indian food :sleazy:


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anika seemed so sweet and innocent (and you would probably be locked up if she knew the thoughts you had about her). However, as you got to know her she told you that she had multiple tattoos on her body. You didn't believer her until she showed you her upper arm (you were allowed a partial view). Then she said, "if you're good she might show you the other ones."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Sharvi while waiting for your order at "Pio Pio," which should arrive fairly quickly since you beat the evening dinner crowd. It appeared to be her first time their since she took her time looking over the menu and to your surprise turned to you and asked you what did you order? You explained that you usually ordered "Juanita Chicken" (Peruvian chicken) and Maduros (Fried Sweet Plantains).

A few minutes later your order arrived and you showed her and she was impressed by the way the food looked and you offered to buy her some Maduros (you knew that they would only take a few minutes to prepare). Sharvi was impressed by your kind gesture and was impressed by the taste of the Maduros (she sampled one while still trying to figure out what to order).

She "Thanked you," and you were about to leave when she said that she wanted to return the favor and treat you to dinner, perhaps later in the week. You accepted, and you still are amazed that you simply sharing some sweet plantains managed you to end up sharing Sharvi's bed with her.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Vanya just found a new apartment in the Jackson Heights section of Queens and had manage to pay a moving company a good sum of money to transport the majority of her things. However, there were still a few personal items of hers that they didn't include and they offered to move them for an additional fee.

Vanya basically didn't have the extra money at this time and her old landlord wanted her to have the apartment vacant by June 1. With limited resources and some questionable friends, she ends up calling you. You can hear the desperation in her voice when she calls you so you tell her that you'll meet with her and try to make an assessment as to what can be done.

You tell her that the simple solution would be to just pay the moving company the additional fee since it would cost more money to pay for a U-Haul truck. Either way she is going to have to come out of her pocket.

Now, while you're explaining this to her you know that Vanya really wants you to either help her rent a U-Haul truck or loan her the money to pay the moving company (either way she is hoping you will come to her rescue). So you tell Vanya just call the moving company and have them pick up the rest of your items and you'll loan her the money. Simply solution, problem solved.

You could see the stress leaving her face after you told her that and about 5 minutes later she give you this strange look. You and Vanya are currently "just friends" even though you've gone out a few times you have never been intimate with her. However, you realize that if you start sleeping with Vanya that the odds of you getting your money back decrease greatly.

Somehow things will work out in the end (no pun intended)


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your cousin Dante has this sexy lady named Isabelle that live on his floor, who he's been trying to find a way to get her in his place for the better part of the year. So when you went to visit him you ran into her coming back from a social gathering that she had recently attended. Although, you don't really know her (Dante introduced you to her last year) you asked her about the event and joked about how she seems like the type that "too proper" to dance.

Isabelle looked at you and said: "Please, this brown girl knows how to move her ass."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Around this time of year you tend to go in search of your favorite ice cream "Pink Bubblegum Ice cream," by Baskin-Robbins so you've been visiting the one closest to your house lately. Nevertheless, you still end up buying at least a pint of some other favor and because of this you developed a "friendly relationship" with Sarita.

You sometimes joke with Sarita as she is scooping out the ice cream that because of you she is staying in shape. Now the strange thing is that Sarita's probably around 5'4 or 5'5, but she appears to be carrying a little weight around her mid section, but she has a cute face and she's definitely "doable."

One day when you were in the store, Sarita asked you would you be kind enough to walk with her to the pizza shop (it's about 2 blocks from the store). You said ok, and she addressed the comment you made about her "staying in shape," and wanted to know did she look fat to you, be honest?

You told Sarita that you would never call her fat, and that it was hard to tell how her shape looked because of the uniform. At that point, Sarita took out her cell phone and decided to go to the video tape and showed you a brief clip of herself.

After looking at the clip you went silent and she just laughed and said:
"You probably didn't know I was built like this"

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're thinking that Chandra looked at you as a "Sugar Daddy," but you had to explain to her that you were far from "balling out." In fact, you had been unemployed since November and a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich and some Alphabet soup was part of your steady diet.

To your surprise she still hung around you and was very instrumental in helping you pass your English composition class at Baruch College (you took a few classes towards your degree so that you would be more marketable), and even managed to sneak you in the computer lab to print up your assignments, but sometimes would type them up for you.

You turned in your final paper last week and to this day, you're still not sure why Chandra looks out for you, but hey, why fight it?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've been dating Anjali since February and because of her religion and cultural differences you have refrain from constantly seeking intimacy. After dates you've either gone back to her place and she's come home with you, but the evening usually ends up with some heavy petting and cuddling (no more, no less).

However, this evening seems a little different and Anjali seems a bit more aggressive and is in a rush to get back to your place.
She's ready, the only problem is that you have no condoms available.
Do you trust your "pull out game?"
