CREED- Micheal B Jordan rocky flick trailer


Rising Star
Platinum Member
it was actually you who made the dumb ass comment. You know youre always the smartest dumb nigga in the room.
No you stupid bitch, I gave several reasons as to why or how one would deduce the "out of wedlock and deadbeat dad shit" that retarded nigga asked about. He cherry picked one and gave a half assed attempt at sarcasm that missed every reader in view as evidenced by him having to explain the lame shit twice. And both you dumb ass niggas teach kids. No wonder they all primed for prison. Asshole.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
No you stupid bitch, I gave several reasons as to why or how one would deduce the "out of wedlock and deadbeat dad shit" that retarded nigga asked about. He cherry picked one and gave a half assed attempt at sarcasm that missed every reader in view as evidenced by him having to explain the lame shit twice. And both you dumb ass niggas teach kids. No wonder they all primed for prison. Asshole.

no you didnt. you said the dumbest shit ever because like i said youre always the smartest dumb nigga in the room. Thats why soupnuts hit you with the sarcasm that youre too fucking stupid to pick up on. Sadly you still dont get it because youre dumb as fuck! Mofo the only person who didnt get it was you...but that isnt surprising at all. Youre rambling about the deadbeat dad shit when that has no relevance to why i called you the smartest dumb nigga we know. you fucking dumb smart niggas are hilarious! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Platinum Member
He wondered:
where's this out-of-wedlock and deadbeat dad shit coming from?

I replied:
Apollo had a wife in the original films. It wasnt Phylicia Rashard. When Apollo is mentioned in the clip the kid seems pissed. When Rocky and the kid meet, Rocky doesnt know who the fuck he is (Rock and Apollo were tight as fuck as were their families). Reasonable deduction.

no you didnt. you said the dumbest shit ever because like i said youre always the smartest dumb nigga in the room. Thats why soupnuts hit you with the sarcasm that youre too fucking stupid to pick up on. Sadly you still dont get it because youre dumb as fuck! Mofo the only person who didnt get it was you...but that isnt surprising at all. Youre rambling about the deadbeat dad shit when that has no relevance to why i called you the smartest dumb nigga we know. you fucking dumb smart niggas are hilarious! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
If im the smartest dumb nigga. You're the dumbest dummy. The only one rambling here is you! While defending a equally dense muthafucka name Leroy. And again, his "sarcasm" wasnt recognized (by any fucking one you clown) because it made no fucking sense in the context of what he quoted (see above quotes for context). The fact that that alcoholic bastard even asked the original question after watching that trailer is reason enough for him to hand in his teaching license. And the fact you followed up with this bullshit is reason enough for you to hand in yours. Dummy.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
He wondered:

I replied:

If im the smartest dumb nigga. You're the dumbest dummy. The only one rambling here is you! While defending a equally dense muthafucka name Leroy. And again, his "sarcasm" wasnt recognized (by any fucking one you clown) because it made no fucking sense in the context of what he quoted (see above quotes for context). The fact that that alcoholic bastard even asked the original question after watching that trailer is reason enough for him to hand in his teaching license. And the fact you followed up with this bullshit is reason enough for you to hand in yours. Dummy.

youre even quoting the wrong shit

like i said, youre the smartest dumb nigga around



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Mary Anne Creed is one of the least featured characters in the “Rocky” series. The role was originally played by Lavelle Roby in “Rocky” (1976). The uncredited actress appears alongside Carl Weathers in only a single scene – when Rocky watches Apollo speaking (“Be a doctor, be a lawyer”) on television in the Lucky Seven bar. Mrs. Creed is not seen again in the film and does not even attend Apollo’s match against Rocky. Mary Anne had a more noticeable appearance in “Rocky II” (1979) when she was at least given a few words to speak by actress Sylvia Meals in the only scene in which it is referenced that Apollo has children and we see his young son and daughter run past Mary Anne in their home.

Meals reprised her character in “Rocky IV” (1985) and enjoyed a slightly beefier role, especially when facing the opposing wife, Ludmilla Drago ringside at Apollo’s fatal exposition bout with Ivan Drago.
Sylvia Meals’ film credits are very sparse, and according to our research, Ms. Meals may have passed away in 2011 which answers the question many fans have posed about why she was not considered for the “Creed” film. Interestingly, one of Meals’ only other appearances on screen was her guest spot on “The Cosby Mysteries” (1995) television series alongside Bill Cosby. Ironic since Cosby’s on-screen wife Rashad will now be picking up the reigns of Meals’ character in Rocky!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
youre even quoting the wrong shit

like i said, youre the smartest dumb nigga around

Im quoting the series of posts relating to the failed attempt at sarcasm which you commented on imbecile... :smh:

Yea i have no clue what you're talking about bro. :confused:


Young OG
Platinum Member
I was down ever since I heard Michael B Jordan was in it, the young brother can act.

The trailer was good, like someone said, it was just enough


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Im quoting the series of posts relating to the failed attempt at sarcasm which you commented on imbecile... :smh:

Yea i have no clue what you're talking about bro. :confused:

youre such a fucking tard



i told those niggas who think theyre so smart always be the dumbest nigga in the room


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Repeating the same shit over and over and hitting the emoticon button 56 times tells me you're the retard. Dummy. :yes:

Just had it. Bout to go get 3 miles in real quick emanuel...:yes:

Like i said you're the smartest dumb nigga in the room. I see you're quite comfortable in that position, dumb nigga. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Like i said you're the smartest dumb nigga in the room. I see you're quite comfortable in that position, dumb nigga. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bro, are you sniffing glue already?

You keep saying the same moronic shit and hitting emoticon buttons like someone who needs help feeding himself. Seriously, you're on some "5 minutes to Wapner...Im a excellent driver" shit.

Go get your lesson plans together nigga. Today is paper mache day.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Bro, are you sniffing glue already?

You keep saying the same moronic shit and hitting emoticon buttons like someone who needs help feeding himself. Seriously, you're on some "5 minutes to Wapner...Im a excellent driver" shit.

Go get your lesson plans together nigga. Today is paper mache day.
And you keep replying smart dumb nigga. What does that say about your retarded ass? :lol::lol::lol:


unless this is a period piece meaning set in some past time..jordan's character looks too young to have been anymore more than a baby when apollo got killed. Maybe he's angry that his fathers arrogance and need to box caused him to be in a situation where he could get killed...remember by rocky 4 (drago) apollo didn't have to fight anymore he wanted to. Maybe creed is angry that his father's not there when he needed him as a kid.

its not unusual that a son who resents his father ends up doing the exact same thing his father did...look at Obama who clearly has daddy issues.

Obama met his father once maybe twice in life as a child..the only gift his father gave him when they did meet was a basketball and obama played basketball almost religiously..

Obama Sr went to Harvard Obama jr went to Harvard
Obama sr was politically driven..Obama jr is politically driven
Obama sr went to go back to Kenya to be a leader of his country..Obama jr..well you know..

Obama jr wrote two books focusing on the man he met once maybe twice.

Damn near everything Barack has done in his life seems to be a simultaneous want to be like his father yet BETTER than his father..sort of HEY DAD LOOK AT ME!! OH AND FUCK YOU!

I hope Stallone can pull off that kind of inner conflict with Creed.

Good points!


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
I should have known this activity wasn't about the movie

This movie came out of nowhere for me

Was at the gym and saw this being talked about.

I guess :dunno:


Support BGOL
yall niggas sure know how to get off track smh :smh:

anywayz i was joking with some friends and saying the son should die towards the end, and rocky steps into the ring one last time for vengence :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
would love to see the son of Clubber Lang in the sequel :lol:

Pimp...i would have a fukn STROKE in the middle of the theater.
Foamy-ass spit falling out my mouth, seizing on the floor - kicking and flailing - knocking over old popcorn and sodas n sh*t, :lol:
The only the trap with that is opens the doors for the son of Drago and nephew of Tommy.
But i fuks with Creed off GP.

PS - though I'm the farthest thing from Italian - like eddie said - hearing the "Rocky" theme and "eye of the tiger" makes me want to start a few fights that I possibly might get rocked in...

:yes: Yessir :yes:

hussla's paradice

Chubby Chasing Connoisseur
:bravo: I'm seeing this on opening weekend on GP.

Who knew that Wallace would wind up having the best career out of the young pups on The Wire.

Props to Ryan Coolger and props to Stallone, and MGM for getting behind this. Usually the major studios do everything they can to avoid dramas like this with black leads.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Well, just got back from seeing Southpaw. :eek:
It was fuckin incredible.
Creed has to "come with IT" to even be in the stratosphere as Southpaw.
I've seen nearly every boxing film ever made.
Southpaw was by far the most realistic and emotionally captivating boxing flick I've seen to date.
Its gonna clean up at the awards..