Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men Down

(0_0)..l.. finger

Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

it is completely untrue.

Black people DO NOT hinder, suppress, block, or in any other way impede the success of other Black people in any significant way, and CERTAINLY NOT on any grand scale.

Black people criticizing other Black people IS NOT SUPPRESSION, its CRITICISM.

one IS NOT the other, and the whole crabs in a barrel argument has NEVER been substantiated with any facts, figures or any other empirical data.

his bullshit about Blacks liking crime more than education is retreaded white supremacist dogma 101.

Charles is a fucking buffoon who can't enunciate the word terrible.

fuck him.

Sorry man, I disagree. I'm not just talking about it, I'm living it brotha. I seen kids that go to private school get beat up by kids from public schools and dope dealers because they are considered weak. The mentality is stronger than people want to admit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Dude is a gotdam intellectual,

very well spoken!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Sorry man, I disagree. I'm not just talking about it, I'm living it brotha. I seen kids that go to private school get beat up by kids from public schools and dope dealers because they are considered weak. The mentality is stronger than people want to admit.

Do you honestly believe if black people controlled our own communities that this type of behavior would even be acceptable?

The dope dealers and knuckleheads are ALLOWED to cause havoc. Best believe if the knuckleheads went to the "rich elite part of town" they would be finished before they even started.


Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Do you honestly believe if black people controlled our own communities that this type of behavior would even be acceptable?

The dope dealers and knuckleheads are ALLOWED to cause havoc. Best believe if the knuckleheads went to the "rich elite part of town" they would be finished before they even started.

I swear some of you folks on here lack the intellectual capacity of reasoning. Everything is either black and white to you all. Without even knowing, you're making Charles' point. Last time I checked, these "dope dealers and knuckleheads" aren't robots; they are humans with the capacity to thinking freely and to know right from wrong (barring any mental disabilities). The fact that they choose to terrorize their own people and communities is a choice, free of any influence from rich white folks. The only reason why shit that occurs in black communities rarely happen in white communities is for this simple reason...whites don't condone, tolerate or make excuses for the perpetrators!

Like many have already alluded to, there's much blame to go around, (e,g. Slavery, Jim Crowe Laws, racism, institutionalized racism, etc.). But in order for us as a people to move forward and be in a better disposition, we must do so in spite of all of the atrocities inflicted upon us. This too includes holding a small, but growing segment of our population accountable for their actions. Not until we realize that both of the aforementioned states can occur simultaneously, yet independent of one another, we'll forever remain stagnant as a people, and surpassed in all facet of life by all the other races!

(0_0)..l.. finger

Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Do you honestly believe if black people controlled our own communities that this type of behavior would even be acceptable?

The dope dealers and knuckleheads are ALLOWED to cause havoc. Best believe if the knuckleheads went to the "rich elite part of town" they would be finished before they even started.

Are you serious:confused:.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I swear some of you folks on here lack the intellectual capacity of reasoning. Everything is either black and white to you all. Without even knowing, you're making Charles' point. Last time I checked, these "dope dealers and knuckleheads" aren't robots; they are humans with the capacity to thinking freely and to know right from wrong (barring any mental disabilities). The fact that they choose to terrorize their own people and communities is a choice, free of any influence from rich white folks. The only reason why shit that occurs in black communities rarely happen in white communities is for this simple reason...whites don't condone, tolerate or make excuses for the perpetrators!

Like many have already alluded to, there's much blame to go around, (e,g. Slavery, Jim Crowe Laws, racism, institutionalized racism, etc.). But in order for us as a people to move forward and be in a better disposition, we must do so in spite of all of the atrocities inflicted upon us. This too includes holding a small, but growing segment of our population accountable for their actions. Not until we realize that both of the aforementioned states can occur simultaneously, yet independent of one another, we'll forever remain stagnant as a people, and surpassed in all facet of life by all the other races!

Well damn....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I swear some of you folks on here lack the intellectual capacity of reasoning. Everything is either black and white to you all. Without even knowing, you're making Charles' point. Last time I checked, these "dope dealers and knuckleheads" aren't robots; they are humans with the capacity to thinking freely and to know right from wrong (barring any mental disabilities). The fact that they choose to terrorize their own people and communities is a choice, free of any influence from rich white folks. The only reason why shit that occurs in black communities rarely happen in white communities is for this simple reason...whites don't condone, tolerate or make excuses for the perpetrators!

Like many have already alluded to, there's much blame to go around, (e,g. Slavery, Jim Crowe Laws, racism, institutionalized racism, etc.). But in order for us as a people to move forward and be in a better disposition, we must do so in spite of all of the atrocities inflicted upon us. This too includes holding a small, but growing segment of our population accountable for their actions. Not until we realize that both of the aforementioned states can occur simultaneously, yet independent of one another, we'll forever remain stagnant as a people, and surpassed in all facet of life by all the other races!
You have to be kidding me.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Sorry man, I disagree. I'm not just talking about it, I'm living it brotha. I seen kids that go to private school get beat up by kids from public schools and dope dealers because they are considered weak. The mentality is stronger than people want to admit.

and getting beat up IS NOT SUPPRESSION, it is ASSAULT.


the victims are individuals, not an entire RACE.

crime is MOSTLY intraracial.

being blocked from getting a job, being given higher aprs, being steered toward bad loans, being passed over for promotions when you are better qualified, not being called for an interview because your name sounds too Black, being denied for healthcare, being given lesser healthcare than your insurance plan calls for, these are examples of suppression, and Black people ARE NOT THE ONES DOING THIS SHIT TO BLACK PEOPLE.

you are mistaken, sir, and you are allowing white supremacist propaganda to influence your thinking.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Don Lemon on Tom Joyner's show:

Continuing his defense of Charles Barkley for comments about “unintelligent” black people holding back other black people, CNN’s Don Lemon said Monday in a radio commentary that the NBA legend is being criticized largely because he spoke the uncomfortable truth.

Over the weekend, Barkley said “there are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don’t have success,” who, in his belief, like to “knock down” more intelligent black people. The remark came in response to a radio show question about Seattle Seahawks star Russell Wilson‘s teammates allegedly calling him “not black enough.”

“Clearly misplaced criticism of black people by other black people is not the main cause for some African Americans not achieving success,” Lemon said Monday, “but in all honesty I’ve heard a lot of black people have the ‘crabs in a barrel’ conversation in private and behind closed doors. Charles Barkley just took it public.”

Lemon concluded: “Is that what makes his critics so uncomfortable, or is the discomfort because there may be some truth in his statements?”

Monday evening on CNN, Lemon lamented how he cannot make cultural criticism of the black community without being called an “Uncle Tom” if his “narrative” strays from more “liberal-minded” black folks.

Listen to the Monday commentary, via BlackAmericaWeb:

*sigh* coons assemble.:smh:


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I swear some of you folks on here lack the intellectual capacity of reasoning. Everything is either black and white to you all. Without even knowing, you're making Charles' point. Last time I checked, these "dope dealers and knuckleheads" aren't robots; they are humans with the capacity to thinking freely and to know right from wrong (barring any mental disabilities). The fact that they choose to terrorize their own people and communities is a choice, free of any influence from rich white folks. The only reason why shit that occurs in black communities rarely happen in white communities is for this simple reason...whites don't condone, tolerate or make excuses for the perpetrators!

Like many have already alluded to, there's much blame to go around, (e,g. Slavery, Jim Crowe Laws, racism, institutionalized racism, etc.). But in order for us as a people to move forward and be in a better disposition, we must do so in spite of all of the atrocities inflicted upon us. This too includes holding a small, but growing segment of our population accountable for their actions. Not until we realize that both of the aforementioned states can occur simultaneously, yet independent of one another, we'll forever remain stagnant as a people, and surpassed in all facet of life by all the other races!

i agree...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I swear some of you folks on here lack the intellectual capacity of reasoning. Everything is either black and white to you all. Without even knowing, you're making Charles' point. Last time I checked, these "dope dealers and knuckleheads" aren't robots; they are humans with the capacity to thinking freely and to know right from wrong (barring any mental disabilities). The fact that they choose to terrorize their own people and communities is a choice, free of any influence from rich white folks. The only reason why shit that occurs in black communities rarely happen in white communities is for this simple reason...whites don't condone, tolerate or make excuses for the perpetrators!

Like many have already alluded to, there's much blame to go around, (e,g. Slavery, Jim Crowe Laws, racism, institutionalized racism, etc.). But in order for us as a people to move forward and be in a better disposition, we must do so in spite of all of the atrocities inflicted upon us. This too includes holding a small, but growing segment of our population accountable for their actions. Not until we realize that both of the aforementioned states can occur simultaneously, yet independent of one another, we'll forever remain stagnant as a people, and surpassed in all facet of life by all the other races!

The reason the madness goes on is because we have no ECONOMIC control of our communities. What say do we have in the business, economic, and law enforcement decisions outside of "voting rights"?

We have no economic foundation to even begin dictating who and what goes on in our own neighborhoods.


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

The reason the madness goes on is because we have no ECONOMIC control of our communities.

And who's fault is that?????:lol::lol::lol:

Let me help you, its called "crabs in a bucket."

The same type of jealousy and envy applied to blacks in schools is also applied to other blacks when they try to have businesses in their own neighborhoods.


Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

The reason the madness goes on is because we have no ECONOMIC control of our communities. What say do we have in the business, economic, and law enforcement decisions outside of "voting rights"?

We have no economic foundation to even begin dictating who and what goes on in our own neighborhoods.

Yes we do (will explain shortly). But say you're right, when is a better time to start than now? If we accept your thought process, we'll forever be at the mercy of others.

Now to my position - which is far too multifaceted and robust to explain here. Ultimately it boils down to having a sound strategy (short & long term) and proper execution.

For instance, Blacks/minorities tend to live in communities void of whites for obvious reasons (they move away once we move in). Thus by virtue of being the majority, in theory, we should be able to dictate local laws and policies which are advantageous to us. This includes electing blacks/minorities to all significant offices and positions (i.e. school boards, judges, sheriffs, state politicians, etc.) Once elected, we (citizens) work with them and hold them accountable to do what we put them there to do. Such as to improve the schools, create jobs, hire/train cops to be more in tune with the black community, etc.

Obviously, there's more to it than just this, but I hope you get what I'm saying...which is, we need to stop making excuses, stop waiting for Superman, and start taking ownership of our futures and hold folks accountable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Yes we do (will explain shortly). But say you're right, when is a better time to start than now? If we accept your thought process, we'll forever be at the mercy of others.

Now to my position - which is far too multifaceted and robust to explain here. Ultimately it boils down to having a sound strategy (short & long term) and proper execution.

For instance, Blacks/minorities tend to live in communities void of whites for obvious reasons (they move away once we move in). Thus by virtue of being the majority, in theory, we should be able to dictate local laws and policies which are advantageous to us. This includes electing blacks/minorities to all significant offices and positions (i.e. school boards, judges, sheriffs, state politicians, etc.) Once elected, we (citizens) work with them and hold them accountable to do what we put them there to do. Such as to improve the schools, create jobs, hire/train cops to be more in tune with the black community, etc.

Obviously, there's more to it than just this, but I hope you get what I'm saying...which is, we need to stop making excuses, stop waiting for Superman, and start taking ownership of our futures and hold folks accountable.

My thought process isn't a defeatist attitude. Im just stating facts on the situation. When some people say "blacks just need to do better" a la Charles Barkley, I feel that the issue isn't being delved into deep enough. To say that blacks just need to do better as if we currently are in control of our communities in 2014 is a lie. We do not currently control our own communities to even a small degree. We are the bastardized version of white people in this country.

Now as to the solution, yes we must build from within and strive together with one another through building a collective economic base within the communities we live. But to act like we've always had full opportunity and ownership within our community and we just lazy about utilizing it is not the truth.