BGOL pussy niggas called out and running! (freddygoodbud, mailboxpimp, dr truth, et al)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lol... I have no dog in this fight. You didn't seem to understand what VA was saying and y'all were repeating the same stuff over and over, so I clarified: There doesn't seem to be any source for your argument other than a throwaway line by a throwaway man that could have wound up in the document by mistake, because he was wealthy and an influencer of his times or because he was actually an authority on African tribes and history. You've provided nothing to show why your sources should be trusted over VA's or anything that showed he was a expert during his time period who could speak on African, Berber, Moorish lineage. Or why Berbers and Moors are listed as distinct and separate peoples in this document.

you have no dog in this fight uh Obviously you do, and your dog is a little chihuahua names vaizhustlez.

all bark and no bite..

you are not foolin anyone, you are obviously biased in your response.

first Vaizmiseducated said...

the word Moor was not even included in the legal document I provided..

then I showed him it was.. he was wrong..

the document was to strip of us of our true history..

by saying.. as a prisoner of war, or slave as the miseducated say..

was to label us negro and separate us from our history.

this way under some ficticious shit called negro/black

they can say we are not fully human and 3/5 ths of a man..

after all they create this thing called a negro race out of thin air..

to justify their inhumanity they had to make it a law...they just fucked up and didnt realize years later, history would be able to connect the ancient berbers to the moors..

I dont know any simpler way to break it down.... I mashed it up into a soup so you could sip it with a straw..

but yall might some intravenous shit..

Negros equal ancient berbers, ancient berbers equals moors..

out of all the cultures in Africa, why would he just pick Ancient Berbers... if there was no truth to it..??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But this is the most disturbing thing you've said thus far:

"yes the atlantic slave trade happened.. but most of us were already here...

those that came were used to fight against us, since the european KNOWs he is no match for us physically"

so you never heard of buffalo soldiers huh...

who do you think enlisted them and who do you think they were fighting..?

like I said, like most educated folks, you have been brainwashed with a eurocentric view of history....

they still use so called immigrants to go to war with us.. its just on an economic level now...

but you are too brainwashed to even understand that.....


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
bruh read the quote and weep, you circular reasoning tactics

need a lot of work..

the sources I provided has you sounding real crazy out here..

You are asking me about a quote as if you cannot read..

its fuckin amazing..

just read the last line of the quote.. its all right fuckin there..

you really thought my sources were gonna be youtube videos didnt you??


Do you really want to go here as well? Here is the FULL passage, in Spanish, so we don't lose anything in translation.

Archaeological and ethnographic studies : prehistory and travel, 1920, Madrid - Indians of South America​
Chapter XVI​

Pg. 270-73​
En la correspondiente descripción, ya hemos hecho notar que en las estatuas delas figuras 13 y 14, de apariencia antiquísimay representadas con singulares atributos, es- tán fielmente reproducidas las facciones características del tipo negroide; hecho significativo que no es único en América y que serepite en las más antiguas esculturas mejicanas, tales como en la gran cabeza dioríticade Huayepan y en el hacha gigantesca deVeracruz, con la cual sobre todo presentagrandes analogías una de las estatuas mencionadas.¿Acaso estos dos hechos concordantes significan que en remotos tiempos la Américaestuvo ocupada por gentes de raza negra?​
Corrobora esta hipótesis el que los con-
quistadores encontraron dispersas en toda laextensión del Nuevo Mundo pequeñas tribusque fueron desde el primer momento consideradas como negras. A este respecto no estará por de más recordar que Vasco Núñez de
Balboa, en su expedición para el descubrimiento del Mar del Sur, encontró, con gransorpresa, al decir de Gomara, que los cuarecas de Panamá poseían esclavos negros, los
que obtenían, según dijeron, de tierras lejanas.​
Además, los negros figuran con frecuenciaen las más remotas tradiciones de algunospueblos americanos. Algunas tribus delDarién
dicen que cuando por primera vez llegaronsus antepasados a esa región, estaba ocupadapor hombres pequeños y negros que luego seretiraron a los bosques; y los payas y tapalisas, de los Cuna-cunas, hacen remontar su origen a un hombre y a dos mujeres, una india
y otra negra, que vivían a orillas del Tatarcuna.​
A esta raza, sin duda, deben referirse los
antiguos esqueletos de estructura muy distinta de los de la raza roja americana que en varios puntos del continente se han encontradodesde Bolivia hasta Méjico. Dignos de atención a este respecto son ios dos cráneos, deexagerado prognatismo, de frente rebajada,de apófisis desarrolladas y de fuertes arcossupercilares, encontrados en las montañas deSumapaz por el ilustrado profesor señor doctor Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, los que en untodo recuerdan el cráneo del viejo de Cromagnon.Posible es, pues, lo repetimos, que en épocaantiquísima la joven América fuera tambiéncontinente negro y que los otomíes de Méjico,los caracoles de Haití, los arguahos de Cutara, los aravos del Orinoco, los porcijís y losmatayas del Brasil, los manabís de Quito, loschuanas del Darién y los albinos de Panamá,sean los restos de la raza negroide autóctona,
sobre la cual se formó posteriormente la llamada roja o americana.​
En este caso, las dos estatuas de que venimos hablando, así como sus semejantes lasmejicanas, no serían sino reminiscencias quede los primitivos naturales conservaron losinvasores que en seguida se adueñaron delcontinente.
Quizás algún día, al disiparse las densas
sombras que ocultan el remoto pasado de laprehistoria americana, se descubran para laciencia horizontes brillantes y desconocidos, velados hoy por tinieblas tan profundas comomisteriosas.​
Nuestros monumentos arqueoló prehistórica ciudad desaparecida hace siglos​
Hace algún tiempo dimos cuenta del casual hallazgode una prehistórica ciudad desaparecida hace siglos, se- ñales de una civilización adelantada. La ciudad arqueológica fué descubierta por un indio vecino de la región,situada a inmediaciones de La Plata. Sobre este interesante asunto el señor gobernador del departamento delHuila ha enviado al Ministerio de Gobierno el siguiente
informe oficial, rendido ai alcalde de La Plata por la Comisión nombrada para hacer una minuciosa exploración.​
He aquí los datos de la Comisión:
«Señor Alcalde municipal.
En cumplimiento de la exigencia que nos hizo pararendir un informe detallado sobre el tesoro arqueológicohallado en Agua -Bonita, gustosos accedemos a susdeseos.​
Al occidente de la ciudad de La Plata, y a 40 kilómetros de ella, se halla situado un vallecito irregularmenteplano, regado por la quebrada de Moscopán, la que se presenta en su parte superior oprimida por dos colinasque en seguida se abren para rodear el valle y cerrarlomás abajo, volviendo a estrecharla corriente caudalosade la misma quebrada, que de ahí en adelante se precipita formando abismos de una profundidad que aterra
al explorador.​
Por lo que se observa, este valle fué asiento de unaciudad muy antigua, de la que no tuvieron conocimiento.​


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Summarized or wrote? What did he use as source material? What other stuff has he written that has held up as being true? Where is the source materials that support his premise?

I'm familiar with medical apartheid, I was just using it as an example. None of the medical stuff was true, but it was accepted as scientific fact and still influences treatment today.

lol... I have no dog in this fight. You didn't seem to understand what VA was saying and y'all were repeating the same stuff over and over, so I clarified: There doesn't seem to be any source for your argument other than a throwaway line by a throwaway man that could have wound up in the document by mistake, because he was wealthy and an influencer of his times or because he was actually an authority on African tribes and history. You've provided nothing to show why your sources should be trusted over VA's or anything that showed he was a expert during his time period who could speak on African, Berber, Moorish lineage. Or why Berbers and Moors are listed as distinct and separate peoples in this document.

Freddy has no understanding or respect for true scholarship, which is why he can't address any of these issues. He picks and chooses random lines and quotes to support whatever argument he is trying to present.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
bottom line is VA is a bottom bitch niggaah on some extra goofy ass niggaah shit! he's been "educated" he hasnt educated himself yet! Its a waste of time. all he knows are niggaah facts.
he cant read or comprehend damn sure has no critical thinking skills.

A hair, nails, and eyebrow stylist who is afraid to even record his voice or step in a for a debate wants to call me a "bottom bitch"? You've been ducking and dodging the whole time. I thought you wanted the smoke but you went MIA on Sunday.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
You Mean the descendents of Maroons...??

you SUUUURE you want to go that route.. you are going to

look really silly with the so called anti ados crowd.

you may want to forget you asked that question...

but the Geechee warriors our proud folk are most certainly moorish..

Just research Maroons.. I dont have time to uneducate you from your miseducation..

fact is there were many of our people forced here.. the number in around half a milly..

but the fact remains most of us were already here..

Geeche equal Maroons, Maroons equal moors..

see if you can get a refund for your miseducation...

Maroons by definition are people who fled slavery to form free communities. You just said slavery barely happened and the few who were enslaved were brought over here to fight "us".

And you think Gullah Geechee people are "Moorish"? You think they're North African Berbers?

You really stand by this shit?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maroons by definition are people who fled slavery to form free communities. You just said slavery barely happened and the few who were enslaved were brought over here to fight "us".

And you think Gullah Geechee people are "Moorish"? You think they're North African Berbers?

You really stand by this shit?

yes slowtard. our people can never be slaves.. there is a major difference between a slave and enslavment....

the only folks that can be slaves are slavic people..

bruh you dont get tired with your weak ass clap backs..

bruh they are the Maroons, the Maroons/Moors.

keep fuckin around and watch the so called anti ados people get info to get in your ass with..

you just may want to slow your weak ass roll down..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Freddy has no understanding or respect for true scholarship, which is why he can't address any of these issues. He picks and chooses random lines and quotes to support whatever argument he is trying to present.

says the agent boy who cant admit he is wrong and just runs around in circles with zero sources..

with his youtube video sources..

I provided legal historical documentation you provided a youtube video..

What was the requirements to attend this higher learning you accomplished...

a parking space??

Me... here are sources dispute them..

you miseducated agent boy--

but mrfreddygoodbut is uneducated he just blah blah blah

so this is about ME and NOT the subject..

your whole style is weak sauce!!!!


Rising Star
After the debate one of y’all going to come back real humble with tears in your eyes like omi in the hellcat latest vids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maroons by definition are people who fled slavery to form free communities. You just said slavery barely happened and the few who were enslaved were brought over here to fight "us".

And you think Gullah Geechee people are "Moorish"? You think they're North African Berbers?

You really stand by this shit?

bruh you aint doing shit but tryin to save face at this point..

Do the Maroons have Muslim heritage..??

simple yes or know answer.

Its ok to admit you are wrong... there is no shame in that in fact its a great sign of maturity..

here let me help you save face...

you claim to be educated correct??

well heres a book for you to further your research..

Invisible Yet Invincible: Islamic Heritage of the Maroons and the Enslaved Africans in Jamaica 1st Edition

About the Author
Sultana Afroz is a Lecturer in History. Her doctoral degree is in American history with a specialisation in US Foreign Policy in South Asia and the Middle East. Her work on different aspects of US-Pakistan Relations appears in many international journals and websites. Her current research is on the Islamic paradigm in Jamaica/West Indian history and heritage. Her works on Islam in Jamaica have been published in several international journals.

bruh I refuse to REALLY go down this rabbit hole because you are simply in denial..

lets talk about your youtube channel... I dont take none of this shit personal.. your miseducation has nothing to do

with me..

but if you a real bruh I would support your channel and subscribe..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maroons by definition are people who fled slavery to form free communities. You just said slavery barely happened and the few who were enslaved were brought over here to fight "us".

And you think Gullah Geechee people are "Moorish"? You think they're North African Berbers?

You really stand by this shit?


can you make the connection of do I have to break it down and feed it to you like you a gotdam baby bird


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Freddy has no understanding or respect for true scholarship, which is why he can't address any of these issues. He picks and chooses random lines and quotes to support whatever argument he is trying to present.

you are such a dishonest lil agent, everytime you get in a corner you hop around like coked out grasshopper..

I proved our heritage goes back to the ancient berbers of North Africa particularly Morocco/Maurantania region..

We are the natives.. all the tribes were Moorish..

here is a tidbit for you...

in New York City there was a small village of predominately "african" people..

do you know what they called that village.. not africa village, or negro village, or colored village...

it was called Seneca Village... cacs moved them out using eminent domain..

and what was once Seneca Village is now called..

Central Park..

these cacs did the same to our communities when they built highways..

seneca village was founded in the early 1800 by prisoners or war.. who gained their freedom..

ask yourself why would so called ex "slaves" name their new village

Seneca village.

use that dusty noodle of yours.. for once in your gatdam secret agent life..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do you really want to go here as well? Here is the FULL passage, in Spanish, so we don't lose anything in translation.

Archaeological and ethnographic studies : prehistory and travel, 1920, Madrid - Indians of South America​
Chapter XVI​
Pg. 270-73​

En la correspondiente descripción, ya hemos hecho notar que en las estatuas delas figuras 13 y 14, de apariencia antiquísimay representadas con singulares atributos, es- tán fielmente reproducidas las facciones características del tipo negroide; hecho significativo que no es único en América y que serepite en las más antiguas esculturas mejicanas, tales como en la gran cabeza dioríticade Huayepan y en el hacha gigantesca deVeracruz, con la cual sobre todo presentagrandes analogías una de las estatuas mencionadas.¿Acaso estos dos hechos concordantes significan que en remotos tiempos la Américaestuvo ocupada por gentes de raza negra?
Corrobora esta hipótesis el que los con-
quistadores encontraron dispersas en toda laextensión del Nuevo Mundo pequeñas tribusque fueron desde el primer momento consideradas como negras. A este respecto no estará por de más recordar que Vasco Núñez de
Balboa, en su expedición para el descubrimiento del Mar del Sur, encontró, con gransorpresa, al decir de Gomara, que los cuarecas de Panamá poseían esclavos negros, los
que obtenían, según dijeron, de tierras lejanas.
Además, los negros figuran con frecuenciaen las más remotas tradiciones de algunospueblos americanos. Algunas tribus delDarién
dicen que cuando por primera vez llegaronsus antepasados a esa región, estaba ocupadapor hombres pequeños y negros que luego seretiraron a los bosques; y los payas y tapalisas, de los Cuna-cunas, hacen remontar su origen a un hombre y a dos mujeres, una india
y otra negra, que vivían a orillas del Tatarcuna.
A esta raza, sin duda, deben referirse los
antiguos esqueletos de estructura muy distinta de los de la raza roja americana que en varios puntos del continente se han encontradodesde Bolivia hasta Méjico. Dignos de atención a este respecto son ios dos cráneos, deexagerado prognatismo, de frente rebajada,de apófisis desarrolladas y de fuertes arcossupercilares, encontrados en las montañas deSumapaz por el ilustrado profesor señor doctor Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, los que en untodo recuerdan el cráneo del viejo de Cromagnon.Posible es, pues, lo repetimos, que en épocaantiquísima la joven América fuera tambiéncontinente negro y que los otomíes de Méjico,los caracoles de Haití, los arguahos de Cutara, los aravos del Orinoco, los porcijís y losmatayas del Brasil, los manabís de Quito, loschuanas del Darién y los albinos de Panamá,sean los restos de la raza negroide autóctona,
sobre la cual se formó posteriormente la llamada roja o americana.
En este caso, las dos estatuas de que venimos hablando, así como sus semejantes lasmejicanas, no serían sino reminiscencias quede los primitivos naturales conservaron losinvasores que en seguida se adueñaron delcontinente.
Quizás algún día, al disiparse las densas
sombras que ocultan el remoto pasado de laprehistoria americana, se descubran para laciencia horizontes brillantes y desconocidos, velados hoy por tinieblas tan profundas comomisteriosas.
Nuestros monumentos arqueoló prehistórica ciudad desaparecida hace siglos
Hace algún tiempo dimos cuenta del casual hallazgode una prehistórica ciudad desaparecida hace siglos, se- ñales de una civilización adelantada. La ciudad arqueológica fué descubierta por un indio vecino de la región,situada a inmediaciones de La Plata. Sobre este interesante asunto el señor gobernador del departamento delHuila ha enviado al Ministerio de Gobierno el siguiente
informe oficial, rendido ai alcalde de La Plata por la Comisión nombrada para hacer una minuciosa exploración.
He aquí los datos de la Comisión:
«Señor Alcalde municipal.
En cumplimiento de la exigencia que nos hizo pararendir un informe detallado sobre el tesoro arqueológicohallado en Agua -Bonita, gustosos accedemos a susdeseos.
Al occidente de la ciudad de La Plata, y a 40 kilómetros de ella, se halla situado un vallecito irregularmenteplano, regado por la quebrada de Moscopán, la que se presenta en su parte superior oprimida por dos colinasque en seguida se abren para rodear el valle y cerrarlomás abajo, volviendo a estrecharla corriente caudalosade la misma quebrada, que de ahí en adelante se precipita formando abismos de una profundidad que aterra
al explorador.
Por lo que se observa, este valle fué asiento de unaciudad muy antigua, de la que no tuvieron conocimiento.
En este caso, las dos estatuas de que venimos hablando, así como sus semejantes lasmejicanas, no serían sino reminiscencias quede los primitivos naturales conservaron losinvasores que en seguida se adueñaron delcontinente.​
Quizás algún día, al disiparse las densas​
sombras que ocultan el remoto pasado de laprehistoria americana, se descubran para laciencia horizontes brillantes y desconocidos, velados hoy por tinieblas tan profundas comomisteriosas.​
Nuestros monumentos arqueoló prehistórica ciudad desaparecida hace siglos​
Hace algún tiempo dimos cuenta del casual hallazgode una prehistórica ciudad desaparecida hace siglos, se- ñales de una civilización adelantada. La ciudad arqueológica fué descubierta por un indio vecino de la región,situada a inmediaciones de La Plata. Sobre este interesante asunto el señor gobernador del departamento delHuila ha enviado al Ministerio de Gobierno el siguiente​
informe oficial, rendido ai alcalde de La Plata por la Comisión nombrada para hacer una minuciosa exploración.​
He aquí los datos de la Comisión:​
«Señor Alcalde municipal.​
En cumplimiento de la exigencia que nos hizo pararendir un informe detallado sobre el tesoro arqueológicohallado en Agua -Bonita, gustosos accedemos a susdeseos.​
Al occidente de la ciudad de La Plata, y a 40 kilómetros de ella, se halla situado un vallecito irregularmenteplano, regado por la quebrada de Moscopán, la que se presenta en su parte superior oprimida por dos colinasque en seguida se abren para rodear el valle y cerrarlomás abajo, volviendo a estrecharla corriente caudalosade la misma quebrada, que de ahí en adelante se precipita formando abismos de una profundidad que aterra​
al explorador.​
Por lo que se observa, este valle fué asiento de unaciudad muy antigua, de la que no tuvieron conocimiento.​


Is this your extremely lame attempt at tryin to debunk another official historical source...??

all you are doing is proving my point to those that can read espanol or use google translator...

you just cannot admit.. my sources are fuckin up your whole paradigm..

I can see the thread now..

Mrfreddygoodbud you were right.. I stand corrected...


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
see what I mean tho..

you clearly had a dog in this fight... you address me about the topic..

and in the same thread..address the losing agent about..

his youtube channel..

its all good though we just kickin it bgol style...

I'm through with this thread. I unwatched it last night. I only commented in trying to get you on the Mic, regardless of topic. Clearly that is not going to happen.

My recent comments were for clarification because y'all were going around in circles. If I've taken one side or another, please quote where I've given my thoughts or subscribed to one theory over the other. I haven't commented on who I thought was wrong or right, I simply clarified what was being asked of you to cement your argument. Asking for more info isn't an attack, it's asking for more info.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
[QUOTE = "VAiz4hustlaz, post: 20503640, member: 49493"]
A hair, nails, and eyebrow stylist who is afraid to even record his voice or step in a for a debate wants to call me a "bottom bitch"? You've been ducking and dodging the whole time. I thought you wanted the smoke but you went MIA on Sunday.
Niggaah I make more money in 6 months of doing brows & lash extensions than you make @ ya clock punching JOB all year. Never did nails. What does that have to do with anything here?

where is this alleged fear you speak of? What will recording my voice prove? How will doing so prove my fearlessness? Please explain .....

I wont be saying anything different that what I'm typing ....
ALSO come up with a better way to try to make me do what you want me to do..... this is boring. The kids that I mentor come with better game than you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
[QUOTE = "VAiz4hustlaz, post: 20503634, member: 49493"]
Do you really want to go here as well? Here is the FULL passage, in Spanish, so we don't lose anything in translation.

Archaeological and ethnographic studies: prehistory and travel, 1920, Madrid - Indians of South America​
Chapter XVI​
Pg. 270-73​
In the corresponding description, we have already noted that in the statues of Figures 13 and 14, of ancient appearance and represented with unique attributes, the characteristic features of the Negroid type are faithfully reproduced; significant fact that it is not unique in America and that it is repeated in the oldest Mexican sculptures, such as in the great dioritic head of Huayepan and in the gigantic ax of Veracruz, with which above all present great analogies one of the statues mentioned. concordant facts mean that in ancient times America was occupied by black people.
This hypothesis corroborates that​
Quistadores found scattered throughout the New World extension small tribes that were considered as black from the outset. In this regard, it will not hurt to remember that Vasco Núñez de​
In addition, blacks often appear in the most remote traditions of some American peoples. Some tribes of Darien
they say that when their ancestors arrived in that region for the first time, they were occupied by small, black men who later moved to the forests; and the clowns and tapalisas, of the cradle-cribs, trace a man and two women, one Indian​
and another black, who lived on the banks of the Tatarcuna.​
Without a doubt, this breed should refer to​
old skeletons of a structure very different from those of the American red race that have been found in various parts of the continent from Bolivia to Mexico. Worthy of attention in this regard are the two skulls, of exaggerated prognathism, of a lowered forehead, of developed apophyses and of strong arcsupercilar, found in the mountains of Sumapaz by the enlightened professor Mr. Doctor Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, who together remember the skull of the old man of Cromagnon. It is possible, then, to repeat it, that in ancient times the young America was also a black continent and that the Otomies of Mexico, the snails of Haiti, the arguahos of Cutara, the Aravos of the Orinoco, the porcijís and losmatayas of Brazil, the manabís of Quito, the loschuanas of the Darién and the albinos of Panama, are the remains of the native negroid race,
upon which the red or American call was subsequently formed.​
In this case, the two statues that we have been talking about, as well as their similar lasjicanas, would only be reminiscent of the natural primitives conserved the invaders that immediately took over the continent.​
Maybe one day, when the dense ones dissipate​
shadows that hide the remote past of American prehistory, bright and unknown horizons are discovered for science, veiled today by such deep comomisterious darkness.​
Our archaeological monuments. The prehistoric city disappeared centuries ago​
Some time ago we realized the casual discovery of a prehistoric city that disappeared centuries ago, signals of an advanced civilization. The archeological city was discovered by an Indian neighbor of the region, located near La Plata. On this interesting matter, the governor of the department of Huila has sent the following to the Ministry of Government​
official report, rendered to the mayor of La Plata by the Commission appointed to make a thorough exploration.​
Here is the Commission data:​
«Mr. Mayor.​
I presented.​
In compliance with the requirement that made us to learn a detailed report on the archaeological treasure found in Agua -Bonita, we gladly access your wishes.​
To the west of the city of La Plata, and 40 kilometers from it, there is an irregularly flat valley, watered by the Moscopán gorge, which is presented at the top pressed by two hills that immediately open to surround the valley and close down below, again narrowing the flow current of the same creek, which from there onwards precipitates forming chasms of a terrifying depth​
to the explorer​
From what is observed, this valley was the seat of a very old city, of which they had no knowledge.​

there is a reason why you didnt want to translate this ...

secret agent boy


Rising Star
you have no dog in this fight uh Obviously you do, and your dog is a little chihuahua names vaizhustlez.

all bark and no bite..

you are not foolin anyone, you are obviously biased in your response.

first Vaizmiseducated said...

the word Moor was not even included in the legal document I provided..

then I showed him it was.. he was wrong..

the document was to strip of us of our true history..

by saying.. as a prisoner of war, or slave as the miseducated say..

was to label us negro and separate us from our history.

this way under some ficticious shit called negro/black

they can say we are not fully human and 3/5 ths of a man..

after all they create this thing called a negro race out of thin air..

to justify their inhumanity they had to make it a law...they just fucked up and didnt realize years later, history would be able to connect the ancient berbers to the moors..

I dont know any simpler way to break it down.... I mashed it up into a soup so you could sip it with a straw..

but yall might some intravenous shit..

Negros equal ancient berbers, ancient berbers equals moors..

out of all the cultures in Africa, why would he just pick Ancient Berbers... if there was no truth to it..??

Bruh, your dropping gems and these kats aint picking them up.. Well said brotha well said!!!


Rising Star
you have no dog in this fight uh Obviously you do, and your dog is a little chihuahua names vaizhustlez.

all bark and no bite..

you are not foolin anyone, you are obviously biased in your response.

first Vaizmiseducated said...

the word Moor was not even included in the legal document I provided..

then I showed him it was.. he was wrong..

the document was to strip of us of our true history..

by saying.. as a prisoner of war, or slave as the miseducated say..

was to label us negro and separate us from our history.

this way under some ficticious shit called negro/black

they can say we are not fully human and 3/5 ths of a man..

after all they create this thing called a negro race out of thin air..

to justify their inhumanity they had to make it a law...they just fucked up and didnt realize years later, history would be able to connect the ancient berbers to the moors..

I dont know any simpler way to break it down.... I mashed it up into a soup so you could sip it with a straw..

but yall might some intravenous shit..

Negros equal ancient berbers, ancient berbers equals moors..

out of all the cultures in Africa, why would he just pick Ancient Berbers... if there was no truth to it..??

Bruh, your dropping gems and these kats aint picking them up.. Well said brotha well said!!!


Rising Star
[QUOTE = "VAiz4hustlaz, post: 20503640, member: 49493"]
A hair, nails, and eyebrow stylist who is afraid to even record his voice or step in a for a debate wants to call me a "bottom bitch"? You've been ducking and dodging the whole time. I thought you wanted the smoke but you went MIA on Sunday.
Niggaah I make more money in 6 months of doing brows & lash extensions than you make @ ya clock punching JOB all year. Never did nails. What does that have to do with anything here?

where is this alleged fear you speak of? What will recording my voice prove? How will doing so prove my fearlessness? Please explain .....

I wont be saying anything different that what I'm typing ....
ALSO come up with a better way to try to make me do what you want me to do..... this is boring. The kids that I mentor come with better game than you.

Right on, bruh!! Bruh dont even waste your energy!!


Rising Star
you are such a dishonest lil agent, everytime you get in a corner you hop around like coked out grasshopper..

I proved our heritage goes back to the ancient berbers of North Africa particularly Morocco/Maurantania region..

We are the natives.. all the tribes were Moorish..

here is a tidbit for you...

in New York City there was a small village of predominately "african" people..

do you know what they called that village.. not africa village, or negro village, or colored village...

it was called Seneca Village... cacs moved them out using eminent domain..

and what was once Seneca Village is now called..

Central Park..

these cacs did the same to our communities when they built highways..

seneca village was founded in the early 1800 by prisoners or war.. who gained their freedom..

ask yourself why would so called ex "slaves" name their new village

Seneca village.

use that dusty noodle of yours.. for once in your gatdam secret agent life..

Right on, write on!!! Brotha, dont even waste your energy!!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
After the debate one of y’all going to come back real humble with tears in your eyes like omi in the hellcat latest vids

The debate will never happen. These motherfuckers have been running the whole time. As "right" as they seem to think they are, you would think they would have no problem stepping to the mic.

bruh you aint doing shit but tryin to save face at this point..

Do the Maroons have Muslim heritage..??

simple yes or know answer.

Its ok to admit you are wrong... there is no shame in that in fact its a great sign of maturity..

here let me help you save face...

you claim to be educated correct??

well heres a book for you to further your research..

Invisible Yet Invincible: Islamic Heritage of the Maroons and the Enslaved Africans in Jamaica 1st Edition

About the Author
Sultana Afroz is a Lecturer in History. Her doctoral degree is in American history with a specialisation in US Foreign Policy in South Asia and the Middle East. Her work on different aspects of US-Pakistan Relations appears in many international journals and websites. Her current research is on the Islamic paradigm in Jamaica/West Indian history and heritage. Her works on Islam in Jamaica have been published in several international journals.

bruh I refuse to REALLY go down this rabbit hole because you are simply in denial..

lets talk about your youtube channel... I dont take none of this shit personal.. your miseducation has nothing to do

with me..

but if you a real bruh I would support your channel and subscribe..


can you make the connection of do I have to break it down and feed it to you like you a gotdam baby bird

Who is talking about Jamaica? Black Jamaicans are of West and sub-saharan African heritage anyway, JUST LIKE WE ARE, and many Africans there were and are Muslim. But we're talking about Black Americans. And it's interesting how you now want to bring Islam into the conversation, when earlier you did not.

you are such a dishonest lil agent, everytime you get in a corner you hop around like coked out grasshopper..

I proved our heritage goes back to the ancient berbers of North Africa particularly Morocco/Maurantania region..

We are the natives.. all the tribes were Moorish..

here is a tidbit for you...

in New York City there was a small village of predominately "african" people..

do you know what they called that village.. not africa village, or negro village, or colored village...

it was called Seneca Village... cacs moved them out using eminent domain..

and what was once Seneca Village is now called..

Central Park..

these cacs did the same to our communities when they built highways..

seneca village was founded in the early 1800 by prisoners or war.. who gained their freedom..

ask yourself why would so called ex "slaves" name their new village

Seneca village.

use that dusty noodle of yours.. for once in your gatdam secret agent life..

You're finally talking about some REAL black history that is relevant to US! I know all about Seneca Village and Central Park. We could talk about the construction of I-64 and I-95 here in VA if you want to get real.

I notice you run from "Africa" as well. And that's really what all of this is about, even when Noble Drew Ali did it as well as the Nation of Islam. Running from Africa.

lets talk about this.. you may actually have some good interesting HONEST things to say here...

is that you in your sigs youtube video screenshot??

No. He's the son of Haitian immigrants but was born in Chicago and has a great channel talking about FBA/ADOS issues and the role that black immigrants can play in that. And also when they should fall back.

[QUOTE = "VAiz4hustlaz, post: 20503640, member: 49493"]
A hair, nails, and eyebrow stylist who is afraid to even record his voice or step in a for a debate wants to call me a "bottom bitch"? You've been ducking and dodging the whole time. I thought you wanted the smoke but you went MIA on Sunday.
Niggaah I make more money in 6 months of doing brows & lash extensions than you make @ ya clock punching JOB all year. Never did nails. What does that have to do with anything here?

where is this alleged fear you speak of? What will recording my voice prove? How will doing so prove my fearlessness? Please explain .....

I wont be saying anything different that what I'm typing ....
ALSO come up with a better way to try to make me do what you want me to do..... this is boring. The kids that I mentor come with better game than you.

Twan, you don't even know how to quote and you're scared to step to the mic, so I know you ain't mentoring anybody. Go get them bundles girl! And while you're at it, find out if you're a "Moor" or a "Berber", since you have yet to speak on that.

And you won't speak on it.

[QUOTE = "VAiz4hustlaz, post: 20503634, member: 49493"]
Do you really want to go here as well? Here is the FULL passage, in Spanish, so we don't lose anything in translation.

Archaeological and ethnographic studies: prehistory and travel, 1920, Madrid - Indians of South America​
Chapter XVI​
Pg. 270-73​
In the corresponding description, we have already noted that in the statues of Figures 13 and 14, of ancient appearance and represented with unique attributes, the characteristic features of the Negroid type are faithfully reproduced; significant fact that it is not unique in America and that it is repeated in the oldest Mexican sculptures, such as in the great dioritic head of Huayepan and in the gigantic ax of Veracruz, with which above all present great analogies one of the statues mentioned. concordant facts mean that in ancient times America was occupied by black people.
This hypothesis corroborates that​
Quistadores found scattered throughout the New World extension small tribes that were considered as black from the outset. In this regard, it will not hurt to remember that Vasco Núñez de​
In addition, blacks often appear in the most remote traditions of some American peoples. Some tribes of Darien
they say that when their ancestors arrived in that region for the first time, they were occupied by small, black men who later moved to the forests; and the clowns and tapalisas, of the cradle-cribs, trace a man and two women, one Indian​
and another black, who lived on the banks of the Tatarcuna.​
Without a doubt, this breed should refer to​
old skeletons of a structure very different from those of the American red race that have been found in various parts of the continent from Bolivia to Mexico. Worthy of attention in this regard are the two skulls, of exaggerated prognathism, of a lowered forehead, of developed apophyses and of strong arcsupercilar, found in the mountains of Sumapaz by the enlightened professor Mr. Doctor Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, who together remember the skull of the old man of Cromagnon. It is possible, then, to repeat it, that in ancient times the young America was also a black continent and that the Otomies of Mexico, the snails of Haiti, the arguahos of Cutara, the Aravos of the Orinoco, the porcijís and losmatayas of Brazil, the manabís of Quito, the loschuanas of the Darién and the albinos of Panama, are the remains of the native negroid race,
upon which the red or American call was subsequently formed.​
In this case, the two statues that we have been talking about, as well as their similar lasjicanas, would only be reminiscent of the natural primitives conserved the invaders that immediately took over the continent.​
Maybe one day, when the dense ones dissipate​
shadows that hide the remote past of American prehistory, bright and unknown horizons are discovered for science, veiled today by such deep comomisterious darkness.​
Our archaeological monuments. The prehistoric city disappeared centuries ago​
Some time ago we realized the casual discovery of a prehistoric city that disappeared centuries ago, signals of an advanced civilization. The archeological city was discovered by an Indian neighbor of the region, located near La Plata. On this interesting matter, the governor of the department of Huila has sent the following to the Ministry of Government​
official report, rendered to the mayor of La Plata by the Commission appointed to make a thorough exploration.​
Here is the Commission data:​
«Mr. Mayor.​
I presented.​
In compliance with the requirement that made us to learn a detailed report on the archaeological treasure found in Agua -Bonita, we gladly access your wishes.​
To the west of the city of La Plata, and 40 kilometers from it, there is an irregularly flat valley, watered by the Moscopán gorge, which is presented at the top pressed by two hills that immediately open to surround the valley and close down below, again narrowing the flow current of the same creek, which from there onwards precipitates forming chasms of a terrifying depth​
to the explorer​
From what is observed, this valley was the seat of a very old city, of which they had no knowledge.​

there is a reason why you didnt want to translate this ...

secret agent boy

I'm surprised you actually translated it and even read it. A few points:
  • Last I checked, your core argument is that Black Americans are descended from Moors, who were Berbers from North Africa. Isn't this what you've been arguing the whole time? Your words: "I proved our heritage goes back to the ancient berbers of North Africa particularly Morocco/Maurantania region.."
  • Do you have any Moorish sources you can point to?
  • Now you've moved to talking about ancient people in South America
  • Nothing in the passage above about talks about Moors, Berbers, or Islam
In other words, pick a narrative and stick to it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The debate will never happen. These motherfuckers have been running the whole time. As "right" as they seem to think they are, you would think they would have no problem stepping to the mic.

Who is talking about Jamaica? Black Jamaicans are of West and sub-saharan African heritage anyway, JUST LIKE WE ARE, and many Africans there were and are Muslim. But we're talking about Black Americans. And it's interesting how you now want to bring Islam into the conversation, when earlier you did not.

You're finally talking about some REAL black history that is relevant to US! I know all about Seneca Village and Central Park. We could talk about the construction of I-64 and I-95 here in VA if you want to get real.

I notice you run from "Africa" as well. And that's really what all of this is about, even when Noble Drew Ali did it as well as the Nation of Islam. Running from Africa.

No. He's the son of Haitian immigrants but was born in Chicago and has a great channel talking about FBA/ADOS issues and the role that black immigrants can play in that. And also when they should fall back.

Twan, you don't even know how to quote and you're scared to step to the mic, so I know you ain't mentoring anybody. Go get them bundles girl! And while you're at it, find out if you're a "Moor" or a "Berber", since you have yet to speak on that.

And you won't speak on it.

I'm surprised you actually translated it and even read it. A few points:
  • Last I checked, your core argument is that Black Americans are descended from Moors, who were Berbers from North Africa. Isn't this what you've been arguing the whole time? Your words: "I proved our heritage goes back to the ancient berbers of North Africa particularly Morocco/Maurantania region.."
  • Do you have any Moorish sources you can point to?
  • Now you've moved to talking about ancient people in South America
  • Nothing in the passage above about talks about Moors, Berbers, or Islam
In other words, pick a narrative and stick to it.

Berber is how the invading european tries to cover up moorish history...

but we been through this...

we are just gonna have to agree to disagree at this point..

damn shame too because the rabbit hole goes really deep.

and obvioulsy we got a lot of catching up to do...

Im tryin to tell you.. once your realize whom you are.. you will act accordingly..

you wont eat pork, or even red meat.. you will have a mindset that lets you know you are ON your land..

you know that islam is a state of being... not diety worship...

Allah/Christ/buddah/ are all forces within you...

you have religion the dogma and religion the sciences...

If you are into the dogma, nothing Im stating will make sense to you..

and thats ok...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, your too lost for me!!!
:lol: too lost in the sauce for you..... hey thats what education does..

it brainwashes the fuck out of people then rewards them with an overpriced degree...

after they paid for overpriced books to get an overpriced education..

and many of them end up in so much debt they become financial slaves to their loan..

and they call this the educated class..

go fuckin fiqure bruh


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Nah, your too lost for me!!!

In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you know you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, and that would be exposed in a live debate. Just like freddy. Just like mailbox. Just like 14damoney.

Berber is how the invading european tries to cover up moorish history...

but we been through this...

we are just gonna have to agree to disagree at this point..

damn shame too because the rabbit hole goes really deep.

and obvioulsy we got a lot of catching up to do...

Im tryin to tell you.. once your realize whom you are.. you will act accordingly..

you wont eat pork, or even red meat.. you will have a mindset that lets you know you are ON your land..

you know that islam is a state of being... not diety worship...

Allah/Christ/buddah/ are all forces within you...

you have religion the dogma and religion the sciences...

If you are into the dogma, nothing Im stating will make sense to you..

and thats ok...

Yeah, it is a damn shame that a grown man who claims to have all of this "Moorish knowledge" is running from a real live dialogue about this. I'd think such an individual would want to enlighten the sleeping masses.

Keep dodging those questions from my previous reply.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you know you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, and that would be exposed in a live debate. Just like freddy. Just like mailbox. Just like 14damoney.

Yeah, it is a damn shame that a grown man who claims to have all of this "Moorish knowledge" is running from a real live dialogue about this. I'd think such an individual would want to enlighten the sleeping masses.

Keep dodging those questions from my previous reply.

like you are dodging admitting you are wrong...

bruh you keep asking questions I answer them and all you do is ask MOOR questions...

you bring up the Mighty Geechee.. I tell you they are Maroons aka Moors, and they have Islamic orgins..

you skate right over that shit... and just ask the moor more questions..

its not my job to enlighten folks its everybodys job to enlighten themselves..

I can point folks in the right direction.. but if they dont want to walk it.. aint no sweat of my bald ass head..

not sayin you are, but I aint the attention whore type.. I like to be behind the scenes making shit happend

dudes mad at me because I wont join their lil comedy troupe youtube team..

Im anti fame.. I want know parts of it.. I wouldve been had social media pages and youtube accounts.. or set up travel blogs..

but it aint me.. I get too much attention as it is in public...

my ex set up a facebook page for me, because I refuse to..

It may change in the future when I have more free time..

to much time gathering info and puttin it together.... you got people gettin paid on this site that aint even doing that much work bruh...

lets not get crazy...