Avengers 4 trailer


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
AVENGERS: ENDGAME OFFICIAL MASSIVE REVEAL! Professor Hulk, Quantum Bands & Caps Suit


Rising Star
Over that past few weeks, I have been binge watching all of the Marvel movies. I was really missing A LOT of what was going on until I re-watched some of these movies.

Now I can't wait for End Game to come out.

From the position of a writer, I really have to tip my cap to the entire Marvel MCU team for putting together 12 disparate films (plus a TV show) and managing to tie all these together cohesively in one continuum.
Yes, I understand there's roadmap they had via years of comic book cannon, but in my opinion that made the task even MORE difficult.
Not only did they have to navigate character rights issues and other stumbling blocks, they had to figure out how to integrate over 50 years of storylines and character development into a single threaded movie timeline that has at most, 20 hours to tell an unbroken story.

It's not like say, Star Wars, where Lucas and the writers could just write into existence new elements or solutions to boxes they may find themselves in, or Harry Potter where it's simply one main character and all else revolves around him - these are over 15 different main and sub-characters with their own storylines, 7 of which are main characters, and their movies have to both intersect, parallel, and branch off in independent vectors at the same time and this all has to be thought about and planned 5- 7 years ahead of time.

I cannot overstate how monumental a task this is, and is one of the primary reason why MCU has trounced DC the past 6 years. DC was caught totally flat footed making movies in terms of checkers (1-2-3 movies) while MCU was playing chess (mapping out an entire game strategy in their head before the 1st piece was moved).

DC still has a huge box office revenue and movie tie-in revenue lead over MCU though (inflation adjusted). Marvel movies were a sad joke financially for over 30 years until maybe Punisher II and the first Toby Spiderman series, but the paradigm has been changed and DC is going to need serious talent to get it together.

If they think Shazam is the panacea, they've fooled themselves - and they have already crippled Superman by making Zod & Doomsday his first two main foes. Really only leaves Darkseid and Brainiac. Batman, nothing is going to top Nolan for a bit.

Wonderwoman and Aquaman are really the two pillars from which they can relaunch a full on reboot.


Rising Star
From the position of a writer, I really have to tip my cap to the entire Marvel MCU team for putting together 12 disparate films (plus a TV show) and managing to tie all these together cohesively in one continuum.
Yes, I understand there's roadmap they had via years of comic book cannon, but in my opinion that made the task even MORE difficult.
Not only did they have to navigate character rights issues and other stumbling blocks, they had to figure out how to integrate over 50 years of storylines and character development into a single threaded movie timeline that has at most, 20 hours to tell an unbroken story.

It's not like say, Star Wars, where Lucas and the writers could just write into existence new elements or solutions to boxes they may find themselves in, or Harry Potter where it's simply one main character and all else revolves around him - these are over 15 different main and sub-characters with their own storylines, 7 of which are main characters, and their movies have to both intersect, parallel, and branch off in independent vectors at the same time and this all has to be thought about and planned 5- 7 years ahead of time.

I cannot overstate how monumental a task this is, and is one of the primary reason why MCU has trounced DC the past 6 years. DC was caught totally flat footed making movies in terms of checkers (1-2-3 movies) while MCU was playing chess (mapping out an entire game strategy in their head before the 1st piece was moved).

DC still has a huge box office revenue and movie tie-in revenue lead over MCU though (inflation adjusted). Marvel movies were a sad joke financially for over 30 years until maybe Punisher II and the first Toby Spiderman series, but the paradigm has been changed and DC is going to need serious talent to get it together.

If they think Shazam is the panacea, they've fooled themselves - and they have already crippled Superman by making Zod & Doomsday his first two main foes. Really only leaves Darkseid and Brainiac. Batman, nothing is going to top Nolan for a bit.

Wonderwoman and Aquaman are really the two pillars from which they can relaunch a full on reboot.
Im shocked Aquaman did that well; story was blah at best; and wonder woman also; but the women got behind it; it will be very interesting to see if both of those sequels make as much money as the firsts...

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
From the position of a writer, I really have to tip my cap to the entire Marvel MCU team for putting together 12 disparate films (plus a TV show) and managing to tie all these together cohesively in one continuum.
Yes, I understand there's roadmap they had via years of comic book cannon, but in my opinion that made the task even MORE difficult.
Not only did they have to navigate character rights issues and other stumbling blocks, they had to figure out how to integrate over 50 years of storylines and character development into a single threaded movie timeline that has at most, 20 hours to tell an unbroken story.

It's not like say, Star Wars, where Lucas and the writers could just write into existence new elements or solutions to boxes they may find themselves in, or Harry Potter where it's simply one main character and all else revolves around him - these are over 15 different main and sub-characters with their own storylines, 7 of which are main characters, and their movies have to both intersect, parallel, and branch off in independent vectors at the same time and this all has to be thought about and planned 5- 7 years ahead of time.

I cannot overstate how monumental a task this is, and is one of the primary reason why MCU has trounced DC the past 6 years. DC was caught totally flat footed making movies in terms of checkers (1-2-3 movies) while MCU was playing chess (mapping out an entire game strategy in their head before the 1st piece was moved).

DC still has a huge box office revenue and movie tie-in revenue lead over MCU though (inflation adjusted). Marvel movies were a sad joke financially for over 30 years until maybe Punisher II and the first Toby Spiderman series, but the paradigm has been changed and DC is going to need serious talent to get it together.

If they think Shazam is the panacea, they've fooled themselves - and they have already crippled Superman by making Zod & Doomsday his first two main foes. Really only leaves Darkseid and Brainiac. Batman, nothing is going to top Nolan for a bit.

Wonderwoman and Aquaman are really the two pillars from which they can relaunch a full on reboot.

I truly believe end game could win an Oscar for best picture, similar to what they did for Peter Jackson's return of the king, as a salute :cheers:to the full body of work accomplished in the past decade!


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
From the position of a writer, I really have to tip my cap to the entire Marvel MCU team for putting together 12 disparate films (plus a TV show) and managing to tie all these together cohesively in one continuum.
Yes, I understand there's roadmap they had via years of comic book cannon, but in my opinion that made the task even MORE difficult.
Not only did they have to navigate character rights issues and other stumbling blocks, they had to figure out how to integrate over 50 years of storylines and character development into a single threaded movie timeline that has at most, 20 hours to tell an unbroken story.

It's not like say, Star Wars, where Lucas and the writers could just write into existence new elements or solutions to boxes they may find themselves in, or Harry Potter where it's simply one main character and all else revolves around him - these are over 15 different main and sub-characters with their own storylines, 7 of which are main characters, and their movies have to both intersect, parallel, and branch off in independent vectors at the same time and this all has to be thought about and planned 5- 7 years ahead of time.

I cannot overstate how monumental a task this is, and is one of the primary reason why MCU has trounced DC the past 6 years. DC was caught totally flat footed making movies in terms of checkers (1-2-3 movies) while MCU was playing chess (mapping out an entire game strategy in their head before the 1st piece was moved).

DC still has a huge box office revenue and movie tie-in revenue lead over MCU though (inflation adjusted). Marvel movies were a sad joke financially for over 30 years until maybe Punisher II and the first Toby Spiderman series, but the paradigm has been changed and DC is going to need serious talent to get it together.

If they think Shazam is the panacea, they've fooled themselves - and they have already crippled Superman by making Zod & Doomsday his first two main foes. Really only leaves Darkseid and Brainiac. Batman, nothing is going to top Nolan for a bit.

Wonderwoman and Aquaman are really the two pillars from which they can relaunch a full on reboot.
Yo welcome back homeboy. Long time no hear from.


Platinum Member
Samuel L. Jackson Just Spoiled One ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Twist


Do you really want to know what happens in either Captain Marvel or Avengers: Endgame even though we’re just a few weeks away from one movie and about a month away from the other one? Well, if you want to stay pure on any of these Marvel movies, then you should probably get off the internet! In the meantime, for the curious, it looks like Samuel L. Jackson has just revealed a detail about Captain Marvel which could spoil everything about Avengers: Endgame.


Over the weekend, several news outlets reported on an interview Jackson gave to Total Film back in January. The relevant detail? Jackson confirms what many fans have long-suspected: Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) can travel through time.

“I guess we might figure out that she can do things that nobody else can do,” Jackson said in the Total Film interview. “She can time travel, so maybe she can get ahead or behind or whatever, and figure out what all that is. The fact I have the pager 20 years later – it gets addressed in an interesting sort of way.”

The “pager” is a reference to the post-credits scene of Avengers: Infinity War in which Nick Fury (Jackson) uses a ’90s style pager to send a signal to someone who seems to be Captain Marvel. Is he sending this signal to the past? Does this mean Captain Marvel will time travel to 2019 at the end of Captain Marvel? The answer seems to be yes, which again, confirms a fan theory a lot of people have had since last year.

But, more relevantly, this information makes Captain Marvel essential viewing for anyone planning on seeing Endgame. Because if Marvel did edit out a character from the Endgame trailers and that character is Carol Danvers, then her origin story will become a huge deal.