Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
He acts like a mental patient. He lost his friends and family because of the MAGA shit. The other day he was ranting about his mother putting him up for adoption and if she would have been brainwashed by the liberals he wouldn't have been born because she would have aborted him. He's most definitely a crack baby.
lol wtf


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
There is a component that is attracted ro the trash talking and womanizing. Also (some) Black men feel unheard and unseen. They see Black women mentioned as a group and being given credit for the success of dems. It angers some who don't like seeing Black women as leaders. They see the lgbt given "tangibles" and get mad, even though those tangibles essentially just boils down to the rights and privileges straight folk already have. They don't recognize any benefits that doesn't mention them as a group.

Instead of joining or starting an organization and doing the work and becoming leaders themselves, they want to fuss and moan about others doing the work.

Many are single or single fathers not living with their children and their child's mother so they see care of the family as transactional - providing funds etc - instead of being fully immersed in full time care and rearing.

So Black men can sit back and afford to only care about what affects them directly. But Black women have to worry about themselves, their children and the men they love. They can't say eff everything until we get reparations because they have a 14 year old son and a 15 year old son they want to see make it out of a police encounter alive. As well as their partner or former partner who may provide financial or care giving support to the kids. They have a 16 or 21 or 25 year old daughter who might need reproductive care, or she may need so herself. Care of children and elders mostly fall on women so having health care, child care, safety nets etc matter. What the kids are learning or being prevented from learning, women mostly have to deal with. Living wages matter. The less they make the more they have to work so that's more time they are away from their kids.

Some women will get caught up in the rhetoric, but fewer women will be led astray because women have to view the big picture, be practical and worry about more than ourselves.
You took what I said and added a whole other layer to it...

Fckn amazing



Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
There is a component that is attracted ro the trash talking and womanizing. Also (some) Black men feel unheard and unseen. They see Black women mentioned as a group and being given credit for the success of dems. It angers some who don't like seeing Black women as leaders. They see the lgbt given "tangibles" and get mad, even though those tangibles essentially just boils down to the rights and privileges straight folk already have. They don't recognize any benefits that doesn't mention them as a group.

Instead of joining or starting an organization and doing the work and becoming leaders themselves, they want to fuss and moan about others doing the work.

Many are single or single fathers not living with their children and their child's mother so they see care of the family as transactional - providing funds etc - instead of being fully immersed in full time care and rearing.

So Black men can sit back and afford to only care about what affects them directly. But Black women have to worry about themselves, their children and the men they love. They can't say eff everything until we get reparations because they have a 14 year old son and a 15 year old son they want to see make it out of a police encounter alive. As well as their partner or former partner who may provide financial or care giving support to the kids. They have a 16 or 21 or 25 year old daughter who might need reproductive care, or she may need so herself. Care of children and elders mostly fall on women so having health care, child care, safety nets etc matter. What the kids are learning or being prevented from learning, women mostly have to deal with. Living wages matter. The less they make the more they have to work so that's more time they are away from their kids.

Some women will get caught up in the rhetoric, but fewer women will be led astray because women have to view the big picture, be practical and worry about more than ourselves.
And another thing too, seeing as a lot of black men grew up without a strong male figure in their lives you'd think that they would do a better job if seeing "the big picture" when it comes to the entirety of the culture but they don't. That goes to the belief I carry that all women with kids aren't mothers. Yes you birthed a child, yes said child is more than likely in your care the majority of the time, but that child may not be receiving the proper mental, physical and emotional nourishment necessary to become a productive, well balanced and well adjusted adult. It's not to place blame on one group over the other, it's simply stating that not only do we (black men/black women) need each other, but our kids need us also. And it's unbelievably important that both parental figures have a thumbprint on the lives of the children they're charged with responsibility of.

So with all of that, with things becoming transactional, it breeds a level of selfishness which then manifests with them looking to find other like minded individuals that will accept them as they are. They get with these Republicans, relate to them, but don't realize they're being played and inherently voting against their own selves.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I agree with you but it's not all of us. I am the head of my house hold. I could use a GOP tax cut but it will hurt my people which in turn hurts me. Some black and white men want hand outs. Some white men want white privilege back. Some black men want stimees. Neither look at the long game but will be affected the most. LGBT ain't getting shit but rights to be married and health insurance from their partner. All married people get that. But GOP tells them to focus on what they don't have and hate somebody for that. The GOP has never done shit for people other than the rich. They cater to white supremist and male chauvinist. Strip women of their rights and criminalize Black males.

You're head of household. You have to think about more than just yourself. You have to consider how what you do affects everyone in the household and how what they do or don't do affects you and each other. For some men the extent of their involvement is support they don't want to pay or who see themselves as being used as an atm to benefit someone else.

Chances are, if you are stable, other people in your family who aren't doing as well look up to you or may depend on you for help from time to time. The mindset of a man who is head of household with someone they feel a duty or desire to love and protect is totally different from men (and women) who only have themselves to look out for.

Things like the GOP tax cuts you mentioned often will cause successful and/or married men to view the GOP as a better option. Financially they may be. Everyone in their family and social circle may be well off. Or they may see the ones less well off in our communities or their families as lazy or not taking advantage of their opportunities, or simply not their responsibility or for whatever reason don't care about safety nets for others etc, but I don't think that is the case with the anti dem don't vote crew around here. They aren't arguing that the GOP is beneficial because of xyz and dems are bad because of xyz, they are saying neither party benefits them or anyone they know. This is clearly false.

If your family or community member can get healthcare, a living wage, social security, affordable insulin, that is less money and support they have to lean on you and other individuals for help. If jobs are plentiful that's lower crime and more safety for everyone. Crime rates always drop when the unemployment rate drops. There are of course exceptions, but most people would rather earn an honest wage. If we have police reform and progressive DAs, that's fewer black men getting locked up causing them to lose jobs that are harder to get back once they have a record. That's fewer people criming because they have no other choice.

You are not the same. You have the mindset of a leader. A leader recognizes their responsibility to others. The people I'm speaking of may say they are looking out for Black people, and want the respect due a leader, but either they are only looking out for themselves or are not forward thinking enough to consider how things affect not only themselves but other people, now and in the future.

Also a lot of the people complaining live in safe blue states. They can afford to talk trash about dems and protest vote or sit out because at the same time they have the protection of laws passed by those same dems and safety nets that people in other states don't have.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
And another thing too, seeing as a lot of black men grew up without a strong male figure in their lives you'd think that they would do a better job if seeing "the big picture" when it comes to the entirety of the culture but they don't. That goes to the belief I carry that all women with kids aren't mothers. Yes you birthed a child, yes said child is more than likely in your care the majority of the time, but that child may not be receiving the proper mental, physical and emotional nourishment necessary to become a productive, well balanced and well adjusted adult. It's not to place blame on one group over the other, it's simply stating that not only do we (black men/black women) need each other, but our kids need us also. And it's unbelievably important that both parental figures have a thumbprint on the lives of the children they're charged with responsibility of.

So with all of that, with things becoming transactional, it breeds a level of selfishness which then manifests with them looking to find other like minded individuals that will accept them as they are. They get with these Republicans, relate to them, but don't realize they're being played and inherently voting against their own selves.

Not every woman who has a kid wants them. They are the ones stuck with them because they birth them. As far as the kids go, if the father in their life wasn't present except for child support, then they are only imitating what they know of what a man does, which is look out for themselves. Some men see their mothers struggle and decide not to do the same and some accept it as normal and go on to repeat the cycle. It's a cycle that can only be broken by men demanding to be involved in their child's life and men being a mentor to boys of single households in their family and or community.

Now, I'm not bashing Black men. Plenty of uncles, cousins, grandparents and friends do step in as role models. There were studies done that showed Black men were more involved with their children, even when living outside the home than other races. What I'm saying doesn't apply to all men.

However, I have the benefit of being able to see what the men around here say not only about politics, but what those same men say about women, views on relationships, family history, and child support as well. I see and hear the fear and anger at being "replaced" and unappreciated in the dem party and the world in general. They dont like the visibility of immigrants and lgbt. They dont like to see Black women given credit as leadership. They feel emasculated and invisible, especially as viewed by other races, even though the Black men who do vote vote 85%+ dem. In the GOP mostly (white) men are leaders. They want to be HNIC in the dem party. I respect that. Even if I don't agree that everything they express about democrats is true, that they feel what they feel can't be denied.

But where is the balance? Keep in mind they aren't simply arguing don't vote dem. They are arguing to not vote period.

They don't just want dems to reach out to Black men. Biden has done that regularly over the past 4 years, not just this election year, and each time it is either not enough or pandering. They want dems to pay for not elevating them at the same "level" as Black women. They want Black women knocked off their perch. At the same time they aren't wanting to step in and do the work.

They say it's about reparations. OK. The math isn't hard and Black men aren't stupid. The general process is simple. If you want xyz, you need votes to pass xyz. So you need people who will vote for xyz. So these people have to be elected and persuaded. They don't want to elect dems. They don't want to persuade the GOP. So then the question becomes do they REALLY want what they SAY they want? Or do they want a cudgel to beat dems with or a reason to stay mad because they don't feel they can make a difference?

IMO, they want to be angry and want their anger validated, but they don't have any plans to move forward after that. They just want to stew in their anger and be told they are right. That solves nothing. That moves nothing. That gets nothing.

Not voting takes our voice away and allows everyone else to speak while we are silenced.

I was speaking of leadership in the other post. If you were the leader of your tribe, and at a meeting of say 12-13 tribes you had to decide something that affects all the tribes differently to some degree. You don't like either choice, but one choice is more helpful/less harmful to than the other. A decision WILL be made and you are required by tribal law to abide by said decision. Do you refuse to participate? Do you allow others to make the decision that you and your tribe will have to obey? Do you leave out your and your people's voice? Where is the leadership in that? Not voting is still an act that has repercussions.

We are leading on individual levels. Deciding what will best benefit us, our family and our community. Voting is hiring someone who will advocate on our behalf when we are not present. Someone is going to get the job regardless. Our job is to hire someone willing to advocate for our concerns. We may not like the system, but currently it's the only one we have.

Folks sat out last time and we lost AA and reproductive rights and have had a slew of BS SCOTUS decisions that we now all have to live under as a result. A good leader would course correct when they see a previous strategy failed. These folks are hellbent on having a repeat of 2016.

They don't have to vote. They don't have to vote dem. I just find it extremely weird the effort they put into convincing others not to vote. If nothing changes regardless, why do you care if someone takes their own time once or twice a year to cast their vote? In the past they have said it's because they don't want Black people dependent on the government when they should be doing for themselves. Nothing says you can't both vote and have private programs to benefit people. Of course that was before AA was overturned and Black people started getting sued for programs that are Black specific. Funny how that not voting and 3rd party/protest voting worked out. Something changed after all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

"We’re doing a number of things … focused on the particular needs of every group including black men."

There is the problem. For many generations in this country cruel, exploitive institutional racism and gratuitous violence were primarily focused on black men, (it being a patriarchal society), not just including black men. The ravages of such treatment linger deeply to this day, and will into the foreseeable future. Sooooo, what black men are waiting for, in fact black people are waiting for is a bold policy move that will genuinely focus on black people and begin to address/make right the ravages of how this country allowed its white citizens, however recently immigrated, to plug into the white power structure and immediately exploit white privileges to eclipse the social and economic status of near any and all blacks they might encounter. They didn’t need to own property or even speak english, but they were always deemed more worthy than black people for any economic opportunity, social honor, common courtesy, or respect. What we want is for the country to compensate black people for the last two hundred plus years of that. Of course it’ll be a huge number. P.S., this is a joke to the G.O.P.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
"We’re doing a number of things … focused on the particular needs of every group including black men."

There is the problem. For many generations in this country cruel, exploitive institutional racism and gratuitous violence were primarily focused on black men, (it being a patriarchal society), not just including black men. The ravages of such treatment linger deeply to this day, and will into the foreseeable future. Sooooo, what black men are waiting for, in fact black people are waiting for is a bold policy move that will genuinely focus on black people and begin to address/make right the ravages of how this country allowed its white citizens, however recently immigrated, to plug into the white power structure and immediately exploit white privileges to eclipse the social and economic status of near any and all blacks they might encounter. They didn’t need to own property or even speak english, but they were always deemed more worthy than black people for any economic opportunity, social honor, common courtesy, or respect. What we want is for the country to compensate black people for the last two hundred plus years of that. Of course it’ll be a huge number. P.S., this is a joke to the G.O.P.
The negro had something very specifically done to him,
And in turn must have something very specifically done to help him.

But we're not supposed remember that part about him..


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

He's dialing the rhetoric up. This was already happening in 2022:



International Member
As someone who is not from the USA and has a vested interest in the US election, I'm curious on why black people are deciding to vote for Joe Biden?

Considering his past policies record and previous comments about black people.

Can you please respond without saying the word 'Trump'.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As someone who is not from the USA and has a vested interest in the US election, I'm curious on why black people are deciding to vote for Joe Biden?

Considering his past policies record and previous comments about black people.

Can you please respond without saying the word 'Trump'.
Good luck


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
As someone who is not from the USA and has a vested interest in the US election, I'm curious on why black people are deciding to vote for Joe Biden?

Considering his past policies record and previous comments about black people.

Can you please respond without saying the word 'Trump'.
Paging @Camille


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As someone who is not from the USA and has a vested interest in the US election, I'm curious on why black people are deciding to vote for Joe Biden?

Considering his past policies record and previous comments about black people.

Can you please respond without saying the word 'Trump'.
The reason is the GOP. Look them up and their recent history of actions/efforts to disenfranchise black people. The guy's name you asked be avoided is just the rabid and demented leader of that party.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
As someone who is not from the USA and has a vested interest in the US election, I'm curious on why black people are deciding to vote for Joe Biden?

Considering his past policies record and previous comments about black people.

Can you please respond without saying the word 'Trump'.
So you think we should vote for the guy that has the full backing of the Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis? Is that what you’re confused about? Why would we not vote for the guy who comes from a party that’s 99% white that has legit racists who want to take away all programs that help Black folks and people who ain’t Anglo. Are you really confused or are you just being stupid on purpose ?

So we should vote for the guy who took out a full page article saying 5 innocent Black kids should be executed. Then after they were exhonorated doubled down and said they still should be killed because he doesn’t believe the evidence is correct. Fuck you!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As someone who is not from the USA and has a vested interest in the US election, I'm curious on why black people are deciding to vote for Joe Biden?

Considering his past policies record and previous comments about black people.

Can you please respond without saying the word 'Trump'.

I could actually help them answer this question, but democrats are soo delusional in

their devotion to the most dysfunctional party between the two, I have to back out

and let them waddle in their own babble..

Dems went waaaaaaay tooo far with their Unamerican Marxist approach to politics...

to the point of treason!! but as a BRUH..any single straight Bruh that votes Democrat

this year.. is just not that bright or he is getting paid to be a shill at his peoples expense...

if you are a fag or tranny, I can understand your democratic support...

it makes sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You took what I said and added a whole other layer to it...

Fckn amazing


she said

Straight "black" men, do not start organizations themselves..HMMM ever hear of THE BLACK PANTHERS..

Yea what happend to them..

you see. too many of our women sipped the jim jones lemonade, and think they are some

kind of THREAT, uh NO, you are there because of the OPPOSITE .. you not only are NOT

a threat, you are one of the most dedicated and loyal supporters of a system that is determental

to the well being of your people.. Just look at what its existence does to OUR FAMILY STRUCTURE,

but hey, as long as you gettin that BAG, u go girl, as long as you murdering millions of our children through

abortion... u go girl..

democrats LOVE WHEN YOU DO THAT!!!!

so when you speak of support.. WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU WANT US TO SUPPORT??

Im saying as a single straight bruh.. with a strong sense of LOGIC and its application...







Transnational Member

The white Democrats fake robocall us into staying at home with horrible candidates like Kamala Harris. Republican do this to get you go vote on the wrong day. There is one political party based on racial lines. How do they expect us to vote for Hillary Clinton?

They use the judiciary to block civil rights for us. The college admission case brought by Asian miraculously appeared before the Supreme Court that was 6-3.


International Member
So you think we should vote for the guy that has the full backing of the Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis? Is that what you’re confused about? Why would we not vote for the guy who comes from a party that’s 99% white that has legit racists who want to take away all programs that help Black folks and people who ain’t Anglo. Are you really confused or are you just being stupid on purpose ?

So we should vote for the guy who took out a full page article saying 5 innocent Black kids should be executed. Then after they were exhonorated doubled down and said they still should be killed because he doesn’t believe the evidence is correct. Fuck you!
I don't think that you tried to answer the question I asked.

Based on Joe Biden's previous comments and policies towards black people in the US, why are you voting for him?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
This is the response about a question I asked you.
I’ve seen your posts you don’t want a real answer as evident by your asking me again. If that’s not enough reason worry about your white worshipping shithole powdered wig wearing country. FOH


International Member
I’ve seen your posts you don’t want a real answer as evident by your asking me again. If that’s not enough reason worry about your white worshipping shithole powdered wig wearing country. FOH
I can see that this question is troubling you. Once again I ask on why are you voting for Joe Biden and your reason for this.

White worshipping??? Care to elaborate on this

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
I can see that this question is troubling you. Once again I ask on why are you voting for Joe Biden and your reason for this.

White worshipping??? Care to elaborate on this
I can see you have trouble reading . Here try again. Go slow

So you think we should vote for the guy that has the full backing of the Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis? Is that what you’re confused about? Why would we not vote for the guy who comes from a party that’s 99% white that has legit racists who want to take away all programs that help Black folks and people who ain’t Anglo. Are you really confused or are you just being stupid on purpose ?

So we should vote for the guy who took out a full page article saying 5 innocent Black kids should be executed. Then after they were exhonorated doubled down and said they still should be killed because he doesn’t believe the evidence is correct. Fuck you!


International Member
I can see you have trouble reading . Here try again. Go slow

So you think we should vote for the guy that has the full backing of the Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis? Is that what you’re confused about? Why would we not vote for the guy who comes from a party that’s 99% white that has legit racists who want to take away all programs that help Black folks and people who ain’t Anglo. Are you really confused or are you just being stupid on purpose ?

So we should vote for the guy who took out a full page article saying 5 innocent Black kids should be executed. Then after they were exhonorated doubled down and said they still should be killed because he doesn’t believe the evidence is correct. Fuck you!
Are you voting for Joe Biden because Trump took out a advert? Was he in power at this time?

I have noticed that no flak has gone against the prosecution of those five men in the state of New York.

What is your response to the crime bill implemented by Joe Biden in 1994, that disproportionately discriminated against black people since?

Joe Biden stated that you ain't black if you vote for Trump. Would you like to give your opinion on this comment?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Are you voting for Joe Biden because Trump took out a advert? Was he in power at this time?

I have noticed that no flak has gone against the prosecution of those five men in the state of New York.

What is your response to the crime bill implemented by Joe Biden in 1994, that disproportionately discriminated against black people since?

Joe Biden stated that you ain't black if you vote for Trump. Would you like to give your opinion on this comment?
You seem to enjoy making excuses for Trump . You ain’t slick

Fact check: 1994 crime bill did not bring mass incarceration of Black Americans​



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Why are you always in here trying to police black American votes while your community lives in squalor?

In 2020, the Social Metrics Commission found that nearly half (46%, 900,000 people) of all people living in families where the household head was Black/African/Caribbean/Black British were in poverty, compared to just under one in five (19%) of those living in families where the head of household was White.

That Russian checked cleared for you again?