Mayweather to Dictate Drug Testing Terms for Mosley Fight

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
This guy must have read my recent comments. The blood testing stuff is not what it seems as GBP and PBF are trying to make it appear. The true testament will be how PBF does with this issue with non GBP fighters. And how GBP deals with the issue with all their other fighters. I am interested if the small desire to clean the sport up" will matter in all GBP future fights. Also when you read the details of what Shane signed for it is fishy and it is insane. I'm amazed this is being allowed because the Nevada Commission seems to be out of this fight period.

USA Boxing News
Mayweather to Dictate Drug Testing Terms for Mosley Fight

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By Paul Upham: Now that the contracts for the May 1 Floyd Mayweather Jr-Shane Mosley welterweight boxing match have been signed, SecondsOut can reveal a stunning component of their agreement. In signing off on the deal, Mosley has given Mayweather complete control over the drug testing to be implemented, apart from any testing that is required by the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

A source who was involved in the contract negotiations for the fight told SecondsOut on Friday, “Shane has signed a contract that says Floyd can dictate the terms of the drug testing. Anything that Floyd wants is all right, as long as Floyd submits to the same testing requirements as Shane. There is no provision one way or another in the contract for public disclosure of the test results, although I would think that the parties would be bound to report a positive test result to the Nevada commission.”

In other words, Floyd Mayweather Jr has now supplanted the Nevada State Athletic Commission for his fight with Mosley in so far as testing for performance enhancing drugs is concerned.

The manner in which Mayweather chooses to implement this contract provision could reinforce or make a folly of his demand that Manny Pacquiao submit by contract to random blood testing - a demand which subsequently led to the cancellation of their proposed March 13 super-fight.

It also raises a number of important issues and questions about the Mayweather-Mosley fight and its legitimacy in the eyes of the public.

1. If U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) testing was demanded for Mayweather-Pacquiao, will it be insisted upon by Floyd Mayweather for Mayweather-Mosley?

2. What would the Nevada State Athletic Commission do if, just prior to the Mayweather-Mosley fight, they received a positive test result?

3. If there is no public disclosure of the testing, how could the public be sure that a positive test would be reported to the Nevada State Athletic Commission?

4. If there is no public disclosure of the testing, a positive test could result in the fight being cancelled with a bogus reason for the cancellation being given to the public.

One boxing insider, when told of the contract terms for Mayweather-Mosley, said, “If Floyd Mayweather Jr does not demand the same stringent USADA testing by USADA of Mosley that he was demanding of Pacquiao, it would look hypocritical at best.”

On January 17, SecondsOut’s senior columnist Thomas Hauser wrote a 10,000 word expose Mayweather-Pacquiao, PEDs, and Boxing. It was the most in-depth analysis ever of the issue of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in boxing. The content of the story and the questions raised were applauded by those in the boxing industry and fans around the world.

In demanding that Pacquiao submit to Mayweather’s blood testing demands, Oscar De La Hoya and Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer, put themselves in a very delicate position for future fight agreements.

Hauser wrote, “Golden Boy can take the lead on the issue of PEDs in boxing and become a beacon of integrity by requiring its fighters to submit to Olympic-style drug testing before each major fight. And in order to fight on a Golden Boy card (remember; Golden Boy has a lot of dates on HBO), it could require opponents to do the same.”

The contracts signed by Mayweather, Mosley, and Golden Boy Promotions, where blood testing is at Mayweather’s whim rather than a contractual requirement, call Golden Boy’s absolute demand of Pacquiao into question.

Also at this time, there has been no announcement about any contractually mandated drug testing requirements for the April 3 Bernard Hopkins-Roy Jones Jr rematch, which is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions and Square Ring. Jones has previously tested positive for PEDs, while Hopkins (like Mosley) has never tested positive. However, it is a matter of record that Mosley did in fact use PEDs prior to his second fight against Oscar De La Hoya.

In his column, Hauser also observed that, if Oscar De La Hoya is truly committed to the improvement of boxing, he could “show the world how a righteous PED-free fighter acts. In order to fully inform the public on the issues involved (and remove any hint of suspicion that he himself might not have clean hands) Oscar should waive his right to confidentiality and authorize the Nevada State Athletic Commission to release the results of any tests for performance enhancing drugs that he has taken in the past. The same waiver should authorize all present and past NSAC personnel and any other person with knowledge of the situation to discuss the test results with any media representative who inquires about them.”

To date, De La Hoya has been silent on the issue of this waiver.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL

out of all the comments this one got me thinking.

bodidis: We all know that pacquiao never take and tested positive on his all fights. But if pacquiao agrees to Mayweather conditions he should ask Mayweather to fight in Texas. You know what! I am positive Mayweather will decline to this contract and duck Pacquiao.

Would pbf really fight Manny in texas where Xylocaine is banned? I mean the only real reason he fights there is cause nevada allows the drug. Interesting thought. I doubt pbf would fight anywhere except in vegas even for 20 million dollars.

Boxing is going to have to hear this issue out and decide how to hand drug testing in the future.


Rising Star
Floyd is scared to fight a real competitor. All of a sudden he talking all this drug testing shit. Why wasnt he talking this before his last fight against a lesser opponent?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Floyd is scared to fight a real competitor. All of a sudden he talking all this drug testing shit. Why wasnt he talking this before his last fight against a lesser opponent?

Mayweather did not ask Marquez to do the drug testing because anyone that goes to the extreme of drinking piss to get an edge would never even think about taking PED's. Or would that be the other way around? Anyway, Floyd is just looking for a level playing field and good will for all his fellow boxers. Floyd is also adept at just looking into the eyes of his opponents and knowing which one is acting suspiciously. He was obviously right about Pac because Pac refused to take the test which logically means Pac is guilty and actually should be banned from boxing for life. Mayweather should win a Nobel Peace Prize for his actions instead of all the criticism from these haters that say he should fight other welterweights and shit like that.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
Mayweather did not ask Marquez to do the drug testing because anyone that goes to the extreme of drinking piss to get an edge would never even think about taking PED's. Or would that be the other way around? Anyway, Floyd is just looking for a level playing field and good will for all his fellow boxers. Floyd is also adept at just looking into the eyes of his opponents and knowing which one is acting suspiciously. He was obviously right about Pac because Pac refused to take the test which logically means Pac is guilty and actually should be banned from boxing for life. Mayweather should win a Nobel Peace Prize for his actions instead of all the criticism from these haters that say he should fight other welterweights and shit like that.

lol, first this issue to me isn't about PBF. I'm more interested in the the fallout of asking for olympic style drug test for boxing. I pretty much think PBF asked cause he was scared and GBP asked because Oscar got his ass lit up. I feel the drug testing isn't fool proof that they want to do. People cheat in the olympics all the time. I actually think the test is good enough right now. I have not heard fans complaining about setroids in boxing until PBF was on a collision course with Manny. I will be really impressed if GBP follows through with the testing with all their fighters. Same with PBF. However the secrecy involved is not cool. If test come up positive we should know. I honestly don't feel comfortable with the fighters controlling the drug test aspect of the sport. It doesn't sit right with me. I guess it is important. I expect drug use is a part of the sport but illegal drugs I don't think so much. Interesting times in the sport.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Floyd is scared to fight a real competitor. All of a sudden he talking all this drug testing shit. Why wasnt he talking this before his last fight against a lesser opponent?

Another one? Then why be a boxer at all? He could go shoot commercials, work some WWE events and film a reality show. We've moved on from this point. It doesn't make sense when other people say it and it makes even less when you say it.

lol, first this issue to me isn't about PBF. I'm more interested in the the fallout of asking for olympic style drug test for boxing. I pretty much think PBF asked cause he was scared and GBP asked because Oscar got his ass lit up. I feel the drug testing isn't fool proof that they want to do. People cheat in the olympics all the time. I actually think the test is good enough right now. I have not heard fans complaining about setroids in boxing until PBF was on a collision course with Manny. I will be really impressed if GBP follows through with the testing with all their fighters. Same with PBF. However the secrecy involved is not cool. If test come up positive we should know. I honestly don't feel comfortable with the fighters controlling the drug test aspect of the sport. It doesn't sit right with me. I guess it is important. I expect drug use is a part of the sport but illegal drugs I don't think so much. Interesting times in the sport.

If you truly think that, you're the only one. Boxing has the easiest tests to beat in major sports. When you have scheduled testing and it's only urine, it's becomes the less likely to catch anyone.
Random blood testing can be expensive, so I don't expect it to done for every single fight but, if the boxing commissions weren't corrupt, it would have been phased in long ago when top boxers were coming up dirty (Vargas, Toney, and then Mosley).


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Another one? Then why be a boxer at all? He could go shoot commercials, work some WWE events and film a reality show. We've moved on from this point. It doesn't make sense when other people say it and it makes even less when you say it.

If you truly think that, you're the only one. Boxing has the easiest tests to beat in major sports. When you have scheduled testing and it's only urine, it's becomes the less likely to catch anyone.
Random blood testing can be expensive, so I don't expect it to done for every single fight but, if the boxing commissions weren't corrupt, it would have been phased in long ago when top boxers were coming up dirty (Vargas, Toney, and then Mosley).

There is one irony in all this in that people keep saying the tests that the commissions apply are useless while at the same time acknowledging a slew of fighters that have been caught by these tests. I don´t profess to be a steroid expert at all but, what´s the deal with Toney? All I hear is how the tests are so easy to beat yet he gets caught twice. Does this mean that Toney is just a retard?

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
There is one irony in all this in that people keep saying the tests that the commissions apply are useless while at the same time acknowledging a slew of fighters that have been caught by these tests. I don´t profess to be a steroid expert at all but, what´s the deal with Toney? All I hear is how the tests are so easy to beat yet he gets caught twice. Does this mean that Toney is just a retard?

Actually the current testing caught Vargas and Toney, Mosley wasn't caught by boxing commissions.
I'm not saying they're easy to beat, Conte is saying it and has said it. Every sport that has a history of PED abuse doesn't sit pat on their testing because they caught a few fish, they continue to progress and upgrade because they know the cheaters will continue to progress and upgrade. For boxing to do otherwise makes them MLB in the 90s when homeruns are flying out of stadiums left, right, and center.

Yes, Toney is a retard. Great boxer, dumb dude. I'm not even convinced he was really trying to cheat, he was just lazy and undisciplined.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Actually the current testing caught Vargas and Toney, Mosley wasn't caught by boxing commissions.
I'm not saying they're easy to beat, Conte is saying it and has said it. Every sport that has a history of PED abuse doesn't sit pat on their testing because they caught a few fish, they continue to progress and upgrade because they know the cheaters will continue to progress and upgrade. For boxing to do otherwise makes them MLB in the 90s when homeruns are flying out of stadiums left, right, and center.

Yes, Toney is a retard. Great boxer, dumb dude. I'm not even convinced he was really trying to cheat, he was just lazy and undisciplined.

Yeah, but Mosley is just one guy out of a bunch of dudes and there is no evidence of any other Conte-like undetectable drugs out there.

What do you think Toney was doing with those types of steroids in his system two times if he wasn´t trying to cheat? Honestly.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Yeah, but Mosley is just one guy out of a bunch of dudes and there is no evidence of any other Conte-like undetectable drugs out there.

What do you think Toney was doing with those types of steroids in his system two times if he wasn´t trying to cheat? Honestly.

What bunch? Two name guys isn't a bunch. As I said, no legitimate regulatory commission in sports stands pat on their testing just because they caught a couple guys. Evander Holyfield was never caught but his name came out similar to Shane's. Roy Jones tested positive against Richard Hall but never again but his name came out later with BALCO for THG, which masked steroids.
These aren't nondescript club fighters. These are some of the biggest names in boxing and still boxing does nothing.

James Toney's lack of discipline is more likely the culprit than an intent to cheat. He knows he's fat but instead of working himself into shape, he puts whatever he can find in his mouth to get there. If he really wanted to cheat, after the first positive test, I would think he could take the Mosley-Jones route and contact BALCO. Now he may just be a cheater, but his laziness seems more likely.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
If you truly think that, you're the only one. Boxing has the easiest tests to beat in major sports. When you have scheduled testing and it's only urine, it's becomes the less likely to catch anyone.
Random blood testing can be expensive, so I don't expect it to done for every single fight but, if the boxing commissions weren't corrupt, it would have been phased in long ago when top boxers were coming up dirty (Vargas, Toney, and then Mosley).

But if it isn't done for every fight then it sure as hell would not be done for the biggest fights. Ask Oscar if they found out that tito, hopkins, or shane were on drugs before the fight and he lost out on making all that money. These fighters are about the money too. I doubt a fighter would back out a fight cause of a drug test. if anything there would be monetary penalties like when the go over the contracted weight. That is why the drug testing is bullshit. Read the opening post. If shane comes up hot pbf doesn't have to tell a person nor does the fight have to be canceled. So if that is the case what is the point?

And you don't make a sport clean by testing a few fighters.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
Why Random Blood Testing Wont Become Compulsory in Boxing
January 10th, 2010

by Daniel Ciminera: I have been sitting around thinking about all this talk of random blood testing and I have come up with a number of reasons not to introduce mandatory randomized blood testing. The reasons range from it being expensive, to being potentially dangerous and also outdated. I really don’t think compulsory random testing will become standard practice. I can’t think of one single positive outcome from it’s introduction. Here is some of the science behind my conclusion, and some of the cheaper, more reliable alternatives.

• The reduced blood volume in the body (or rather the more dilute blood as the plasma is replaced in a matter of hours) hampers the body’s ability to carry oxygen. This causes fatigue in a best case scenario and in more serious incidences, will directly cause boxers to be hurt and injured in the ring. Perhaps even fatally. While it is only a relatively small amount of blood they take for testing, less than donating blood for example, it can still have a drastic and culminative affect on the body (severity varies from person to person). Usually 2 or 3 vials of blood are taken at a time and each vial will hold 5-15ml, depending on who is taking the blood. Therefore, in Pacquiao’s case, he was to be required to take blood at or around the time of the initial press conference, again 30 days before the fight, at any random time after that (possibly even more than once) and then one more after the fight. Lets say they took blood from him twice at random. That means he would have had 4 samples taken pre fight at between 10 and 45ml of blood each time. He could potentially have given around 4% of the blood of an average 160lb man(180mls from 4.7l). Pacquiao does not weigh 160lbs, therefore his percentage would probably be higher and given that it will take the body up to 2 months to replace the hemoglobin-containing red blood cells (not until after the fight), Pacquiao would have been at a possible severe disadvantage in his bout with Floyd Mayweather Jr. Some people, wouldn’t have felt any different on a 4% deficit, however, with Pacquiao’s previous disaster against Morales after a blood test, it is reasonable to assume it would be enough to disrupt his stamina enough to have a detrimental effect on his chances of winning.

• Blood testing is archaic and irrelevant in sport today. Huge advancements have been made in urine testing to the point where urine can tell you everything blood can and more. However, urine tests can be corrupted by drinking liters and liters of water to dilute the substance, making them less reliable in certain circumstances. However, with performance enhancing drugs, they are used regularly and in quantities which could not be easily diluted out of the urine to below a detectable level. Also, when making a weight, boxers often dehydrate themselves intentionally to make sure they make the required weight so it is not likely they are going to be able to drink kilograms of water and still pull off this trick. You just have to look at how gaunt Ricky Hatton was when he weighed in against Floyd Mayweather Jr. to see the effect that alone can have on the body without the aforementioned depletion of hemoglobin-containing red blood cells.

• Even more accurate and reliable is a saliva test. It is a little known fact that saliva is pretty much identical to the blood’s plasma and only 2 types of drug cannot be found in saliva. Neither of which is a performance enhancing substance. What’s more, is that it is very very difficult to corrupt a saliva test so there is no way of drinking the result clean for example as with a urine test and also, unlike the urine test, the sample is obtained under direct supervision. Testing bodies carrying out random drugs tests in America for pre-employment testing among others, claim that saliva testing is the most effective method of drug testing. There is also no depletive effect on the boxer, so why not use them? Boxers could feasibly submit more than one saliva sample per day whilst training and right up until the minute before the fight. It is only a matter of time, in my opinion, before saliva testing becomes the norm in all drugs testing, not just sports. The only thing holding it back currently, is the fact that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) haven’t approved saliva for official tests yet. The reason it will be approved sooner rather than later is the fact that saliva is not a biohazard like contaminated blood.

• There has never been a problem with boxers “juicing-up”, apart from isolated instances of individual boxers (i.e. not entire stables under specific trainers). So why, without a sudden increase in positive tests, especially when the main suspect Pacquiao has never tested positive in his career, would it even be considered by the governing bodies. Even if it was mooted, the conclusion that it is unnecessary, expensive, and harmful would likely be reached.

It just isn’t fair to presume all athletes are guilty until proven otherwise. Nobody else in society is treated that way, so why should athletes, especially those representing one of the “cleanest” sports on earth, be branded in this way. It is an insult to the sport and I don’t believe boxers wouldn’t accept it. You can dress it up however you like with it being for their safety. But, the sport needs to move on and forget this debacle as soon as possible if it is to survive in these current changing times with MMA ever on the increase. The worst thing that could happen is that we start losing fighters too, especially now when boxing appears to be making a comeback.

It is also likely that if prima donna boxers like Mayweather start demanding extra drug testing, then the sports governing bodies, and American state athletic commissions wont stand for being told how to do their jobs. There are already more than adequate testing procedures in boxing which is proved by the fact there is hardly ever an instance of a boxer testing positive for performance enhancing substances.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
I'm just blown away that people don't see how full of shit these guys are. GBP didn't take this stand with Shane last year. They did the opposite of what they are doing now. PBF came in the fight against JMM 20 pounds over the contracted weight on fight night. That was done by him cheating. I remember cats getting mad cause Max called him out on it. PBF cheated and people were willing to let him off the hook. But at the same time nail Manny for something no where near being proven. We all know lots of states have introduced limits on how much more weight you can gain from weigh-in to the fight. Because it is bad on the body and it can put a person in serious danger when the fight. The whole thing is insane to me. On one hand GBF promotes a (PBF) cheater, has a major business partner who is a (SHANE) cheater, and has the nerve to put a fight with the two together an act as though they care about boxing. Crazy. GBP is on some other shit.

Just last year, Golden Boy Promotions was against blood testing when one of its fighters, Shane Mosley, was asked to submit to it for a fight in Las Vegas.

Mosley, who admitted to taking designer steroids in 2003 inadvertently before a fight with Golden Boy president Oscar De La Hoya, consented to any form of drug testing before facing Zab Judah but the promoter objected.

Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer told AP at the time that he'd consent to whatever testing that was required by Nevada State Athletic Commission and nothing more. The NSAC tests urine before and after fights but not blood at random like the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

A proposed March 13 superfight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather has fallen through over Olympic-style drug testing. Mayweather wanted the Filipino to accept random blood testing by USADA. Pacquiao agreed to three tests, including two before their bout.

"Whatever tests they want them to take, Shane will submit to that. We are not going to do other tests than the Nevada commission requires," Schaefer said. "The fact is Shane is not a cheater and he does not need to be treated like one."

Judah wanted testing immediately on Mosley as well as right before and after the bout. Judah was injured before the fight could take place and it was cancelled.

Mosley, who is facing Andre Berto on Jan. 30, is a potential future opponent for Pacquiao.
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I'm just blown away that people don't see how full of shit these guys are. GBP didn't take this stand with Shane last year. They did the opposite of what they are doing now. PBF came in the fight against JMM 20 pounds over the contracted weight on fight night. That was done by him cheating. I remember cats getting mad cause Max called him out on it. PBF cheated and people were willing to let him off the hook. But at the same time nail Manny for something no where near being proven. We all know lots of states have introduced limits on how much more weight you can gain from weigh-in to the fight. Because it is bad on the body and it can put a person in serious danger when the fight. The whole thing is insane to me. On one hand GBF promotes a (PBF) cheater, has a major business partner who is a (SHANE) cheater, and has the nerve to put a fight with the two together an act as though they care about boxing. Crazy. GBP is on some other shit.

Just last year, Golden Boy Promotions was against blood testing when one of its fighters, Shane Mosley, was asked to submit to it for a fight in Las Vegas.

Mosley, who admitted to taking designer steroids in 2003 inadvertently before a fight with Golden Boy president Oscar De La Hoya, consented to any form of drug testing before facing Zab Judah but the promoter objected.

Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer told AP at the time that he'd consent to whatever testing that was required by Nevada State Athletic Commission and nothing more. The NSAC tests urine before and after fights but not blood at random like the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

A proposed March 13 superfight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather has fallen through over Olympic-style drug testing. Mayweather wanted the Filipino to accept random blood testing by USADA. Pacquiao agreed to three tests, including two before their bout.

"Whatever tests they want them to take, Shane will submit to that. We are not going to do other tests than the Nevada commission requires," Schaefer said. "The fact is Shane is not a cheater and he does not need to be treated like one."

Judah wanted testing immediately on Mosley as well as right before and after the bout. Judah was injured before the fight could take place and it was cancelled.

Mosley, who is facing Andre Berto on Jan. 30, is a potential future opponent for Pacquiao.

Apparently you like to rehash these same points over and over and you continue to misrepresent the views of those who disagree with you.

Speaking only for myself, I've always maintained that "cleaning up the sport" was not a true priority for Floyd Mayweather. When he says that, he's playing "the game". I think his first priority was to fuck with Pacquiao. Then to safeguard against his probably real concern of Pac using PEDs. He was raised in the sport so he knows the idea of petitioning commissions and state athletic boards and all would be pointless.
GB, like Arum and any other promoter, is going to adjust their position to the circumstance. We know about Shane-Judah, we've gone over it ad nauseum.
Mayweather came in 2 pounds over the agreed-upon limit for the Marquez fight and, instead of doing like the Guzmans and Castillos of the world, he alerted the JMM people in advance and worked out something. His two pounds did not affect that fight. He didn't outmuscle JMM. He didn't stand there and go toe-to-toe with JMM, like Pac did Cotto, and batter him.

Show the same willingness to call bullshit on Pacquiao, Roach, and Arum as you are Mayweather and GB. Roach publicly said he thought Cotto was spent when they chose to fight him and the 144 catchweight would drain him further. Then when Cotto refused to make it a title fight, the WBO made Pac the number 1 contender and threatened to strip him even though Pac had not ever fought as a welterweight.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
Apparently you like to rehash these same points over and over and you continue to misrepresent the views of those who disagree with you.

Speaking only for myself, I've always maintained that "cleaning up the sport" was not a true priority for Floyd Mayweather. When he says that, he's playing "the game". I think his first priority was to fuck with Pacquiao. Then to safeguard against his probably real concern of Pac using PEDs. He was raised in the sport so he knows the idea of petitioning commissions and state athletic boards and all would be pointless.
GB, like Arum and any other promoter, is going to adjust their position to the circumstance. We know about Shane-Judah, we've gone over it ad nauseum.
Mayweather came in 2 pounds over the agreed-upon limit for the Marquez fight and, instead of doing like the Guzmans and Castillos of the world, he alerted the JMM people in advance and worked out something. His two pounds did not affect that fight. He didn't outmuscle JMM. He didn't stand there and go toe-to-toe with JMM, like Pac did Cotto, and batter him.

Show the same willingness to call bullshit on Pacquiao, Roach, and Arum as you are Mayweather and GB. Roach publicly said he thought Cotto was spent when they chose to fight him and the 144 catchweight would drain him further. Then when Cotto refused to make it a title fight, the WBO made Pac the number 1 contender and threatened to strip him even though Pac had not ever fought as a welterweight.
I called Pac on his bullshit at how they did Cotto Stuff like that makes me sick. I felt like if Manny was going to fight for his belt then he should have fought at that weight. The WBO was wrong to threaten to strip him. But he signed the contract. He could have said no. Like Manny did to PBF. The weight issue PBF had was much bigger than the two pounds. The weight difference the next of the fight was 20 pounds. And it is cheating what he did.
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I called Pac on his bullshit at how they did Cotto Stuff like that makes me sick. I felt like if Manny was going to fight for his belt then he should have fought at that weight. The WBO was wrong to threaten to strip him. But he signed the contract. He could have said no. Like Manny did to PBF. The weight issue PBF had was much bigger than the two pounds. The weight difference the next of the fight was 20 pounds. And it is cheating what he did.

Cotto did say "no" and they threatened to strip him. He foolishly thought/thinks the WBO title means anything. Them stripping him would have made them look bad, not him. That's a failure of management seemingly.

Floyd Mayweather did not outweigh JMM by 20 pounds. That would make him 167 (he paid him for two). He had to stretch to make 150 to fight DLH. If you want to call it "cheating" (no else does) that's fine but at least be accurate.

Ruff Ryder

This is why they have state boxing commissions, fight by the rules set forth by the boxing commission, no more, no less.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
This is why they have state boxing commissions, fight by the rules set forth by the boxing commission, no more, no less.

That type of simplicity doesn't work in the real world with real money involved.
The commissions, especially in Nevada, are corrupt as hell and have little regard for fighters.
Every fight is fought under terms negotiated by the two fighters and their management. This isn't the NBA or NFL with one overarching governing body and long and short term contracts. Fighters are true independent contractors. Everything is negotiable, from weight, to ring size, to glove size to where we fight to the purse split.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That type of simplicity doesn't work in the real world with real money involved.
The commissions, especially in Nevada, are corrupt as hell and have little regard for fighters.
Every fight is fought under terms negotiated by the two fighters and their management. This isn't the NBA or NFL with one overarching governing body and long and short term contracts. Fighters are true independent contractors. Everything is negotiable, from weight, to ring size, to glove size to where we fight to the purse split.

In light of that, can you explain what the commissions do? Why do the commissions even exist?

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
The Nevada Athletic Commission, also known as the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC), also known as the Nevada State Commission (NSRC), regulates all contests and exhibitions of unarmed combat within the state of Nevada, including licensure and supervision of promoters, boxers, kickboxers, mixed martial arts fighters, seconds, ring officials, managers, and matchmakers. The commission is the final authority on licensing matters, having the ability to approve, deny, revoke, or suspend all licenses for unarmed combat. Because of Nevada's role as a center for combat sports, the NSAC is regarded as the preeminent state athletic commission in the United States.[citation needed]

The commission, which is an agency of the Nevada Department of Business & Industry, is made up of five part-time members, each of whom is appointed by the Governor for a three year term. The chairman is elected annually by the commission members. The current chairman is Bill D. Brady. The other members are Raymond "Skip" Avansino, Jr., John R. Bailey, T.J. Day, Pat Lundvall and Francisco "Cisco" Aguilar.

The commission appoints an executive director to conduct the day-to-day operations of the commission. The executive director does not have a vote on actions taken by the commission. The current executive director is Keith Kizer. In addition to the executive director, the commission has a staff of four full-time employees. The office of the Attorney General serves as legal counsel to the commission.

Along with collecting fees from the sale of tickets, and the sale or lease of radio, television, and motion picture rights, the commission works with the venues that host events throughout the state. The responsibilities of the commission also include ruling in disciplinary cases, and arbitrating disputes between combatants and managers brought pursuant to Nevada Administrative Code § 467.102(4). Additionally, the commission is charged with the responsibility of promulgating regulations to implement and enforce the state laws governing unarmed combat.

For all main event championship bouts and special events, the commission must approve the contest, and must assign the judges and referee to work the contest. In all other contest or exhibitions, the executive director is responsible for assigning the judges and referees, approving each bout, ensuring that a contestant is not on suspension status in Nevada or another jurisdiction, and determining that a contestant is not being mismatched with a superior opponent.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
In light of that, can you explain what the commissions do? Why do the commissions even exist?

The Nevada Athletic Commission, also known as the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC), also known as the Nevada State Commission (NSRC), regulates all contests and exhibitions of unarmed combat within the state of Nevada, including licensure and supervision of promoters, boxers, kickboxers, mixed martial arts fighters, seconds, ring officials, managers, and matchmakers. The commission is the final authority on licensing matters, having the ability to approve, deny, revoke, or suspend all licenses for unarmed combat. Because of Nevada's role as a center for combat sports, the NSAC is regarded as the preeminent state athletic commission in the United States.[citation needed]

The commission, which is an agency of the Nevada Department of Business & Industry, is made up of five part-time members, each of whom is appointed by the Governor for a three year term. The chairman is elected annually by the commission members. The current chairman is Bill D. Brady. The other members are Raymond "Skip" Avansino, Jr., John R. Bailey, T.J. Day, Pat Lundvall and Francisco "Cisco" Aguilar.

The commission appoints an executive director to conduct the day-to-day operations of the commission. The executive director does not have a vote on actions taken by the commission. The current executive director is Keith Kizer. In addition to the executive director, the commission has a staff of four full-time employees. The office of the Attorney General serves as legal counsel to the commission.

Along with collecting fees from the sale of tickets, and the sale or lease of radio, television, and motion picture rights, the commission works with the venues that host events throughout the state. The responsibilities of the commission also include ruling in disciplinary cases, and arbitrating disputes between combatants and managers brought pursuant to Nevada Administrative Code § 467.102(4). Additionally, the commission is charged with the responsibility of promulgating regulations to implement and enforce the state laws governing unarmed combat.

For all main event championship bouts and special events, the commission must approve the contest, and must assign the judges and referee to work the contest. In all other contest or exhibitions, the executive director is responsible for assigning the judges and referees, approving each bout, ensuring that a contestant is not on suspension status in Nevada or another jurisdiction, and determining that a contestant is not being mismatched with a superior opponent.

That's what they do but the bold part is where the conflict is and why I say they care nothing about boxers or boxing.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Mayweather has moved on. The Pacquiao people are mad because evidently the agreement by Mosley to random blood testing is vindicating Mayweather's position. It quashes all the excuses Pacquiao used used to acoid being tested.

Additionally, the fact that Mayweather could get a bigger fight, against a bigger name opponent for more money is pissing off Arum and his cohorts.

What if Joshua Clottey rains on the parade and knocks out Pacquiao???

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
boxing is a business

No doubt but it's a corrupt one and always has been. So when someone says simple like "they should just fight under the rules as they are and nothing more" or "why didn't Floyd just go to the commission if he wants to clean up the sport" they talk like state athletic commissions, particularly Nevada, would be a willing partner in anything that might affect them or their hotel/casino masters.

Help me out here, are any of you defending the honor of state athletic commissions?

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
Mayweather has moved on. The Pacquiao people are mad because evidently the agreement by Mosley to random blood testing is vindicating Mayweather's position. It quashes all the excuses Pacquiao used used to acoid being tested.

Additionally, the fact that Mayweather could get a bigger fight, against a bigger name opponent for more money is pissing off Arum and his cohorts.

What if Joshua Clottey rains on the parade and knocks out Pacquiao???

well you guys make me laugh. first, manny moved on cause he ended the fight and is suing pbf/gbp. manny fans are not upset from what i hear. if any reason they are upset is because they felt their man was going to kick pbf's ass. i don't think anyone cause kick pbf's ass. he is to defensive of a fighter. you have to open up to be put in that position. but i have been wrong before. vernon whopped shane's ass the first fight. but that was cause shane wasn't used to adversity. either way we will see. the only thing about manny and pbf's fans i can say for sure is that both fans blame each others fighter for the fight failing.

lol, dude I don't care about how much money they make. I am sure they only care how much they make when they are fighting.

And really what parade will be rained on if joshua wins? it is all about great fights and history. I'm indifferent about who wins most fights.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
lol, dude I don't care about how much money they make. I am sure they only care how much they make when they are fighting.

And really what parade will be rained on if joshua wins? it is all about great fights and history. I'm indifferent about who wins most fights.

Some of these guys think they're watching a soap opera or reading some comic book where they must defend their favorite hero to the death or something.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Support BGOL
Some of these guys think they're watching a soap opera or reading some comic book where they must defend their favorite hero to the death or something.

lol, I know. I think I only cared about the winner of a few fights in my life.

wilfredo benitez vs sugar ray - benitez cause he was my first favorite fighter.

hearns vs sugar - I'm a kronk gym fan and hated sugar ray. the hitman was my favorite fighter during this era

duran vs sugar ray - I hated leonard

hagler vs sugar ray - I hated leonard

Spinks vs homes - I liked spinks a lot

the middleweight tourney cause I wanted tito and bhop to fight. and i was for hopkins cause he was from my hometown and he was better than any franchise we have in that city

that's it. most were when i was a kid and teen. i am just a fan of the sport.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
well you guys make me laugh. first, manny moved on cause he ended the fight and is suing pbf/gbp. manny fans are not upset from what i hear. if any reason they are upset is because they felt their man was going to kick pbf's ass. i don't think anyone cause kick pbf's ass. he is to defensive of a fighter. you have to open up to be put in that position. but i have been wrong before. vernon whopped shane's ass the first fight. but that was cause shane wasn't used to adversity. either way we will see. the only thing about manny and pbf's fans i can say for sure is that both fans blame each others fighter for the fight failing.

lol, dude I don't care about how much money they make. I am sure they only care how much they make when they are fighting.

And really what parade will be rained on if joshua wins? it is all about great fights and history. I'm indifferent about who wins most fights.

What parade? There are a lot of people hoping and praying that Pac handles Clottey. Josh is good but Manny is an A lister and puts butts in seats and people in suites. Manny loses this one, a lot of people are going to be sick. Floyd losing to Shane wouldn't be so bad since Shane is a HoF'er and a decent draw.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What parade? There are a lot of people hoping and praying that Pac handles Clottey. Josh is good but Manny is an A lister and puts butts in seats and people in suites. Manny loses this one, a lot of people are going to be sick. Floyd losing to Shane wouldn't be so bad since Shane is a HoF'er and a decent draw.

I don't think Manny would suffer much if he lost to Clottey because people already knows he loses sometimes or has lost. With Floyd, it would definitely be bad because all he yaps about is how undefeated he is and the rap on him whether justified or not is that he avoids the best challenges in his division and faces undersized guys. If Mosley beats the hell out of him, it will just confirm for a lot of people that Floyd was ducking people and was overrated all along. If Manny loses, people will say he was a smallish guy coming from strawweight or whatever weight it was and that he had balls to be fighting guys like Clottey in the first place.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I don't think Manny would suffer much if he lost to Clottey because people already knows he loses sometimes or has lost. With Floyd, it would definitely be bad because all he yaps about is how undefeated he is and the rap on him whether justified or not is that he avoids the best challenges in his division and faces undersized guys. If Mosley beats the hell out of him, it will just confirm for a lot of people that Floyd was ducking people and was overrated all along. If Manny loses, people will say he was a smallish guy coming from strawweight or whatever weight it was and that he had balls to be fighting guys like Clottey in the first place.

I fervently disagree on Manny-Clottey. That may be true of hardcore fans, who know Josh is a good fighter but many of the casual fans that have jumped on the bandwagon wouldn't see it the same way. Clottey, to them, is the sacrificial lamb to make up for them not getting Mayweather.

But my point is from a promoter/casino/hotel owner in Vegas' perspective, a Manny loss would be horribly disheartening. Floyd loses to Shane, you can still promote Shane vs. Pac or a rematch between Shane and Floyd. Pac loses to Clottey and you're stuck. Clottey has no crossover and a small following. Clottey/Mayweather or Clottey/Mosley has no pull except to the most diehard followers of boxing. While those matchups would still be very profitable, they wouldn't be nearly as profitable as if Pacquiao was in the mix.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I fervently disagree on Manny-Clottey. That may be true of hardcore fans, who know Josh is a good fighter but many of the casual fans that have jumped on the bandwagon wouldn't see it the same way. Clottey, to them, is the sacrificial lamb to make up for them not getting Mayweather.

But my point is from a promoter/casino/hotel owner in Vegas' perspective, a Manny loss would be horribly disheartening. Floyd loses to Shane, you can still promote Shane vs. Pac or a rematch between Shane and Floyd. Pac loses to Clottey and you're stuck. Clottey has no crossover and a small following. Clottey/Mayweather or Clottey/Mosley has no pull except to the most diehard followers of boxing. While those matchups would still be very profitable, they wouldn't be nearly as profitable as if Pacquiao was in the mix.

Even if Clottey won, the promoters wouldn't be stuck having to worry about whether he would cross over or not because they'd be thinking about putting Pac in those big fights regardless of whether he lost or not. It's not like a Clottey win means he takes Pac's place anywhere. Pac's still in the mix even if he loses. Just like Judah losing to Baldomir and almost getting knocked out in the process. He still got the big fight with Mayweather. Recently Jones gets knocked out in the first round and he's still in a big fight in his very next match and getting purse parity to boot. Actually, I'm surprised Hopkins accepted 50/50 but that's another story.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Even if Clottey won, the promoters wouldn't be stuck having to worry about whether he would cross over or not because they'd be thinking about putting Pac in those big fights regardless of whether he lost or not. It's not like a Clottey win means he takes Pac's place anywhere. Pac's still in the mix even if he loses. Just like Judah losing to Baldomir and almost getting knocked out in the process. He still got the big fight with Mayweather. Recently Jones gets knocked out in the first round and he's still in a big fight in his very next match and getting purse parity to boot. Actually, I'm surprised Hopkins accepted 50/50 but that's another story.

Different circumstances in both cases. Judah-Mayweather was already a (practically) done deal and Judah still possessed the IBF welterweight title. Jones and Hopkins will still fight but that has almost two decades of wait behind it and, due to Jones' ko loss, no longer has the same buzz it did previously.
Arum would still try to factor in Pacquiao but, coming off a loss to a (good) journeyman, would impact his credibility to those casual fans that just heard of him when he knocked out DLH and Ricky Hatton, especially against the winner of Mayweather-Mosley.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Different circumstances in both cases. Judah-Mayweather was already a (practically) done deal and Judah still possessed the IBF welterweight title. Jones and Hopkins will still fight but that has almost two decades of wait behind it and, due to Jones' ko loss, no longer has the same buzz it did previously.
Arum would still try to factor in Pacquiao but, coming off a loss to a (good) journeyman, would impact his credibility to those casual fans that just heard of him when he knocked out DLH and Ricky Hatton, especially against the winner of Mayweather-Mosley.

Different circumstances but it's all the same to me. I think Pac is so big now that he'd need at least two crushing losses in a row against whoever to slip in popularity. Anyway, yet another high profile boxer states he wants to fight Manny without all the testing nonsense:

You guys that defend Floyd tend to repeat this stuff about now Pac is doomed for not giving in to Mayweather's demands, no one will want to fight him without requiring tests, etc, etc, but all the evidence points to the contrary because in the real world, nobody gives a fuck about the allegations. The fans want big fights and the fighters want to make as much money as they can against whoever.


Valero is high profile:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:. Who has he fought to be high profile? He is another hungry nigga(who most people don't know) trying to get a big payday....:lol: