Who should Obama pick to replace Justice Ginsburg on the Supreme Court?


BGOL Investor
Hate to talk about death of someone who isnt dead yet, but her cancer is deadly. Obama needs to start thinking about a replacement. He needs to pick a young cat.. since its a lifetime nomination.

Any ideas on who he should pick?


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Leah Sears


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Hate to talk about death of someone who isnt dead yet, but her cancer is deadly. Obama needs to start thinking about a replacement. He needs to pick a young cat.. since its a lifetime nomination.

Any ideas on who he should pick?


If Obama becomes president, his first nominee to the Supreme Court will likely be Sonia Sotomayor. As a Hispanic woman with 16 years of court experience, Sotomayor would slay two of the court's lack-of-diversity birds with one swift stone. "These are criteria that matter these days. Even Laura Bush was disappointed that her husband didn't name a woman to replace Sandra Day O'Connor," says Mark Tushnet, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Harvard. And because Sotomayor has a reputation for staying behind the scenes and sits on a federal bench known for its centrism, it's likely that she would be able to garner a two-thirds majority in the Senate, even if the Democrats only control an estimated 55 or so seats. Plus there's an insurance measure if the nomination gets too politicized publicly: Sotomayor was appointed to the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in 1992 by President George H. W. Bush. Says Tushnet, "If you're a Democratic strategist, you can gin up ads that say, 'She was good enough for George H. W. Bush. Why isn't she good enough for Mitch McConnell?' "

In her rulings, Sotomayor has often shown suspicion of bloated government and corporate power. She's offered a reinterpretation of copyright law, ruled in favor of public access to private information, and in her most famous decision, sided with labor in the Major League Baseball strike of 1995. More than anything else, she is seen as a realist. With a likely 20 years ahead on the bench, she'll have plenty of time to impart her realist philosophy.



i personally like this pick.


BGOL Investor
Promote Eric Holder from AG and render Coon Thomas obsolete i mean not like he ever mattered anyway


Rising Star
Read this article shortly pre-cancer... I would like more of a "lion" myself and the info presented on how conservative the court has grown is disturbing... The author's dramatic shift in the conclusion, where he says a lion wouldn't push the Court into the future, is not supported and I think that's exactly what is needed.

I Need a Hero
Seeking a bomb-throwing, passionate, visionary, liberal Scalia for a seat on the Supreme Court.
By Dahlia Lithwick
Posted Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2009, at 7:04 PM ET

Folks are wondering what kind of thumbprint Barack Obama should be leaving on the U.S. Supreme Court. It's hardly a theoretical question. Justice John Paul Stevens will soon be 89. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 75. And while both have insisted they aren't going anyplace anytime soon, the rumor mill continues to whisper that Justice David Souter (a mere 'tween at 69) is also thinking about packing it in.

The prospect of a liberal slot on the court being filled by a liberal president has some liberals dreaming big—as was evidenced in a piece last weekend, by Adam Liptak, asking whether President Obama should appoint someone "who by historical standards is a full-throated liberal, a lion like Justice William J. Brennan Jr. or Justice Thurgood Marshall?"

Today's high court is balanced between four conservatives and four moderate liberals. Moderate-conservative Anthony Kennedy remains the deciding vote in hotly contested cases. But liberals have long fussed that despite this 4-1-4 lineup, the court has still lurched far to the right of mainstream American thinking. One of the most vocal proponents of this view is Harvard's Cass Sunstein, who wrote in 2007 of a massive rightward tilt at the high court: "What was once on the extreme right is now merely conservative. What was once conservative is now centrist. What was centrist is now left wing. What was once on the left no longer exists." To those who doubt that the court is now more conservative than ever, a study (co-authored by Richard Posner) last year showed that four of the five most conservative justices to serve on the court since 1937 are sitting on the current Supreme Court.

But beneath the claims that the court has shifted radically rightward with each successive appointment lurks the sense that the remaining liberals have somehow let us down. Right or wrong, critics continue to insist that even though each team has four players, they have the lions and we have the Aristocats. The University of Chicago's Geoffrey Stone describes the current court as "flying on one wing." As parlor games go, What's Wrong With the Liberals of the Roberts Court? only gets you so far. As Liptak's article makes plain, beyond vague assertions that the court's liberals are just too, well, Jarlsberg-on-mayo-on-white, it's never clear what seems to be lacking there. Indeed, the most consistent aspect of the liberal grousing about the court is that there is no left-wing counterpart for Justice Antonin Scalia.

This longing for a Scalia is often cast in purely acoustic terms. Liberals evidently want someone loud. Here's Geoffrey Stone telling Liptak that he's looking for "a really powerful, articulate, moral, passionate voice on the left." Nan Aron, president of the Alliance for Justice, echoed that wish when she told the Los Angeles Times: "I think Obama would want to make a statement with his Supreme Court justices. We hope for a justice who can replace the lost voice of an Earl Warren or Thurgood Marshall or William Brennan." And my colleague Emily Bazelon has also asked for more noise from the left: "The goal should be to find someone who can speak with a roar that matches Scalia's."

This yearning for a more powerful progressive voice at the court itself encompasses several distinct criticisms. The first is that the court's liberals are just not very persuasive. As Stone explained to Liptak, what's missing at the court is someone to "pull the other justices who are inclined to be sympathetic to that voice in that direction." Why, in other words, can't Ginsburg or Souter just get Justice Kennedy on speed dial? Whether they persuade by the force of their personality, a la Brennan; or their life story, a la Marshall; or their browbeating analysis, a la Scalia, the big justices tend to be the ones with the big ideas. Once in a while, Breyer or Ginsburg has a big idea. But for the most part, the court's liberals work the law as if they were working a crossword puzzle, "Um. Honey, what's a seven-letter word for 'suspend the right of habeas corpus'?"

It's sometimes said that in addition to being voiceless, or at least librarian-voiced, the court's liberals cannot see big. Thus we often hear that the court's liberals lack a revelatory constitutional vision. Sunstein, for instance, once lamented the "absence of anything like a heroic vision on the court's left." He writes longingly of Marshall and Brennan as "the Court's visionaries, offering a large-scale sense of where constitutional law should move." What Scalia has always done so much more effectively than anyone else at the court is sell his view of originalism and textualism. He has a coherent interpretive rulebook to which he almost always adheres. Oh, and he can explain it in 60 seconds on 60 Minutes.

Yet others have suggested that what's been lost at the left pole of the court is not grand vision but heat. The only difference between Scalia's originalism and Breyer's active liberty is that Scalia believes originalism will save us all, whereas Breyer thinks active liberty is, well, pretty darn neat. Joan Biskupic made this point about oral argument almost two years ago, noting that "when it comes to dramatic flair, the conservative duo of Roberts and Scalia has no counterpart among the four justices in the court's liberal wing." The liberals, she wrote, have "distinct styles, from polite yet pointed (Stevens) to professorial and rambling (Breyer)." But, she wrote, "they rarely come close to displaying the passion, intensity and frequency of questions of the conservative pair."

If, then, we're totting up all the qualities the current court's liberals ostensibly lack, we'd need to blend boldness with passion and persuasiveness with volume and then hope the next candidate also comes with some sort of just-add-water Sweeping Constitutional Vision kit. Preferably this persuasive, passionate constitutional bomb-thrower is also a woman, and, with any luck, an African-American or Latina or Asian-American as well. Putting it all together, it's hard to come up with even one Scalia-like candidate, although some cross between Rachel Maddow and Emma Goldman sounds like a good start.

My own guess is that moderate, centrist Barack Obama is unlikely to name any such creature to the high court, even if she did exist, and that we need to yank our wish list out from under the enormous shadow cast by Antonin Scalia, William Brennan, and Thurgood Marshall, anyhow. Yes, they are forces of nature, and the court is a better place for having each of them. But pining for a liberal Scalia isn't the way to push the Roberts Court into the future. The day of the lions may be ending at the court. And that might not be a terrible thing.



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Richard Posner is too smart for his own good and will probably never sit on the supreme court. If Obama had some space in between the Richardson and Dashalle flubs he might be able to pull it off but I don't think it will happen, plus he is already like 70


1 of the few blk men on this board
BGOL Investor
I think Justice Souter wants to retire as well. You can only get robbed by a nigga so many times before you start clammering for the good life in New Hampshire.


Rising Star
I think Justice Souter wants to retire as well. You can only get robbed by a nigga so many times before you start clammering for the good life in New Hampshire.
Why can't Thomas be talking about retirement? He and Scalia are going to wait Obama out and the two Bush appointees are young... It would probably take another Democratic president to actually tilt the Court...


Support BGOL
Richard Posner is too smart for his own good and will probably never sit on the supreme court. If Obama had some space in between the Richardson and Dashalle flubs he might be able to pull it off but I don't think it will happen, plus he is already like 70

I'd love to see Posner on there but it'll never happen. He should have been on there years ago.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
What a selfish stubborn bitch she was to allow the chance that Trump makes this decision.

I fucking knew it was you when I saw this old ass thread .... RBG's body ain't even cold yet.... and you wonder why you stay getting flamed..... I bet you're mad as hell that you didn't start this thread.... but you're damn sure keep it going now..... :smh:



Rembrandt Brown

I bet you're mad as hell that you didn't start this thread.... but you're damn sure keep it going now..... :smh:

What an odd thing to say.

I fucking knew it was you when I saw this old ass thread .... RBG's body ain't even cold yet.... and you wonder why you stay getting flamed.....

I've been saying she was a selfish immoral person for years. Her body was presumably warm most of this time. Why should I say something different now that the chickens have come home to roost?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
She held on because She basically thought Hilly was going to appoint her replacement, and found out the hard way that fat meat is greasy.

Man, I was googling some of this shit about her retiring. She was on some bullshit. Talking about she wanted to break the tenure record some of some judge and take it year-to-year. Then saying 'who can they get to replace her?' Folks were warning this can happen YEARS ago, yet we got folks blaming the American voters for this shit. There is a history of judges taking one for the team so that they can be replaced, but she didn't want to because of 'sexism.' The fucking person she replaced actually retired so Clinton could get a judge.

All this shit could have been avoided. :smh: She was already fucking 76 in 2009. Sheer fucking arrogance and being selfish. So by being such a stubborn, bullheaded, arrogant ass, she risking everything she stood for. Checkers, not chess.