"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Rising Star
OG Investor
how reliable is this source? because im seeing less than 40,000 cases and less than 700 deaths today

The source is John Hopkins University. The news media organizations used them as a source before the covid tracking project started up.

CNN is still using them as a source.

Taking a quick look at the numbers from the Washington post, it looks like their numbers during the week are very similar to John Hopkins' numbers. It's the weekends where the numbers start to differ significantly. Weekend reporting is always crazy so they probably have different ways of gathering the data for the weekends.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
what do you think about the Hagler death? And the fact are that the CDC has reported over 1600 deaths in people who have taken the vaccine, also none of the vaccines are approved by the FDA they are only approve for emergency use.
I am not understanding what some of you trying to get at. 25 million cases of Covid with 500,000 plus deaths. 102 million doses and reported 1600 unconfirmed deaths.

How can you say herd immunity is the better option?

Then the consistent misinformation. A direct quote from the CDC. You lied and tried to make it seem like there were 1600 deaths. My question is why?

  • FDA requires vaccination providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.
  • Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.
  • CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.
  • To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.
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Jes McKenzie

what do you think about the Hagler death? And the fact are that the CDC has reported over 1600 deaths in people who have taken the vaccine, also none of the vaccines are approved by the FDA they are only approve for emergency use.
Hey @egatsby dont even try to run that by him.Him is handicap special.He doesnt understand what EUA Emergency Use Autorization means.Its means simply what it means,the FDA didnt approved the drug for safety but they gave it a go ahead for Emergency authorization use only.Dont explain it to him,because He really doesnt want to understand.he is shocked and in denial,because him handicap special.:lol:

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Rising Star
53,215 new cases
1,725 deaths

I am not understanding what some of you trying to get at. 25 million cases of Covid with 500,000 plus deaths. 102 million doses and reported 1600 unconfirmed deaths.

How can you say herd immunity is the better option?

Then the consistent misinformation. A direct quote from the CDC. You lied and tried to make it seem like there were 1600 deaths. My question is why?

  • FDA requires vaccination providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.
  • Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.
  • CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.
  • To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.

Nothing about what I said is a lie im offended that you are calling me one. 1600 people dying after taking the vaccine is a FACT. The question is is that a coincidence, natural causes or due to effects from the vaccine. The 1600 deaths is a FACT. I also said in a prior post is its up to each of us to decide which risk we are more comfortable with the option of taking a vaccine were a very small percentage of people have died(no matter the cause) after taken or the possibility that you may get covid which kills a very small percentage of people. Please dont tell me im a liar again im only in search of the truth.

Jes McKenzie

Nothing about what I said is a lie im offended that you are calling me one. 1600 people dying after taking the vaccine is a FACT. The question is is that a coincidence, natural causes or due to effects from the vaccine. The 1600 deaths is a FACT. I also said in a prior post is its up to each of us to decide which risk we are more comfortable with the option of taking a vaccine were a very small percentage of people have died(no matter the cause) after taken or the possibility that you may get covid which kills a very small percentage of people. Please dont tell me im a liar again im only in search of the truth.
sixteen hundred.......are you fucking kidding me bro.Its probably way more than that.Thats just barely even scratching the surface.Then we hadnt even begun talking about the adverse reaction part,we havent even begun talking about the severe allergic adverse reactions yet..Vaers count those numbers in as well.A majority of the time when a person has a adverse reaction from a full dose vaccination its gonna be minor more so than severe depending on what kind of vaccine you take ,those can range from internal organ damage via kidney,immune system,heart,liver and lungs etc,etc.Imma give a generous truth number if you were to ask me my opinion.If you were to include all adverse reactions and deaths with the numbers going back to December,2020 after the initial rollout. you would have at least 15,000 and climbing right now.and thats just being generous.So no wonder why they are trying to silence Facebook,Twitter,youtube and all social media platforms.No wonder why if you critisize the vaccine you will get your account suspended on these platforms.I see why now.They are trying to promote this vaccine to the fullest.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nothing about what I said is a lie im offended that you are calling me one. 1600 people dying after taking the vaccine is a FACT. The question is is that a coincidence, natural causes or due to effects from the vaccine. The 1600 deaths is a FACT. I also said in a prior post is its up to each of us to decide which risk we are more comfortable with the option of taking a vaccine were a very small percentage of people have died(no matter the cause) after taken or the possibility that you may get covid which kills a very small percentage of people. Please dont tell me im a liar again im only in search of the truth.
It says it right on the CDC site that if anyone who has taken the vaccine and passed away, it must be reported so that they can investigate if the vaccine was related. That is only done as a precautionary. Saying that 1600 died after taking the vaccine without clarifying is possibly providing misinformation


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
sixteen hundred.......are you fucking kidding me bro.Its probably way more than that.Thats just barely even scratching the surface.Then we hadnt even begun talking about the adverse reaction part,we havent even begun talking about the severe allergic adverse reactions yet..Vaers count those numbers in as well.A majority of the time when a person has a adverse reaction from a full dose vaccination its gonna be minor more so than severe depending on what kind of vaccine you take ,those can range from internal organ damage via kidney,immune system,heart,liver and lungs etc,etc.Imma give a generous truth number if you were to ask me my opinion.If you were to include all adverse reactions and deaths with the numbers going back to December,2020 after the initial rollout. you would have at least 15,000 and climbing right now.and thats just being generous.So no wonder why they are trying to silence Facebook,Twitter,youtube and all social media platforms.No wonder why if you critisize the vaccine you will get your account suspended on these platforms.I see why now.They are trying to promote this vaccine to the fullest.
So the entire world is hiding vaccine deaths?

Jes McKenzie



Italy prosecutors seize batch of AstraZeneca vaccine after death of man
Mon, March 15, 2021, 10:20 AM·1 min read

ROME (Reuters) - Prosecutors in the northern Italian region of Piedmont said on Monday they had seized a batch of 393,600 shots of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine following the death of a man hours after he had received a jab.

The move represents another blow to the image of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Italy and will further hinder the government's anti-coronavirus inoculation campaign.

On Sunday Piedmont's regional government suspended use of the batch, ABV5811, after Sandro Tognatti, a 57-year-old music teacher, fell ill and died in circumstances that have not yet been clarified.

Magistrates in Sicily ordered the seizure of a separate batch of AstraZeneca vaccine last week following the sudden deaths of two men who had recently been inoculated.

The Italian government has said there was no evidence of a connection between the deaths and the jabs and has allowed the AstraZeneca vaccine to continue to be administered.

By contrast, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have all suspended use of the vaccine following blot-clotting issues, some of them fatal, in people who had used it.

Tognatti had his shot on Saturday afternoon, his wife told Italian newspapers. He developed a high temperature during the night and felt ill again on Sunday morning. An ambulance was called, but he died shortly afterwards.

"It is therefore important to ensure that continued administration of the drug throughout the country does not lead to further consequences (harmful or fatal) ... until we are completely sure that (Tognatti's) death cannot be attributed to the above-mentioned inoculation," prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio said in a statement.

(Reporting by Emilio Parodi and Angelo Amante, writing by Gavin Jones and Crispian Balmer; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Italy prosecutors seize batch of AstraZeneca vaccine after death of man
Mon, March 15, 2021, 10:20 AM·1 min read

ROME (Reuters) - Prosecutors in the northern Italian region of Piedmont said on Monday they had seized a batch of 393,600 shots of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine following the death of a man hours after he had received a jab.

The move represents another blow to the image of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Italy and will further hinder the government's anti-coronavirus inoculation campaign.

On Sunday Piedmont's regional government suspended use of the batch, ABV5811, after Sandro Tognatti, a 57-year-old music teacher, fell ill and died in circumstances that have not yet been clarified.

Magistrates in Sicily ordered the seizure of a separate batch of AstraZeneca vaccine last week following the sudden deaths of two men who had recently been inoculated.

The Italian government has said there was no evidence of a connection between the deaths and the jabs and has allowed the AstraZeneca vaccine to continue to be administered.

By contrast, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have all suspended use of the vaccine following blot-clotting issues, some of them fatal, in people who had used it.

Tognatti had his shot on Saturday afternoon, his wife told Italian newspapers. He developed a high temperature during the night and felt ill again on Sunday morning. An ambulance was called, but he died shortly afterwards.

"It is therefore important to ensure that continued administration of the drug throughout the country does not lead to further consequences (harmful or fatal) ... until we are completely sure that (Tognatti's) death cannot be attributed to the above-mentioned inoculation," prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio said in a statement.

(Reporting by Emilio Parodi and Angelo Amante, writing by Gavin Jones and Crispian Balmer; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

The US has not authorized this. And is it two hard to give the true reason they temporarily paused this? Or would that go against your misinformation agenda?

Jes McKenzie


UPDATE 1-Dutch watchdog reports 10 cases of possible thrombosis after AstraZeneca vaccine

  • More content below

Mon, March 15, 2021, 5:36 AM·2 min read

AMSTERDAM, March 15 (Reuters) - The Netherlands has seen 10 cases of noteworthy adverse side effects from AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, a Dutch drug watchdog said on Monday, hours after the government put its vaccination programme on hold following reports of possible unexpected side effects in other countries.

The Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb said in a statement that 10 cases of reported side effects seen with the vaccine in the Netherlands included cases of possible thrombosis or embolisms, but none of the cases also included a lowered number of platelets, as has been reported reported in Denmark and Norway.

The Dutch government announced shortly before midnight on Sunday that it was halting use of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Its decision came hours before the Dutch began casting votes in a national election seen as a referendum on the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The decision meant 43,000 vaccination appointments would be cancelled at short notice, the country's health authorities said.

European vaccination programmes have been upset in the last two weeks by reports that recipients of the AstraZeneca inoculation have suffered blood clots.

The European Medicines Agency has said there is no indication that the events were caused by the vaccination, a view that was echoed by the World Health Organization on Friday.

The Dutch vaccination programme got off to a slow start, but hoped to catch up using the Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna vaccines, and later the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. AstraZeneca, however, was to have accounted for 30% of 4.3 million vaccinations through April 15.

The Dutch health ministry said it hoped to resume vaccinations with AstraZeneca within several weeks, describing the halt as a "pause" taken only as a precaution.

"I hope (the halt will last) no longer than a couple of weeks, because we need vaccines to be able to put this nasty period behind us," Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said on an early morning talk show.

The move follows a report that health workers in Norway who had recently received the vaccine were being treated in hospital for bleeding, blood clots and a low count of blood platelets.

The Netherlands has pre-ordered 12 million doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine.

AstraZeneca said on Sunday a review of safety data of people vaccinated with its COVID-19 vaccine had shown no evidence of an increased risk of blood clots.

Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Iceland and Thailand have halted use of AstraZeneca's vaccine over blood clotting concerns. Italy's northern region of Piedmont on Sunday said it would stop using a batch of AstraZeneca vaccines after a teacher died following his vaccination on Saturday, while Austria also stopped using a particular batch last week.


Jes McKenzie


US prison guards refusing vaccine despite COVID-19 outbreaks
By NICOLE LEWIS of The Marshall Project and MICHAEL R. SISAK of The Associated Press

A Florida correctional officer polled his colleagues earlier this year in a private Facebook group: “Will you take the COVID-19 vaccine if offered?”

The answer from more than half: “Hell no.” Only 40 of the 475 respondents said yes.

In Massachusetts, more than half the people employed by the Department of Correction declined to be immunized. A statewide survey in California showed that half of all correction employees will wait to be vaccinated. In Rhode Island, prison staff have refused the vaccine at higher rates than the incarcerated, according to medical director Dr. Justin Berk. And in Iowa, early polling among employees showed a little more than half the staff said they’d get vaccinated.

As states have begun COVID-19 inoculations at prisons across the country, corrections employees are refusing vaccines at alarming rates, causing some public health experts to worry about the prospect of controlling the pandemic both inside and outside. Infection rates in prisons are more than three times as high as in the general public. Prison staff helped accelerate outbreaks by refusing to wear masks, downplaying people’s symptoms, and haphazardly enforcing social distancing and hygiene protocols in confined, poorly ventilated spaces ripe for viral spread.
This story is a collaboration between The Associated Press and The Marshall Project exploring the state of the prison system in the coronavirus pandemic. Nicole Lewis, Beth Schwartzapfel and Tom Meagher reported for The Marshall Project.


The Marshall Project and The Associated Press spoke with correctional officers and union leaders nationwide, as well as with public health experts and doctors working inside prisons, to understand why officers are declining to be vaccinated, despite being at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. Many employees spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared they would lose their jobs if they spoke out.

In December and January, at least 37 prison systems began to offer vaccines to their employees, particularly front-line correctional officers and those who work in health care. More than 106,000 prison employees in 29 systems, including the Federal Bureau of Prisons, have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data compiled by The Marshall Project and The Associated Press since December. And some states are not tracking employees who get vaccinated in a community setting such as a clinic or pharmacy.

Still, some correctional officers are refusing the vaccine because they fear both short- and long-term side effects of the immunizations. Others have embraced conspiracy theories about the vaccine. Distrust of the prison administration and its handling of the virus has also discouraged officers from being immunized. In some instances, correctional officers said they would rather be fired than be vaccinated.

The resistance to the vaccine is not unique to correctional officers. Health care workers, caretakers in nursing homes and police officers — who have witnessed the worst effects of the pandemic — have declined to be vaccinated at unexpectedly high rates.

The refusal of prison workers to take the vaccine threatens to undermine efforts to control the pandemic both inside and outside of prisons, according to public health experts. Prisons are coronavirus hot spots, so when staff move between the prisons and their home communities after work, they create a pathway for the virus to spread. More than 388,000 incarcerated people and 105,000 staff members have contracted the coronavirus over the last year. In states like Michigan, Kansas and Arizona, that’s meant 1 in 3 staff members have been infected. In Maine, the state with the lowest infection rate, 1 in 20 staff members tested positive for COVID-19. Nationwide, those infections proved fatal for 2,474 prisoners and at least 193 staff members.

Full Coverage: Coronavirus pandemic
“People who work in prisons are an essential part of the equation that will lead to reduced disease and less chance of renewed explosive COVID-19 outbreaks in the future,” said Brie Williams, a correctional health expert at the University of California, San Francisco, or UCSF.

At FCI Miami, a federal prison in Florida, fewer than half the facility’s 240 employees had been fully vaccinated as of March 11, according to Kareen Troitino, the local corrections officer union president. Many of the workers who refused had expressed concerns about the vaccine’s efficacy and side effects, Troitino said.

In January, Troitino and FCI Miami warden Sylvester Jenkins sent an email to employees saying that “in an act of solidarity,” they had agreed to get vaccinated and encouraged staff to do the same. “Even though we recognize and respect that this motion is not mandatory; nevertheless, with the intent of promoting staff safety, we encourage all staff to join us,” the Jan. 27 email said.

Only 25 employees signed up as a result of the email. FCI Miami has had two major coronavirus outbreaks, Troitino said: last July, when more than 400 prisoners out of 852 were suspected of having the disease, and in December, when about 100 people were affected at the facility’s minimum-security camp.

Because so many correctional officers and prisoners haven’t been vaccinated, there are fears that could happen again. “Everybody is on edge,” Troitino said. Though he’s gotten the shot, he’s worried about another outbreak and the impact on already stretched staffing at the prison.

The pandemic has strained prisons already struggling with low staffing rates and subpar health care. Low vaccination rates among officers could push prisons to their breaking point. At the height of the outbreak behind bars, several states had to call in the National Guard to temporarily run the facilities because so many staff members had called out sick or refused to work.

At FCI Miami, officers are constantly shuttling sick and elderly prisoners to the hospital, Troitino said. As a result, a skeleton crew of staff is left to operate the prison. Unvaccinated staff only compound the problem as they run the risk of getting sick when outbreaks crop up in the prisons.

“A lot of employees get scared when they find out, ‘Oh, we had an outbreak in a unit, 150 inmates have COVID,’” Troitino said. “Everybody calls in sick.”

Part of the resistance to the vaccine is widespread misinformation among correctional staff, said Brian Dawe, a former correctional officer and national director of One Voice United, a policy and advocacy group for officers. A majority of people in law enforcement lean right, Dawe said. “They get a lot of their information from the right-wing media outlets,” he said. “A lot of them believe you don’t have to wear masks. That it’s like the flu.” National polls have shown that Republicans without college degrees are the most resistant to the vaccine.

Several correctional officers in Florida, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they are not permitted to talk to the press, said many of their colleagues believe that the vaccine could give them the virus. Some have latched onto debunked conspiracy theories circulating on social media, the officers said, believing the vaccine contains tracking devices produced by former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, who has donated to coronavirus treatment research. (The vaccine does not contain tracking devices.) Others believe the vaccine was hastily produced without enough time to understand the long-term side effects.

“I wouldn’t care if I worked in a dorm with every inmate having COVID, I still wouldn’t get (vaccinated),” said a correctional sergeant who has worked for the Florida Department of Corrections for more than a decade. “If I’m wearing a mask, gloves, washing my hands and being careful — I’d still feel better working like that than putting the vaccine in my body.”

Officer attitudes about the vaccine are so widespread that researchers at UCSF have created a frequently asked questions flyer for the incarcerated that includes: “I heard the guards/officers … at my facility are refusing to get the vaccine. If they aren’t getting it, why should I?” The researchers encourage the incarcerated to learn as much as they can about the vaccine and to make their own decision “regardless of what other people are doing.”

Public health experts have urged states to prioritize vaccinations in prisons and jails but cautioned against prioritizing staff over prisoners. Though numbers aren’t available from many states, at least 15 began vaccinating staff before the incarcerated, The Marshall Project and Associated Press found. “We know they have anti-vax ideations and attitudes,” said Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, who leads the COVID Prison Project, which tracks correction officials’ responses to the pandemic. “We have said again and again, we shouldn’t have this two-tier system.”

But guards’ refusal to be vaccinated has been a blessing for some incarcerated people. The vaccines have a short shelf life after being thawed out, so officials have offered the leftover vaccines to prisoners instead of letting them go to waste. Julia Ann Poff is incarcerated at FMC Carswell, a federal prison in Texas for women with special medical and mental health needs, for sending bombs to state and federal officials. She said she received her first shot in mid-December, after several officers declined.

“I consider myself very blessed to have received it,” she wrote, using the prison’s email system. “I have lupus and a recent diagnosis of heart disease, so there was no way I could afford to let myself get (sick).”

Misinformation and conspiracy theories aside, some officers in federal prisons say they are refusing the vaccine because they do not trust the prison administration. The Federal Bureau of Prisons has come under fire by employees and the incarcerated for its response to the coronavirus. Among the criticisms: a lack of masks and soap in the pandemic’s early days, broken thermometers at one facility and sick prisoners who say they were bunched together without social distancing.

At FCI Mendota, a medium-security federal prison near Fresno, California, officials closed off the main employee entrance in January, funneled the employees through a visiting room turned vaccination clinic and forced them to decide on the spot whether to get vaccinated. Employees weren’t allowed to proceed to their posts without either getting vaccinated or signing a form declaring they refused the vaccine.

Aaron McGlothin, a local corrections officers’ union president, said he refused the vaccine citing medical issues, adding that he doesn’t trust prison officials’ motives.

Employers cannot mandate that staff get vaccinated. So correctional officers’ refusal puts incarcerated people at risk as they have no way of protecting themselves from unmasked and unvaccinated officers. By December, 1 in 5 incarcerated people had contracted the coronavirus, according to data compiled by The Marshall Project and The Associated Press.

Correctional officers can bring the virus home from work and infect family members, too. In extreme cases, those family members themselves become seriously ill or even die. At least five family members of correctional employees have died of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to the online memorial Mourning Our Losses, which tracks COVID-19 deaths among those who live and work in prisons and jails. In one instance, a Florida correctional officer and his wife died in side-by-side intensive care rooms on the same day.

For some officers, these life and death experiences are a wake-up call. At FCI Miami, where Troitino leads the local officers’ union, several employees contracted the virus or were hospitalized for COVID-19 after officials encouraged them to get vaccinated in late January but they refused. Some of those employees have expressed a change of heart about the vaccine.

“They have called me begging to have the vaccine reserved for them upon their return,” Troitino said. “A few faced life and death and are totally devastated by their experience.”

AP News
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Jes McKenzie

I think we're good with Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J.

NO,NO.......stop the madness,stop the madness now.You are not good with either one.Everything is of emergency use only and have not been approved by the FDA.Facts.You can put this on your bible.imma repeat,as of right now the FDA has not approved Phizer nor Moderna or J&J.Everything is all experimental so in other words you are being experimented on and is it your free will voluntary to allow them to do so.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
NO,NO.......stop the madness,stop the madness now.You are not good with either one.Everything is of emergency use only and have not been approved by the FDA.Facts.You can put this on your bible.imma repeat,as of right now the FDA has not approved Phizer nor Moderna or J&J.Everything is all experimental so in other words you are being experimented on and is it your free will voluntary to allow them to do so.
Do you understand what Emergency Use Authorization means? It is obviously you don’t and you want people to follow your advice?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
UConn Huskies' Geno Auriemma tests positive for COVID-19 ahead of NCAA women's basketball tournament

Jes McKenzie


Minister Tests Positive For Coronavirus Days After Taking Vaccine

New Delhi: Days after being inoculated for the coronavirus, Gujarat Minister
Ishwarsinh Patel has tested positive for the deadly infection. The minister had taken jab on March 13. Taking to Twitter, he informed that he has tested positive for the virus. He also appealed to those who came in his contact to get themselves tested for the coronavirus. "Today my corona test came positive. I wish you all the best and I am currently in good health. As a precautionary measure, I urge all those who have come in contact with me in the last few days to get tested for corona," he said in a tweet in Gujarati.
Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus cases in Gujarat climbed to 2,79,097 after 890 people tested positive yesterday. The death toll stands at 4,425.

Speaking to PTI, a state government official said that 1,07,323 people were vaccinated against COVID-19 on Monday, including 89,138 in the senior citizen and 45 years plus with comorbidities groups.

So far, 20,69,918 people have got the first dose of the vaccine and 5,15,842 have received the second dose.

Neighbouring Dadra and NagarHaveli, Daman and Diu recorded two new cases and two recoveries, both in Daman, taking the COVID-19 cases in the UT to 3,411 and recoveries to 3,379.

The death toll in the UT is two and the active caseload stands at 30, an official said.



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
More than a dozen countries now restricting AstraZeneca vaccine because of blood clots





Rising Star
OG Investor
More than a dozen countries now restricting AstraZeneca vaccine because of blood clots




They're probably going to need us to send them some vaccines.