After Biden win, Black activists demand reparations for slavery, police reform

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
why do negroes wait after he's elected to now to want to talk about reparations??? Negroes do shit backwards. You wanted Trump out of office so bad that you did shit backwards. You are suppose to demand reparations before he gets elected.

Also, I am not too sure Biden will get into office. For some reason I think Trump will get a second term after doing some research.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
why do negroes wait after he's elected to now to want to talk about reparations??? Negroes do shit backwards. You wanted Trump out of office so bad that you did shit backwards. You are suppose to demand reparations before he gets elected.

Also, I am not too sure Biden will get into office. For some reason I think Trump will get a second term after doing some research.
1. Demanding is just asking with an exclamation point. Without leverage to back it up there's not much you can do beyond that.
2. The president isn't the only person who can make that happen. Ask trump about the wall and how far he got without congress's help.
3. Trump is the alternative to threats to biden getting elected...if trump gets back in office how far do you think reparations talks will go between him and mcconnell and a conservative leaning SCOTUS etc etc... so when you say Negroes do shit backwards. whats the right way to do it considering the alternative?
4. what research have you done??


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
at the end of the day, Martin Luther king was the face and leader of the movement. King was the one meeting with Presidents to present the agenda and all those organizations were cool with it. That is not the case today and you know it. ADOS goes to meet with the President, FBA is bitching. BLM goes to meet with President we get BLM isn't for really for black folks.

Which faction gets to meet with the president and not have all y'all complaining about how it should have been some other faction instead?

But that's the thing...other black organizations weren't cool with it. Black Muslims thought MLK was too soft...SNCC under Stokely Carmicheal was much more raucous and confrontational and had little patience for MLK's nonviolent approach. Those times weren't as harmonious as we would like to remember.

Thanks. We agree on something. Malcolm X savagely dissed King and James Farmer and the whole March on Washington. My point was that there were various organizations involved in the Civil Rights Movement and coming at it from different angles.

And FBA isn't relevant at all.

and they all had conflicting agendas and methods lets not get into revisionist history and think the whole black community was united during the civil rights struggle.

these were the demands of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense:

What We Want Now!
  1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.
  2. We want full employment for our people.
  3. We want an end to the robbery by the capitalists of our black and oppressed communities.
  4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.
  5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present day society.
  6. We want all Black men to be exempt from military service.
  7. We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people.
  8. We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.
  9. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.
  10. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.
What We Believe:
  1. We believe that Black People will not be free until we are able to determine our own destiny.
  2. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the White American business men will not give full employment, the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.
  3. We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules was promised 100 years ago as redistribution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities: the Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for genocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered 6,000,000 Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.
  4. We believe that if the White landlords will not give decent housing to our Black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make a decent housing for its people.
  5. We believe in an educational system that will give our people a knowledge of self. If a man does not have knowledge of himself and his position in society and the world, then he has little chance to relate to anything else.
  6. We believe that Black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black people, are being victimized by the White racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.
  7. We believe we can end police brutality in our Black community by organizing Black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our Black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States gives us the right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all Black people should arm themselves for self-defense.
  8. We believe that all Black people should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial.
  9. We believe that the courts should follow the United States Constitution so that Black people will receive fair trials. The 14th Amendment of the U.S Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peers. A peer is a persons from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical, and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black community from which the Black defendant came. We have been, and are being tried by all-white juries that have no understanding of "the average reasoning man" of the Black community.
  10. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's god entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, and that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such a form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accused. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, and their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards of their future security.

How much of this matched up with what the civil rights struggle was about?? How much of it do you HONESTLY think was actionable?

The issue isn't about making reparations go away its about making that particular point a make or break issue to other issues. If all or most of the points of Cubes or Bidens plan happen are you seriously going to tell me you're going to withhold your vote from future elections because reparations didn't happen in the next 4 years? Hell even the dude in the video said its highly unlikely to move forward significantly in our lifetime.

And even if it does happen its not likely to be in the way or form you think it should. At the end of the day it will come down to negotiations and those are never one sided.

It's not about making it a "make or break issue". It's about getting the issue on the agenda in the first place.

These folks demand stuff but wont give him the congress to make things work.

"Give" him the Congress? What is he "giving"?

Has a reparation plan been proposed including logistics and demands ?

A whole goddamn book actually. But you won't read it. You'll just ask the same question over and over again.

Amazon product ASIN B07XVF3X9D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thanks. We agree on something. Malcolm X savagely dissed King and James Farmer and the whole March on Washington. My point was that there were various organizations involved in the Civil Rights Movement and coming at it from different angles.

And FBA isn't relevant at all.
whats FBA?

It's not about making it a "make or break issue". It's about getting the issue on the agenda in the first place.
Thats not how other ADOS agenda people talk at all. The rhetoric coming from them is unless reparations is a done deal then the black community should withhold our vote. The thing is in 2019 there was a proposal for a commission on it signed by many congress people most if not all democrat or leftwing people.

California signed a bill to study it: Bill AB 3121 -- the first of its kind in any state -- was signed on Wednesday. It creates a nine-member task force that will inform Californians about slavery and explore ways the state might provide reparations, Newsom's office said in a news release.

Now as far as I can see..and correct me if I'm wrong but the ONLY people...the ONLY side of the political spectrum that's even bothering to ENTERTAIN the notion...that's actually said it in their political debates... Thats actually brought it to the table and looked at it... are left-wing/liberal/democrats...NO ONE ELSE WILL EVEN BOTHER raising the notion even as a hypothetical. And yet you guys consistently dog out the left as if they ain't doing shit or done shit AS IF there's a viable alternative in the real-world execution of any of this.

Until another viable party rises up and can compete with the left and right..the reality is the Democrats aren't our best choice or ally..they're our ONLY ally. Whether you believe it or not.

"Give" him the Congress? What is he "giving"?
you want him to build the building but refuse to give him the tools to do that what you're saying?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just for the record what made MLK a great man was...

He was a trained agent who when realized exactly what

He was leading his people into..started to tell Masonic secrets he was not supposed to..

Like saying we are prisoners in our own land..

And refusing to acknowledge the Vietnam war as just..

He was definitely moving into a completely different direction

In addition to civil rights going after human and economic rights

At that point he had to go...

MLK knew he was going to be murdered and he knew Jesse Jackson would be involved...

MLK made it to the hospital alive

He MLK was not only murdered IN the hospital..

He was spat upon by the doctors and nurses...

I write all that to state if you are a Moorish American and know your history

You would have to be a complete whole fucking fool

To trust the govt or medical establishment in this country

There are a few good doctors out there but the system is wired to

Use us as guinea pigs and control our population

If you are an adult over forty and don't realize this

No offense but you slow as fuckin shit balls rolling uphill


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see....the promoters of not voting, non participation, butt hurt Berners, under cover Black Trump supporter are going to try and high Jack the narrative, make it stupid with all this specifics, tangibles, and other Tariq Nasheed/Boyce Watkins BS, and make Blacks look stupid, we'll get kicked to the curb because our message is forked up then they will say see the Left hate us.....but that shit ain't gone happen....but good luck with it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see....the promoters of not voting, non participation, butt hurt Berners, under cover Black Trump supporter are going to try and high Jack the narrative, make it stupid with all this specifics, tangibles, and other Tariq Nasheed/Boyce Watkins BS, and make Blacks look stupid, we'll get kicked to the curb because our message is forked up then they will say see the Left hate us.....but that shit ain't gone happen....but good luck with it


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
whats FBA?

Tariq Nasheed's silly-ass alternative "organization" (hustle) to ADOS.

Thats not how other ADOS agenda people talk at all. The rhetoric coming from them is unless reparations is a done deal then the black community should withhold our vote. The thing is in 2019 there was a proposal for a commission on it signed by many congress people most if not all democrat or leftwing people.

Which ADOS people? Here's your problem geechie - you think you know something and think other people are saying it and then you argue against what you think! The basic ADOS position has been that candidates are in favor of reparations (first as cash payments) for American Descendants of Slavery, and have a black agenda for generational programs and set asides that will repair long standing inequalities in areas such as housing, education, health care, employment, criminal justice, community infrastructure, banking, business, etc.

Now as far as I can see..and correct me if I'm wrong but the ONLY people...the ONLY side of the political spectrum that's even bothering to ENTERTAIN the notion...that's actually said it in their political debates... Thats actually brought it to the table and looked at it... are left-wing/liberal/democrats...NO ONE ELSE WILL EVEN BOTHER raising the notion even as a hypothetical. And yet you guys consistently dog out the left as if they ain't doing shit or done shit AS IF there's a viable alternative in the real-world execution of any of this.

Until another viable party rises up and can compete with the left and right..the reality is the Democrats aren't our best choice or ally..they're our ONLY ally. Whether you believe it or not.

There's no dogging of the Left; it's pressuring of the Left. Let me ask you a question. Why isn't forming some kind of reparations commission on Biden's priority list of the things he wants to accomplish in his first 100 days?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq Nasheed's silly-ass alternative "organization" (hustle) to ADOS.

Which ADOS people? Here's your problem geechie - you think you know something and think other people are saying it and then you argue against what you think! The basic ADOS position has been that candidates are in favor of reparations (first as cash payments) for American Descendants of Slavery, and have a black agenda for generational programs and set asides that will repair long standing inequalities in areas such as housing, education, health care, employment, criminal justice, community infrastructure, banking, business, etc.

There's no dogging of the Left; it's pressuring of the Left. Let me ask you a question. Why isn't forming some kind of reparations commission on Biden's priority list of the things he wants to accomplish in his first 100 days?

calling black people slaves and saying the democrat party is a slave plantation isn't pressuring it's antagonistic and when people do agonistic things it usually results in shutting down conversation rather than promote compromise... I get why the republicans/conservatives would take that stance because they truly don't give a fuck about black people and especially don't give a fuck about reparations.. but you know that so why do YOU and black people like you take a similar stance since the democrats are the only to even put the issue on the table in any capacity?

Is not doing it in the first 100 days a make or break deal for your support??
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq Nasheed's silly-ass alternative "organization" (hustle) to ADOS.

Which ADOS people? Here's your problem geechie - you think you know something and think other people are saying it and then you argue against what you think! The basic ADOS position has been that candidates are in favor of reparations (first as cash payments) for American Descendants of Slavery, and have a black agenda for generational programs and set asides that will repair long standing inequalities in areas such as housing, education, health care, employment, criminal justice, community infrastructure, banking, business, etc.

There's no dogging of the Left; it's pressuring of the Left. Let me ask you a question. Why isn't forming some kind of reparations commission on Biden's priority list of the things he wants to accomplish in his first 100 days?

he his hitting some of the key points that BLM and some of the other factions have been pushing, but you are upset that reparations isn't being discussed immediately? You are worried about something that will take years to figure out, meanwhile most black folks are looking for a covid relief check.

If black are dying at a higher rate cause of Covid, shouldn't Covid legislation be an higher priority?

Between the tax breaks and covid, the economy is going to be in series trouble at some point. If he doesn't deal with the bullshit tax breaks immediately, where is this money going to come from to write those checks?

Do really not understand that Biden won't be able to execute order a lot of what you are asking? do you not understand that Biden needs a reparations friendly congress to make this happen? Why do ADOS folk not understand this basic concept?

Are you really trying to argue that a lot of these factions weren't telling folks to "hold their vote" unless we get some tangibles? Now if you are saying hold the vote thing was the dumbest concept ever, than we can agree on that point at least.

You still haven't said who you want to see as the face of the ADOS movement. I have asked you this question multiple times at this point.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
A) BLM activists do not speak for Black Americans.
B) I do not trust this article as Joe Biden has not even been sworn in yet.

While I am highly disappointed in how much we supported Biden without demanding anything in return, the above quote is right. he hasn't been sworn in yet and BLM doesn't represent Black folks.


Rising Star
Just for the record what made MLK a great man was...

He was a trained agent who when realized exactly what

He was leading his people into..started to tell Masonic secrets he was not supposed to..

Like saying we are prisoners in our own land..

And refusing to acknowledge the Vietnam war as just..

He was definitely moving into a completely different direction

In addition to civil rights going after human and economic rights

At that point he had to go...

MLK knew he was going to be murdered and he knew Jesse Jackson would be involved...

MLK made it to the hospital alive

He MLK was not only murdered IN the hospital..

He was spat upon by the doctors and nurses...

I write all that to state if you are a Moorish American and know your history

You would have to be a complete whole fucking fool

To trust the govt or medical establishment in this country

There are a few good doctors out there but the system is wired to

Use us as guinea pigs and control our population

If you are an adult over forty and don't realize this

No offense but you slow as fuckin shit balls rolling uphill

Bruh, they aint listening!! Ive stated plenty of times "we are prisoners of war" but Im like typing to myself.. Anyway, they will wake up to this misinformation one day soon!! MAYBE??

Right on, write on, bruh!! By the way, this corporation cant pay us enuf money for the damage they have pulled on the copper color people!! Anyway, the fiat dollar would be worthless after the last check was mailed out!!! All the things you think this corporation wont do, Is everything they will do!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. police reform doesn't help only black people

2. you can float reparations all day every day it's going to get as far as AOCs green deal proposal got.

the same people who laffed at AOC for the new green deal and said she doesn't understand how the system works are the same people saying reparations is a doable thing that congress can pass easily. :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

I swear some of you niggas are just in it for the irritation.
The funny thing is that the Green New Deal isn’t controversial at all. It’s just the AOC haters will oppose anything she says.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
why do negroes wait after he's elected to now to want to talk about reparations??? Negroes do shit backwards. You wanted Trump out of office so bad that you did shit backwards. You are suppose to demand reparations before he gets elected.

Also, I am not too sure Biden will get into office. For some reason I think Trump will get a second term after doing some research.

what's your research?:sad:


BGOL Patreon Investor
If you agree with BLM then you are in trouble. Their TOP PRIORITIES are LGBT rights and protections. They are also a Marxist organization that promotes communism, per the words of their own founder.

Not a good look :smh:
Both of these statements are lies.

As your second point goes, the most you could do is post a soundbyte where Alicia Garza said she was a trained Marxist.

That does not equate with Black Lives Matter therefore being a Marxist organization.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Both of these statements are lies.

As your second point goes, the most you could do is post a soundbyte where Alicia Garza said she was a trained Marxist.

That does not equate with Black Lives Matter therefore being a Marxist organization.
Man, go to the OFFICIAL site for BLM. Way back cats on BGOL told me to go to the OFFICIAL site after they talked about that LGBTQXYZ shit. I'll be damn if they ain't conflating the black struggle with the alphabet gang.

Now the offshoots might be different. They might really be about police brutality. But it's clear the OFFICIAL shit started by the gay women is using the struggle as a front.

Ain't ever heard of police pulling a cat over because they thought the woman was a man or because they thought the black man was gay. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see....the promoters of not voting, non participation, butt hurt Berners, under cover Black Trump supporter are going to try and high Jack the narrative, make it stupid with all this specifics, tangibles, and other Tariq Nasheed/Boyce Watkins BS, and make Blacks look stupid, we'll get kicked to the curb because our message is forked up then they will say see the Left hate us.....but that shit ain't gone happen....but good luck with it
This.....since their little plan didn't work they now want to beg for relevance. I have never seen Tariq this pathetic on twitter talking about the election.

I m like muthafucker you didn't vote so stop commenting on the election. And the "don't vote" crew is still talking about asking for their agenda.
Biden won without you why should he even listen to you?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, go to the OFFICIAL site for BLM. Way back cats on BGOL told me to go to the OFFICIAL site after they talked about that LGBTQXYZ shit. I'll be damn if they ain't conflating the black struggle with the alphabet gang.

Now the offshoots might be different. They might really be about police brutality. But it's clear the OFFICIAL shit started by the gay women is using the struggle as a front.

Ain't ever heard of police pulling a cat over because they thought the woman was a man or because they thought the black man was gay. :smh:
I've not heard of police killing someone because they liked the same sex or even for dressing as the other sex. Until then - you gotta point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, they aint listening!! Ive stated plenty of times "we are prisoners of war" but Im like typing to myself.. Anyway, they will wake up to this misinformation one day soon!! MAYBE??

Right on, write on, bruh!! By the way, this corporation cant pay us enuf money for the damage they have pulled on the copper color people!! Anyway, the fiat dollar would be worthless after the last check was mailed out!!! All the things you think this corporation wont do, Is everything they will do!!

exactly good bruh.thats why they want to put a moorish woman on a 20 bill now.

because they know its going out of circulation.

but her on a gold or silver coin... fuck that fiat note shit..

and you are right. they sttole so much they could only pay

in generations of human bondage.

the sameway they got wealthy is the only way to fully pay us back


BGOL Patreon Investor
Man, go to the OFFICIAL site for BLM. Way back cats on BGOL told me to go to the OFFICIAL site after they talked about that LGBTQXYZ shit. I'll be damn if they ain't conflating the black struggle with the alphabet gang.

Now the offshoots might be different. They might really be about police brutality. But it's clear the OFFICIAL shit started by the gay women is using the struggle as a front.

Ain't ever heard of police pulling a cat over because they thought the woman was a man or because they thought the black man was gay. :smh:
When I posted what I did above, this was the response I expected. Gene, these are the facts. Two out of the 3 women who founded BLM are LGBT. Fact. It is factual that there used to be substantial write-up on an about page on the official site that supported the concept of a society that was supportive of and inclusive of families headed up by same-sex couples. That much is true. But there is a large distinction between what the site said on that one page and what was actually happening in the streets.

A few years ago, in conversation with a longtime close friend of mine, a lady who is one of the founders of BLM Chicago, I addressed that. I told her that in all the time I'd been in BLM, attended rallies, marches, police board hearings, community policing meetings, etc, I'd never seen any of that LGBTQ stuff demonstrated for. The same went for actions put on in the other BLM chapters across the U.S that I'd read about in the various chapters' FB groups and Twitter feeds. They were about seeking body cams, dash cams and civilian elected police review boards. The discussions and actions have always been about deposing corrupt DA's, police chiefs and the like. Actions were always about getting justice for unarmed Black victims of police murders. It was always about providing assistance for the families affected financially and emotionally by the murders of their breadwinners. It was always about offering alternatives to the toxic nature of policing and lack of police accountability that negatively affects Black people- poor Black folks most severely.

I'd never seen ANY actions during that time that specifically pushed for the type of society (that used to be) detailed in that section of the website. My friend expressed to me that it wasn't an accurate description of what BLM is really about in actual practice, and that they needed to change that wording to reflect what goes on vs what whoever posted it personally believes.

Considering that they have been pushing and marching and advocating for justice upfront for unarmed Black people murdered by police for 7+ years, now. no it's not a front for some LGBTQ agenda.

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BGOL Patreon Investor
I've not heard of police killing someone because they liked the same sex or even for dressing as the other sex. Until then - you gotta point.
It's definitely happened. Happens disproportionately, in fact. They're more at risk in general for violence and murder both from police and non-police. This is what is meant by the term that BGOL loves to hate- intersectionality. Meaning that certain individuals are simultaneously targeted for violence for being both Black and LGBTQ... or targeted for oppression for Being Black and a woman or Black and poor.

Do I believe the Black liberation and LGBTQ liberation struggles are the same? No. That one's liberation is dependent on the other? Nope. Do I believe in same-sex unions? Nope.

Do I believe they have as much of a right to live and not be murdered? Yes.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
When I posted what I did above, this was the response I expected. Gene, these are the facts. Two out of the 3 women who founded BLM are LGBT. Fact. It is factual that there used to be substantial write-up on an about page on the official site that supported the concept of a society that was supportive of and inclusive of families headed up by same-sex couples. That much is true. But there is a large distinction between what the site said on that one page and what was actually happening in the streets.

A few years ago, in conversation with a longtime close friend of mine, a lady who is one of the founders of BLM Chicago, I addressed that. I told her that in all the time I'd been in BLM, attended rallies, marches, police board hearings, community policing meetings, etc, I'd never seen any of that LGBTQ stuff demonstrated for. The same went for actions put on in the other BLM chapters across the U.S that I'd read about in the various chapters' FB groups and Twitter feeds. They were about seeking body cams, dash cams and civilian elected police review boards. The discussions and actions have always been about deposing corrupt DA's, police chiefs and the like. Actions were always about getting justice for unarmed Black victims of police murders. It was always about providing assistance for the families affected financially and emotionally by the murders of their breadwinners. It was always about offering alternatives to the toxic nature of policing and lack of police accountability that negatively affects Black people- poor Black folks most severely.

I'd never seen ANY actions during that time that specifically pushed for the type of society (that used to be) detailed in that section of the website. My friend expressed to me that it wasn't an accurate description of what BLM is really about in actual practice, and that they needed to change that wording to reflect what goes on vs what whoever posted it personally believes.

Considering that they have been pushing and marching and advocating for justice upfront for unarmed Black people murdered by police for 7+ years, now. no it's not a front for some LGBTQ agenda.

Notice in my post I said 'the offshoots might be different'. I didn't condemn the entire movement. I made emphasis on OFFICIAL page of the ones who started it. Your experience seems to back what I said.

Hell, your experience backs what I thought for quite some time. Prior to posters from BGOL pointing me to the OFFICIAL(notice the emphasis) BLM page, I had no idea about the lgbtqxyz bullshit. NONE. I was shocked by how they tried to tie all that shit together.

So I do believe people putting work in across the U.S. have no clue about the official page. Doesn't mean those folks behind the official shit haven't stopped trying to push LGBTQXYZ into the mix. We just have to make sure the chapters remain focused on the REAL issues and don't allow the agenda from the OFFICIAL page to hold influence.

Peace man. We seem to agree on this issue.


Rising Star
exactly good bruh.thats why they want to put a moorish woman on a 20 bill now.

because they know its going out of circulation.

but her on a gold or silver coin... fuck that fiat note shit..

and you are right. they sttole so much they could only pay

in generations of human bondage.

the sameway they got wealthy is the only way to fully pay us back

RIGHT ON, MY BROTHA!!!! And when we put our sista on that gold bar, lets make sure its on the 10oz bar!!! Your spot on, on how we should be fully paid back!! Im getting repaid( I dont want money) for each of my grandparents and were going back to 1492 when these colonist showed up on our land!!


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
I mean... let's take full control of the house and senate first...

We lost 5 seats in house and still don't control over the senate... and niggas want to blow the entire wad right now.




Rising Star
Man, go to the OFFICIAL site for BLM. Way back cats on BGOL told me to go to the OFFICIAL site after they talked about that LGBTQXYZ shit. I'll be damn if they ain't conflating the black struggle with the alphabet gang.

Now the offshoots might be different. They might really be about police brutality. But it's clear the OFFICIAL shit started by the gay women is using the struggle as a front.

Ain't ever heard of police pulling a cat over because they thought the woman was a man or because they thought the black man was gay. :smh:

You know soros or whatever his name is, is funding that group.. Just saying.. AKA Controlled Opposition!! The corporation said they were going to do this since the 60's!!


BGOL Patreon Investor
Notice in my post I said 'the offshoots might be different'. I didn't condemn the entire movement. I made emphasis on OFFICIAL page of the ones who started it. Your experience seems to back what I said.

Hell, your experience backs what I thought for quite some time. Prior to posters from BGOL pointing me to the OFFICIAL(notice the emphasis) BLM page, I had no idea about the lgbtqxyz bullshit. NONE. I was shocked by how they tried to tie all that shit together.

So I do believe people putting work in across the U.S. have no clue about the official page. Doesn't mean those folks behind the official shit haven't stopped trying to push LGBTQXYZ into the mix. We just have to make sure the chapters remain focused on the REAL issues and don't allow the agenda from the OFFICIAL page to hold influence.

Peace man. We seem to agree on this issue.
Peace family.

We do agree, really.

LGBTQ is part of BLM's mix in one aspect:
They give voice to the fact that gay/trans Black folks get disproportionately murdered by police. BLM seeks justice for them too. They also recognizes that due to their orientation they are even more targeted for violence and extra-judicial murder. I have no problem with that acknowledgement. Being that two of the founders are LGBTQ, it's not surprising that they'd have a sensitivity toward the mistreatment of their own.

The recognition of LGBTQ folk being more vulnerable to police violence doesn't equate with BLM trying to turn people gay. I know that's not what you said, but it seems like a lot of people believe something along those lines.

I may not agree with their life choices or lifestyle* , but that's not a prerequisite to my seeing them as fellow human beings with as much right as anyone else to live and not be murdered.


*Having enjoyed girl on girl porn on numerous occasions, I know I contradict myself slightly :yes:


Rising Star
I'd rather tell myself and others the truth.

@ the 3:27 mark, but I cued it up for you. Just press play.

You can cue up all you want!! And keep sitting in front of don lemons and cnn and enjoy your daily programming or enjoy your daily conditioning from your social media repetition!!