Bro. Dick Gregory On 'Django Unchained': "Spike Lee Is A Thug & A Punk."


BGOL Investor
Mofos going back and forth and that's fine. Debate is always good everybody is not going to see eye.

But again instead of dismissing brother Gregory be an objective listener even if you don't agree...

Same with dudes in here explain why you agree or don't agree and go from there


Rising Star
that reference failed just like the director in the movie. here comes im the im not blk enough bs. i can do the same. you are prob a white boy who hates blks, (yeah, now i feel better about my hate)

nah, it was actually spot on :D

no, I know you're black. but that doesn't preclude you from being an idiot. it just makes you a black idiot. let that marinate.


Rising Star
Mofos going back and forth and that's fine. Debate is always good everybody is not going to see eye.

But again instead of dismissing brother Gregory be an objective listener even if you don't agree...

Same with dudes in here explain why you agree or don't agree and go from there

You have wisdom and you have foolishness. There is NOT a thin line between the two. What DG was spitting about Django and Spike Lee was foolishness. Period.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I could care less about some nut on the computers opinion about my contribution to my communities welfare on a daily basis. However, there is no doubt in my mind that I respect Dick Gregory's observations and opinions based on his history of true militancy and social activism way more than some cat on a porn board who is reading one of Doctor Kunjufu's books in one hand while he is beating off to Leilani Leanne with his other. Stop passing judgment on people who don't have the same jaded views of everything in the world that you do...enlighten these nuts !!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I could care less about some nut on the computers opinion about my contribution to my communities welfare on a daily basis. However, there is no doubt in my mind that I respect Dick Gregory's observations and opinions based on his history of true militancy and social activism way more than some cat on a porn board who is reading one of Doctor Kunjufu's books in one hand while he is beating off to Leilani Leanne with his other. Stop passing judgment on people who don't have the same jaded views of everything in the world that you do...enlighten these nuts !!!

You killin' em cuz :roflmao:


Rising Star
I liked Django.

I like Dick Gregory.

But he's making to much of this.

After all it's just a blend of two old action movies: Django and Mandingo.

Why make more of it?


BGOL Investor
Have always respected Mr. Gregory, read his books way back in the 80's and I give him resepct no matter how incredulous some of the things he says can sound.
But words like "thug" and "punk" sound like words J. Edgar Homo would use. I would think he knew better. His opinion on the movie is just that....his OPINION


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
e militants are losing it! haha still swinging in flames.

No. Why? Because both Spike and Gregory are reacting to the context of racism/white supremacy. There is nothing to get mad about. Spike said what he said and Gregory said what he said.

With that, replace racism/white supremacy with JUSTICE. Now.

@ QT... :angry: :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No. Why? Because both Spike and Gregory are reacting to the context of racism/white supremacy. There is nothing to get mad about. Spike said what he said and Gregory said what he said.

With that, replace racism/white supremacy with JUSTICE. Now.

@ QT... :angry: :hmm:

But he said what he said :hmm::cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait the Brother said that we should "curse the universal god" for giving us (black people) "nappy hair"...:confused: :smh: :lol: What? Maybe I am mistaken. Is that what he said?

Someone pls elaborate on that because I believe there is nothing wrong with the way ALL people were created by the "creator" but there is something wrong with the white people that practice racism/white supremacy. :yes::hmm:
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John Wayne and Clint Eastwood both had those same impossible shootout ending scenes.
No one has ever complained before in the history of westerns about them.
Why now? Because a brother did it?

At the end of Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven" the writer asked him how he was so accurate and knew the order of who to shoot first.

William Munny said "I dunno, I'm always lucky like that when I drink."

Mofos wanted to give that an academy award but, now y'all are bitching because Django did the same?

I may be on some bullshit but i thought the last shootout scene was bullshit too.
I wasn't expecting or hoping for the lead character to get killed. But he was taking cover behind dead bodies and furniture with his head exposed to gunfire and was never seriously wounded.
That just stood out to me as cartoonish. If that's classic QT then so be it. :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But he said what he said :hmm::cool:

True Sir. Never picking sides when black folks engage in debate or state their opinions. Many BGOL white members and lurkers would love to see us going at each other over a movie that was directed by a racist/white supremacist suspect.

Sorry, but this is the position that I choose to take until the problem has been solved.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I could care less about some nut on the computers opinion about my contribution to my communities welfare on a daily basis. However, there is no doubt in my mind that I respect Dick Gregory's observations and opinions based on his history of true militancy and social activism way more than some cat on a porn board who is reading one of Doctor Kunjufu's books in one hand while he is beating off to Leilani Leanne with his other. Stop passing judgment on people who don't have the same jaded views of everything in the world that you do...enlighten these nuts !!!


This dude just ethered 90% of BGOL. :lol: :dance::yes:

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Only a dumbfuck would rip something without seeing or listening to it.

Saying they didn't pay for it to critique it is just a lame way for these mental midgets to defend their stupidity.

In the internet age you can easily get a copy of something that you don't wanna buy guilt free and give a somewhat sensible assessment.

Dick Gregory went over your heads, especially regarding the dreaded 'N' word.

Funny how folk are dismissing Gregory and Farrakhan as dinosaurs are the same fools sucking Cosby's dick for yapping bullshit neocon talking points.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only a dumbfuck would rip something without seeing or listening to it.

Saying they didn't pay for it to critique it is just a lame way for these mental midgets to defend their stupidity.

In the internet age you can easily get a copy of something that you don't wanna buy guilt free.

Dick Gregory went over your heads, especially regarding the dreaded 'N' word.

Funny how folk are dismissing Gregory and Farrakhan are the same fools sucking Cosby's dick for yapping bullshit neocon talking points.

the thing is Spike didn't rip the movie..he just said he thought it was disrespectful to the memory of the people who had to live that horror to use it as a backdrop for a spaghetti western. He never said it was a bad film or a poorly acted film or give any criticism of the film's performance.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
the thing is Spike didn't rip the movie..he just said he thought it was disrespectful to the memory of the people who had to live that horror to use it as a backdrop for a spaghetti western. He never said it was a bad film or a poorly acted film or give any criticism of the film's performance.

I'm talking about the idiots on this board.


Rising Star
Gotta love Dick Gregory's perspective...if nothing else, always real. :cool:

Man fuck that movie... That's all....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Gregory's getting up there in age but dude will not sugar coat shit. Listen near the end, he talked about a freed slaved name Dangerfield Newby and the relation between him and Django.

Always good to hear the wisdom of Mr.Gregory...truthspeaking & teaching...:yes:

Now he senile and old cause he didn't say what you expected him to say yet all other times Gregory is the man? U niggas clowns

Be objective listeners

There was nothing "off" about Dick Gregory in that interview...all of his thoughts were clear and concise. It is so easy to dismiss an older cat (who has a wealth of knowledge) and say he is out of touch and losing it simply because he is older. His opinion simply didn't sit right with a lot of y'all who have been on your e-militant ramblings and haven't bothered to watch the flick. Dick Gregory is one of the original militants...he has never had a fuck to give !!

You young cat'z kill me with your ignorance but it's good to see some of us understand where he's coming from!! :smh:

Dick Gregory put it into perspective especially when he commented on them diminishing the word Niggr by using N-Word. It's what he heard everyday growing up and it's real. White people are good at changing history and making it where they don't look evil. I am a firm believer that not all white people are racist but they all love favor and that simple change makes the favor folks feel better about going along with the system that they know is killing us slowly. Yet in still they take advantage of the situation and don't stand against it because even though they hate racism they love favor, that is the new racism.

As for Mr. Gregory being out of touch? I've read "Niggr" and until you've lived the life he's lived all you young cat's need to listen because he'z not talking shit, he's telling you what he's lived. I'm about to turn 50 and to this day I've never had a white person call me Niggr but Mr. Gregory has and until you've walked a mile in another man's shoe'z don't criticize him when he tells you about the holes in them.

As for Punk Azz Spike, fuck him. He seems to get mad about anybody black that does anything when his jealous azz isn't include. Mafucka need to grow up and get with living ancestors like Dick Gregory and lean what it really means to have been a black man when Niggr was the norm and they heard it everyday. That mafucka to busy sitting at home paying homage to his white baseball card collection. That's my two cents for what it's worth and if you got some silly azz negative shit to say. I'd just like to say right now so I don't have to say it later....... Fuck You!! :cool:


I went to see Django because it looked interesting. I liked the fact the Jamie Foxx had a leading role in the film and Kerry Washington is featured. I felt that the only way to have a real opinion about the movie was to see it for myself.
The movie was good/entertaining with some remarkable performances, but Mr Gregory talking like that is the best movie he ever saw. :hmm: Maybe i saw a different version of it. :confused:
I'll probably go to the theater tomorrow, but i'm damn sure not going to pay to see Django again.Too many other flicks to see.

...yes it was entertaining, and it was good to see Jamie and Kerry as central characters, but how do you go to a movie like that and NOT mention the history of what you were watching...Gregory was pointing out the big picture issues that so many just don't seem to he was saying , name a film where the black man is the hero, in a love story, where a man that has love and respect for his wife, and decides he will do whatever it takes to get her back....NAME ONE MOVIE, thats ever been on the big screen that has depicted a Black man as the central character, a powerful, strong character, that goes after his love, HIS WIFE, not a white woman...not a chick on the side, not a jumpoff off along the way, HIS WIFE, and in the end he emerges the winner...NAME A MOVIE, that we can celebrate the main lead as the hero, from beginning to end...and name one film that Spike has done that can measure up to that in content and context....and no, Django isn't the greatest movie ever made, and Tarantino isn't necessarily the greatest dude, or a man without flaws because he created it, but give credit to him for doing something that others would NEVER do...


...what was the last movie you saw, IF EVER... where at the end, you left the theater feeling good about the hero (A STRONG BLACK MAN), the last man standing, and the fact that he gets the girl, in this case, his wife....for once it wasn't about a black man drinking, smoking, drugging, cussing, womanizing, killing, "keeping it real" for 2 hours and then meeting a terrible demise in the end...


Maybe i saw a different version of it. :confused:
I'll probably go to the theater tomorrow, but i'm damn sure not going to pay to see Django again.Too many other flicks to see.

...well maybe if enough of us actually support a movie, like Django, where a Black man is the strong character, in a loving role, for his woman, maybe we will get more films like for those "too many" other movies you want to see... what movies are you referring to???...the ones that have NO black representation at all??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like gregory, but he sounds a little out of touch here, a little Cosby'ish even.

You have lost any creditability you thought you had questioning Dick Gregory.

You have just shown you don't know what you are talking about.

Oh and Cosby has earned the right to question the conditions and choices of our people through his deeds , actions and checkbook.



LinuxGawd & BOFH
BGOL Investor
True Sir. Never picking sides when black folks engage in debate or state their opinions. Many BGOL white members and lurkers would love to see us going at each other over a movie that was directed by a racist/white supremacist suspect.

Sorry, but this is the position that I choose to take until the problem has been solved.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol::lol::lol::lol: Funny shit!

I am amazed at how some people on a porn board who download and watch sista's getting smutted out on a daily basis are up in arms about this movie...:lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
:lol::lol::lol::lol: Funny shit!

I am amazed at how some people on a porn board who download and watch sista's getting smutted out on a daily basis are up in arms about this movie...:lol:

the people who are pretending to be morally conflicted are thee worst. Like the other poster quipped: mothafuckas are turning the page in their new kill whitey novel while beating off to a pawg with their other hand. A good majority of 98% of the posters here are on some bullshit. And thats fine; its hard to agree with someone 100% of the time.


Support BGOL
You have lost any creditability you thought you had questioning Dick Gregory.

You have just shown you don't know what you are talking about.

Oh and Cosby has earned the right to question the conditiobecausehe'sneverns and choices of our people through his deeds , actions and checkbook.


how so, as I said I love gregory but some of his points here sound ridiculous. his critique of spikes movies are WAY out of left field, can you deny that. and his reasoning behind seeing this silliy ass cartoon movie 12 times was because he's never seen a black love story, really? listen Ive watched the screener, and a strong, black love story is the last thing I got from it. as I said I would never disrespect dick, the man has walked the walk, but he sounds ridiculous in some of his points.