New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction fro


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Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

man y'all act like Dame didn't create that whole movement with his assholery and power moves. he was too strong and they weaseled in there and got Jay separated and a bunch of dudes went with the name. where is everyone from the rock except for Kanye now? would have been better with Dame.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

Damn Dame!!..:smh::smh:..he fell was all good back in the days!!now, it's over!!..:smh::smh:


Rising Star
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

man y'all act like Dame didn't create that whole movement with his assholery and power moves. he was too strong and they weaseled in there and got Jay separated and a bunch of dudes went with the name. where is everyone from the rock except for Kanye now? would have been better with Dame.

Dame is a master salesman.

But where is a master salesman that betrays his product ?

Ye might keep him afloat on GP, maybe.

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BGOL Investor
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

100% muthafuckin truth. Top 5 Jay joint. Verse 1 is all DASH. Verse 2 is B. Verse 3 is the adversity of life.

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I had the pleasure of throwing some shit @ Dame years ago at his former crib in BH at the after party for The Woodmans for which he was involved.

I see this bootsy cat in interviews years later pushing that idea. And it failed from his approach. He tried to cut out the middleman without knowledge. Fuckin snake ! Thats why his ACE in the sleeve Jay aint backing his bullshit.

Dame is A HOLLYWOOD ass nigga that think he aint Hollywood because he from NY. Phony niggaz get exposed.

Living that true island life. No bailouts.



Niggas like Dame you can't politic with unless the idea you got is air tight in writing and yours ie: intellectual property if I'm correct

So when he does try to push some shit he got from you he already lost...

Cock Head Jones

Rising Star
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

you know alot of my old posts on this subject defended dame cuz i always liked that he seemed to be about building with his team and protecting that at all costs while jay seemed more into the safer typical route of becoming corporate americas high paid salesman like diddy.

But over the years I've read/heard too much negative shit online and in person about Dame directly from artists that have worked with him... Shit 2-3 of those people are on bgol.

Anyway, I do like what he's doing with dd172 (the galleries) and creative control.


Rising Star
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

damn, somebody jokingly said on another site, the IRS even seized Dame's wiki page.

<td class="mbox-text" style=""><span class="mbox-text-span"><b>This article is currently under the scrutiny of the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Office_actions" title="Wikipedia:Office actions">Wikimedia Foundation Office</a> and is protected. It has been protected for 1*year, 7*months, and 3*days.</b><br />
See the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:protection_policy" title="Wikipedia:protection policy">protection policy</a> and <a class="external text" href="//;type=protect&amp;page=Damon_Dash">protection log</a> for more details. If you can edit this page, please discuss all changes and additions on the <a href="/wiki/Talk:Damon_Dash" title="Talk:Damon Dash">talk page</a> first. <b>Do not remove protection from this page unless you are authorized by the Wikimedia Foundation to do so.</b> </span></td>

Artist Monk

Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

why would you live in a mansion if you knew you couldnt afford it?

Appearances are a must, hoping it might make folks want to invest in you thinking you meet the criteria and the ultimate tricking mode to fuck chicks when you could just take they ass to a hotel....IMHO...:smh::smh::smh::smh:


Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

Too much flossing...too much Sam Rothstein.


Should have listen to the BGOL accountants..​



'' was all good just a week ago...''







he and jay would probably be cool to this day if he hadnt overstepped their friendship by giving cam a power position at rocafella. all bets were off after that. that is the move that began his downfall and its been a steady slide down shit mountain ever since.


When a friend dances around with your enemy it will sour your relationship with them, that's what happened, Jay never liked that and things would never be the same...can you blame him!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: New York Hip-hop mogul Damon Dash claims he's deep in debt and close to eviction

Too much flossing...too much Sam Rothstein.

he is such an attention whore,

I bet he even loves the negative attention...

the levels of delusion of some people will always

fascinate me,

how can you burn so many bridges on your way up and expect

to walk across those same bridges on your way down...