Do kids get spankings or in black terms "beatings" any more?


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
I'm asking because I'm not a mother yet.

But it seems to me that no one "spanks" their kids anymore.

What is up with that?

For all the parents out there, male and you still whup your son or daughters ass if they don't "ack rite"?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Answer depends on whose asking.:lol: Where I grew up spankings were a way of life. Not just from parents but teachers as well.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I didn't know what a spanking was til I came to the States. In the West Indies its call a beating, cause thats what it is. In school they had the thick leather belt. Oh and another word that don't exist over there is detention.


I got beatings as a child and whenever I have children, I will beat they ass too. Even some grown people need they ass beat sometimes.


Support BGOL
I got "beatings" as a kid, wayyyyyyy back in the day. Didn't like it then; don't like it now. Didn't work then; doesn't work now. It's barbaric. It's the way you try to "tame" your kid when you're not smart enough or patient enough to figure out something better. Just teaches your kids to avoid getting caught rather than teaching them to respect the principles (honesty, hard work, discipline, etc.). I can't stand to see a grown person hitting a defenseless child for any damn reason. We can do better. We gotta do better.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
i dont care what the gov't says... i think if you bring a child into the world then you have the right to beat them. i think thats whats wrong with alot of young white kids now. one of my friends lil brothers needs his assed whooped everyday but they mom dont do shit but complain. i told him that if he stayed at my house he would be a totally different person lol


Never got beatings and I turned out fine, I don't personally see the need to do it.. A lot of people confuse spanking with beatings some beatings are borderline abuse if not abuse it's a powerful creature attacking a frail creature, if done properly I don't see the problem with it, just not something I would do myself, a lot of people go overboard with it and don't realize it though, I think any "spanking" that leaves marks is abuse, certain people also "spank" their children for stupid shit like doing bad in school etc... If you consider yourself an intelligent person, and feel the only way you can teach someone is by beating the right answer into them I feel bad for you as a person...


Rising Star
OG Investor
Home its called "gettin' licks" or "gettin' blows"
in school they had a switch.
also if you caught licks in school you were really crying cause all you had to look foward to was a second round at home

We had the switch too but it was sitting next to the thick leather belt. And the headmaster always had the biggest belt. You never wanted to have to go to see him.:smh:


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
Well my parents called had alot of names for it in kreyol but it basically meant puttin a foot up your ass.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I'm old school. It should have a purpose and it should not be done in a way where it could really injure a child. A period of physical discomfort should suffice. Then tell the child why the whoopin was administered. If you fail to discipline physically what is to stop the child from getting out of line. Nothing wrong with a smack in the mouf for an uruly kid cursing their mother. It teaches humility in a cruel world. The parents teach that the pain in the real world > a whooping. The world outside of your family don't give a fuck about you. These kids are disrespectful to grown ups because they have no fear of being handled.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
I don't hate on how people want to discipline their kids. I find that there is not much discipline of any kind going on with these little kids. For parents who invest in their kid's life and their child gets taken away, the child will find out real quick how cruel the system is and that the parent was just looking out for them. But I bet when the kid comes back to the family, the mom is gonna whoop that behind for calling CPS

Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
Two words: Child Services......

kids are literally walking around with a smoking gun...

all they have to say is "he hit me" and your an instant target.

it's not as serious as it use to be though. at least now they will do an investigation and that usualy clears a person very quickly. it's embarassing but is handled appropriately.


Punk Ass Decepticons!
BGOL Investor
I will beat my kids like they are a Jackson. Real Talk.
My boys are 14 and 6. And they no Mommy dont play. But fortunatley my boys are not bad. But I will drop kick them if I had to.:angry:


BGOL Investor
y do ppl call beatings barbaric like humans aren't barbaric themselves? Trying to act all civilised and all rational but at the end of the day.. the system that we live in IS barbaric... and is gonna give the individual just as much licks as a child that got. I understand that they are some exceptions who do not need discipline to that level. The tone of the parent's voice and a stare could probably do the trick. Its important not to do it too often cuz then the child would get immuned to it and it wouldn't have ne effect.

In the animal world... if a pup does shit.. it gets its ass beat/discipline by its parents or siblings... if not and it doesn't learn and understand quickly it will get its 'licks' somehow or the other. Can't the same b applied to the human being?

balance is the key...


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
y do ppl call beatings barbaric like humans aren't barbaric themselves? Trying to act all civilised and all rational but at the end of the day.. the system that we live in IS barbaric... and is gonna give the individual just as much licks as a child that got. I understand that they are some exceptions who do not need discipline to that level. The tone of the parent's voice and a stare could probably do the trick. Its important not to do it too often cuz then the child would get immuned to it and it wouldn't have ne effect.

In the animal world... if a pup does shit.. it gets its ass beat/discipline by its parents or siblings... if not and it doesn't learn and understand quickly it will get its 'licks' somehow or the other. Can't the same b applied to the human being?

balance is the key...



Support BGOL
the physical discipline comes after numerous " talking tos " But the disrespectful child has to get it on the spot. And if you bring your kids to my house they best to act right or the spanking hand is coming out!!! Just kidding... If we as black men and women spare the rod then we will be inevetibly keep the painful cycle of terribly raised children going. Bad child makes Bad adult who then make another bad child and so on. If we don't beat or whup or spank our kids the police sure will for us


BGOL Investor
I have a five year old boy, a 14 y/o stepson, & 16 y/o stepdaughter, and they all can taste the back of the hand when it's appropriate. I take no pleasure in corporal discipline, but I do not run from it either. Personally, I prefer to talk 1st, but there are limits (see story

I do not yell, I DO NOT YELL in place of a beating. I may yell during, but never in place of. It's not me. I say it, you do it. If you don't, understand and be accepting of the consequences for your actions.


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
I will beat my kids like they are a Jackson. Real Talk.
My boys are 14 and 6. And they no Mommy dont play. But fortunatley my boys are not bad. But I will drop kick them if I had to.:angry:

uhmm perhaps its cuz they know that you don't play. :yes:

y do ppl call beatings barbaric like humans aren't barbaric themselves? Trying to act all civilised and all rational but at the end of the day.. the system that we live in IS barbaric... and is gonna give the individual just as much licks as a child that got. I understand that they are some exceptions who do not need discipline to that level. The tone of the parent's voice and a stare could probably do the trick. Its important not to do it too often cuz then the child would get immuned to it and it wouldn't have ne effect.

In the animal world... if a pup does shit.. it gets its ass beat/discipline by its parents or siblings... if not and it doesn't learn and understand quickly it will get its 'licks' somehow or the other. Can't the same b applied to the human being?

balance is the key...

Truth right there.

Oh and Twisty welcome to SOL sista

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here's the thing, I found out, I used to be a firm supporter of spanking all kids, but my friends started having kids I realized that doesnt always work.
I've put kids in 3 categories
1. You can basically scared them with your voice or threat of a spanking.
2. You can tell them certain things and they listen ,but a spanking gets them back in line quick.(most kids land in this one)
3. However you spank them, beat them, whatever, they just resist and you have to find a way to verbally communicate with them.

The 3rd category is obviously the hardest to deal with, not everyone is a psychologist and the parents that have these kids often take beatings to an extreme, which makes people think there're bad parents in general. I think people who say you can raise any child without touching them has never had to deal with such a child. Everybody wants to look in from the outside and point fingers but never see it from the parents perspective. You dont have that kid so you dont know.

PS. CPS is one of the most abuse government agencies. They often get the wrong parents for abuse and the workers are very clueless. Damn near anything you do to you kid can be child abuse these days and the shit is out of hand. Parents are scared to touch their kids and are starting to count on the goverment to raise them. People even get mad when a neighbor puts their child in check. WTF! My parents were Jamaican and when we first came the states would tell my teacher and the neighbor to smack him upside the head when he gets out of line. Needless to say this was American and that shit wouldnt fly.


Potential Star
I just had to whoop my kids (daughter is 8, son is 9) ass last night for using my digital cam after being told numerous times not to. It wasn't even the fact that they used it but they lied about it when I asked them. Disrespecting me in my house = ass whoopin' no doubt.:angry:


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
I'm asking because I'm not a mother yet.

But it seems to me that no one "spanks" their kids anymore.

What is up with that?

For all the parents out there, male and you still whup your son or daughters ass if they don't "ack rite"?

Well I know I spank my daughter when she is completely out of hand. I mean she is only two but a very smart, well behaved two year old, however like most kids she can try and test mami and papi, and we don't play that. I may spank her thighs. Only once have I spanked her little ass and it was serious and it was for spitting on someone. But I'll be damned if I have one of those little kids that disrespect me, and not listen, run around everywhere in public causing scenes...


Potential Star
But I'll be damned if I have one of those little kids that disrespect me, and not listen, run around everywhere in public causing scenes...

Exactly. People are amazed at well my children behave in public. They have home training.


Kids Got It Easy Now, I Use To Get The Paddle And The Switch Put To My Ass Back In The Day If I Did Something Wrong.


Rising Star
I'm down with whatever it takes to teach children to be respectful of their elders. I don't believe in being militaristic with discipline, but spanking a kid - if that's necessary - is par for the course. On the other hand, some children need other tactics like firm voices and reward/punishment system in order to learn the value of respecting things around you. I've got plenty of nieces and nephews and neighbor kids that listen to me, and I love kids. I know that isn't the same as raising your own, but I intend to employ of mix of all three avenues to make sure that my kids turn out right...


BGOL Investor
uhmm perhaps its cuz they know that you don't play. :yes:

Truth right there.

Oh and Twisty welcome to SOL sista

thanx girl

Anothing ting too.. i hate the fact that cuz america is always in the worlds eyes. Ppl put that country on a pedestal and everything that america adopted and seen as 'better'. So now we got muhfuccas in the caribbean talkin about coporal punishment is a old technique and we need something new like time outs and shit. It makes me want to slap those ppl. All that happens is that we lose our culture and we dont take the initiative to do ne thing unless US does it first.
Ppl have to remember that u can't ever get like the US or Europe onless u oppress another ethnic group/country; and how can u do that if u are oppress already? or haven't risen out of that state.
Ne ya chile licks mannn!
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Support BGOL
So if it's ok to whack a kid when he does something outta line, wouldn't it be okay if your boss/authority figure/spouse whacked you up side the head when you screwed up? What's the real difference. Is it ok just because you "own" the child? Is it ok just because the child is younger than you? Kids are people, too, not animals to be tamed. I used to spank my children. But I stopped when I realized that it was mostly about me releasing my frustration rather than about being assured that the child learned an enduring lesson. Don't YOU feel so much better after you hit your child just when he least expected it? And don't you follow it up sometimes with some really sharp curse words? That's you getting satisfaction not the child being disciplined.


Answer depends on whose asking.:lol: Where I grew up spankings were a way of life. Not just from parents but teachers as well.
man..i gotta big family..not only did your mother or father whoop your ass back in the day.....but my mothers sisters, or my dad's brothers and sisters would whoop the shit outta our's safe to say, i wasnt too much of a problem to my parents or round my aunts and uncles....but i noticed like it's a trend or something that kids really dont get spankings or anything. i dont know if it was fear from tv, media,etc. or just being punk ass parents, these kids nowadays need made me and my cousins better people in general......


So if it's ok to whack a kid when he does something outta line, wouldn't it be okay if your boss/authority figure/spouse whacked you up side the head when you screwed up? What's the real difference. Is it ok just because you "own" the child? Is it ok just because the child is younger than you? Kids are people, too, not animals to be tamed. I used to spank my children. But I stopped when I realized that it was mostly about me releasing my frustration rather than about being assured that the child learned an enduring lesson. Don't YOU feel so much better after you hit your child just when he least expected it? And don't you follow it up sometimes with some really sharp curse words? That's you getting satisfaction not the child being disciplined.
it's ok 2 hit a child to show his/her's not ok 2 just hit them to hit an adult, your boss shouldnt hit you because you are an know right from wrong....a child needs to know they are consequences to every action is taken in life...good and bad....good of course could be telling them or taking them to the store to get a toy or something...bad would be time out, or a spankin on the personally, when i get kids, im going to raise them the old fashioned way...beating they asses....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As a whole, they don't and it's a damn shame. :angry: I am not an advocate of beating children within an inch of their life,:smh: but the rod, for corrective purposes is more than in order for this day and time. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I used to catch the extension cord fresh out of the shower. I will be the first to say that I needed it or I would probably be locked up right now. I was a special kind of hard-headed (bucking on teachers and fighting at an early age etc.)and my folks knew that I needed to have some respect for authority. My kids won't catch the extension cords, but they will have a belt applied to that ass when they get out of line. I can still hear the extension cord cutting through the wind...:lol:


I like to have it in my arsenal, which is organized by progressive stages.

One, The Look.

Two, The Command.

Three, The Talk.

Four, The Loud Voice (rare)

Five, the Spanking (even more rare.)

Six - A Mystery Which God Forbid Should Ever Be Unveiled

The beauty of stages four and five is that they are so rare, that when I unveil them, my kid is straight shook cause she hasn't built up a tolerance for it.

Parents that spank and yell all the time teach their kids to tune it out, or resent them deep down--both which lead to rebellion in later years.

I like having the threat of it in the arsenal without having to use it often, myself.

Of course I was raised on belts, switches, spoons, all kinds of shit LOL but I dont get down like that myself.