Do kids get spankings or in black terms "beatings" any more?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I could never beat my children. A beating never did a thing for me, but have more animosity against my parents to downright hatred which lasted until my late 20's. Go figure.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
My friends who have kids spank them. It doesn't seem to be as severe as it was when I was a kid. Everyone got they azz beat. I think the severity has toned down.


BGOL Investor
I could never beat my children. A beating never did a thing for me, but have more animosity against my parents to downright hatred which lasted until my late 20's. Go figure.
Sorry ion have to spank mine now.. she knows better.. but i did whoop her ass when she needed it!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry ion have to spank mine now.. she knows better.. but i did whoop her ass when she needed it!!!

What works for one person doesn't work for the next, but I think it has to do with my personality. If feel like someone is going to harm me then the anger builds up. As a matter of fact, rejection only encourages me. It is probably more of an ego thing, but I just can't stomach beatings. My method tends to work. I reared two of my cousins and I never wanted or had to lay a hand on them. Sometimes, I think being a dominating male makes a world of a difference, and even though I seem quiet, I always assert myself and say what is on my mind.

I used to think that beating our kids was a legacy of slavery. I am not so sure now, but it does signify blind obeience, and I believe punishment should be followed by a learning experience on why said behavior shouldn't be tolerated.


Hey I have a 10, 13,14,15 year old. I just whooped my 14yr old son with a level 2 ass whooping. He wanted to keep being the class clown. I told him next time it will be a level 3. I love my kids and I refuse to let them run wild. Beating is never the only thing but it is a good thing!!!



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...I used to think that beating our kids was a legacy of slavery. ...
I'd like to think that, before enslavement in North America, Black Africans were wise and resourceful enough to have rich traditions of non-violent discipline for children. I read a slave narrative many years ago in which a former slave compared the beatings he got as a child to the beatings he saw his elders get at the hands of the slave owner. Everything old school ain't cool.


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my parents (mexican) used to beat the hell out me and my brother (not that i didnt deserve every ass whiping) but didnt touch my younger brother or sister. They claimed they took the wrong approach with us yet I turned out fine, and i see my younger siblings get away with murder compared with that i was able to do. Not hating, but you best believe when my kid fucks up their behind is gonna feel it


Potential Star
I'm old school. It should have a purpose and it should not be done in a way where it could really injure a child. A period of physical discomfort should suffice. Then tell the child why the whoopin was administered. If you fail to discipline physically what is to stop the child from getting out of line. Nothing wrong with a smack in the mouf for an uruly kid cursing their mother. It teaches humility in a cruel world. The parents teach that the pain in the real world > a whooping. The world outside of your family don't give a fuck about you. These kids are disrespectful to grown ups because they have no fear of being handled.
co-sign i have 3 kids(8yrs girl,5yrs boy& and my 3yrs girl) and only sppank when a rule is broken ,not for makin a mistake....i feel that way they know right from wromg and that if they did somthing i told them not too do.. then thats their butt:yes::yes:


Potential Star
I like to have it in my arsenal, which is organized by progressive stages.

One, The Look.

Two, The Command.

Four, The Loud Voice (rare)
My moms use this wit me 7 my sister's and she still use's it wit our kids and works to this day :lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
well think about its like when you own a dog. if you don't train it which for me sometimes you have to hit the dog and be aggressive to show your dominance otherwise the dog won't listen to you and run all over you.

I believe some spanking but not too excessive to the point where you its literately abuse. for me, my parents hit me when i didn't listen or to discipline me and i turned out to be pretty good.

I blame the american society and some of the laws you have now in this country. when you go out to the grocery store or the mall you see kids running and acting like little hyennas and punk ass parent s don't do anything. its annoying as hell and it bugs the shit out of me sometimes. well blame the media too as well.