]Bush, aides 'grossly misjudged Putin'


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I am not trying to be dramatic or nothing, but when you really "know" what is being done to you it's trippy. When you can decipher the hidden messages. When you can see the strings that are being pulled to guide the puppet media you can see things like you just unplugged from the Matrix. It's that serious. I would venture to say that 90% of the people that were behind Bush, the Iraq war and the Iran rhetoric don't even know about PNAC/AEI or the people/groups that really run this country. They open the paper and think that what they see is real. Its not. You have to search and go deeper. Most folks find that too daunting a task. I don't.

Keep digging.


Nah brother, you're not being dramatic at all....I really feel you. Matrix indeed! I swallowed the red pill a long time ago and haven't looked back. It's alarming the extent to which the public is manipulated in the States.

That manipulation is at least somewhat consensual as we've plugged into the entertainment/consumerism diversions willingly. This is the only way to explain the fact that the PNAC has been completley transparent about their objectives (they have a website for fucks sake!), have insinuated themselves into a position of influence in the White House and execute their plans in broad daylight with nary a protest or attention. Yeah....big media perpetuates this bullsit by refusing to bring these issues to the fore but to some degree the public aint interested......we're complicit in this too.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah brother, you're not being dramatic at all....I really feel you. Matrix indeed! I swallowed the red pill a long time ago and haven't looked back. It's alarming the extent to which the public is manipulated in the States.

That manipulation is at least somewhat consensual as we've plugged into the entertainment/consumerism diversions willingly. This is the only way to explain the fact that the PNAC has been completley transparent about their objectives (they have a website for fucks sake!), have insinuated themselves into a position of influence in the White House and execute their plans in broad daylight with nary a protest or attention. Yeah....big media perpetuates this bullsit by refusing to bring these issues to the fore but to some degree the public aint interested......we're complicit in this too.

i am not alone... wow. good s***!



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Putin Aims to Trump Bush’s Middle East Moves

DEBKAfile Special Report
December 17, 2007

The foreign ministry in Moscow announced Monday, Dec. 17, the delivery of the first fuel shipment to power the Iranian nuclear reactor Russia is building at Bushehr. The announcement coincided with an international conference in Paris for 60 countries to consider the Palestinians’ application for $5.6 bn in aid. DEBKAfile’s Moscow sources report this was a deliberate ploy to steal the thunder of an event built up as the sequel of the US-promoted Middle East conference in Annapolis last month.

Our Moscow sources report President Vladimir Putin has adopted the strategy of matching - or topping - every US or Western move concerning the Middle East. He also plans, they reveal, to land in Syria in grand style on New Year’s Eve, a week before US president George W. Bush begins his Middle East tour.

Putin will be flown by Russian helicopter to inspect the Russian flotilla of six warships headed by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, which is due by then to dock in Syria’s friendly Mediterranean Tartous port.

The Russian company building the Bushehr reactor Atomstroiexport said Monday 180 fuel rods would be sent to Bushehr in the next two months, enriched to the same 3.7 percent grade as the product of the Iranian Natanz complex.

The company stresses it is below weapons grade and the containers were inspected and sealed by the UN’s nuclear watchdog. Tehran was said to have provided written assurances that the fuel would not be used anywhere outside Bushehr. The Russian foreign ministry urged Iran to stop enriching uranium, but a senior Iranian official said this would not happen under any circumstances.

Putin, who plans to be filmed worldwide with Russian sailors on the deck of the aircraft carrier, backed by 47 Russian warplanes and 10 helicopters, will be challenging the US Sixth Fleet, the Israeli Navy and UNIFIL’s marine arm for control of the eastern Mediterranean. He will also be marking the end of his eight-year presidency in March with a flourish.

Putin will take the opportunity to pay visits to select Middle East rulers. His bureau is still working on arrangements. The Russian president is reported to be interested in another official visit to Israel, his second, to outdo Bush who is due in Jerusalem and Ramallah on Jan. 9-10 for his first trip to Israel as US president.

Moscow is determined to host the next Israel-Palestinian peace conference next March or April, by which time Putin may have changed hats from president to super prime minister. That session is planned to embrace also Syria’s claim to the Golan held by Israel since 1967, as well as two enclaves, the ShebaaShebaa FarmsFarms and half of divided Ghajar village, to which Lebanon now lays belated claim.

Putin personally interceded with Syrian president BasharBashar AssadAssad for a delegate to the Annapolis conference and expects to be paid in kind.

The rivalry between Bush’s Washington and Putin’s Moscow for influence in the Middle East is clearly more intense and sharp-edged than generally appreciated. He has made it clear that his government means to be co-opted to US-led moves in the Middle East, or else Moscow will put spokes in Washington’s wheels.

DEBKAfile’s military sources were first out On Dec. 5 with the exclusive disclosure of Moscow’s counter-action to Washington’s decision to whitewash Iran’s nuclear program from 2003, by authorizing completion of the Bushehr reactor and deploying a war fleet in the Mediterranean.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
when historians look back to pinpoint the exact moment America fell it will be the day George Bush was elected in 2000. 4real...


Rising Star
So once again is Bush a colossal moron or is he doing everything those who put him in office want?

Brilliant observation that NO ONE acknowledges. That's why the RNC hardliners still defend Bush and why repubs ALWAYS get more campaign contributions from Wall St than Democrats. He did what he was put in office to do...

1 - Maintain US dependence on oil by removing gov't support for any alternative energy sources
2 - Reward campaign contributors with FAT gov't contracts and policies favorable to the wealthy
3 - Secure Middle East oil supply and commercial routes using the US military



Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Brilliant observation that NO ONE acknowledges. That's why the RNC hardliners still defend Bush and why repubs ALWAYS get more campaign contributions from Wall St than Democrats. He did what he was put in office to do...

1 - Maintain US dependence on oil by removing gov't support for any alternative energy sources
2 - Reward campaign contributors with FAT gov't contracts and policies favorable to the wealthy
3 - Secure Middle East oil supply and commercial routes using the US military


Bingo :yes:


Rising Star
Super Moderator

<font size="4">[in] June 2001 . . . Bush declared after his first meeting with Putin in Slovenia that he'd looked in the Russian leader's eyes, found him "trustworthy" and "was able to get a sense of his soul."

<font size="3">Wtih respect to the Russian actions in Georgia, has Bush and his aides "grossly misjudged Putin," considering him "a good guy and one of us," ???


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