Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I hate this lying fuck soo much and all of the assholes who enable/empower him



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
I mean, fuck this guy, but good on you, Paul. Even a broken clock...
the other day i went down the rabbit hole on this idiom.

if we go by minutes, a broken clock is right twice a day and wrong 1438 times a day.

weekly, right 14 times and wrong 10,066 times.

monthly, 56 times right and 40,264 times wrong in February and 58 times right and 40,262 times wrong on a leap year.

60 times right and 43,140 times wrong in April, June, September, and November.

62 times right and 44,578 times wrong in January, March, May, July, August, October and December.

yearly 730 times right and 524,670 times wrong yearly and 732 times right and 526,308 on a leap year.

point being, being right 730 times is a lot. what if you only paid attention every time it was right?

you'd be perpetually out of sync with the rest of the world following a leader who is wrong over half a million times per year.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The man just keeps trying to play the victim. And also doesn't understand the Constitution. But neither of these things are surprises.
There's a saying about how you approach your defense. If you're fucked with evidence, keep arguing the process. I've never seen someone that claims to have evidence of his innocence, not constantly talk about the evidence.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor

Yep, this is the huge elephant in the room. Also, this is why Trump and some of his people are going around saying they are not going to accept the 2024 election numbers. There are a lot of people out there who is necessarily not liberal or Democrats who realize shit can get really, really bad if Trump gets back into the White House.